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We are chemical engineer 4th year students of Bule Hora University. We have been Finchaa
Sugar Factory Company from February 2021 up to October 2021. We tried to intern our
internship program with greatereffort that made use an expressed and changeable consequence
regard to training and cooperative job with our adviser Mr.Mitiku and Reta our company
supervisor and the BuleHora University advisor Mr. Bekana .Wedeclared the report that written
based on the experience we gained from our last three months of internship program.

Name and signature of the evaluator advisor and department

Name of Advisor Signature Date

___________________ ______________ ______________

Name of Department Head Signature Date

___________________ ______________ ______________

Prepared By: Signature Date

1. Ayantu Adisu ______________ _____________

2. Jiregna ayana ______________ _____________

3. Lami Regasa ______________ _____________

Department of Chemical Engineering Page i

First of all from depth of our heart we thank our GOD for his courage’s strength as well as health
peace throughout our life. Secondary we would like to express a great full thanks finchaa sugar
factory for giving this chance by positively responding our request to hosts us an intern. Also we
have great respect for society of around the company, factory workers, opraters, especially
Mr.Mitiku and Reta out supervisor for giving, sharing,their skills and experience positively. Next
thanks to Bule Hora University, College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Chemical Engineering including Teacher’s and University Industrial Linkage (UIL) office. For
provided such as great opportunity.
Finally, we want to thanks our families for their endless and incomparable support

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CV culture vessel
FDF Forced draft fan
FSF Finchaa sugar factory
HPRFDRE House of peoples of representatives of the federal democratic republic of
IDF Air induced draft fan
MSDH molecular sieve dehydration
OFAF Over fire air fan
Pty purity
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Table of Contents
Contents Page No.
Declaration............................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement .....................................................................................................................ii
Acronyms................................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................iv
List of table ...............................................................................................................................ix
List of Figure..............................................................................................................................x
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................xi
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1
1.1. Back Ground of the Company.........................................................................................1
1.2. Vision, Mission, Value of the Organization....................................................................2
1.2.1. Vision........................................................................................................................2
1.2.2. Mission .....................................................................................................................2
1.2.3. Values .......................................................................................................................2
1.3. Organizational Structure .................................................................................................2
Figure 1.1 Flow chart of organization ................................................................................3
2. MATERIAL AND METHODS OF SUGAR PRODUCTION .............................................4
2.1. Materials..........................................................................................................................4
2.2. Methods of Sugar Production..........................................................................................5
2.2.1. Cane Preparation.......................................................................................................5 Cane Burning.......................................................................................................5 Harvesting............................................................................................................5 Cane Yard ............................................................................................................5 Weight Bridge......................................................................................................5 Working Principle of Weigh Bridge................................................................6 Cane Unloading ...................................................................................................6 Cane table ............................................................................................................7 Main cane carrier .................................................................................................8 Knives..................................................................................................................8

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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Working Principle of Set of Knives ...............................................................9 Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Cane Knives...........................................9 Cane Shredder...................................................................................................10
2.2.2. Milling Parameters .................................................................................................10 Objectives of Mill Extraction ......................................................................11 Mill Rollers........................................................................................................11 Juice Extraction .................................................................................................12 Methods of Separation of Juice from Cane ...................................................12
2.2.3. Imbibition ...............................................................................................................13 Type of Imbibition and Method of Applying ....................................................13 Advantage and Disadvantage of Imbibition of Water .......................................13
2.2.4. Juice Weighting ......................................................................................................14
2.2.5. Juice Heating ..........................................................................................................15 Primary Juice Heating ........................................................................................15 Secondary Juice Heating ....................................................................................15 Clarified Juice Heating (Third Juice Heating)...................................................16 Principles of Juice Heating ................................................................................16
2.2.6. Clarification and Evaporation.................................................................................16 Clarification .......................................................................................................16 Purpose of Clarification..................................................................................16 Chemicals (Materials) Used In Clarification..................................................17 Roll of Phosphate.............................................................................................17 Description of Equipment and Their Working Principle....................................18 Storing Equipment..........................................................................................18 Measuring Equipment....................................................................................18 Clarification Equipment’s.............................................................................18 Factors Affecting Efficiency of Clarifier...........................................................20
2.2.7. Evaporation.............................................................................................................20 Arrangement of Evaporators .............................................................................21
2.2.8. Pan House and Crystallizer.....................................................................................22

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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Pan Boiling ........................................................................................................23 Types of Pan .................................................................................................23 Crystallizer........................................................................................................23 Rate of Crystallization ..................................................................................24
2.2.9. Centrifugation and Drier.........................................................................................24 Types of Centrifugal..........................................................................................24 Batch Centrifugal...........................................................................................24 Continuous Centrifugal Machines ................................................................25 Sugar Drier ........................................................................................................25 Types of Sugar Drier ....................................................................................25
2.2.10. Packing .................................................................................................................26
2.2.11. Sugar Stories.........................................................................................................26
2.3. Boilerand Power Plant...................................................................................................27
2.3.1. Objective of Boiler Plant ........................................................................................27
2.3.2. Classification of Boilers .........................................................................................27
2.3.3. Boiler Auxiliaries ...................................................................................................27
2.4. Ethanol Production........................................................................................................28
2.4.1. Theories of Yeast, Fermentation, Distillation and Molecular Sieved Dehydration28
2.4.2. Chemistry of Ethanol Production by Yeast ............................................................29
2.4.3. Fermentation...........................................................................................................29
2.4.4. Distillation ..............................................................................................................29
2.4.5. Molecular Sieve Dehydration (MSDH)..................................................................30
2.4.6. Process Description ................................................................................................30
3. MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE ..........................................................................32
3.1. Over All Material Balance on Milling ..........................................................................32
3.2. Material Calculation for Milling Section ......................................................................32
3.3. Material Balance in Clarification Plant.........................................................................36
3.3.1. Material Balance around Liming Tank...................................................................36
3.3.2. Material Balance around Sulphited Tank ...............................................................36
3.3.3. Material Balance around Dorr-Clarifier .................................................................37

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3.4. Mass Balance and Energy Balance for Multiple- Effect Evaporators ..........................38
3.5. Energy Balance on Evaporator......................................................................................39
3.5.1. For the First Effect..................................................................................................39
3.5.2. For Effect 2.............................................................................................................39
3.5.3. For Effect 3.............................................................................................................39
3.5.4. For Effect 4.............................................................................................................39
3.6. Heat Transfer Rate ........................................................................................................39
3.7. Mass Balance On Centrifugal .......................................................................................40
3.7.3. Total Mass Balance ................................................................................................40
3.8. Material Balance on Boiler ...........................................................................................41
4. OVER ALL BENEFITS GAINED FROM INTERNSHIP .................................................42
4.1. To Improve Practical Skill ............................................................................................42
4.2. To Up Grading Theoretical Knowledge........................................................................42
4.3. Inter Personal Communication Skill .............................................................................42
4.4. Leadership Skill.............................................................................................................42
4.5. Work Ethics...................................................................................................................43
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................................44
5.1. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................44
5.2. Recommendation...........................................................................................................44
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................45
6. DESIGN PROJECT .............................................................................................................48
6.1. Glass-ceramics from Sugar cane Baggasse’s Ash (SCBA) solid wastes ......................48
6.1.1. Problem Identification and solution Proposed........................................................48
6.1.2 .Project selected for the prioritized problem Identified ...........................................48
6.2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................48
6.3. Statement of the problem ..............................................................................................49
6.4. Objectives......................................................................................................................49
6.4.1. General objective of the Design .............................................................................49
6.4.2. Specific objective ...................................................................................................49

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6.5. Significance of study.....................................................................................................50

6.6. Literature Review..........................................................................................................50
6.7. Methodology and Material Used in Production Glass-Ceramics..................................50
6.7.1. Experimental procedure and calculations...............................................................53
7. CONCLUTION AND RECOMENDATION ......................................................................57
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................58

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List of table
Contents Page No.
Table 2.1calculations on Weight Bridge....................................................................................6
Table 2.2 comparison of first knife set with that of second knife set ........................................9
Table 2.3 Thecalanderia tube of evaporator ............................................................................22
Table 6.1. Material used in production of glass-ceramics .......................................................50
Table 6.2List of chemical used ................................................................................................51

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List of Figure
Contents Page No.
Figure 1.1 Flow chart of organization.......................................................................................3
Figure 2.1 cane unloading..........................................................................................................7
Figure 2.2 Cane table .................................................................................................................8
Figure 2.4 mill roller ................................................................................................................11
Figure 2.5. Flow sheet of clarification .....................................................................................20
Figure 2.6.Flow Diagram of Forward Feed Evaporator ..........................................................22
Figure 2.7.process flow sheet of white sugar production ........................................................31
Figure 3.1 Flow chart...............................................................................................................41
Figure. 6.1. Flowchart of materials and characterization.........................................................53
Figure 6.2. Experimental procedures ......................................................................................55

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Executive Summary
An internship means knowledge skill developing practically whatever we learn theoretically.
During this practically program we have develop professional and practical skills by working in
different section of the industry. This report is generally show that we have been work for three
months in finchaa sugar factory.

In all sugar factories the main objective is to produce maximum amount of sucrose from cane. In
Finchaa Sugar Factory sugar cane is used as a raw material to produce a commercial sugar. In the
process many unit operations exits such as Conveyers (transportation), Size reduction(sets of
knives),mill(extraction),Boilers(steam generation), Door clarifier(separation of clear juice from
mud), Pre heaters(heating of juice), Evaporators(for syrup formation), Vacuum pans(grain
formation),Crystallizers(crystal develop), Centrifugal(separation of sugar and molasses),
Dryer(removal of sugar moisture), Cooler, Packing and storage.

