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eee ceenecanen onsale Food safety is relevant for: 2 points © Consumers only © Customers only © Marketing only 2 Manufacturing The public health nursing performing 2 points school health educated the staff and students on: JD tion hygiene © Teaching ethics © Learning ethics © physical education The midwife explained that adequate 2 points lighting and ventilation: QL ernances recovery © helps health workers only © keep strong odour in the ward F2 © improve client appetite for food | ————————_—_—_—__ The nurse advised the patient that — 2 points left over food should be: © Covered CG Heated The general function of nutrients Zpoints includes the following except: CO Helps in elimination © Needs in large quantities © Needs in small quantity D Prevent too much body growth Keeping the fridge clean ensure that: 2 points © Food is free from contamination © Food can be eaten directly © Food is safe from cockroaches | n D Food can safely be stored under zero degrees \ EE \ ~~" re Se ) Keeping the fridge clean ensure that: 2 points © Foods free from contamination © Food can be eaten directly O Foods safe from cockroaches Food can safely be stored under zero degrees National Policy on health help with: —_— 2 points QD Primordial Prevention O secondary Prevention O Tertiary Prevention O Primary prevention Food safety is relevant for: 2 points © consumers only © customers only O Marketing only @ Manufacturing The following are important in food borne disease except: points © Definition © causes © Diagnosis O Rest/sleep Educating patient on their disease 2 points condition will help achieve SDG: fi 4 Os O« O7 The people at risk of disease are: 2 points os Extreme of age © Young adult © Adolescent | p O Adults | Se The people at risk of disease are: 2 points Se Extreme of age O Young adult O Adolescent © Adutts The role of the health care worker 2 points will be to: CE Ensure proper disposal of waste in the market Allow visitors to empty the waste bin oO Put patient in-charge of the cleaning in the ward Direct the proper disposal of waste The nurse advised the patient that 2 poms left over food should be: Hospital policy to provide canteen 2ponts services for patient helps in achieving sustainable development goal: © soe O soe3 O-sos 2 © spe1 Dr Akoto decided toamputate the 2 points patient with infected big toe nail as a: DO Tertiary prevention © Secondary prevention © Primary prevention © Primordial prevention The lab technician confirmed the 2 points diagnosis as malaria to help with: O Tertiary prevention D Secondary prevention O Primary prevention The lab technician confirmed the 2 points diagnosis as malaria to help with: Oo Tertiary prevention © secondary prevention O Primary prevention O Primordial prevention a The patient Was encouraged to do the following to help the Prevention except; 2points Primary © Eating weit batance diet Oo Exercising regularly © drinking enough water oO Taking his prescribed Medication The following are important in Food 2 points | borne disease except: © efinition O causes ga O Diagnosis Per tH (leep The individual can get infected through: S& onitce EO intact skin O Hair O Palm The sustainable development goal 2 pots that encourage the nurse to involve other specialty is © so61 © sp6 10 O soc3 © SDG 17 The dietician advised the client on 2 points improved plan diet. This is to achieve sDG @s po’ ————_ em” ¢ The sustainable development goal 2 points that encourage the nurse to involve other specialty is © soe1 © sp610 © soe3 Q soe17 The dietician advised the client on improved plan diet. This is to achieve SDG O 3 O4 Os O« 2 points Hospital policy to provide canteen services for patient helps in achieving sustainable development goal: 2 points O soe4 Mr Abu handled his food im, leading proper © g004 health © g004 life © Wellness © Poisoning Food contamination occurs during the following except: © Transporting © Harvesting O Storing B Heating Health promoters ensure healthful living by following except: O Advocacy © Research © Advising FES speaking points 2points 2 points Health promoters ensure healthful living by following except: 2 points O Advocacy © Research oO Advising & speaking The nurse use the electronic datato 2 Points Feport patient Well-being through the: & imernet oO Whatsapp O Facebook © twitter The individual can through: Q Orifice © intact skin n O hair get infecteq 2 points, ee Of! Loe 4S a a Fruits and vegetables should be washed with: 2 points © Cold water © Hot water of Tape water © Water ina container The following could reduce morbidity 2 points and mortality from food borne illness except: QD impatient while handling food © improve decontamination © enhanced personal hygiene © proper food handling WHO ensure safe food through 2 points o adequate food handling by consumers © poor safe practice at the food factory © unhygienic food vendor control Electrical fluctuation at the cold store operators © adequate food handling by consumers © poor safe practice at the food factory © unhygienic food vendor control Electrical fluctuation at the cold store © cpertors The practice of Properly chilling and 2 points cleaning is: O Food decorations o Food hygiene oO Food promotion O Food safety Mr Abu handled his fo, od improper leading 2 points oO 900d health © avd tite O Weltness na gp Poisoning ee 7 Bacterium found in seafood is 2 points Q salmonella O Shigella © Staphylococci © Bactericidal The nurse