Type of Bias

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Type of Bias:

1. Training Data Bias:

Training Data Bias refers to a type of bias that arises in algorithms and machine learning
models when the data used to train these systems is not representative or contains
inherent prejudices. The training data serves as the foundation for the algorithms, shaping
their computations, outputs, and decisions. When the training data is biased, it results in
algorithms that perpetuate or even exacerbate existing biases and discrimination.

One of the significant challenges of training data bias is that it can be challenging to
detect, especially when the data sources are not made available to the public. This type of
bias can be more insidious than other forms because it is often overlooked by developers
and users of the algorithms, especially if they didn't collect the data themselves.

Training data bias can have far-reaching consequences in various domains, including
criminal justice, risk assessment, employment, and facial recognition. For instance,
predictive policing algorithms trained on historical crime data may lead to over-policing
in minority communities, while risk assessment software can unfairly label individuals
based on their race or background. Facial recognition systems may perform poorly on
underrepresented groups, and hiring algorithms may favor candidates similar to those
already employed.

Addressing training data bias is crucial for the fairness and accuracy of AI and machine
learning systems. It involves using more representative, diverse, and unbiased training
data, refining the algorithms, and promoting transparency in data collection and model
development. This bias underscores the importance of ethical considerations in AI and the
need for rigorous evaluation and accountability in algorithmic decision-making.

2. Algorithmic Focus Bias:

Algorithmic Focus Bias occurs within the dataset itself and is related to the choices made
regarding the inclusion or exclusion of certain categories or information in algorithms. In
some cases, sensitive information, such as race or gender, must be carefully considered
when developing algorithms. The decision to include or exclude such variables can have
significant consequences. For instance, excluding gender or race from a health diagnostic
algorithm can result in inaccurate and potentially harmful diagnoses, while including
these variables in a sentencing algorithm can lead to discrimination against protected

Algorithmic Focus Bias is particularly relevant in the context of targeted online

advertising. For example, it came into the spotlight when it was discovered that Facebook
allowed advertisers to filter groups based on "ethnic affinity," enabling them to exclude
individuals with specific ethnic backgrounds from their ads. Although Facebook argued
that "ethnic affinity" was not the same as race and was based on user "likes," the use of
such categories raised concerns. Facebook later renamed it as "multicultural affinity" and
adjusted its placement within ad targeting options. Furthermore, Facebook introduced a
feature called "custom audiences," allowing advertisers to use personally identifying
information (PII) to target specific groups, potentially collecting sensitive data from
public records and using it to reach specific characteristics without the knowledge of
excluded groups.

Algorithmic Focus Bias can also influence the criminal justice system, as seen in risk
assessment tools that may indirectly incorporate race or correlated proxy variables,
potentially leading to discriminatory outcomes.

Addressing Algorithmic Focus Bias involves a careful consideration of which variables

are included or excluded in algorithms to ensure fairness and avoid discrimination. It
highlights the need for transparency and ethical considerations in algorithm development,
particularly when dealing with sensitive information or proxy variables that can lead to
biased results.

3. Algorithmic Processing Bias

Algorithmic Processing Bias refers to bias that is embedded within the algorithms
themselves, affecting how they process and analyze data. This bias can occur in several
ways, including when variables within the algorithms are given different weights or when
the algorithms do not account for differences in cases, leading to unfair or inaccurate

An example of Algorithmic Processing Bias can be seen in grading algorithms used in

classroom instruction. These algorithms may calculate student grades based solely on the
average of their assignments, while teachers, when provided with the same data, adjust
the scores to reflect students' progress and understanding of the material. In this case, the
algorithm's output appears to be less fair and accurate than that of the teachers. The bias
arises from the algorithm's inability to consider student progress, which could potentially
be rectified through reprogramming.

Algorithmic Processing Bias can also stem from more complex sources. For instance, one
company's algorithm may assign a particularly high weight to a specific data point, such
as a preference for a particular Japanese manga site, as a predictor of strong coding skills.
This could introduce bias by favoring or disadvantaging certain groups based on their
affinity for that site. Additionally, design choices made for efficiency or functionality
reasons may inadvertently promote certain values or social subgroups, leading to
unintended biases in the algorithm's outcomes.

Detecting Algorithmic Processing Bias is challenging because developers often have

incentives to keep their source code private. Consumers may only discover this type of
bias after repeated use, such as users on Booking.com who found that the platform's
algorithm prevented them from rating any hotel below a certain score, inflating hotel
ratings and potentially misleading users.

Addressing Algorithmic Processing Bias requires greater transparency in algorithm

development, as well as ongoing efforts to evaluate and adjust algorithms to ensure
fairness and accuracy in their processing of data. This type of bias highlights the
importance of ethical considerations and public scrutiny in algorithm design.
4. Transfer Context Bias:
Transfer Context Bias refers to a type of bias that occurs when an algorithm's output is
placed in an inappropriate or unintended context, leading to discriminatory decisions. A
common example is using credit scores in employment, where some employers equate
bad credit with poor job performance. However, there's little evidence to support this
connection, and it can lead to bias because not everyone has equal access to credit. This
bias can exclude certain groups from job opportunities, and with the rise of big data and
machine learning, the risk of transfer context bias increases.