The all machineries in FSF obtain operating energy from steam produced by boilers and ELPA
(by electric power).As well as in FSF there are a lot of loss problems due to its old process
technology and improper supervision. These losses are through: - bagasse, inversion and filter

Key words:-Bagasse, Syrup, Sugar cane

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1.1. Back Ground of the Company
Finchaa sugar Factory is located in Horro Guduru Wollega administrative zone of Oromia
regional state, Abaycommanwereda350km away from Addis Ababa. FSF is situated at a wet
kola agro-climatic zone receiving an average of 1300mm rain per annual. The altitude ranges
between 1400m downstream and 1650m upstream. The mean maximum and minimum
temperatures are 31 and 15 respectively. FSF has gone through decades of difficulties and
interruption before it comes to reality in the years 1995 -1998 of intensive project
implementation period.

FSF inaugurated by his Excellency Dr.Negaso Gidada in 1996 E.C. But founded since at 1990
and started to produce sugar in 1992.

FSF is formally established according to Ethiopian government proclamation number

25/1984 and the council of minister regulation number199/1985, which gave the right to
public enterprise supervisory authority under the prime minister’s office to establish ,
manages and control public enterprises. FSF has paid a capital of birr 567, 000,000.
The total cost of FSF is 1.8 billion birr which is financed by government equity capital, soft loan
and grants obtained from various governments, international institution, local banks and the
Ethiopian government. According to the financial plan the Ethiopian government took its share
(35%) of financing the project while other sources financed the remaining (65%).
The major sources of finances are African development fund. However, the Swedish, Australian
and Spanish government has also played a significant role in financing this huge project
or factory.

Housing and infrastructure development at cost of birr 71.8 million ,construction of

43.6km irrigation canal, installation of 340 pipes and 6 pump station and the construction of
160km long internal access all weather rods in aggregate casted birr 259.2 million,
development of 6678 hectares of cane with a total cost of 245.3 million, Construction of their
sub stations, installations of a 37km high standard electric distribution line in addition to
construction of small village which have grossly coasted 64.6million birr and Construction,
erection and commissioning of the sugar and ethanol plants coasted 649.5 million birr.
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A number of contractors and sub-contractors, both local and foreign, have participated in the
constructions of this huge sugar and ethanol manufacturing complex namely:
 Batu construction Enterprise
 A local Engineering company has participated in the construction of all housing &
development of infrastructure.
 Tikur Abbey construction has taken care of all civil works & installation of canal pipes.

1.2. Vision, Mission, Value of the Organization

1.2.1. Vision
To create a leading sugar factory in producing sugar and ethanol at competitive production cost
and quality

1.2.2. Mission
Finchaa as an agro industry is striving to increase stake holders’ satisfaction through core
business activity including:-

 Expanding and optimizing sugar cane plantation of own and out growers cane to meet
own requirement and creating income for the out growers, sufficient employment
opportunities in plantation.
 Producing and marketing sugar and downstream products participating in the renewable
energy sector through the integration of the national portfolio of cost efficient bio fuel
and bio energy assets.
1.2.3. Values
Team work brings individual and organizational growth.
1.3. Organizational Structure
Finchaa sugar factory is state owned enterprise accountable to Ethiopian sugar
development agency, which is established and mandated in accordance with proclamation
ratified by the house of peoples of representatives of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia
(HPRFDRE) with the task to coordinate, supervise, control and support sugar industries to insure
the effectiveness.

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General Manager

Agriculture Factory Finance vice Linguistic

operation operation manager management
manager manager

Seed Budget and Material

Technician planning
production finance
group management

group Sugar

Maintenance vacancy
group management
Sugar cane
cutter and Ethanol
supply group group

Figure 1.1 Flow chart of organization

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2.1. Materials
Sugarcane, with its high fiber and carbohydrate content constitutes an important renewable
source of energy. Sugarcane sets are planted in soil and the plant growth in the course of its life
cycle, during which it converts water and CO2 from atmosphere into carbohydrates in the
presence of sunshine, a phenomenon termed as photosynthesis.
The principal components of the cane stalks to be processed for commercial sugar production
 Water ------------------------------70-75%
 Sucrose ----------------------------10-17%
 Reduced sugars ------------------ 0.4-2%
 Organic non-sugar-------------- 0.5-1%
 Mineral matters -------------------0.5-1%
 Fiber-------------------------------10-16%
Besides these the composition of juice extracted from cane is marked by varying amounts of
mineral salts and organic compounds. The composition of sugarcane is conditioned by the
variety of cane, soils and agricultural factors in addition to the climate during the different phases
of growth of the plant.

Sugars in general are known as carbohydrates being formed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Simple sugars like glucose, fructose etc. are monosaccharide’s which cannot be further
decomposed into simple carbohydrates by either acids or enzymes.

The sugar industry processes sugar cane and sugar beet to manufacture edible sugar. More than
60% of the world’s sugar production is from sugar cane and the balance is from sugar beet, but
in FSF white sugar production is from sugar cane.
The extent to which an organization pays attention towards developments in the business
environment and the way it is prepared to respond determines its success and sustainability in
business it is engaged. This strategic planning of Finchaa sugar factory (FSF) is therefore
prepared considering developments that took place in the environment.

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2.2. Methods of Sugar Production

2.2.1. Cane Preparation Cane Burning
Cane is burned before cutting when it is matured (18-24 months after planted).
Purpose of burning of cane:-
 To remove impurities
 To reduce transportation cost
To increase extraction capacity
 To reduce loading
To reduce sugar losses Harvesting
Mature sugar canes are gathered manually and mechanically. Hand cutting is the most common
method, but some locations use mechanical harvesters. Canes are cut at ground level, the leaves
are removed and the top is trimmed by cutting off the last mature joint. Cane is then tied
in bundles and transported to a sugar factory. After cutting, cane deteriorates rapidly, so the
sugar cane cannot be stored for later processing without excessive deterioration of the sucrose
content. Cane Yard
Cane yard is the temporary storage of the cane. After cutting the cane must reach for the process
at most within 24 hrs. .Toavoids evaporation of water from the cane and inversion of sucrose. It
is not essential to stay 24 hrs.After cutting, but wait until their turn reach to be unloaded. Weight Bridge
Cane is delivered from the field to the factory by means of cane traveler’s (carts). The cane is
weighted before unloading by Weight Bridge. The weight bridge of this factory is electrically
weighing instrument based on load cell principle. It weights trailer with its cane at a time and
having a capacity of 30000kg and size 12m x 3m plate form .It is important to weigh the total
impute of the cane to the factory that able to determine the quality of production of the factory,
loss by the weight bridge cane is transported to cane unloading crane.

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The main objective of the weight bridge is:-

 To accurately know the different cane varieties and calculate the yield of cane.
 To determine input and output capacity.
 To estimate the cost which is paid for the farmer whose the cane is belongs.
 To know the chemical control and determination of factory performance. Working Principle of Weigh Bridge
First the cart came with a load (cane) is weighed and recorded. Then after the empty cart while
on the way to the field will be weighed, at the last the difference will be taken to get the exact
weight of the cane as follows:-
Net weight = Gross weight –Tare weight
Table 2.1calculations on Weight Bridge
Shift Gross weight(kg) Tare weight(kg) Net weight(kg)
1 31970 18070 13900
2 49080 27600 21480
The weighed cane recorded depending on:
 field number
 cane variety
 month of planting
 number of cart used in 24 hour
 date of harvest
 date of plant Cane Unloading
Is a process of dumping cane from cart, lorry, and material called fixed type
crane which have high lifting capacity. The cane fed to feeding table having crane is leveled
by the leveler without size reduction transported to main cane carrier. Then the cane is
transported to the first knife.

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Figure 2.1 cane unloading Cane table
The feeding table is rectangular table having a dimension of 8m width and 12.5m long. It carries
about 275t/hr. The leveler is installed on the feeding table rotates in reverse direction to
the movement of the feeding table with 40rpm. The cane table feeds uniformly over the
horizontal cane carrier. Good cane preparation is defined as it should be uniform having
long fiber with minimum dust & having 85%-95% juice cells opened & it should be
consistently uniform all the time during whole crushing season.
Good cane preparation not only improves mill extraction, but also in FSF they use hot water at
75% and juice for imbibition. This imbibition is said to be compound imbibition’s.

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Figure 2.2 Cane table Main cane carrier
The function of this moving apron type conveyor, commonly known as cane carrier is to
convey sugarcane from the feed table to the knifes. A cane carrier should have horizontal
portion of 30m suitable for cane feeding and the inclined portion has a slope of normally
18°.The capacity of cane carrier is 275t/hr. with the speed of 15m/min.
The main objective of cane preparation is:-
 They favour the capacity of the mills.
 To render the juice more readily available for the action of imbibition’s by breaking
and opening cane cells.
 They increase the extraction of the juice by breaking the rind of the cane. Knives
The role of the knives is to break the rind of the cane to facilitate the disintegration of the cells
and extraction of juice. It also increases the bulk density of the cane by cutting it into very small
and short pieces.

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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Working Principle of Set of Knives

In Finchaa sugar factory we do have two sets of knives seriously installed over the same
elevation (clearance).

The first set of knives rotates in the direction corresponding to the movement of the carrier (i.e.
counter clockwise direction) and the second set of knives rotates in the opposite direction of the
movement of the carrier(i.e. clockwise direction). In such a way the first set of knives cut the
cane into pieces and conveyed to the second set of knives for more size reduction. The more size
reduced cane will be obtained after the effect of knives.
Cane knives can be driven by:-
 Electric Motors or
 Steam Turbines
The trend in the sugar industry and in modern factories is to utilize electric motors to drive cane
knives and shredders, while mills are generally driven by steam turbines. One of the advantages
of the steam turbine is that its speed regulator allows some speed variation. Drive transmission is
done directly through a flexible coupling.
Belt:-used to transport the prepared cane from fiberize to diffuser.
Magnetic separation:-used to separate magnetic metals from the prepared cane.
Table 2.2 comparison of first knife set with that of second knife set
First knife set Second knife set
Blade types is straight single sided Blade types is straight double sided
Number of blade is (56) Number of blade is (84)
Knifes width (2.134m) Knifes width (2.134m)
Diameter of knifes (1500mm) Diameter of knifes (1500mm)
Shaft diameter ( 250mm) Shaft diameter (250mm)
Speed rated power (6500-7000rpm)
Speed rated power (6500-7000rpm Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Cane Knives
There are some factors which affects the efficiency of the cane knives directly. These factors are
listed as follows:-

 Speed of rotation
 Pitch of knives
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 Quality of knives
 Cane variety
 The radius of cutting circle Cane Shredder
Shredder is essentially a hammer mill adapted to the function of sugarcane pulverizing and
swing hammer type shredders of different designs are common in sugar producing. The
hammers revolve on pivots. As the shredder starts rotating the hammers are thrown out radically
by centrifugal force. The shredders rotate at 1000-1200 rpm. As the name indicates, this
equipment shreds or tears the cane to pieces or rather pulverizes it into long fluffy material with
high bulk density, which in effect increases the capacity and extraction of the mill.

