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Project Management

Predicting | Planning | Progress | Performance

Main benefits Ensures thoroughly control of deadlines and the provisioning of resources assigned to the projects at organization level; Accurately describes the progression and identifies the key events; Provides full control during the execution phase; Forecasts, plans and manages the budget based on history, models and targets; Tracks, coordinates and corrects by scenario method; Provides information about the project progress stages as tables and Gantt charts; Ensures features for risk management, document management or alerting in case of exceeding the costs, terms or time; Analyzes the contractors' performance via economic efficiency indicators (Earned Value and ROI-type analyses). Management benefits Provides unitary and structured insights for all the ongoing investments; Analyzes the results; Supports the decision basis by analyzing the alternatives; Allows finding the blind spots of the investments and making corrective decision in real-time. Project responsible/user benefits Automatically retrieves the information from the quotes/cost estimates programs; Keeps the history of investment execution, allowing to improve the processes based on the cumulated experience; Tracks down to the smallest detail the execution stage of the works and the settlements, and allows comparing the execution stage to the initial planning; Provides real-time information for fast and objective decisions; Builds "What If"-type analyses. Costs benefits Decreases the project execution time by 22-27%; Savings of 15% of the total cost of the project; Makes available completely assessed terms, costs and resources; Automatically matches the spent item quantities to the work's physical stage (the payments can be done depending on the achievements).

In 1995 we introduced in Romania the concept of project management through Primavera, the most used professional project management application worldwide. Nowadays we have a market share of over 90% and we are the only Romanian company having Oracle Platinum Partner status. Along with the expansion of investments in Romania, we constantly had in our minds to extend the range of software solutions dedicated to this segment, by developing competitive products and services that increase the coverage of Primavera system. However, based on the experience cumulated in the over 650 implementations of the system, we became the most skilled Romanian organization in providing consultancy and training services in project management field, regardless of the beneficiary's business field.

Primavera is the most powerful, robust and easy-touse solution for prioritizing, planning, managing and executing the projects and portfolios of an organization. The product is distributed and completed by solutions tailored to the local specificity and dynamic market needs. For achieving a maximum of efficiency in managing projects, we have developed a series of products comprising features that provide the organizations with a complete project management platform, able to support the targets up to the highest performance standards.

Primavera is the main component of a project management platform comprising Charisma Portfolio Management (a product developed by TotalSoft, dedicated to the management of works, projects and contracts, designed to minimize the risks by increasing the efficiency of the contracting process of the customer, provider or business partner), Primavera Risk Analysis (an application enabling an advanced risk analysis of the projects, thus improving their management) or other products in Primavera suite.

Primavera - international standard in project management Meeting the budget and deadlines of the projects executed by the organization directly reflects to its performance and success. In order to value as many business opportunities as possible, it is highly required to plan the projects to the smallest details, at low costs and during a shorter time period, without neglecting the quality of the outcome that has a direct impact upon the success and durability of the organization. Primavera was especially designed to support the project management of the most complex investments, thus becoming an international standard for managing this activity. Primavera takes into account the needs of an organization, being a real support in minimizing the risks identified within each project, by a powerful planning analysis, clear forecasting of costs and coordination between designers, contractors and beneficiaries. The system eases managing big scope projects by providing charts, project

The 4P
recommending Primavera
1. Predicting One of the factors conditioning the success of a project is forecasting all the situations could interfere with its execution by changing the desired flow. Primavera provides advanced forecasting and planning, collaboration, analysis with multiple reference projects and standardization across the projects by using the templates available in Methodology Manager. With Primavera, the organizations have the chance to continuously learn both from the mistakes and successes of each executed project, so that project managers can predict, based on previous experiences. Primavera allows managing projects regardless of their complexity, viewing the updated execution stages of the ongoing projects and the resources provisioned within them, enabling comparisons between the forecasted data and the actual situation, thus facilitating quick and documented implementation of decisions. 2. Planning Primavera has a rich and user-friendly interface for planning and controlling even the most complex projects. The system features Gantt charts, PERT network charts, resource and cost histograms, predefined filters specific to each field and preset report formats for providing a clear insight on the of each project. Additionally, Primavera also makes available a powerful report builder for easy generation of customized reports.