explained that dehydration 2 points is evident by the following except: p Dizziness © Excessive thirst wreet & Frequent urination ~ ‘*" © Lethargy Food borne disease symptoms last 2 points for CO 2Zhours O 24hours PD 72 hours © Few hours S—S—S———_—_—_ Le Food borne disease symptoms last 2 points for oO 2 hours. © 2hours | & 72hours oO Few hours Severe dehydration can lead to: 2 points © organ damage O Tissue healing © cen regeneration O Fever Fruits and vegetables sh, Ould be 2 points Washed with: © cold water © Hot water © Tape water © waterina container a Pes Re] The method of health education that 2 points accept exchange of ideas is © four way O three way Q ‘two way © one way The four levels of disease Prevention, 2 points © Primary prevention oO Secondary prevention O Tertiary Prevention © Global prevention The nurse explained that cooking food at right length and time: rin Pathogens © estroy poisons 2 points © Spread germs O prevent food a —S The nurse explained that cooking 2 points food at right length and time: it Q Kill pathogens i} © destroy poisons © Spread germs © prevent food Itis most common, costly and 2points Preventable public health Problem: gd Food borne disease O Food hygiene © Food safety © Food wasting Bacterium found in Seafood is Q Salmonella O Shigella | © suphytococes | Wa O Bactericidas 2 points The nurse re-enforce health Promotion during admission of Patient by: Q educating on early ambulation O Keeping the Patient way from eliminating O promoting unhygienic habits oO allowing the patient to eat food of his choice The following are relevant in disease 2 points causation except oO economic factors © social factors O physical factors O biological factors Effective health promotion canbe —_2points achieved by: © abusing nutrition practice CO keeping to yourself, your illness a CO providing health services A tng 73 LY , | Effective health promotion can be 1 achieved by: © abusing nutrition Practice © keeping to yourself, your illness | | © providing health services | Q educating teachers on health Basic Principle of health Promotion requires the nurse to: 2 points © show kindness to everyone w Continue educating the public on health atplaces © demand better working conditions © Report early to Work to save life The method of health educai accept exchange of ideas is © four way oO three way FES two way . tion that. 2 points The patient in the isolation unit was advised to wear Nose mask to; points AJ Protect herself © Maintain Tespiratory hygiene © improve respiratory hygiene © Contain and sustain hygiene Health promotion involve the 2 points following except: © Health protection oO Health prevention O Health education CO Health maintenance Feedback can be affected by: 2 points © accurate evaluation ©O emotional reaction O specific results FBO clarity of information —_—_—_— Ce 005 © Feedback can be affected by: 2 points & accurate evaluation © emotional reaction O specific results © clarity of information The process of enabling People to control their health Was directed by © oau 10 © unicer O aovra 2 points The nurse re-enforc Promotion durin Patient by: € health 2 points 9 admission of @ educating on early ambulation oO Keeping the Patient way from eliminating n oO Promoting unhygienic habits The nurse properly write reports on 2 points critically ill and recovering patient: E>} for continuity of care © toimpress the in-charge OE to facilitate ward rounds O© for matron to mark According to the public health Zpoints | nursing student, to make your communication rich the following must be considered except: O anticipating the effect of the communication being knowledgeable about her own attitude being mindful of the characters of the production and channel choice O O ‘receiver 2 The nurse would wear nose mask 2points during education of the patient at the OPD to: ne a ae NS TT The nurse would wear nose mask 2 points during education of the Patient at the OPD to: vot Prevent getting infected of the disease © contain the infectious agent © spread the information on covip-19 © managed the Spread of the disease The decision for Ghanaians to wear 2 points Nose mask is: © Tertiary prevention © Secondary prevention © Primary prevention SD Primordia Prevention The patient in the isolation unit was advised to wear nose mask to: Opa herself © Maintain respiratory hygiene points KAO improve fespiratory hygiene el Kindly write your name Food should be: ZF Served while hor O Eaten while cooking © Enjoyed when cold © Open when hot The nurse accurately document professional actions to: @ protect the health of patient. = CO sustain the nursing profession © maintain relationship with family © ensure critical ill receive care The nurse Indicated at the clinical conference that the key elements of communication used In the ward Includes the following except: 2 points Ls The nurse indicated at the clinical 2 points conference that the key elements of communication used in the ward includes the following except: © Nurses notes © Mail boxes D Notice board CO Filling reports The midwife orientate new staff and 2 points those reassigned to new roles to: oO improve health of patient © ensure active roles of staff © protect patient from harm © sustain patient health The nurse properly write reports on 2 points critically ill and recovering patient: (& for continuity of care © to impress the in-charge HBO to facilitate ward rounds

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