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%20operations%20are%20defined%20as,6%3A36 –Police Operation

Based on the above considerations, it is crucial to examine the factors

influencing work-life balance and the implications of these factors for police

officers. This study aims to summarize and review the findings from previous

research concerning the determinants and effects of work-life balance on police

personnel. Of the 20 articles we reviewed, only the article by Coleman (2021)

addressed the determinants and consequences of work-life balance for police officers.

Therefore, the novelty of this study lies in proposing a conceptual

framework concerning the factors and effects of work-life balance for police officers,

distinguishing it from prior research.

It is crucial for police institutions to prioritize the balance between professional

duties and personal lives of their members to ensure optimal mental and physical well-

being. Efforts to bolster work-life balance can be achieved through the implementation

of flexible working hour policies, setting realistic job expectations, and providing

sufficient psychological support. Facing the challenges of work-life balance,

police institutions should adopt strategies grounded in theories identified by

researchers Kaushal and Parmar (2019). One approach that can be embraced is

the integrative model of work-life balance. This model recognizes the

intricate, reciprocal relationship between professional duties and personal life. Hence,

the police force should emphasize work schedule flexibility, allowing personnel to
manage their time more effectively between professional tasks and family time.

Moreover, it is vital for police institutions to implement the concept of

support enrichment. In this theory, Kaushal and Parmar (2019) underline the

significance of social and organizational support in fostering a better work-life balance.

Police institutions should establish a supportive working environment where team

members feel emotionally and practically supported by colleagues and

leadership. Initiatives such as employee wellness programs, psychological

counseling, and stress management training can assist in addressing pressures that

could disturb this balance. When integrating these theories, police organizations must

ensure that applied policies and practices focus not only on professional tasks but also

recognize the personal needs of the personnel. In doing so, police institutions can forge

a balance between work productivity and personal life quality, allowing team members

to make optimal contributions while maintaining their well-being. Based on the above

discourse, we synthesize that factors affecting work-life balance can be categorized into

three main factors:a. Demographic factors encompassing gender, age, marital status,

and educational level.b. Work-related factors including workload, reward system, job

stress, promotion, role, working hours, initiatives taken by the organization, job

professionalism, and quality of work life, and weekend assignments.c. Personal-related

factors such as emotional intelligence, social background, sleep duration, opportunities

for family gatherings, and leisure hours. These three aspects can influence the quality of

work-life balance among police officers. Therefore, efforts to address a lack of work-life

balance should aim to foster self-development, boosting individual and

organizational performance. This equilibrium is essential as an individual's

optimal performance is crucial for any organization's growth and the personal

growth of the employee (Anjum, 2021). Thus, both individual and organizational

performance aspects are equally significant. Based on this, we propose a conceptual

framework for future research, illustrated in Figure 2 that follows.

Categories of Police
1) Public Safety Operation –
includes search, rescue and
operations, fire drill,
earthquake drills and similar
operations that
promote public safety.
2) Law Enforcement
Operation – includes service
of warrant of arrest,
implementation of search
warrant, enforcement of
visitorial powers of
the Chief, Philippine National
Police and Unit Commanders,
Drugs Operation, Anti-
Gambling Operations and
other similar
operations that are conducted
to enforce laws, statutes,
orders and ordinances.
3) Internal Security Operation
– includes counter-insurgency
counter terrorist operations and
similar operations that are
to ensure internal security
4) Special Police Operation –
includes checkpoint operation,
operation, civil disturbance
management operation and
similar police
operations that are conducted by
police units with specialized
on the peculiarity of the mission
or purpose.
5) Intelligence Operation -
includes surveillance
operation, counter
intelligence and other similar
police intelligence operation
to gather information related to
security, public safety and
6) Investigation Operation –
includes investigation of crime
or incident
and other similar investigative
work necessary to determine
facts and
circumstances for filing cases
criminally or administratively.
7) Scene of the Crime
Operation – includes the
processing of crime
scene, technical and forensic
examination of evidence and
0scientific investigative
Categories of Police Operations
1) Public Safety Operation – includes search, rescue and retrieval operations, fire
drill, earthquake drills and similar operations that promote public safety.
2) Law Enforcement Operation – includes service of warrant of arrest,
implementation of search warrant, enforcement of visitorial powers of the Chief,
Philippine National Police and Unit Commanders, Anti-Illegal Drugs Operation, Anti-
Gambling Operations and other similar operations that are conducted to enforce
laws, statutes, executive orders and ordinances.
3) Internal Security Operation – includes counter-insurgency operations, counter
terrorist operations and similar operations that are conducted to ensure internal security
4) Special Police Operation – includes checkpoint operation, roadblock operation,
civil disturbance management operation and similar police operations that are
conducted by police units with specialized training on the peculiarity of the mission or
5) Intelligence Operation - includes surveillance operation, counter intelligence and
other similar police intelligence operation conducted to gather information related to
security, public safety and order.
6) Investigation Operation – includes investigation of crime or incident and other similar
investigative work necessary to determine facts and circumstances for filing cases
criminally or administratively.
7) Scene of the Crime Operation – includes the processing of crime scene,
technical and forensic examination of evidence and similar 0scientific investigative