"From my point of view, in case of a refinery, the duration of a project involving operation downtime is the main element, because a single day of inactivity induces "lost profit opportunities" with very big values. Primavera helped us create an initial complete and extremely detailed planning, including all the activities related to each equipment or installation, and allowed us to efficiently manage the duration and the budget of the project."

Petrotel Lukoil
Aurel Mare Reliability Manager
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"Thanks to the "what if" analyses, I get an insight on the impact of an unwanted event, I can see the costs and effects of a financing discontinuation. If I can estimate a probability, I get a view upon what could happen."

Roxana Marciu Project Manager

3. Progress The system has features that enable easy integration with the contractor's planning, improving the communication within the project team and decreasing the risk by using the cost, time and value parameters. As the project progresses, the system allows identifying and analyzing the time reserve, the conditioning relations and the effects of discontinuations inevitably occurring during complex projects that are run over larger periods of time or unappropriately. The success of each project depends mainly on making the best managerial decision in certain crisis situations, such as: unavailability of a "driving" resource or the defective provisioning due to lack of communication between the project participants. In this context, Primavera is a comprehensive tool that eases the relationship with the contractor, stimulates the collaboration and provides the flexibility required for supporting the project teams. 4. Performance By highlighting the deadlines, the critical tasks and the resource requisition, Primavera provides project data consistency. The information made available by the reports are intended both to project managers, by providing an overview of the performance and efficiency recorded within each project, and the company's management, who benefits from a real support in the decisional process - best decisions with minimum effort and, especially, in due time. "OMV Petrom intended to align to the international project management principles accepted and used by other multinational companies. We wanted to apply a worldwide known concept that was still new in Romania; so, we needed both professionals and the right Project Management tools. Thus, we contacted TotalSoft that provided us with Primavera licenses, but also its expertise in project management field."

Umair Mir, Project Manager, Project of Oil Well Modernization

The new dimension

n Project Management
A business vision for the entire companys success Primavera provides a complete business overview in order to manage, control and plan projects of an organization, from the identification of a project opportunity, up to its completion. Primavera ensures: Selection n of adequate programs and projects for determining the appropriate investment strategy for the business expansion. Identification, prioritization and selection of the best opportunities for the company, based on risk tolerance and resource constraints; Quantification of risk projects by n determining the level of confidence of success projects and easily identifying contingencies. The risk analysis is based on the cost of raw materials, available labor, funded projects, projects proposed for regulation and new technology upgrades; Streamlining decision-making for all n projects: Primavera helps to align all the business projects and define their execution. The easily customizable screens present the project status, budget, perceived risk, changes in costs based on the latest information. It helps the company gain operational efficiency, effective planning, with control over the execution, expansion and maintenance. Users can easily view the projects progress through graphs and diagrams. Cost and performance monitoring: n Primavera provides a common database platform, especially conceived for a maximum visibility over performances of ongoing projects. Users can view both costs and key performance indicators. Multiple participants, multiple perspectives, a single database The beneficiaries, engineers, designers, planners, project managers, contractors and sub-contractors - all the participants responsible for the project completion need fast, efficient and real-time communication and collaboration for meeting the targets set by each of them. As a multi-user and multi-project system, Primavera provides centralized access to all the project information to multiple users in the same time. By integrating with the Web, server-client and desktop features, Primavera becomes a solution meant to satisfy the needs, responsibilities and requirements of every project team member.

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Easy communication The practice proved that the difficult moments in executing projects usually appear when the team members do not succeed to communicate quickly, efficiently and targeted. This is especially due to their failure to analyze via Web, which would eliminate the distance between the collaborators and the incapacity to discuss in critical moments requiring to make a fast decision. With its features, Primavera reduces the probability of misunderstandings to occur, by making available data about all the ongoing projects, from summary information required by the top management, up to detailed information for each team member. In this way, the system enables a clear and comprehensive view of the information within the whole team.

