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The 25 articles of religion is the foundational framework of the Methodist faith. It was

prepared by the Methodism Founder John and essentially a short form of 39 articles of the church of

England. With this article of religion, The United Methodist Church shares a great deal with other

denominations that's why, as a part of the United Methodist Church, we should explore what we

believe about God, about Jesus, about the Holy Spirit, about the Bible, and more.

Sometimes, we claimed that we are Methodist, but we do not know what we believe, we do

not know how to explain what Methodist is all about, we do not know our own doctrine. What If

someone were to ask a member of your congregation or to us, “What is a United Methodist,” what

would you want them to say? Or not say? We usually do not stop to think about what congregants

may say as individuals, but when they talk about their church and faith, their conversations can have

positive or negative effects. So, as a Methodist, we should learn and study this article 1 to 4 of our

united Methodist church, so we can know how to defend our faith. We should learn what we mean

when we talk about God, about Jesus, the holy spirit, the bible, as well as eternal life, death and

resurrection and also how we serve people around the world, and ways we grow as disciples of Jesus


As a pastor of United Methodist Church and in a specific congregation, we should know what

the difference of our doctrine to the doctrine of other denomination. We cannot say, "the knowledge

that God gave me is limited, so this is all i know" if we do not know how to answer. It seems like we

are also limiting God's power to provide you wisdom. As a Methodist pastor, we should have faith

seeking the truth, that’s why we never stop learning and that’s why we are studying those doctrines

to help also our congregation to learn and remember basic knowledge about The United Methodist

Church and Christian faith especially the 25 articles of religion that will help them answer questions

enthusiastically and honestly while creating an opportunity for growing spiritually and forming a

deeper relationship with God.

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