Patrol Guidelines
1. Observe precautionary
measures and personal safety
while on
2. Observe defensive driving
and follow traffic rules and
3. Select routes which provide
best visibility.
4.Patrol members must be
always on the look-out for
indications of
vices and other illegal activities
on their beat.
5. Patrol members must be
knowledgeable of all
conditions, events,
and details of places on their
6. Be observant of people,
places, situations, or
conditions and
develop a suspicious attitude
especially if the subject
appears to be
slightly out of the ordinary.
7.Keep under close
observation actions of
troublemakers/agitators, and the
mentally ill/retarded persons.
8. Be familiar, as much as
possible, with known
residing in or frequenting the
patrol beat.
9. Be familiar with stay-in
employees of business
establishments on
your beat;
10. Be on the alert for loiterers.
11. Keep watch on uninhabited
12. Observe the practice of
"shaking doors of unguarded
establishments during night
patrol. Check for signs of
13. Establish good rapport with
the people on your beat.
Patrol Guidelines
1. Observe precautionary measures and personal safety while on patrol;
2. Observe defensive driving and follow traffic rules and regulations;
3. Select routes which provide best visibility.
4. Patrol members must be always on the look-out for indications of vices and
other illegal activities on their beat.
5. Patrol members must be knowledgeable of all conditions, events, and details of
places on their beat.
6. Be observant of people, places, situations, or conditions and develop a
suspicious attitude especially if the subject appears to be slightly out of the
7. Keep under close observation actions of juveniles, troublemakers/agitators, and the
mentally ill/retarded persons.
8. Be familiar, as much as possible, with known criminals/ex-convicts residing in or
frequenting the patrol beat.
9. Be familiar with stay-in employees of business establishments on your beat;
10. Be on the alert for loiterers.
11. Keep watch on uninhabited homes.
12. Observe the practice of "shaking doors of unguarded business establishments
during night patrol. Check for signs of intrusion.
13. Establish good rapport with the people on your beat.

14. Develop contacts by getting

to know as many people as
who can give factual
information about crime
conditions on the patrol
15. Use tact and
persuasiveness when
conducting spot inquiry or
questioning individuals for
16. When requiring
identification from a
suspicious person or any
individual, avoid taking the
wallet or bag in which the
cards/documents are placed. Let
the individual remove and hand
to you;
17. When checking suspicious
persons, places, buildings/
establishments and vehicles
especially during night time, be
to use your service firearm.
Flashlight should be held tightly
away from
the body to avoid making you
possible target; and
18. Patrol members should
avoid loitering in theaters,
restaurants and
other recreational place
14. Develop contacts by getting to know as many people as possible who can give
factual information about crime conditions on the patrol beat;
15. Use tact and persuasiveness when conducting spot inquiry or questioning
individuals for information;
16. When requiring identification from a suspicious person or any individual, avoid
taking the wallet or bag in which the cards/documents are placed. Let the individual
remove and hand them to you;
17. When checking suspicious persons, places, buildings/ establishments and vehicles
especially during night time, be prepared to use your service firearm. Flashlight should
be held tightly away from the body to avoid making you possible target; and
18. Patrol members should avoid loitering in theaters, restaurants and other recreational

PNP civic assistance refers to the involvement of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in
providing support and assistance to the community in various non-law enforcement
activities. This includes engaging in initiatives that promote public safety, community
development, and social welfare. The operational definition of PNP civic assistance
involves activities such as disaster response and relief operations, medical missions,
environmental conservation efforts, traffic management assistance, and community
outreach programs. These activities aim to enhance the relationship between the police
and the community, foster trust, and contribute to the overall well-being and
development of the society.

Organizational effectiveness refers to the extent to which an organization achieves its

goals and objectives efficiently and successfully. It is a measure of how well an
organization utilizes its resources, implements strategies, and adapts to changes in its
internal and external environment to accomplish its mission. The operational definition
of organizational effectiveness involves assessing various factors, such as productivity,
profitability, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, innovation, and overall
performance. It also considers the organization's ability to meet stakeholder
expectations, maintain a competitive advantage, and sustain long-term success.
Achieving organizational effectiveness requires effective leadership, strategic planning,
efficient processes, strong communication, and continuous improvement efforts.