Information by different hierarchical levels The project managers use Primavera to easily plan the projects, to run analyses on reference projects, to understand the progress of the project, to schedule resources, to consolidate the contractor's planning and to eventually initiate and manage the projects using the templates in the system. Because the project information is accessible via Web and Palm, every team member has the opportunity to receive and reply to the latest tasks. The top management needs information related to project profitability any time during project execution. The managers can balance the initial budgets and the actual costs by topdown budgeting and bottom-up cost control. The beneficiary must know at any time and any moment the status of his/her projects and must have the possibility to collaborate with the project managers to get the answers regarding the completion dates of his/her projects. Primavera facilitates the most important thing needed in the relationship with the customer, providing continuous information to the beneficiary. The contractors/sub-contractors need to communicate with the project team members in order to understand the tasks within each project, via task lists or clear specifications.

a comprehensive suite

Primavera Project Management Professional (desktop version) & Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (Web version)
Efficient planning and control of big scope projects Project Manager provides managers with the tools required for easy and fast planning and control of the projects. Featuring advanced options of modeling the projects and resources in any situation, Project Manager helps the project managers to create optimal schedules and to quickly analyze the impact of changing the availability of resources, prioritizing the activities and constraints related to the completion date of the project. In order to minimize the project size, one could use the steps enabling to breakdown the activities, each of them having a weight, a completion percentage and additional indications. Project Manager provides the analysis easy-to -use tools for different project scenarios. With Project Manager, the project managers can also set up calendars at global, project or resource level, and to track the durations of the activities in the project up to a level of minutes. The project managers are able to control the detail level required for each report, include comments, steps for an activity, budgets, resource provisioning and match the reference documents at project level. Forecasting and minimizing the risks during
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he project The risk module included in Project Manager enables the project team to identify, capitalize and minimize the risks (delays due to unfavorable weather conditions, delays due to provisioning or complex works). The risks can be classified and their control plans can be included in the project. The risk analysis enables to prepare the project team for unpredicted situations by creating "what-if' scenarios, in order to determine the impact of the event causing the risk in terms of time and costs. Having available this information, the project managers can lag the potential risks and create in advance an appropriate strategy to reduce and control the risk. The project site Project Manager provides the possibility to create a Web page where the project team can access the information and publish the latest project schedules. Using an Internet browser, the team members, including the general contractors and sub-contractors, designers and beneficiaries, can view information related to the project status, such as: a situation for the next 60 days, graphical reports, summarized information related to the timeline and project costs.

"Think about a project of 30 million dollars, and we exceed the assigned budget with 10 -15 millions, because we considered that this does not seem to be too much, anyway. Obviously, this is not possible, because there are very big amounts and nobody could afford this thing. In other words, we have to meet the assigned budget for each single activity. And Primavera is a tool that allows one to keep the costs to a certain level, which means that one could reach the set up profit."

Cristi Neagu Project Manager

Web interface for the entire project team The Primavera web-enabled module offers real-time information, only by accessing a webpage, which provides the entire project team with detailed and centralized information, depending on the role of each team member. The projects dashboard contains vital statistics that help managers determine the best courses of action. By using this web application, the companys management team holds synthetic information about ongoing projects, while the performance indicators provide a realistic overview of the completion progress and productivity of each project. The greatest advantage of the application is the possibility to create, modify and update projects, introduce and allocate resources, as well as make decisions based on the above. Visualization of labor and material requisite Primavera Web allows a fast visualization of the updated material requisite. No matter if the over-assigned or under-assigned labor or material requisite are traced, project managers can quickly identify difficult periods with the help of histograms and tables. Simplified management of activities for a comprehensive control The list of activities available on the web offers the possibility to enter rapidly activities and resource allocations necessary

for the project completion. Much easier and more efficient project management By using Primaveras web interface, project managers can plan and manage their projects from anywhere and at anytime. With the help of the internet browser, these can define activity constraints, differences of the conditional relationships between activities, new project calendars and project calculation method. Methodology Manager Fast planning by using patterns Managing multiple projects depends mainly on the easiness, efficiency and rapidity of a project planning.

available with the latest Primavera version P6.R8

Oracle Universal Content Management + Oracle AutoVue for Primavera EPPM

(based on Oracle UCM and AutoVue)
It is the worlds best performing solution for document and website content management. The solution is complementary to the already existent applications within any organization. By means of a secured interface, based on roles and security models, Oracle UCM simplifies the publication, visualization, collaboration, versioning or retrieval of documents/ site content, ensuring that all published, distributed or pending for approval documents are safe and updated. Main benefits of the application: n match with any type of activity; it Perfect fits perfectly any type of industry; n It is integrated with any business application (e.g.: MS Office, OpenOffice etc.); n add content with only one Users can click; n Single location, single tool for all types of content: documents, website content, digital assets, incident registration etc.; n Performing optimization of the content to be stored and performing search of information; n Fast integration with any type of application (Hot-pluggable) due to a complete solution that needs no customization or additional developments; n to read over 200 files without Possibility the need to install specialized applications (by using Oracle AutoVue included in UCM package for Primavera).