Figure 2.3 shredder

2.2.2. Milling Parameters

In Finchaa sugar factory there are four mills for extraction of juice from sugarcane. The prepared
cane from preparation plant feed to the first mill by gravity. The top roller is driven by the prime
mover. The feed & delivery rollers are meshing to the top roller by pinions. Thus the top roller
drives the other two rollers. In the three, rollers are arranged, by applying hydraulic pressure on

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top roller, the layer of the prepared cane is compressed twice. In most cases the opening ratio
feed to delivery is 2:1.

During juice extraction, hot water is sprayed onto the sugarcane to dissolve any
remaining hard sugar. The prepared cane residue (bagasse) that remains at the last mill with
a moisture of 49-51% passes to the steam generating plant as a main fuel and the raw (mixed
juice) is pumped to the boiling house for further weighing clarification, heating, evaporation and
crystallization process. Objectives of Mill Extraction

 To extract large possible quantity of sucrose in suitable commercial cost.
 To produce bagasse for power generation (less moisture and sucrose losses)
 To produce mixed juice nil of bagacillo to help in further operation
 To produce moisture less bagasse to increase boiler efficiency. Mill Rollers
Is cast iron shell mounted shafts & rotates in bearing supporting the housing. The wear of
the rollers occurs due to corrosion of metal by the acid in the juice of sugar cane, friction
between scraper & trash plate to the roller, passage of tramp iron. In mill standard design
the maximum wear permissible in roller is approximately 4-6%.
Number of roller in each mill
 Frist mill has 6 rollers
 Second mill has 4 rollers
 Third mill has 4 rollers
 Fourth mill has 6 rollers

Figure 2.4 mill roller

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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Juice Extraction

Milling is the process of extracting juice from prepared cane or the process where bagasse is
removed. . The cane is made to pass through a succession of rollers that comprises the milling
tandem, and its juice is squeezed out as it goes through. To help to extract the maximum juice,
use of imbibitions’ water is made. The extracted juice is sent to process and the fibrous material
left after milling, known as final bagasse, is sent to the boilers to be used as fuel for the
generation of steam. Methods of Separation of Juice from Cane

The sugar content of cane is dissolved in juice contained in millions of plant cells. There are two
different systems of extracting the sugar containing juice from the cane. Such methods of
Extraction are: -
 By means of pressure in a number of mills provided with three rollers through which the
cane is forced.
 By means of diffusion, extracting juice by applying heat, immersion in water drum and
squeezing of the bagasse. In this room there is about 80% of the juice are extracted by
adding imbibition water and lime. The lime used for settling material by increasing
density difference.
Mill is a combination of three rollers
Top roller: - is driven from prime mover through a redaction is controlled by hydraulic
drum may rise or float with the variation in the feed cane. It is flexible roller.
Delivery and feed roller: - are moved by the fraction of top roller .they are rigidly fixed on their
The main objective of mill tandems;-

 Is to extract a maximum amount of juice from the prepared cane.

 To produce a bagasse with minimum amount of pol content.
A. First mill: - 65%of juice is extracted from the prepared cane in the first mill. The juice
extracted is called primary juice. To extract this juice the prepared cane is delivered to
top roller with the aid of under feeder when top roller rotates it produce frictional force
with both feed roller where the first extraction takes place and delivery roller where the
second extraction takes place.
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B. Trash plate: - The plate is which act as a bridge between the feed and delivery roller. It
maintains a part of compaction achieved at the feed roll while turning the bagasse in to
the nip between the top and discharge roll. Also it conducts the bagasse from feed roller
to the real mill opening have the teeth cut in the side of feed roller.
C. Roller scraper: - it is fitted on the top and delivery rollers. Their purpose is to scratch of
the bagasse caught.
D. Second mill-fourth mill:-the left 35% of juice is extracted by these mills. This juice is
called secondary juice.
2.2.3. Imbibition
It is not possible to remove all juice from the bagasse by pressure. In order to obtain a
satisfactory extraction of sugar, it is necessary to dilute the juice remaining in the bagasse by
adding water. Therefore; imbibitions’ is the process in which the water is put on the bagasse to
mix with and dilute the juice present in the bagasse. The water so used is termed as imbibition’
water. Type of Imbibition and Method of Applying

Simple imbibition’s’:- where water only is applied to the blanket of the bagasse. This is
not practical in modern installation.
Compound imbibition’s’:- applicable to trains of four or more mills, where water is
applied to bagasse going to last mill. The last mill juice is returned to the next to last mill.
This juice in turn goes back to bagasse from the proceeding mill.
In Finchaa sugar factory compound imbibition is practicing now a day. The other thing is
imbibition’s water is added over the second mill in Finchaa sugar factory. Advantage and Disadvantage of Imbibition of Water
Advantage of imbibition’s
 To reduce sugar losses
 To avoid fermentation or inversion
 To avoid high power consumption in heater
Disadvantage of imbibition’s
 High power consumption in evaporation.
 Increase water cost

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 Increase moisture content of the bagasse

Brix, pol and purities

A. Brix: - is the weight of soluble solid in 100gm parts by weight of juice. Because of the
addition imbibitions waters to the fourth mill the brix of mixed juice decreases from the
first to the last successive mills. The juice obtained from the mills has a brix value of 12
in FSF.
B. Pol: - is the apparent sucrose content of a mixed juice. Pol is also decreasing from the
first to last mills because of addition of imbibition’s water.
C. Purity: - indicates what percentage of the solid in a sugar solution is composed of sugar.

Purity = x100%

Factor affecting capacity of mills

A. Cane preparation: - the more the prepared cane the more the extraction.
B. Specific pressure:- The extraction increases rapidly as the pressure increases
C. Number of roller:-as the number of roller increase extraction also increases
D. Imbibition water:- analyse the following graph:-

Extraction pol in bagasse

2.2.4. Juice Weighting

In a sugar mill the main material whose weight must be determined is cane. The weight of cane
is the most important information, since other materials are always related to cane
weight. Therefore cane weighing is compulsory. Mixed juice is normally weighed or measured.
If the juice is measured samples of each measuring tank is taken to obtain an average density of
the measured juice and find the correct specific gravity. The volume of the juice is converted to
weight by multiplying it by its specific gravity. Imbibition water is also weighed or
measured. When it is measured, its volume is converted to weight multiplying its,
specific gravity.
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 14

Weighing of bagasse is very inconvenient. Under normal conditions, the factor relating cane,
imbibition’s water and mixed juice is bagasse.
The purpose of mixed juice weighing carried out in sugar industries are:

 To determine the weight of bagasse supplied to boiler plant

To determine the milling plant extraction
 To determine the boiling house recovery
2.2.5. Juice Heating
Weighed mixed juice is pumped to juice liming and Solicitation station through primary heater
by weighed juice pump. The type of juice heaters normally used in sugar mill called a shell and
tube heat exchanger, essentially comprises of shell containing top and bottom tube plates which
hold the heat exchanging tubes in position. The juice follows upward downward flow through
the different passes, in order to achieve the required contact time, maintaining the juice velocity
at optimum for better heat transfer. The juice heaters are also called as multi-pass juice heater.
The juice flows inside the tubes while steam or vapors is applied on shell side .Juice heating is
carried out in three stages .These are:- Primary Juice Heating
In primary juice heaters the temperature of mixed juice is raised to 70-76°c with help of heat
exchanger. Primary juice heating has the following major purpose:
 It accelerates the reaction rate between juice acid and milk of lime during lime process,(
Acid +Base = salt +water)
 For avoiding fermentation
 Heating destroys the microorganisms and enzymes contained in juice and hence
preventing loss of sucrose by microbiological activity. Secondary Juice Heating
Limed and Sulphited juice is heated to above the boiling point (to temperature of about 100-
105°c) before admitting it to clarifier’s that the pressure in the juice will be above atmospheric
pressure. Purpose of secondary heater is:-
 Removing air bubbles (contained in the juice) that would retard settling of impurities in
clarifiers are flashed out of the juice in the tank.
 Settle for the impurity to fall in the bottom

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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Clarified Juice Heating (Third Juice Heating)

Clarified juice is heated to about 110-115°c before it flows to evaporator, such heating of
clarified juice brings the immediate starting of boiling in the evaporator as result of which the
evaporation capacity of the vessel is raised. Principles of Juice Heating

For juice heating the steam or vapor comes in contact with the heating surface and the
temperature of juice at the other side is lower than that of steam. The steam is able to transfer
heat to the juice through the metal surface of the tube. This causes the temperature reduction of
the steam. This reduction is possible only if certain amount of steam condenses. If there is no
condensation of steam, there is no heat transfer from steam to juice. Therefore superheat steam
cannot be used for heating, because it has to lose the superheat first before it can start
condensing. The steam of very low pressure is not normally used for heating even
though its latent heat is higher.
2.2.6. Clarification and Evaporation Clarification
It is a process by which the removal of suspended solids or impurities takes place Purpose of Clarification
 Separation of non-desirable or impurities from the juice
 To separate soluble and insoluble mater that can be precipitated
 To reduce colour and turbidity of the juice
 To produce clear juice of correct PH=7
 To kill or inactivate microorganisms in juice heat treatment
Condition for good clarification
 Loss of sucrose and formation of colour minimized
 Low viscosity
 Maximum temperature
 Optimum rotation time(2-3hrs)
 required amount of flocculants
 Proper PH(7-7.2)
 Mixed juice brix (should be 14-18%)
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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Chemicals (Materials) Used In Clarification

There are three chemicals which are used in FSF for purification of juice in general. This are:
 Lime (Cao); the treatment with lime is called ―defecation‖.
 Sulphurous acid; from SO2; treatment with SO2 is called ―Sulphitation‖.
 Phosphorous acid; from P2O5; treatment with P2O5 is called ―phosphatation‖
Advantage of lime on juice clarification
 Eliminate (neutralize) the organic acid (oxalic acid and tartaric acid).
(i.e.3ca (OH) 2+p2O5 ca3 (p2O5)2+3H2O)
 Easily separating of juice from mud.
Advantage of Sulphitation on clarification
 Neutralize excess quantity of lime added
(i.e.Ca (OH) 2 + H2SO3 CaSO3 + H2O)
 Fast crystallization of sucrose
 For whitening of sugar
 The mud settles more rapidly (hence improved capacity of clarifiers).
 They are less viscous and boil faster (better crystallization in consequence); Roll of Phosphate
The phosphate content of the juice is the most important factor in efficient clarification. In sugar
cane the phosphates are found as inorganic as well as organic forms. It is obvious that only the
free phosphate ions (inorganic form) take part in juice clarification.