Numerical Ranking Scale Range Descriptive Rating

4 3.26-4.00 Very Serious (VS)

3 2.51-3.25 Serious (S)
2 1.76-2.50 Less Serious (LS)
Numerical Ranking Scale Range Descriptive Rating

4 3.26-4.00 Highly Recommended (HR)

3 2.51-3.25 Recommended (R)
2 1.76-2.50 Less Recommended (LR)
1 1.00-1.75 Not Recommended (NR)
Numerical Ranking Scale Range Descriptive Rating

5 4.50-5.00 All of the Time

4 3.50-4.49 Most of the Time

3 2.50-3.49 Some of the Time

2 1.50-2.49 A Little of the Time

I’d like a job where I can try out my own ideas
I like working1 with agreeable and friendly co-workers
1.00-1.49 None of the Time with whom I could form

Working in an environment that is lively and fun

I like having work hours that are convenient in my personal life

I like doing work that I find interesting, exciting and engaging

I like doing work that provides change and variety in work activities
I like working where recognition is given for a job well done

I like doing work that provides you with a personal sense of achievement in
your accomplishments.

I like doing work that allows for a lot of social interaction

I like doing work that allows you to help other people

The correct work-life balance is likely to change over time and while people

struggle to create a situation that enables employees to incorporate their personal or

family life, the employees must find means of creating the best work-life balance for

themselves. When employers allow workers to work in flexible conditions, they improve

the lives of the employees by providing the best work-life balance for being productive

at work. The current outlook of parenting means that more parents and particularly

fathers would like to be able to work in a flexible environment so that they can spend
some time with their families and be more active in raising their children. Flexibility is

important for those who provide care for them to balance their responsibilities to provide

care with their employment.

Questions are being raised regarding the conventional explanations of what must

be done to succeed in the corporate world. Many people particularly employees have

come to the realization that they want to get involved with their families having to give

up their advancement opportunities or their income. For many employees’ lives, time

has become the new currency and they require more of it. It is exciting for those who

know how to spare time for their families and still grow in their career. However, a

majority of employees are forced to make tough decisions regarding their life. As the

discussions about work-life balance increases, organizations as well as individuals must

recognize and pay attention to these vital issues. Currently, when candidates are

choosing the organization to work for, their main consideration is whether the

organization allows their workers to concentrate on a balance between their work and

their personal lives. Individuals should find ways to create the correct balance between

their work and life.

It is crucial for police

institutions to prioritize the
balance between professional
and personal lives of their
members to ensure optimal
mental and physical well-being.
Efforts to
bolster work-life balance can be
achieved through the
implementation of flexible
working hour
policies, se tting realistic job
expectations, and providing
sufficient psychological
Facing the challenges of
work-life balance, police
institutions should adopt
grounded in theories identified
by researchers Kaushal and
Parmar (2019). One approach
can be embraced is the
integrative model of work-
life balance. This model
recognizes the
intricate, reciprocal relationship
between professional duties and
personal life. Hence, the police
force should emphasize work
schedule flexibility, allowing
personnel to manage their time
effectively between professional
tasks and family time.
Moreover, it is vital for
police institutions to
implement the concept of
enrichment. In this theory,
Kaushal and Parmar (2019)
underline the significance of
social and
organizational support in
fostering a better work-life
balance. Police institutions
should establish
a supportive working
environment where team
members feel emotionally
and practically
supported by colleagues and
leadership. Initiatives such
as employee wellness
psychological counseling, and
stress management training can
assist in addressing pressures
could disturb this balance.
When integrating these theories,
police organizations must
ensure that applied policies
and practices focus not only on
professional tasks but also
recognize the personal needs of
personnel. In doing so, police
institutions can forge a balance
between work productivity and
personal life quality, allowing
team members to make optimal
contributions while maintaining
their well-being.
Based on the above discourse,
we synthesize that factors
affecting work-life balance can
be categorized into three main
a. Demographic factors
encompassing gender, age,
marital status, and educational
b. Work-related factors
including workload, reward
system, job stress, promotion,
role, working
hours, initiatives taken by the
organization, job
professionalism, and quality of
work life, and
weekend assignments.
c. Personal-related factors such
as emotional intelligence,
social background, sleep
opportunities for family
gatherings, and leisure hours.
These three aspects can
influence the quality of work-
life balance among police
Therefore, efforts to address a
lack of work-life balance should
aim to foster self-development,
boosting individual and
organizational performance.
This equilibrium is essential
as an
individual's optimal
performance is crucial for
any organization's growth
and the personal
growth of the employee
(Anjum, 2021). Thus, both
individual and organizational
aspects are equally significant.
Based on this, we propose a
conceptual framework for
research, illustrated in Figure 2
that follows.

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