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Quarter Fourth

GRADE 9 Learning area Science

Teaching date and time Week 1 Day 3-4


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

projectile motion, impulse and momentum, and conservation of linear momentum.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion.
C. Learning The learners should be able to:
Competencies / describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile. (S9FE-IVa-34)
Objectives At the end of the session the learners are expected to:
Write LC code for Identify the dimensions of projectile motion.
Investigate the relationship between the angle of release and the height and range of the projectile.
Propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion.
II. CONTENT TOPIC/TITLE: Projectile Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 223-238
2. Learner’s pp. 293-306
pp. 324-rubrics

3. Textbook
4. Additional Curriculum Guide (S9FE-IVa-34)
Materials from Learner’s Material in Science 9
Teacher’s Guide in Science 9
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning EASE MODULE – Physics
Resources 1 -
2 -
Cellphone, dlp/laptop, coins, ruler, clay, paint, projectile launcher, protractor, books, illustration board

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PPS Indicators/KRA
Indicators to be Observed
A. Reviewing previous ELICIT (5 mins.)
lesson or
presenting the new ➢ The teacher will ask the students: INDICATOR 1
lesson • What is your favorite sport? Applies knowledge of
Possible answer: basketball, sepak takraw, volleyball, etc content within and across
Many neighborhood games you play and sporting events you join and/or officiate in curriculum teaching areas.
MAPEH classes involve flying objects or balls.
• What did you observe on the different motion of the ball from these sports?
Possible answer: They follow a curved-path in the mid-air. MOV--- The teacher makes
meaningful connections to
other teaching areas
specially in sports.
ENGAGE (10 mins)

B. Establishing a ➢ Before doing the activity, make sure that there are at least 5-8 cellphones that has angry INDICATOR 2
purpose for the bird application. Ensure the positive use of
lesson ➢ If there is no available gadgets, teacher may show a video clip about the different sports ICT to facilitate the
highlighting the motion of the ball.
teaching and learning
Task # 1: Angry Birds!
Direction: Play the “angry birds” game from your cellphone. Each student will only have one process.
chance to play the game. Whoever got the highest score will have a reward from your teacher.
MOV—The teacher utilizes
C. Presenting ➢ The teacher will relate the game “angry birds” and motion of the ball from their ICT to assist in teaching-
examples/instances different sports to the topic projectile motion. learning process.
of the new lesson ➢ Many neighborhood games you play and sporting events you join and/or officiate in
MAPEH classes involve flying objects or balls. Have you noticed the curved paths they
make in mid-air? This curve is what naturally happens when an object, called a
projectile, moves in two dimensions –having both horizontal and vertical motion
components, acted by gravity only. In physics this is called projectile motion.

D. Discussing new EXPLORE (20 mins.)

concepts and
practicing new ➢ The teacher will divide the class into groups. INDICATOR 4
skills ➢ Each group will select a leader and a secretary.
# 1
➢ The teacher should make sure that every student from the group have a part in the Establish safe and secure
activity. learning environments to

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➢ Half of the groups will perform the activity 1 and the other groups will also perform enhance learning through the
activity 2. consistent implementation of
➢ SAFETY measures should always be observed in the activity proper. policies, guidelines and
Objectives: MOV – Setting of Standards
• Investigate the independence of horizontal and vertical motions. in doing the activity.
Materials: two same-size coins
Table / armchair INDICATOR 5
Elastic ruler Maintain supportive learning
environments that nurture and
1. Hold two coins the same distance above the floor.
inspire learners to participate,
2. Drop them at the same time. Listen to the sound they make as they strike the
floor. cooperative and collaborate in
Q1: Do they hit the floor at the same time? Why? continued learning.
Answer: Yes MOV – The teacher clearly
Possible answer: Because both have equal mass and distance
provides the class with
3. Place one coin at the edge of a table with about half of the coin hanging over the
structured tasks involving
edge. Place another coin flat on the table.
most elements of cooperative
4. Using a ruler, flick the second coin across the tabletop to strike the first coin.
Aim “off center” so that the coin at the edge of the table drops straight down and learning.
the projected coin leaves the edge of the table with some horizontal speed.
5. Repeat the event as many times as needed to record your answer to the following
questions. INDICATOR 6
Q2: Do the coins hit the floor at the same or different times?
Answer: The two coins hit the floor at the same time. Establish a learner-centered
Q3: From your answer in question 2, explain the reason behind it. culture by using teaching
Possible answers: The vertical motions of the projected coin and the dropped coin are strategies that respond to
identical; Both coins hit the floor at the same time because of the influence of acceleration due learners' linguistic, cultural,
to gravity. socioeconomic and religious
6. Draw a sketch that includes both the path of the coin that is falling and the coin backgrounds.
that is projected.
MOV – The teacher provides
diverse learners with
opportunities to actively
engage in various learning