5. Interpretation Bias :
Interpretation Bias is a form of bias that occurs when users interpret an ambiguous
algorithmic output based on their own internal biases. This problem arises because
algorithmic outcomes are probabilistic, such as predicting the likelihood of an event
occurring, rather than being inherently biased. For instance, in the context of a recidivism
prediction, the prediction itself may not be biased, but it's up to the judge to interpret the
score and make decisions regarding punishment or bail for the defendant. The challenge
is that individual judges may have their own biases, leading to varying interpretations of
the same data. This issue extends to areas like facial recognition software, where users
must decide whether the provided data, like a similarity score, is sufficient for action, and
their interpretations can be influenced by their biases.

6. Non-Transparency of Outcomes Bias:

Non-Transparency of Outcomes Bias is a problem arising from the increasing use of
complex algorithms, extensive datasets, and constant algorithm updates, which make the
reasons behind their outcomes increasingly unclear. In some cases, even the creators of
these algorithms or the organizations that own the software may not fully understand why
certain decisions are made. This lack of transparency is a significant issue when powerful
entities like corporations and governments use these systems to make important decisions
that affect people, making it challenging for individuals to identify discrimination or
understand why certain outcomes occur. For example, in online advertising, users'
preferences have only a small impact on the ads they see, with the ads mostly determined
by their browsing history and demographic data, leaving users with incomplete
information about the ad selection process. Additionally, artificial intelligence and
machine learning systems, particularly those using neural networks, are extremely
complex and constantly changing, making it almost impossible to provide clear
explanations for the decisions they make, further complicating transparency.

7. Automation Bias:
Automation Bias occurs when users perceive the output of algorithms as objective and
unbiased, believing that the machine provides a neutral and factual computation. This
bias arises from the misconception that the stochastic output is an objective truth, rather
than a prediction with a confidence level. For example, in credit decisions, fully
automated processes use group statistics and personal credit history to assess
creditworthiness, which can lead to individuals being labeled as having low credit scores
and, consequently, restrict their access to credit, leaving them trapped without the
opportunity to improve their scores. Automation bias can also be observed in the criminal
justice system, where algorithm-generated risk assessments are used to influence
sentencing and bail decisions. Judges and other stakeholders may give more weight to
computer-generated recommendations, assuming they are more objective, despite
evidence showing that some of these algorithms are not significantly more accurate than
laypeople provided with minimal information about the defendant. This tendency to
ascribe objectivity to technology can lead to erroneous decisions, as algorithms lack
human intuition and empathy, potentially resulting in discriminatory outcomes. While
automation bias might be seen as a way to eliminate human bias, the risk lies in users'
lack of awareness regarding the algorithms' underlying assumptions and hidden biases,
leading to uncritical acceptance of their decisions.

8. Consumer Bias:
"Consumer Bias refers to the biases that people carry from the offline world into the
digital realm. Essentially, it means that people's prejudices and discriminatory behaviors
can be replicated or intensified online. Discriminatory actions that are prohibited in the
physical world can often be expressed on digital platforms. This bias has been observed
in online purchasing behavior, with experiments showing that people give more negative
ratings to women and minorities when they perceive the service as bad. Users hold
significant power on platforms because their evaluations impact the platform's data. For
example, the introduction of Microsoft's Tay chatbot on Twitter resulted in the bot
learning to tweet racist, sexist, and offensive content from users, leading to its shutdown.
To curb biases, platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Google Search need to monitor
and remove offensive content. In certain cases, the information provided on digital
platforms can lead to biased actions, such as discrimination in peer-to-peer e-commerce
services like Airbnb. These services rely on personalization, which allows users to pick
and choose who they engage with based on various personal details, thus enabling
unchecked biased behavior."

"On digital platforms, people's biases from the real world can carry over, sometimes
getting worse online. This can lead to discriminatory actions, even in cases where such
behavior is prohibited offline. For instance, people tend to give harsher ratings to women
and minorities in online services when they perceive the service as bad. Users on
platforms like Twitter can even teach chatbots to make racist and offensive remarks,
causing the need for content monitoring and removal. Services like Airbnb can also see
bias, as users use personal information to discriminate. For example, some users offer
lower prices to hosts of certain racial backgrounds, and this can be due to taste-based or
statistical discrimination. These biases can manifest on both sides of platforms like
Airbnb and Uber, either from service providers or customers."

9. Feedback Loop Bias:

Feedback Loop Bias arises from the fact that computer-based systems, like Google
Search, continually collect data from user interactions to improve future outcomes. When
users input queries or rate certain groups of individuals differently, this data can
perpetuate biases. For instance, predictive policing algorithms can create a feedback loop
when they rely solely on historical crime data, leading to more policing, more arrests, and
a self-reinforcing cycle of higher crime rates in certain neighborhoods. Solutions to this
problem involve using a variety of data sources to avoid these reinforcing dynamics

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