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Quiz 1: Drysuit Diving Basics

What is a drysuit in scuba diving?

a. A wetsuit with a hood
b. A suit that keeps the diver completely dry
c. A lightweight suit for warm water diving
d. A suit designed for snorkeling

Why would a diver choose to use a drysuit instead of a wetsuit?

a. To stay cool in warm water
b. To increase buoyancy
c. To stay dry and warm in cold water
d. To improve swimming speed

What is the primary purpose of the drysuit's neck and wrist seals?
a. To provide comfort
b. To prevent water from entering the suit
c. To enhance flexibility
d. To improve visibility

How is buoyancy controlled in a drysuit?

a. By adjusting the tank pressure
b. Using integrated weights
c. Inflating and deflating the drysuit's air valve
d. By adjusting the dive computer settings

What is the recommended way to equalize air in the drysuit during descent?
a. Open the neck seal
b. Inflate the drysuit fully
c. Use the dump valve
d. Add more weights to the weight belt

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