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Possible answer:


concepts and
practicing new Objective:
skills • Investigate the independence of horizontal and vertical motions.
# 2
Materials: ¼ size illustration board (white portion)
Clay formed as small ball or marble
Improvised projectile launcher (retractable pen with popsicle stick)
1. At the bottom side of the illustration board, mark it with the different angles (15 o,
45o, & 75o).
2. Elevate one end of the board using books with an angle of inclination of about 20o.
3. Coat the projectile with paint and position it with the projectile launcher at the
bottom side of the board.
4. Make sure to position it to the angles marked in the board. (start with 15o)
5. Launch the projectile by pushing the clip of improvised projectile launcher.
6. Repeat the launching of projectile for 45o & 75o.
Guide questions:
Q1: Describe the trajectory of the three angles.
Possible answer: The trajectories of 15o and 75o are the same or almost the same
(considering the timing applied for launching). Whereas, the trajectory of 45 o has the
longest range.
Q2: What are the ranges of the three different trajectories?
Answers may vary.
Q3: Among the three trajectories, which angle has the highest peak?
Answer: 75o
F. Developing Mastery EXPLAIN (40 mins.)

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(Leads to Formative ➢ After performing the activity, each group will present to the class their output and INDICATOR 7
Assessment) answer the guide questions.
➢ Teacher will give feedbacks to their answers and process the guide questions. Use strategies for providing
➢ Teacher will discuss the key concepts of projectile motion including different examples. timely, accurate and
Motion in Two Dimensions constructive feedback to
This lesson discusses a type of motion in two-dimensions using projectile motion as an improve learner performance.
example. It focuses on the idea that two-dimension motions can be described and predicted
using kinematics and dynamics. It also defines true projectiles that follow a parabolic path due MOV – The teacher provides
to the downward pull of gravity only. The uniform horizontal motion (non-accelerated) is substantive, specific, and
independent from the non-uniform (uniformly accelerated) vertical motion. When in projectile timely feedback, and shares
motion, objects follow a curved trajectory which is parabolic. The initial launch force gives a strategies to learners to
projectile the needed initial velocity at any angle. This initial force no longer acts on the improve their performance
projectile. Only the force of gravity remains acting on the projectile. Thus, as the projectile toward the intended learning
moves horizontally at a constant rate, it accelerates toward the earth’s center at 9.8 m/s 2, thus outcomes.
the curved path.
All projectiles, regardless of their path, will always follow these principles: INDICATOR 3
1. Projectiles always maintain a constant horizontal velocity (neglecting air resistance).
Display proficient use of
2. Projectiles always experience a constant acceleration along the axis the constant net force is
Mother Tongue, Filipino and
directed. There is a constant vertical acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2, downward (neglecting air
resistance) for projectiles on air. For projectiles on inclined surfaces, the constant “vertical” English to facilitate teaching
acceleration will be smaller than 9.8 m/s2 down the tilt which is equal to 𝒈𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽. and learning.
3. The horizontal and vertical motions are completely independent of each other. Therefore, the
MOV – The teacher uses
velocity of a projectile can be separated into the horizontal and vertical components.
precise vocabulary and
4. For a projectile (neglecting air resistance) that begins and ends at the same height, the time it
intonation to express
takes to rise to its highest point equals the time it takes to fall from the highest point back to its
original height of release. (Teacher’s Guide) meaning and often shows
A remarkable thing to note is that the same range is obtained from two different projection great fluency and ease in
angles – complementary angles. An object thrown into the air at an angle of 75o, for example, delivering the lesson.
will have the same range as if it were thrown at the same speed at an angle of 15o. An object
thrown at 60o will have the same range as when the object is launched at 30o. As you can see,
when we get the sum of 75o angle and 15o angle, 60o angle and 30o angle, in both sets we would
obtain a 90o angle. This means that 75o angle and 15o angle are called complementary angles. INDICATOR 1
Similarly, 60o angle and 30o angle are also complementary angles. Thus, complementary Applies knowledge of
angles (angles whose sum is equal to 90o) would result to equivalent range. For smaller angles,
content within and across
object remains in the air for a shorter time. A maximum range is attained when an object is
launched 45o from the horizontal. (EASE Physics. Module 9. Lesson 3) curriculum teaching areas.
➢ For more detailed discussion, pls. refer to learner’s material on pages 302-306.
Sample Problem 1: MOV--- The teacher
1. A marble is thrown horizontally from a tabletop with a velocity of 1.50 m/s. The marble displays comprehensive
falls 0.70 m away from the table’s edge.
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A) How high is the lab table? understanding of the
B) What is the marble’s velocity just before it hits the floor? concepts and structure of
the teaching area and
Before you can find the height of the lab table, you must determine first how long the marble is
make connections to other
in mid-air. For the horizontal distance travelled, this equation xf = xi + vix t will be used.
Given: teaching area especially in
∆x = 0.70 m Mathematics.
Vix = 1.50 m/s
Viy = 0
∆t = ? ∆y = ? Vfy = ?