Therefore, the juice with adequate quantity of inorganic phosphate is most desirable. During
cane growing, if fertilizers are not properly applied, there may be more organic phosphate in the
juice than inorganic phosphate. Then the juice may not respond well to clarification.
It is demonstrated that the inorganic phosphate level in raw juice is less than 300 ppm, the juice
can’t be properly clarified and addition of phosphate is required.
The advantages of phosphate adding are:-
 Greater colloid elimination
 Fewer lime salts in clarified juice
 More rapid settling
 Faster mud filtration
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The disadvantages of phosphate addition

 The precipitate tri-calcium phosphate is difficult to filter
 Increased mud volume
 Higher lime consumption and extra cost Description of Equipment and Their Working Principle Storing Equipment
Receiving tank:-is used as storage equipment for the juice comes from extraction plant before
and after it enters the measuring tank. Measuring Equipment
Measuring tank:-used to measure the amount of the raw mixed juice extracted and to know the
performance of extraction plant. Clarification Equipment’s
Sulphitation tank: -is a tank where Sulphitation process is takes place. SO2 eliminates some of
the colored matter and reduce colorless compounds like ferric salt. The Sulphitation tank has two
compartments. The first compartment is station where lime and juice are mixed and the second
compartment is where limed juice is mixed with SO2.

The chemistry of lime station (i.e. Cao+ H2O Ca (OH) 2 )

At this station the milk of lime suspension is added over the hot mixed juice to bring the PH
from 5-8.6. After liming station it reaches Sulphitation station and S02 gas is injected from the
bottom of the container with high pressure. This brings the PH from 8.8-7.2 which is nearly
neutral media.
The chemistry of sulphur station (i.e. S + heat SO2 (g))
This neutralized juice will be pumped to the Dorr clarifier. But on the way to Dorr clarifier; the
second heating will be applied to juice from Sulphitation station. This application of the second
heating brings the juice with a temperature from 100-103 C.
Flash tank: - is used for flashing air bubbles and vapor come from second heater by chemical
structure also as well as volatile components. This is used for properly juice in the clarifier. It is a
simple cylindrical tank located just above and a head of the clarifier, with a flue open to the

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Working Principle of Flash Tank

The juice from second heater is discharged to flash tank tangentially. Since this juice is heated to
100-103 C it partially flash in to vapor when discharged in to this vessel at atmospheric pressure.
The vapor or the flashing from the suspended particles the air bubbles attached to them and the
juice is sent to the door clarifier.
Door clarifier (DC): - It is equipment in which sedimentation process takes place. It is a vessel
which has four independents compartment which are sloppy towards the center. At the center
there is a slow rotating hallow shaft which has two main functions. First which supply juice for
each compartments and the second scrap the mud from tray by the scraper. The clear juice from
each compartment is drained by means of over flow tube.
Basic Factors Affecting Settling of Mud.
 Fertilizer applied to sugar cane field
 Brix of the juice
 Temperature of the juice
 PH of the juice
 Method of liming of the juice
Working Principle of the Door Clarifier
Since the raw juice is limed, Sulphited and flocculated, therefore it is not difficult to settle the
mud from the juice because they facilitate the rate of settling and decrease the amount of juice in
the mud. The settling is done due to gravity or density difference. After settling, the mud is
scraped by the shaft and goes to OC filter for more clarification and the clear juice goes to
DC filter: - is used to separate juice that rest in mud which comes from door clarifier.
Working Principle of DC Filter
First the mud comes from door clarifier is mixed with bagacillo in the mixer and flow to the
rotary drum. The rotary drum has lower and higher vacuum. When the drum rotates the mud is
attached to lower vacuum and the juice is sacked by higher vacuum. The lower vacuum is
showered by hot water to remove the juice from the mud. The juice filtered is called filtrate and
solid part is called filter cake. The filtrate is goes to receiving tank and mixed with raw juice for
further clarification whereas the filter cake is collected for fertilizer purpose in the field of sugar
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 19
FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Factors Affecting Efficiency of Clarifier

 The difference in the density between the particles and juice.
 The area and shape of the parties.
 The viscosity of the juice.
 Temperature of the juice.
 Reactions

Figure 2.5. Flow sheet of clarification

2.2.7. Evaporation
Evaporation is generally refers to the removal of water, by aqueous solution of non-
volatile substances and used to concentrating juice. Juice evaporation is to remove by far the
greatest weight of material, water from the clarified juice (two third of water) without effecting
crystallization process. Hence, the evaporation process is the process of concentrating juice from
about 15 brix to 60-65 brix.
Composition of clear juice:-

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 Water (85%) (Source-from cane and imbibition’s water)

 Solids (15%) (Sugar and Non sugar)
Exhaust steam (@120 c and 1.2 atm)

Feed (juice) syrup (brix60-65 )

0 0
Condensate (95 c-100 c)

Objective of evaporator is:-

To concentrate or increase the concentration of juice by removing of water from it. Arrangement of Evaporators
Based on the concept of steam economy two evaporator arrangements are realized.
 Single effect evaporators
 Multiple effect evaporators
Multiple-effect evaporators are the principal means (arrangement) in use for economizing on
energy consumption. They can be double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, etc. As the
number of effects increases, energy (steam) saving increases, but the rate of evaporation (which
is minimum when the number of effects is greater than five and maximum when the number of
effects is three) decreases. The rate of evaporation falls with the number of effects because the
driving force, log-mean temperature difference, for heat transfer decreases.
In Finchaa sugar factory multiple effect evaporators used in current time. These
evaporator consists of several vessels in series and these vessels are connected, so that the vapor
from one goes to the calanderia of the following vessels and ultimately to the last vessel which is
connected to a condenser. Steam is admitted to the first vessel. Juice enters below the calanderia
of the first vessel where it boils and goes out by means of a down take to the next vessels and
ultimately out from the last vessels as syrup.
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Condensate syrup Feed

Figure 2.6.Flow Diagram of Forward Feed Evaporator

The water which is evaporated from the evaporate section will be condensed and pumped to the
boiler. The calendric tubes of each of the five evaporators are identified with the
following Specifications.
Table 2.3 Thecalanderia tube of evaporator
Evaporator Tube outer Tube length Total surface
Diameter(mm) (mm) Heating(mm)
First effect 38 2.13 1400
Second effect 38 2.13 1400
Third effect 38 2.13 1100
Fourth effect 38 2.13 850
Fifth effect 38 2.13 850
2.2.8. Pan House and Crystallizer
This is the area of a sugar plant where cane juice is treated, clarified concentrated and
then sugar is manufactured with proper procedure. And according to the process there is a big
list of machineries but in short we are giving here under about some main equipment’s
commonly used in all type of sugar industries.

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Pan boiling is the process of forming crystals by mere evaporation and concentration. The
primary objective of pan boiling is to develop grain (formation of crystals). So, it is to produce
satisfactory sugar crystal from syrup or molasses.
The vacuum pan is an evaporative crystallizer which the degree of super saturation is controlled
by evaporating solvent as the solute crystallizer out.
Crystallization is an operation which is more than mere evaporation / concentration b/c it must
be performed in an orderly manner so as to yield a uniform product and obtain an efficient
extraction of the sugar. To achieve these, massecuite have to be evaporated to a brix content of
b/n 92 % and 96%
The pan boiling is essentially consists of the removal of water by evaporation in a single effect
vessel known as vacuum pan and crystalizing out sugar by increasing the concentration.
The operation known in the sugar factory as sugar boiling is essentially the process of
crystallization, which is carried out in single effect vacuum evaporators designed for handling
viscous materials and known as vacuum pans. Thus, the vacuum pan is an evaporative
crystallizer in which degree of supper saturation is controlled by evaporating solvent as the
solute crystallizes out. Types of Pan
Batch Vacuum Pan: - used in production of high grade sugar and low grade sugar except
―B‖ sugar.
Continuous Pan: -used in the production of B sugar. Crystallizer
Crystallization is the process of forming crystals after the massecuite leaves vacuum pan.
Crystallizers are fitted with agitators to:
 Renew the layer of mother liquor around the crystals and ensure uniform super
 To bring fresh massecuite in contact with the cooling surface.
 Cooling can be achieved by natural cooling (air cooled) or
 By circulation of water in cooling element (water cooled)

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FSF INTERN SHIP REPORT 2021 Rate of Crystallization

The rate of crystallization depends on:-
 The viscosity- the higher the viscosity of the mother liquor, the more difficult for
diffusion of molecule.
 The temperature- higher temperature favours faster crystallization.
 The super saturation- the higher the super saturation, the higher the rate of
 The crystal surface area- Crystal surface area improves accommodation rate.
2.2.9. Centrifugation and Drier
For manufacture of plantation white sugar with Sulphitation process as followed in FSF the
syrup is generally subjected to three stages boiling, to prepare A, B and C massecuite.
The massecuite are centrifuged to separate the grains and motherliquor. High grade(i.e.
massecuite cured in vertical batch) , automatic recycling or semi-automatic machines with
application of sugar heated water wash or hot water wash and steaming , heavy and light
molasses are separated and stored separately. A light molasses is fed back to a massecuite and a
heavy is used to prepare B massecuite. Efficient separation of heavy and light molasses is very
important for proper pan boiling and quality of sugar.

