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Good morning everyone,

As we gather here today, we can all agree that we live in a world of abundance. We have unlimited
access to information, technology and opportunities that our ancestors never had. We have advanced
medical treatments, we enjoy modern infrastructure, and we can communicate with anyone around the
world in a matter of seconds. With all these privileges, it's surprising that we don't appreciate what we
have and still complain about everything around us.

Although we have come such a long way, studies have shown that we still complain about the smallest
inconvenience. Whether it's the weather, traffic, or even the service at a restaurant, we always have
something to grumble about. We are living better than ever, yet still tend to ignore and take for granted
the blessings bestowed upon us.

We do not have to struggle for food, shelter, clean water or even electricity. This is a luxury that many
people in developing countries long for, and yet, we do not acknowledge it or feel grateful for it.
Instead, we actively seek out situations in which we can victimize ourselves and complain about our

Moreover, we complain about our jobs, even though we have the option of choosing what we want to
do, pursuing our passions and dreams. We have the opportunity to study in world-class institutions, get
jobs in multinationals, or even start our own businesses. However, we underestimate our capacities and
feel stuck in unfulfilling jobs. We need to understand that every job has its challenges, but we should
also appreciate the opportunities and benefits it provides.

Furthermore, we complain about the diversity of opinions and ideologies that exist in our society. We do
not want to listen to people who differ from us, simply because we believe that our perspective is the
only valid one. We ignore the fact that interacting with people from diverse backgrounds brings
innovation, discovery, and growth. We should embrace differences, respectfully listen to others, and
build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. This, in turn, can lead to a more
harmonious society with less conflict and more dialogue.

Finally, we complain about the pace of change around us. The speed of technology development has
made our lives much easier, but we complain about every new feature, every new design, or every new
update. We have become so fixated on a mentality of instant gratification that we forget how lucky we
are to be living in a dynamic and innovative era. We need to embrace the change and realize that it is
only through innovation, disruption, and exploration that we can evolve into a better version of
Dear students,

We have been given an incredible gift, to live in a world where we are better off than ever before, yet
we still complain. We need to open our eyes to the world around us, recognize our privilege, and
appreciate what we have. Let us take a step back and examine our lives, focusing on the positives in our
current situation, rather than the negatives. Let us learn to view the world from various perspectives,
not just our own, and celebrate diversity. And finally, let us embrace change and progress, with the
confidence that innovation and evolution are the keys to a prosperous future.

So let us pledge ourselves to live better, to complain less, and to show gratitude for the universe of
blessings that we cherish daily. Thank you.

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