∆t = ∆x / v
= 0.70 m / 1.50 m/s
∆t = 0.47 s
Now that you know the time it took the marble to fall to the ground, you can find the vertical
distance it travelled in the same time.
∆y = - ½ agt2
= - ½ 9.8 m/s2 (0.47s)2
= -4.9 m/s2 (0.22s2)
∆y = 1.08 m
To determine the magnitude of the resultant velocity, find first the two velocity components and
then solve for the resultant using the Pythagorean Theorem equation V 2 = V2x + V2y. If the
horizontal velocity is uniform at 1.50 m/s while the vertical velocity is uniformly accelerated at
Vfy = Viy - agt where Viy = 0.
Then solve Vfy = Viy - agt
= 0 – 9.8 m/s2 (0.47 s)
Vfy = - 4.606 m/s or 4.61 m/s downward
Solve for the magnitude of the resultant velocity:
V2 = V2x + V2y
= (1.50 m/s)2 + (4.61 m/s)2
= √2.25 𝑚2 /𝑠 2 + 21.25 𝑚2 /𝑠 2
= √23.5 𝑚2 /𝑠 2
V = 4.85 m/s

The direction of the velocity is determined using the tangent trigonometric function.
tanθ = V

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−4.61 𝑚/𝑠
θ = tan-1 1.50 𝑚/𝑠
𝛉 = - 71.976 degrees or 72o clockwise from the floor

Sample Problem 2:
A soccer ball is kicked at ground level with a speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 45 0 to the
horizontal. How much later does it hit the ground?

Choose the kicking point as the origin. When the soccer ball reaches the ground again, the
change in vertical displacement ∆y is 0. To break the problem into workable parts, determine
first the initial horizontal component Vix = (20.0 cos 450) m/s = 14.1 m/s; and the initial vertical
component Viy = (20.0 sin 450) m/s = -14.1 m/s.
And because the final vertical position Vf is at the same elevation as the initial Vi, the final
vertical component Vfy is -14.1 m/s but will be at 450 below the x-axis which is perpendicular to
the initial direction.
Using the concept of acceleration, you can solve for total time using the equation:
𝑚 𝑚
𝑉𝑓𝑦− 𝑉𝑖𝑦 −14.1 −14.1
𝑠 𝑠
t= = 𝑚
𝑎𝑔 −9.8 2
t = 2.9 s

ELABORATE (15 mins.)

G. Finding practical ➢ Show to the class a video clip discussing the key concepts of projectile motion. INDICATOR 2
applications of “Kinematics Part 3 – Projectile Motion by Professor Dave Explains” Ensure the positive use of
concepts & skills in ➢ Let the students solve for the “checking comprehension” from the video. ICT to facilitate the
daily living teaching and learning

Answer: MOV—The teacher

utilizes ICT to give
information to the students
about their lesson.