For curing of C massecuite, continues type of centrifugal are generally used with application of
some water or diluents i.e. mixture of molasses and water in the feeding cup to improve mobility
or fluidity of massecuite. C massecuite are double cured by making magma of C- single cured
sugar in water or C- light molasses. C double cured sugar is melted and used to build a
massecuite. B single cured sugar is other melted like. Sugar or sometimes used as footing for an
A massecuite by making is magma. Types of Centrifugal Batch Centrifugal
Machines with flat bottom mechanical discharge, with capability of automated recycling are in
progressive use in Finchaa sugar factory. Basically, these machines have a cylindrical perforated
basket duly ribbed for strength fitted to a shaft driven by AC or DC motor fitted at the top. The
basket is provided with supporting liners and fine screens for retention of crystals in the basket
and easy passage of molasses to the draining channel in the monitor casing. Massecuite
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 24

for purging is charged from top and sugar is discharged through the bottom of the basket
which during running operation is closed by stop valve. The basket is provided with
arrangement of water and /or steam wash application.

The molasses channel with separators is attached with monitor casing to fractionate heavy and
light molasses according to the timers for wash applications. Basket speeds are varied during
operation of charging curing and discharging etc. with the help of timers. Continuous Centrifugal Machines
As its name implies this type of centrifugal machines are used to cure continuously low grade
Massecuite of high viscosity at constant speed at constant speed of 1500-2000rpm. The
centrifugal is fed continuously by the massecuite and the cured sugar is discharged continuously
at high speed. Thus it avoids wastage of time and power in frequent stoppage, starting
the machine, charging and discharging less accelerating power is required.

Principle of operation of continues centrifugal machines This works on the layer principle
as massecuite centrifuged with center point and disintegrate molasses and sugar from
massecuiteby the action of developed centrifugal force at high rpm. The first component of
centrifugal force along the basket wall expels out sugar from top edge of the molasses.
Centrifugal force exerting on the material depends up on the level of the gravity factor which is
directly proportional to the diameter of the basket and square of the speed. Higher the viscosity
of the massecuite it will require higher centrifugal force for centrifuging and separating purpose. Sugar Drier
Sugar discharged from centrifugal is in moist condition, and cannot be stored as such. Thus
before packing it is dried and cooled to a reasonable limit for maintaining keeping quality. For
this purpose sugar driers are used. Types of Sugar Drier
Static Bed Drier
In static bed which, tray remains static, both fluidization and shifting of sugar takes place with

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Fluidized Bed Drier

In this type of drier tray is vibrating and sugar is fluidized by air. Shifting of sugar takes place
due to vibrating tray. Moving bed type fluidized bed drier are more common. It contains double
deck tray, having separated by a grid plate. Grid plate is a specially designed perforated plate,
having’ perforations with capsto ensure only air to come out and sugar does not. On top deck,
over grid plate, sugar is fluidized and, slides from one end to the other. Bottom deck has
partitions for hot air blowing and cold air blowing. Entire tray is covered with a hood, in which
fluidization is made.
2.2.10. Packing
Export raw sugar goes directly from the drier to the storage ware houses (silo) .In the ware
houses ,it is loaded in trucks that transport the same to shipping port .standard white and refined
sugar are packed in suck of 100kg.
2.2.11. Sugar Stories
For good keeping qualities of the sugar in a store, it is necessary to observe the following:-

 The sugar should be bagged dry, and not too hot. The sugar is at a temperature above
 38°C it hardens in the sacks.
 The bottom layer of bags should be protected from dampness, by interposing a grating
or a bitumen-lined paper.
The bags should be arranged in large stacks, cubical as nearly as possible, to decrease
the surface relative to the volume.
 The stacks should be covered with bitumen-lined paper, at the top and sides
It would be of advantage to maintain the humidity in the sugar store as uniform and as low as
possible. It should not rise above 65%.
Similarly, the sugar store should be kept at a temperature as uniform as possible. It should not be
openedexcept on dry and cooler days.
Finally packing is finished sugar bags are then transferred through conveyors to controlled
environment that particular place is called storage.

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2.3. Boilerand Power Plant

Boiler is the equipment which is designed for the production of steam generation. Boilers use
bagasse as a main fuel source. Since bagasse is the solid fibrous material which leaves the
delivery opening of the last mill of the tandem, after extraction of the juice.
2.3.1. Objective of Boiler Plant
To produce a steam sufficient for the production of electrical power and steam for the other plant
by using the condensate water and bagasse as the main input.
2.3.2. Classification of Boilers
The boilers are classified under two categories:
Fire tube or ―fire in tube‖ boilers: - Long steel tubes through which the hot gasses pass from a
furnace and around which the water to be converted into steam.
Fire tube boilers products of combustion pass through the tubes, which are surrounded by water.
Fire tube boilers have a lower initial cost, are more fuel efficient and easy to operate, but they are
limited due to lower capacity of 25tons/hr. and pressures @ 17.5 kg/cm .
Water tube or ―water in tube‖ boilers: - The water is passing through the tubes and the hot
gasses passing outside the tubes. These boilers can be of single- or multiple-drum type and can
be built to any steam capacity and pressure, have higher efficiency than fire tube boilers.
The types of boiler used in FSF are water tube boiler. In a water tube boiler feed water flows
through the tubes and enters the boiler drum. The circulated water is heated by the combustion
goes and converted in to steam at the vapor space in the drum. After the juice is extracted from
the cane the bagasse will travel to the boiler. This bagasse is a common fuel sources for the
2.3.3. Boiler Auxiliaries
Boiler Auxiliaries are in the boiler circuit to increase the boiler efficiency
This Boiler Auxiliary are:-
Air heater:-raise the temperature of incoming air by means of flue gases leaving economizer.
Economizer: A heat recovering device in which the temperature of feed water is raised by
means of outgoing flue gases before it is delivered to the boiler or is a simple counter flow heat
exchanger which reduces boiler flue requirements by transferring from the flue gas to in coming
feed water.

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Steam drum: Is a large cylindrical pressure vessel in which the saturated steam is separated
from the two phase mixture leaving the boiler tubes.
Super heater: Remove moisture from saturated steam.
De-aerator: Remove dissolved gases from water.
Feed water pump: pump and feed water to the boiler at high pressure.
Furnace: a place where combustion takes place
Feed water tank: a place where treated water is stored.
Air induced draft fan (AID Fan): They suck flue gases through the interior of the boiler and
dust extracting equipment the chimney
Over fire air fan (OFA Fan):- supply air to the furnace at its bottom through air. Push air
through air pre heater, dampers various ducts burners and in to furnace heater
Forced draft fan (FD Fan):- supply air to furnace at its top for bagasse combustion .It is used
for bagasse distribution and combustion by over firing process .They handle hot gases, ash and
Capacity of the boiler
The FSF’s boiler is four in number and this boiler have the maximum capacity to produce 9
tons/hr. steam; used to rotate the turbine to generate electric energy as well as used for factory
process. In FSF there are two turbines and each turbine generates 1.2 MW. Totally around 2.4
MW electricity can be produced.
2.4. Ethanol Production
Ethyl alcohol is produced from byproduct of sugar (i.e. molasses). Yeast used as a device for the
change of molasses in to alcohol. Molasses not the only raw material, and also used water and
nutrition, the main raw material are molasses, fertilizer and water. Molasses released from sugar
factory, which has sucrose, sucrose in molasses used as feed to yeast. Yeast Reproduce in culture
vessel; they used molasses as a food. Yeast changes sucrose in to glucose and fructose by the
enzymes of inverters later, glucose changes to alcohol and CO2 by the in enzyme.
2.4.1. Theories of Yeast, Fermentation, Distillation and Molecular Sieved
Yeast: - is a single celled microorganism that is capable of living with oxygen or without oxygen
this incredible organism is not only the basis for food and beverage production but is also used as

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―manufactory‖ providing by products for bio chemical and life science applications. Yeast
used as avails for changing molasses and water in to alcohol or sucrose in to glucose, then
glucose in to alcohol and CO2. Type of yeast, which used for this application are: - (1)
saccharomyces serves and (2) saccharomyces pumped.
This type of yeast first reproduces in laboratory after laboratory, the scale up in culture vessel.
2.4.2. Chemistry of Ethanol Production by Yeast
Yeast has two enzymes, which used in ethanol production; the first used to change such as to
glucose that is called inverts .The second is called zymase which converts glucose to alcohol,
CO2 and 2ATP
C12H22 O11 + H20 invert 2C6 H12O6 (Glucose + fructose)

C6 H12 O6 zymase 2C3 HOH + 2CO2 + 2ATP

C6H12O6 2C2 H5 OH +2CO2 +2ATP (210 k/mol)
2.4.3. Fermentation
Fermentation is a process in which chemical change takes placed by using micro-organism.
Some alcohol content forms interment. And also roast residue (w02) and growth (w out o2)
occurred. Fermentation worked under anaerobic and aerobic condition the reason is listed above
it also work by low temperature, low brix and the PH not basic bio-chemical operation takes
placed instrumentation, because yeast (biological organism) changes. Such are to ethanol
(chemical reaction).in the first two fermenter produced very less content of alcohol and high
ATP, because they worked by aerobic condition. The other the last two fermented produced high
alcohol content relative to the first two fermented.
1. C6 H12O6 C2H5OH + 4CO2 +36ATP
2. C6 H12O6 2C2 H5OH + 2CO2 +2ATP
At the last fermented expect 8% of alcohol content and 92% water and other impurities.
2.4.4. Distillation
It is the separation of a mixture in to its component parts or fractions depends on their boiling
point. Fractional distillation a selective distillation for this operation in case of their boiling point
difference for example in FSF ethanol production, the fractional distillation, and separate ethanol
and, water depend on their boiling temperature and high volatile. The distillation column top to
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 29

bottom is increase relative to ethanol so, ethanol first separate from water. General fractional
distillation worked by temperature difference.

