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Universitatea „Nicolae Titulescu” din București

Facultatea de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor

Nume: Stoica (Pop) Bianca
Anul 1-Grupa AA.1.1.02(IF in regim ID)

Tema de control 2

5.5. Skills focus: Argumentative essay

Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that
advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one.

Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. You should write between 300 and 350 words.

Advertising: positive and negative aspects

In my opinion, I think that advertising has both positive and negative aspects, but it is very
important to remember that nowadays, we couldn’t live without advertisement.

In the first place, I agree with the people that say that advertising is a positive part of our life
because, without advertisements, we couldn’t find out so quickly about some new things that appeared
on the market. For example, when you want to buy an apartment, it is very important to know all the
things that a bank can offer to you, and you can discover that by writing on Google just the name of the
bank, and there will be appear a lot of advertisement materials related to your specific need. For
instance, on TV, there are adverts in which vouchers are offered for some domestic appliances, such as
refrigerators or dishwashers, if you bring your old domestic appliance, you will receive an amount of
money in order to buy a new one. Advertising shortens “the distance” between the salesperson and the
client, the seller can address to a large number of potential customers in a short time.

In the second place, I agree with the people that say that advertising is a negative part of our life
because, advertisements can determine you to buy things that you don’t really need. Another example
is the following: I don’t like the fact that, when I watch a video clip on YouTube, there are always a lot
of adverts that interrupt the video that I want to watch, it is quite annoying. For instance, if you search
for a book on Google, and then you want just to read a news, you won’t be able to do that, because a lot
of advertisements related to that book that you have searched will pop up, and this thing will drive you

In conclusion, I believe that advertising is quite an important positive part of our life, because
we can discover new technology, new stuff that can make our lives easier. But, on the other hand, it can
be a negative part of our life, because advertisements interrupt us while watching a movie, a football
match, and so on.

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