H. Making
➢ After watching the video, play a true or false game to the class.
generalizations and

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abstractions about ➢ Let them raise their hand to show their answer. Thumbs Up if it is true and Thumbs
the lesson Down if false.
1. Horizontal and vertical motion are dependent for each other.
Answer: Thumbs down (FALSE)
2. The time spends in the air by the projectile depends only on vertical motion.
Answer: Thumbs up (TRUE)
3. The distance traveled by the projectile depends only in horizontal motion.
Answer: Thumbs down (FALSE)
4. The vertical velocity is at a maximum the instant the projectile is thrown.
Answer: Thumbs up (TRUE)
5. The velocity of a projectile can be separated into the horizontal and vertical
Answer: Thumbs up (TRUE)
I. Evaluating Learning EVALUATE (5 mins.)

Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct answer to complete the sentence.
1-2. The two dimensions of projectile motion are ________ & _________ dimensions.
Answer: horizontal & vertical
3. A maximum range is attained when an object is launched _____ from the horizontal.
Answer: 45 o
4. A projectile launched __________ has no initial vertical velocity.
Answer: horizontally
5. An object thrown into the air at an angle of 75o, will have _________ range as if it were
thrown at the same speed at an angle of 15o.
Answer: the same
J. Additional activities EXTEND (25 mins.)
for application or
remediation ➢ Develop and demonstrate a fun 5-minute team drill that will apply projectile motion
concepts and principles to the learning and development of three motor skills in
volleyball. (Performance task)


A. No. of learners who earned 80

% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who

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have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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• Investigate the independence of horizontal and vertical motions.
Materials: two same-size coins
Table / armchair
Elastic ruler
1. Hold two coins the same distance above the floor.
2. Drop them at the same time. Listen to the sound they make as they strike the floor.
Q1: Do they hit the floor at the same time? Why?
Place one coin at the edge of a table with about half of the coin hanging over the edge.
Place another coin flat on the table.
3. Using a ruler, flick the second coin across the tabletop to strike the first coin. Aim
“off center” so that the coin at the edge of the table drops straight down and the
projected coin leaves the edge of the table with some horizontal speed.
4. Repeat the event as many times as needed to record your answer to the following
Q2: Do the coins hit the floor at the same or different times?
Q3: From your answer in question 2, explain the reason behind it.
5. Draw a sketch that includes both the path of the coin that is falling and the coin that
is projected.

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• Investigate the independence of horizontal and vertical motions.
Materials: ¼ size illustration board (white portion)
Clay formed as small ball or marble
Improvised projectile launcher (retractable pen with popsicle stick)
7. At the bottom side of the illustration board, mark it with the different angles (15 o, 45o,
& 75o).
8. Elevate one end of the board using books with an angle of inclination of about 20 o.
9. Coat the projectile with paint and position it with the projectile launcher at the bottom
side of the board.
10. Make sure to position it to the angles marked in the board. (start with 15o)
11. Launch the projectile by pushing the clip of improvised projectile launcher.
12. Repeat the launching of projectile for 45o & 75o.
Guide questions:
Q1: Describe the trajectory of the three angles.
Q2: What are the ranges of the three different trajectories?
Q3: Among the three trajectories, which angle has the highest peak?

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Q1: Answer: Yes
Possible answer: Because both have equal mass and distance
Q2: Answer: The two coins hit the floor at the same time.
Q3: Possible answers: The vertical motions of the projected coin and the dropped coin are
identical; Both coins hit the floor at the same time because of the influence of acceleration due to
Possible Sketch:

Q1: Possible answer: The trajectories of 15o and 75o are the same or almost the same (considering
the timing applied for launching). Whereas, the trajectory of 45 o has the longest range.
Q2: Answers may vary.
Q3: 75o


1. Thumbs down (FALSE)

2. Thumbs up (TRUE)
3. Thumbs down (FALSE)
4. Thumbs up (TRUE)
5. Thumbs up (TRUE)

1-2. horizontal & vertical
3. 45 o
4. horizontally
5. the same

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Refer to LM page 324.

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Rubrics for Group Activity



(The answers are

correct and clearly


(The reporters
explain their output
diligently and


(Every member of
the group
contributed or
participated in the
activity given.)

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