2.4.5. Molecular Sieve Dehydration (MSDH)

The separation is difficult or impossible, when the amount of water reaches to 4% this problems
solved by designed molecular sieve dehydration process. Molecular sieve dehydration has abed.
They are made up of bronteyolate, and stainless steel. It works under vacuum pressure and under
normal pressure at the same time. Water enters in to beds and alcohol passes at the side of beds
this is adsorption processes done by vacuum pressure. Water and beds have polarization. And the
sites of beds are 3.2Ao.the separation of ethanol is adsorption and water is absorption.
2.4.6. Process Description
The first step for production of ethyl alcohol molasses weights for in bulk tanks for some this,
molasses released into culture vessel and fermented. The weighted molasses and, water enter into
culture vessels (CV), and also used air, acid and nutrient used up to CV4. Yeast preparation takes
placed in this vessel (CV1 up to CV4) by aerobic reaction after yeast preparation fermentation
begins. Fermentation the propagated yeast released in to first in fermented molasses dilated to
very low brix for sample feed to yeast in fermented one and two use aerobic reaction, but
fermented 3 and 4 are an aerobic reaction. After fermentation, proceed is to distillation. The clear
holding wash enters in to distillation. Holding wash which contains 8% of alcohol content,
released in to primary columns. In this process the two mixtures separate depend on their
volatility. From this column produce 45% of alcohol. After this, it released to rectifier column up
to de aldehyde column to produce 96% alcohol then recollery column after that molecular sieve
dehydration (MSDH) The alcohol content, riches to100%or 99% first alcoholic content ethanol,
when feed to sieve 96% first alcoholic content and water enter the beds. The water is absorption
and ethanol is adsorption.

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Figure 2.7.process flow sheet of white sugar production

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3.1. Over All Material Balance on Milling
Cane + imbibitions water = mixed juice + bagasse
Bagasse = cane + imbibitions water - mixed juice
c = prepared cane
I = imbibitions’ water added per unit of cane
B = bagasse to boiler
J = juice to process Data



Cane Milling


3.2. Material Calculation for Milling Section

Basic data and symbols
 Fiber per unit of cane, fc = 14.7%
 Fiber of first mill, f1 = 33%
 Fiber of second mill, f2 = 40%
 Fiber of third mill, f3 = 44%
 Fiber of fourth mill, f4 = 47%
 Fiber of fifth mill, f5 = 50%
 Cane crushed, c = 100%
 Weight of mixed juice per unit of cane, Q
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 32

 Weight of bagasse per unit of cane, b

 Imbibition per unit of cane, Iw = 0.3098
 Fiber content of bagasse, fb

Basic equation

a. Overall balance

Cane (c) Mill station Bagasse (b)

Fiber % cane Fiber bagasse (fb)
Mixed juice (mj)
Input = out put
C + Iw = Q + b
100% + Iw = Q + b
1 + Iw = Q + b b = C + Iw – Q ……………. (1)
b. Fiber balance

fcC = fsbs =>bs = ……………………………(2)

c. Mixed juice (from equation 1 and 2 ): -

Mj = (bs ) V + Iw = ( ) ton /hr + 0.3098

= ton/hr

Bagasse determination (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5)

Fiber balance around first mill set:-

fc C = f1b1 => b1 = = 44.5% unit

fc C = f2b2 => b2 = =36.8% unit

Fiber balance around third mill set:-

fcC = f3b3 => b3 = =33.4% unit

Fiber balance around fourth mill set:-

fcC = f4b4 => b4 = = 31.3% unit

Fiber balance around fifth mill set:-

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 33

fcC = f5b5 => b5= = 29.4% unit

Hence from equation 1, Q = 1 t – b = 1 + 0.3098 – 0.294 = 1.016

Juice entering and leaving a group of mills

Juice determination around mill one:-
Crusher + 1 mill
C b1

C = j1 + b1 => j1 = C = b = 100% - 0.445% =0.555
o Juice around mill:-

Second mill
b1 b2
j1 f2
j ……………….. (2)
1 b1 = j2 b2

j2 = :- j2 = 0.643
o Then from equation 4, to get j3:-

j3 = j2 + b2 – b1 = 0.643 + 0.368 – 0.445

= 0.566

o Juice around third mill: -


b2 Third mill b3

f2 f3


b2+ j5 = b3 + j3
b j5 = b3 f3 + j3 - b2 f2
2 f2 + j5 = b3f3 + j3

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 34


j5 = b3 + j3 - b2

= 33.4% 44% + 0.566 - 36.8% 40%

= ( 0.334 ) ( 0.44 ) + 0.566 - ( 0.368 ) ( 0.40 )

= 0.5658

o Juice around fourth mill: -


b3 Fourth mill b4

f3 j4 f4

b3 + Iw = j4 + b4

b3f3 + Iw = j4 + b4 f4

j4 = b3 f3 + Iw - b4 f4

= (0.334)(0.44) + 0. 3098 -(0.313)(0.47)

= 0.3097

o Juice around fifth mill

b4 b5
Fifth mill
f4 f5

b4 = j5 + b5
b f = j5 + b5f => j5 = b4 f4 - b5 f5
4 4 5

= (0. 313)(0.47) – (0.294)(0.50)

= 0.00011
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 35

3.3. Material Balance in Clarification Plant

Basic data
 Cane crushed =49.15ton/hr
 Weight of net mixed juice =44.73ton/hr(Wm)
 Average ton % lime for 100ton cane =0.172(i.e. 0.142ton/hr milk of lime)
 Average kg % of sulphur per 1000ton cane =0.049% of cane
 Average amount of so2 =0.07ton/hr
 Filtrate on cane(Fc) 14% =0.14*49.15ton/hr =6.88ton/h
3.3.1. Material Balance around Liming Tank
Milk of lime (M)

Raw juice (R) Liming tank Limed juice (L)

R = 44.726 + (0.14 * 49.15) = 51.607 ton/hr
L = 51.607 + 0.14 = 51747

3.3.2. Material Balance around Sulphited Tank

So 2

Limed juice Sulphitation tank Sulphited juice (sj)

@75 (L)
L + S = Sj
51.747 + 0.07 ton/hr = 51.817 ton/hr
Sj = 51.817 ton/hr

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 36


3.3.3. Material Balance around Dorr-Clarifier

Flocculants (F)
Juice (Sj) Dorr-clarifier

Clarified juice (Cj)

Mud juice (M)

Flocculants = 4ppm on weight of juice
F = 4 * 10 * 51.817 = 0.000207 ton/hr
Sj = 51.817 ton/hr
C = Sj + F –M
= 51.817 + 0.000207 – (3.5% * 51.817)
= 50.0036 ton/hr


Muddy juice (M) filtrate (F’)

OC- filter

Filter cake (F’’)

M+B =F’+F’’
Where B= 0.6*0.06*9.98=0.36t/hr
F’ = 0.04*49.15= 1.966t/hr
F’’ =M+B - F’ = 9.98 + 0.36 - 1.966 = 8.37t/hr
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 37

3.4. Mass Balance and Energy Balance for Multiple- Effect Evaporators
V1 V2 V3 V4

Juice P1 p2 p3 Syrup (P4)

Mass balance

Min-M out + M gen= Macc.

At steady state

Mgen and M acc= 0

So, M in=M out or juice in = juice out + vapor

F –V- P = 0


BFF=BPP + 0 = BFF juice = Bsyrup P

BF= brix of feed and BF brix of final product.

Therefore general mass balance

F juice –V1-4 – P

V1-4= total vapor of water = V1+V2+V3+V4

Energy balance

Energyin – energyout + energygeneration- energyconversion = energyaccumulation

Qin – Qout + Qgen-Qcon = Qacc.

For steady state evaporator
Qgen, QconandQacc.=0
So, Qin = Qout

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 38


Qin: steam enters evaporator and the heat of juice enters.

Q of steam= msteamhs
Q of juice= FhF
Hf= Cpjuice (Tjuice-Tr)
3.5. Energy Balance on Evaporator
3.5.1. For the First Effect
M s + FjuiceCpjuice (Tjuicein – T1) =V1

3.5.2. For Effect 2

V1 + (Fj-V1) C.P1 (T1-T2) = V2
3.5.3. For Effect 3
V2 + (Fj-V1- V2 – V3) cp2(T2-T3)= V3
3.5.4. For Effect 4
V3 + (Fj-V1- V2- V3-) cp2(T3-T4)= V4
st nd rd th
Where, Cp1, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3 are the specific heat capacity of juice to the 1 , 2 , 3 and 4
, , and latent heat of vapor,
st nd rd th
T1, T2, T3 and T4, 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 evaporator temperature respectively

For effective evaporation, control the following problems by operator:

3.6. Heat Transfer Rate
The total heat flux across the heating surface of a heater is given by a usual formula


Where, Q= total heat flux

U= overall heat transfer coefficient
A= area of heating surface
∆T= temperature drop of condensing steam to boiling juice

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 39


3.7. Mass Balance On Centrifugal

3.7.3. Total Mass Balance
From 100% solid in syrup which could be splitted into three products, A/B/C sugar and final
Ps = 85, P A/B/C – s = 99.5
Pmol = 33,
Where, Ps – party of syrup
Pmol – party of final molasses
P A/B/C-s – parity of ―A/B/C‖ sugar
Using Co Benz’s diagram the splitting in as follows

