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Northwestern Visayan Colleges


Kalibo, Aklan

Chapter 1


The closure of the Boracay Island, one of the Philippines major tourist
destinations, was set for six months starting April 26, 2018 as part of the government's
efforts at the island's environmental rehabilitation. As part of the closure, Boracay would
be closed except to registered island residents and employees of its business
establishments. In a business forum held in February 9, 2018, President Rodrigo
Duterte called the island of Boracay a "cesspool" and announced plans to close the island
to tourists and conduct rehabilitation on the island in June 2018 to resolve the worsening
sewage conditions that exist. President Duterte has directed Environment secretary Roy
Cimatu to resolve the environmental issues in the island. Boracay is part of the
jurisdiction of the town of Malay of Aklan province. Three of Malay's barangays are in
According to the Western Visayas regional office of the Department of Tourism,
Boracay had two million tourists in 2017 which accounts for 34 percent of Western
Visayas' 5.8 million tourist arrivals. At least 19,031 are employed to work on the island.
Waters along the beaches of Boracay have experienced algal bloom , which
environmentalists and some long-time residents claim to be an indicator of pollution and
deteriorating water conditions. The Malay municipal government, some business
operators, and some residents insist that the algae bloom is a natural seasonal
phenomenon that usually occurs annually in the summer, and occurred on Boracay even
before the island became developed.
Boracay Island Water Company operates the sewage network of Boracay which
accommodates only 61 percent of the island. The island has two central sewerage
treatment plants, one in Barangay Balabag and another in Barangay Yapak, which has a
total capacity of 11.5 litters a day. However only 58 percent of the capacity is used due to
several establishments in the island not being connected to the sewage system.
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

With the closure of Boracay, hotel employees were greatly affected since majority
of the hotels were closed temporarily or permanently due to non-compliance to policies.
It is in this light that this study was pursued, to determine the extent of effect brought by
the closure. It also recommended some measures to mitigate the effects through the help
of the Local Government Units and National Government in whatever way they could
alleviate the plight of hotel employees in the Island of Boracay.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the status of the hotel employees in
relation to the Boracay Closure. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1) age,
1.2) civil status,
1.3) sex,
1.4) educational attainment,
1.5) position,
1.6) length of service, and
1.7) monthly income?
2. What is the status of the hotel employees brought about Boracay closure in terms
2.1) economic status, and
2.2) psychological status?
3. What are the interventions extended to hotel employees who are affected by the
closure of Boracay Island from:
3.1 Government, and
3.2 Hotel owners?
4. What is the extent of the effects among hotel employees in the closure of Boracay
Island in terms of :
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

4.1 economic aspect, and

4.2 psychological aspect?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the socio demographic profile of the
respondents and the extent of the effects on the closure of Boracay Island among
hotel employees?

Null Hypothesis
The hypotheses tested in this study was:
1. There is no significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents and the extent of the effects on the closure of Boracay among hotel

Theoretical Framework
The study was anchored on the System Theory Approach postulated by Ludwig
Von Bertalanffy which states that attention began to focus as systems with a number of
inter-related sub-systems. The systems approach attempted to consider the organization
as a dynamic and inter-related set of parts. Each part represents a department or a sub-
system. Each department has its sub-system. Continuous and effective interaction of sub-
systems helps to attain goals of the larger system. Thus, every sub-system is a system and
has sub-systems which together make an organization a set of mutually dependent parts
and their sub-parts. Italso considers the impact of both near and distant future on
organizational activities.
Organizations constantly respond to changes in the internal and external
environmental conditions. They also act as market leaders in the dynamic, competitive
environment. System approach integrates goals of different parts of the organization (sub-
systems or departments) with the organization. It also integrates goals of the organization
with goals of the environment or society in which it operates. Integration of goals
maintains equilibrium or balance and enables organizations to grow in the dynamic
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

Research Paradigm

The demographic profile of the respondents which is considered the independent

variable. The intervening variable of the study is the closure of Boracay, and the
dependent variable is the effects of the closure of Boracay. The study ought to determine
the effects of the closure of Boracay considering the demographics of the respondents
due to the intervening variable which is the Boracay closure.

Independent Variable Intervening Variable Dependent Variable



Civil Status
Status & Effects of
Educational Attainment the Hotel Employees
to the
Position Boracay
Closure of
Length of Service Boracay

Average Monthly Income

Figure1. A schematic diagram showing the correlation of the variables of the study.
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study would be beneficial to the following sectors:
Hotel employees. The results of the study would serve as enlightenment among
hotel employees concerning the extent of effect of the closure and would serve as their
bases on planning measures to improve their economic status and other aspects brought
about the closure of the Island of Boracay.
Hotel owners. The results of the study would serve as point of reference among
hotel owners on what intervention they could implement to mitigate the problems brought
by the closure.
Local Government Unit of Malay. The findings of the study would be a basis on
the implementation of the programs or basis on designing measures to help the affected
employees in the Island of Boracay.
Community. The findings of the study would be encouraged among the members
of the community to do their part as steward of the Island of Boracay and they could also
implement an action to preserve their land which is renowned in the whole world.
Future researchers. The results would be a sound basis in the conduct of related
studies at hand.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study was conducted in the Island of Boracay, Malay, Aklan, Philippines.
The respondents of the study were 50 hotel employees purposively selected from
different hotels in the Island of Boracay. The study was done in the Island of Boracay
Island during lockdown, 2018-2019.

Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined operationally and conceptually for clarification
and comprehension among readers.
Closure. A situation or occurrence in which something (such as business or
factory) closes. (Webster, 2015).
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

As used in the study, it referred to the closure of the Island of Boracay due to
environmental problems and rehabilitation to preserve the Island due on the threats of
natural degradation and the occur of the pandemic COVID -19.
Boracay. Is a small island in the central Philippines. It is known for its resorts
and beaches. Along the west coast, White Beach is backed by palm trees, bars, and
restaurants. On the east coast, strong winds make Bulabog Beach a hub for water sports.
Nearby, the observation deck on Mount Luho offers panoramic views over the island.
Offshore, coral reefs and shipwrecks are home to diverse marine life
Company Credit. Refer to money advanced by the company to assist the
employee. If the employee is expected to repay the loan within one year of the balance
sheet date, the loan balance is a current asset of the company. Any amount not expected
to be collected within one year is a non-current or long-term asset (https://financial-
Economic status. Is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a
person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position
in relation to others (National Center for Educational Statistic. 31 March 2008.
Effects: something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or
agent) (Webster, 2015).
In this study, it pertained to the level of effects to hotel employees in the Island of
Boracay affected by the closure in terms of their salary and other income used for living
and sustenance.
Employee. A person employed for wages or salary, especially at non-executive
level. (Webster, 2015).
As used in the study, it pertains to the hotel workers who are affected with the six
months closure of the Island of Boracay due to the environmental problems.
Depressed- A state of general unhappiness or despondency (Webster, 2015).
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

Housing Allowance .An amount paid by the company, either to the expatriate or
direct to the property landlord, to enable the expatriate to rent or lease housing in the
host country ( › glossary › term › housing-allowa..)

Income Support – Is income-related benefit in the United Kingdom for some
people who are on a low income, but have a reason for not actively seeking work.
Claimants of Income Support may be entitled to certain other benefits ("Income Support -
GOV.UK". Retrieved 30 April 2017).
Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Is an unemployment benefit paid by
the Government of the United Kingdom to people who are unemployed and actively
seeking work. It is part of the social security benefits system and is intended to cover
living expenses while the claimant is out of work (Directgov. "Jobseeker's
Allowance". Public services all in one place. HM Government. Archived from the
original on 3 September 2012. Retrieved 1 September 2012).
Less- Motivated. Without motivation (Webster 2015). A symptom of depression,
caused by something else.
Mood Swing- An extreme or rapid change in mood. Such mood swings can play
a positive part in promoting problem solving and in producing flexible forward planning.
(Peter Salovey et al, Emotional Intelligence (2004) p. 1974)
Psychological aspect. Pertaining to the mind or to mental phenomena as the
subject matter of psychology. (Webster, 2015)
Operationally, it referred to the human aspect, which focuses on the mental
functions dominated to human and directs its action. In this study, it pertained to the
feelings of the employees about the closure and the effects brought by the closure of the
Island of Boracay.
Restlessness. The inability to rest or relax because of anxiety or boredom
(Definitions from Oxford Languages).
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan

Relationship. The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are
connected, or the state of being connected (Webster, 2015).
In this study, it refers to the relationship of the variables used in the study “Status
of Hotel Employees in Relation to the Boracay Closure.
Rehabilitation. This pertains to an action restoring something that has been
damaged to its former condition (Oxford, 2017).
In this study, it refers to the action undertaken to revive the paradise island
Boracay, one of the best tourist destinations in the world.
Salary subsidy. Is a payment to workers by the state, made either directly or
through their employers. Its purposes are to redistribute income and to obviate
the welfare trap attributed to other forms of relief, thereby reducing unemployment. It is
most naturally implemented as a modification to the income tax system (Oxford, 2017).
Self- reliance. The capacity to rely on one's own capabilities, and to manage one's
own affairs; independence (Wiktionary).
Status. It is defined as he relative social, professional, or other standing of

someone (Webster, 2015 ❑ ). As used in the study, it referred to the economic condition

of the employees in the Island of Boracay affected by the temporary closure.

Tourist destination. It pertains to a place of interest where tourists visit (Oxford,
2017). Operationally, it referred to the Island of Boracay, which is considered a place of
interest of the tourist.

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