99.5 (52/66.5)*100 = 78.2%


33 (14.5/66.5)*100 = 21.8%
Out of 100 % solid in syrup, 78.2 % in produces as ―A/B/C‖ sugar while 21.8% in produced as
final molasses.
Centrifugal Force = mv2
C.F= W2r = (2πr)*

= W* ( )
Put G =

Centrifugal force = weight*gravity factor


Where, N = rpm of the basket

D = diameter of basket

W = weight of massecuite

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 40


r = radius of the basket

3.8. Material Balance on Boiler

Flue gas

Bagasse steam

Water Boiler ash


Figure 3.1 Flow chart

B + W + f = F + S + A …………………..Overall balance

Where, B=Bagasse, W=water, f=fuel, F=Fuel gas, S=Steam, A=ash

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 41



From our internship program we have gained so many benefits which were important for our
basis of knowledge and lead us good experience for the future, as well as good opportunity from
different occupation. During our internship program we have so many knowledge’s gained these
 Inter connecters of materials from different fields of study
 Inability to see all the apparatus and function on multidisciplinary teams
 Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
 Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in lifelong learning
According to this the following are benefits of internship are aspects;
4.1. To Improve Practical Skill
During our internship program we got:-
 Increase self-confidence and independent professional after graduation
 We have seen procedure how the Forman and technician performs their job
 We have seen the difference between theoretical and practical skill
4.2. To Up Grading Theoretical Knowledge
In our staying Finchaa Sugar Factory we upgrade our theoretical knowledge by referring
different books such as E. Hugot and manual that prepared on different machine parts that found
in factory’s library. Again this internship program initiate to more a theoretical part we have seen
in the practice. While we are discuses with our factory advisor we get some information that
develops our theoretical knowledge.
4.3. Inter Personal Communication Skill
During working our task we ask the advisor and company technicians to get more information to
solve the problems. This improves our interpersonal communication skill with worker of the
4.4. Leadership Skill
In our company we have been able to see different people in hierarchy work and the workers
under them, but on other side we learn how to communicate with person among: Good speaking

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 42


4.5. Work Ethics

I. Cooperation: each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while
II. Punctuality: this is arriving at a time to work of the company to begin and ending with
point of time.
III. Honesty: regarding this value, each worker regardless of his status should abstain from
bud behavior such as cheating, bias, corruption and etc.
IV. Office discipline: in work place we did not disturb working environment
V. Reliability: the worker should be qualified for the part he has supposed to performing.

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 43



5.1. Conclusion
We conclude that every chemical Engineering students working in such like factories can
get good knowledge and tangible information that learned theoretically in the class and
can do practically in the factory. We developed our skills during this practice and confidence
to deal with problem arises in the factory, community and other technological world.

The present process aims at covering theoretical and practical aspects of each and every
operation involved in the present process of white sugar manufacture from sugar cane and deals
with recent techniques established in various cane sugar producing countries of the
world. During this four month internship program we had been able to see: how to operate
machines, how to process the productive of factory, communicate with workers at work place,
with the manager in the office and how to solve the problem arises in the factory.

5.2. Recommendation
High temperature around pee-heaters and evaporators. There is contamination of environment by
non-considerablegas. Steam line is not properly safe.
 There is no material for saving carbon dioxide that come from by-product of ethanol and
Roads are contaminated by ash (by- product of the boiler);Water which used for washing
of cane is not recycled, The bagasse handling system of the factory is not safe or it is not
protected from rain. And The Company has shortage of safety materials; also the road
that use for transportation is not safe.
In order to minimize such kind of problems, factory is better to perform the following
 No measurement was taken around evaporator and heater, in our point of view better
insulation should be introduced
 Steam line should be well insulated.
 Rather than manual cleaning, it should be cleaned mechanically and adding chemical.
 The factories better to be building bagasse storage house.
 The water that used for washing cane better to be recycled and re used
They should have to overcome the shortage of safety material.

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 44


[1] Hand book of cane sugar Engineering e-hugot 3 edition-1986
[2] Sugar Technology A.R Sapronov-1983
[3] Peter rein cane sugar engineering book
[4] Different data books from the factory
[5] Mudul training material

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 45


Ash – The residue remaining after burning of all organic matter.
Bagacillo – Very fine particles of bagasse separated either from final bagasse for filtration aid
or from pre clarification juices.
Bagasse- The residual obtained from crushing cane. Its components are fiber, pith, water, solids,
lost sucrose all water insoluble in the cane.
Brix- Amount of soluble solid found in solution (mass as part of sucrose per 100 parts of
Cane– The raw material used for production of sugar.
Clarified juice- The juice obtained after clarification and used as evaporator feed.
Final molasses – The molasses obtained from the last stage of massecuite
Filter cake – The residue removed by filtration of the muddy juice in the process of clarification
including any added filter aid.
Latent Heat: is the amount of Heat Energy required to transform water at the boiling point
(saturated liquid) to steam.
Imbibition water- The water added to the second mill (in FSF) units to dilute and displace juice
left in the bagasse, to reduce sugar loss in it.
Magma – A mechanical mixture of sugar crystals with a liquid such as syrup, juice, wash or
Massecuite – The mixture of crystals and mother liquor obtained from the evaporation of sugar
boiling in vacuum pan. Massecuites are classified according to the descending purity as A, B, C.
Molasses – The mother liquor of massecuite separated from the crystal. It is distinguished by the
same term as massecuite which it was extracted (A, B, C, molasses).
Mixed juice- The juice sent from the extraction plant to the boiling house.
Pol – The apparent sucrose content of a sugar product determined by direct or single
Purity – The percentage ratio of sucrose or pol (by weight) to the total soluble solids or brix in a
sugar product.
Pty = pol/ brix *100

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 46


Reducing sugars - The reducing substances in the cane and its products calculated as invert
sugar. (Glucose, Fructose)
Refined sugar – high purity white sugar manufactured from re melted raw sugar.
Raw sugar – The product of cane sugar factories which is an intermediate crystalline product
resulting from the evaporation of water from sugar cane stalk juice.
Seed – A finely powdered sugar used for starting crystallization of the massecuite. Usually it is
used in the form slurry for low grade massecuite and magma is used for high grade massecuite.
Syrup – The concentrated juice from the evaporators.

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 47


6.1. Glass-ceramics from Sugar cane Baggasse’s Ash (SCBA) solid wastes
6.1.1. Problem Identification and solution Proposed
There are different problem in finchaa sugar factory. Amongthose problems the following are the
main problems.

 The lack of handling sugar cane bagasse’s Ash properly.

 Loss of fine sugar on plant
 The pollution of bagasse’s Ash from the boilers plant.
release of SO2 gas to the environment
 The pollution of sugar dust around bagging
 The environmental pollution by a fuel gas released from boiler house
 Impact of none condensable gas released from condenser.
 Lack of belt conveyers to transport calcium carbonate.

6.1.2 .Project selected for the prioritized problem Identified

From the above problem identified we select for our project to bagasse Ash source of raw
material for Glass Ceramics production.
6.2. Introduction
Finchaa Sugar Factory (FSF) is the largest producer of alcohol and sugar from sugarcane.
Currently, sugarcane bagasse is burned in boilers to produce steam and electrical energy,
producing a huge volume of ash. In sugar mill, bagasse is a residue after the sugar cane juice
extraction. Bagasse is used as a fuel in boiler for thermal power generation in the same industry.
The produced in this process is called bagasse ash. The sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) can
characterized as a non-biodegradable solid waste material rich in crystalline silica and aluminum,
calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium oxides are the main minor components. Glass-ceramics
with wollastonite as the main crystalline phase are produced from the silicates are widely used by
the construction industry. This work tells us the result of SCBA used to produce glass-ceramics
with wollastonite, rankinite, and gehlenite as he major phases. These silicates have important
applications as building industry materials, principally wollastonite.

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 48


Due to their special properties: high resistance to weathering, zero water absorption, and
hardness among others.Glass-ceramic materials are obtained through the controlled
crystallization of glass and are characterized by one or more crystalline phases dispersed within
the glassy phase. The amounts of glassy and crystalline phases in the mixture may vary, and can
also be established by controlling the temperature and the crystallization time. The addition of
fluxing and modifying agents and nucleating agents (transition metal oxides, alkali and alkaline
earth metals) contribute to reducing the melting temperature of the precursors to obtain the
glasses and their viscosity, as well as the process of nucleation and formation of crystalline
phases. The precursors and fluxing agents are critical factors in defining the desired glass-
ceramic composition (crystalline and amorphous phases).
6.3. Statement of the problem
Utilization of industrial and agricultural waste products in the industry has been the focus of
project for economic, environmental, and technical reasons. Sugar-cane bagasse’s ash is a fibrous
waste-product of the sugar refining industry. This waste-product is already causing serious
environmental pollution which calls for urgent ways of handling the waste. The bagasse’s ash
that come from this factory (FSF) is have affects when it is disposed to environment.
The bagasse’s ash that comes from boiler is washed out by water which in turn contaminate the
water around the factory that affects both the life and economy of who use it. This contaminated
water also affects the economy of the factory by means of demineralization of contaminated
water for the input of the boiler (i.e. clean water input for boiler). The water contaminated by
sugar cane bagasse’s ash also affect the agricultural product by decreasing the fertility of soil (i.e.
it changes the soil fertility to clay which is not good for growth of plants). The contaminated
water it is obvious it affects the life and health of human being and animals.
6.4. Objectives
6.4.1. General objective of the Design
To produce glass-ceramics from the sugarcane bagasse’s ashes (SCBA) solid wastes.
6.4.2. Specific objective
 To prevent the contamination of water by bagasse’s ash.
 To introduce other income for factor by producing glass-ceramics from bagasse’s ash.
 To identify ash produced by factory per day.

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 49


6.5. Significance of study

The three main raw material used in making the glass- ceramics products are clay, field spar, in
the industry. This is cause the grate economic demand. While using bagasse’s ash in control for
glass ceramic save an economy and environmental pollution.
6.6. Literature Review
The term ceramics is derived from the Greek keramos meaning burned earth and is used to
describe materials of the pottery industry. The widely known fact is that the sugar industry
produces the largest amount of waste known as bagasse.
In the present days the tendencies are changing and the environmental awareness driving the
prudent use of the bagasse. Some of the area where this bagasse has been utilized are
manufacturing biodegradable and compostable food service products, green building bricks made
with clays and sugarcane bagasse ash, sustainable acoustic absorber, multiple utility of SCBA
with other additive chemical composite materials, producing glass –ceramic materials and
cogeneration industry as active pozzolans for manufacture etc. Recent research shows that the
processing of clay started around 19000 BC.
Uses of glass-ceramics: glass-ceramics is used in: -
 Laboratory equipment’s because it is resistance to almost all acids, alkalis, organic
solvents to abrasion, oxidation resistant and chemically inert.
 Optical used includes: basers, floresant screen and iridescent film
6.7. Methodology and Material Used in Production Glass-Ceramics
Table 6.1. Material used in production of glass-ceramics
No. Types Model equipment Uses
1 v-belt conveyor Used to drive the burnt ash from boiler

2 X-ray XRF-1800, To determine its chemical composition

fluorescence shimadzu

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 50


3 x-ray diffraction XRD-6000, To determine the main crystalline phase


4 Sieves Sieve size of 18- To fractionate size of SCBA

mesh(1mm) and
5 Electrical oven To dry out the moisture

6 Balance To know the mass balance

7 TA Instrument SDT Q-600 To analyze ash-limestone-potassium


8 Lift oven INTI-FE-1700 To melt the mixture

Table 6.2List of chemical used

No. Types of chemicals Use
1 Lime-stone (CaCO3) and Used as fluxing agent
2 Charcoal and debris (organic Less 0.59 size concentrate on courser ash
matter) to produce glass(16%Wt)
3 Ethylene glycol To moisten the powder
SCBA (in fact a soot) has about 30 wt. % charcoal and organic materials mixed with the
ash(Teixeira et al., 2011a and Teixeira et al., 2011b). Soot (called SCBA here) samples were
collected at the solid/water exit of the gas washer in the boiler of Finchaa Sugar Factory (FSF).
The ash was characterized using X-ray fluorescence (XRF – 1800, Shimadzu) and X-ray
diffraction (XRD – 6000, Shimadzu), to determine its chemical composition and the main
crystalline phases, respectively. Limestone is a commercial product used by industries and for
agricultural applications. Its chemical composition was given by the supplier. Sieves, an
electrical oven and a balance were used to determine the amount of organic matter and

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 51


carbonates in SCBA. SCBA was fractionated by passing it through less than 355µm. The three
fractions were fired (900 °C for 30 min) in an electrical laboratory furnace and weighed before
and after firing. Since the organic matter (charcoal and debris) was concentrated in the coarser
ash fraction, only the fraction smaller than 355 m, which had about 16 wt% organic matter, was
used to produce the glasses. SI – SCBA and ash– limestone–potassium combinations, were
analyzed using a thermal analysis apparatus, model SDT Q-600 (TA Instruments). Platinum
crucibles, air flow (100 mL/min) and heating ramp of 20 °C/min, from room temperature up to
1400 °C, were used. The glass was prepared mixing SCBA (<355 µm) with limestone and
K2CO3 (fluxing agent) using the melt-quenching method. The glass composition was prepared
using ternary phase diagrams and considering the composition of the ash, the desired final
crystalline phase. The mixtures were melted at 1400 °C using a lift oven (INTI – FE 1700) from
Laboratory de Reciclagem, Tratamento de ResíduoseMetalurgiaExtrativa – LAREX
(Recycling, Waste Treatment and Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory) at the São Paulo University

The melted mixtures were poured into containers with water at room temperature to produce
frits, which were dried, manually milled and passed through a sieve (30 mesh; <0.59 mm). Part
of the powder was submitted to XRD and thermal analysis (DTA/DSC/TGA), and another part
was moistened with ethylene glycol and pressed (2 tons) in the form of pellets (ϕ = 12 mm, h = 3
mm) using a manual hydraulic press. These pellets were treated at three different temperatures
(770, 880 and 1010 °C, for 30 min) in the region of glass transition and crystallization,
determined by DSC. One surface of each pellet was polished using sandpaper (P# 800, 1200 and
2400), and analyzed by XRD to identify the phases formed during heat treatment.
Glass-ceramics articles may be produced by three routes:
1. The heat treatment of solid glass (traditional route).
2. The controlled cooling of a molten glass, known as the petrurgic method.
3. The sintering and crystallization of glass powders
In the latter case, the powders are densified at relatively low temperatures by exploiting a
viscous flow sintering mechanism. After densification, the material is subjected to a
crystallization heat-treatment to obtain the required glass-ceramic microstructure. Alternatively,
both densification and crystallization may take place during a single sintering step. Along with
the economic advantage of using relatively low processing temperatures, the power technology
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 52

route is suitable for the production of a range of advanced materials, including glass-ceramics
with specified porosities and glass-ceramic matrix composites. Using the petrurgic method, the
slow cooling from thecauses nucleation and growth of certain crystalline phases. Therefore, the
final microstructure, and hence, the properties depend mainly on the composition and the
cooling rate (Baccoveini and Rawlings, 2002).

SCBA, Limestone, K2CO3


SCBA+Limestone+K2CO3 1400 cFrits


Glass + Ethylene glycol=pellets

(Treated at 77o, 880,1010 c)



(After pressing, annealing and polishing)

Figure. 6.1. Flowchart of materials and characterization
6.7.1. Experimental procedure and calculations
In production of glass ceramics from sugar cane bagasse ash, the ash is collected from Finchaa
sugar factor and the ash is sieved ( ) and ground (400 rpm, 10 min) using a planetary
steel ball mill (RETSCH, model PM100). Small amounts of powderedash was sent for chemical
analysis (X-ray fluorescence [XRF]) and to identify crystalline phases (X-ray diffraction
Department of Chemical Engineering Page 53

Glass-ceramics are normally produced in two steps:

A. A glass is made by a standard glass manufacturing process,
B. The glass article is shaped, cooled down and then reheated somewhat above its glass
transition temperature in a second and even a third step. In most cases, nucleating agents
such as noble metals, fluorides, ZrO2, TiO2, P2O5, Cr2O3 or Fe2O3 are added.CaCO3 and
Na2CO3 of reagent grade were used as source of CaO and Na2O, respectively. A batch
composition containing an ash, CaO and Na2O is mixed and homogenized. Since the
production amount of glass ceramics from bagasse ash is affected by many factors such,
amount of ash produced per day, types of ceramic glass needed, temperature, pressure
and others. As a sample a 150 g batch composition containing of ash, of CaO and of Na2O
was mixed and homogenized.
The batch was heated at 10°C/min and melted in an alumina crucible at 1450°C for 1 h.
afterward; the melt was poured into water to produce a glass frit. The chemical composition of
the frit was determined by XRF analysis. To determine the crystallization behavior of the glass,
both a powder (<355 μm) and a monolithic glass sample were analyzed by thermal analysis
(DTA/TG—SETARAM Labsys, Caluire, France) from room temperature to 1400°C at a heating
rate of 50°C/min.To study the development of the crystalline phases, powder samples (<355 μm)
were crystallized at different temperatures (850°, 900°, 950°, 1000°, 1050° and 1400°C) at a
heating rate of 50°C/min and held for 15 min. After this time, each sample was taken out the
oven and cooled to room temperature. Phase identification was carried out by XRD (Philips
X'PERT MPD Almelo, the Netherlands) using CuKα radiation and operating at 50 kV and 30

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 54


Figure 6.2. Experimental procedures

To calculate the porosity of glass ceramics by using the following formulas:-

Porosity: = (Wsat-Wd) / (Wsat-Wsus) *100% …………………. (5.1)
Where, Wsat = Saturated weight,
Wd =Dry weight.
Wsus = suspended dimmersed weight
The calculated porosity (%) of glass-ceramics relatively zero since, it has more density.
Water absorption: Water absorption is related to the microstructure of a sintered ceramic
matrix, and evaluates the open pores amount of the fired specimen.
Water absorption was then calculated by the equation (5.2).
Water Absorption = (Wsat-Wd)/(Wd)*100% ……………………………… (5.2)
the water absorption value decreases in glass-ceramics from bagasse’s ash. The amount of
water absorbed by the material in service will affect the service life of the material and even
reduce the resistivity of the material. Therefore, absorbed water reduces the insulation

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 55


Bulk Density: Bulk density was calculated using a direct volume measurement method.
This method exploits the relative density of a substance multiplied by the density of water
to obtain the required bulk density. Equation (3) was used to obtain the bulk density in
Bulk Density = [Wd/(Wsat-Wsus)] *Density of Water (g/cm3) ………. (5.3)

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 56



The term ceramics is derived from the Greek keramos meaning burned earth and is used to
describe materials of the pottery industry. The widely known fact is that the sugar industry
produces the largest amount of waste known as bagasse. The bagasse’s ash that comes from
boiler is washed out by water which in turn contaminate the water around the factory that affects
both the life and economy of who use it. In production of glass ceramics from sugar cane bagasse
ash, the ash is collected from Finchaa sugar factor and the ash is sieved.
We recommend that, According to project evaluation targets and expectation which mean that
the result and discussion must be considered. But, the result and discussion never included and
done due to the following points. Due to shortage of time, it is impossible to handle and do the
experiments with in the given time, so during intern ship it is favorable and control able if the
time for the experiment is discussed to facilitate and solve problem phased inside the company
and the area where the societies are exist. The case for the laboratoriesare not considered, so, the
laboratory equipment s and the human resource for that issues must be well know for the
company and UIL during internship management operations.

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 57


[1] Purchase hand book of cane sugar Engineering 1 edit
[2] Hand book of sugar refining
[3] Hand book of sugar refining design

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 58


FSF; Finchaa Sugar Factory
SCBA; Sugar Cane Baggasse’s Ash
UIL:University Industry Linkage

Department of Chemical Engineering Page 59

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