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Oracle P6 ERDB Schema

(includes ODS, STAR & STAGE schemes for BI reports)
This application is used for storing all data related to Primavera Enterprise Portfolio Management (EPPM) in a unified database for portfolios, projects and/ or resources. The open architecture of the application (STAGE, ODS or STAR) allows users to create their own operational reports or BI analyses by using third-party reporting applications (BI Publisher). Although the analysis and reporting tools are natively included in Primavera PPM and EPPM, P6 ERDB, combined with Oracle BI Publisher or P6 Analytics, they allow a greater flexibility in the creation of custom reports for the executive management or project teams. The three database schemes (STAR, ODS and STAGE) play the role of structuring the information included in Primavera database (PMDB), in order to simplify the creation of PivotTable reports, OLAP cubes or different analysis data and dimensions that are specific to the BI analyses. STAR schemes schemes are included in the package as 4 types of databases that allow consolidated analysis of projects/portfolios. The detailed STAR scheme allows users to view project details such as planning, costs, allocated resources etc. in order to determine the current performance; the other 2 STAR schemes, related to project resources, allow users to discover new approaches to allocation capacity or resource requisite, necessary for the project completion. The last type of scheme, related to project history (Project History), allows users to perform multiple analysis summarized on projects/portfolios based on the companys best practices. The ODS schemes (Operational Data Store) are dedicated to operational reports and provide a detailed overview of projects, including hierarchies, time distribution, calendars, pre-calculated fields. ETL Processes (Extract, Transform & Load) ensure reporting quality and speed. These are automated processes that withdraw information from the Primavera production database (PMDB), pre-calculate it based on STAR types of schemes and make them available to reporting tools. ETL Processes can be scheduled to run at any time or frequency, according to specific business requirements of an organization.

Oracle P6 Analytics
(based on Oracle BI Publisher includes 1 defined Dashboard)
Oracle Primavera P6 Analytics is the business solution that brings valuable perspectives to Primavera P6 Enterprise Portfolio Project Management by helping users discover new trends, causes of different problems or cost forecasts. These help managers carry on projects with an increased efficiency and support them in making the best decisions. Oracle has acquired, over time, many years of best practices, performance indicators (KPI), reports and scorecards, as well as expertise, which have been implemented in all reports and dashboards supplied together with the application, for the immediate benefits of the best variance analysis and control methods, earned value and cost/time performance analyses. Main benefits of the application: n analyses, forecasts and trends Detailed for the companys portfolios and projects; n Quick identification of potential performance issues; n of one version of truth for Provision earned value analyses; n Customization of dashboards for the project team, project managers or executive/ top managers; n Better decisions for the project in question; n to download reports in any Possibility type of format for its easier use in offline project meetings or portfolio analysis or review meetings. Primavera P6 Analytics provides a customizable and easy-to-use BI interface for a direct impact upon project data (activities or WBS), as well as for identification and correction of areas containing errors. Thus, relevant aspects can be viewed, while the project performance can be greatly improved due to notification alerts, trends and forecasts. Primavera P6 Analytics provides warnings regarding areas with problems within the projects, allowing managers to take the best courses of action in order to maintain projects on the right track.

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Oracle P6 Workflows
(based on Oracle BPM Business Process Management and Oracle SOA Service Oriented Architecture)
Starting with version 8, Primavera uses the Unified Business Process Management (BPM) solution, which represents the basis for the creation of customized workflows dedicated to project, portfolio or resource management. All these workflows are visible on the interface of all Primavera Web users, being integrated in such a way that any P6 user may initiate, participate, escalate or monitor any project management process without leaving the interface they are familiar with. From the P6 interface, users can directly navigate the checking and control workflow processes. Main benefits of the integration with Oracle business process modules (Oracle BPM) are: nBPM provides endless Oracle possibilities to combine workflow processes for initiation, approval, collaboration, modification, escalation or controlling of each project/portfolio/program/resource feature; n The solution is scalable, from simple, linear workflows, up to complex ones with multiple conditioning, or flow returns, with an unlimited number of approval stages or steps; n In any workflow, users can set responsibility assignments, conditions, deadlines, data population in predefined fields; n be accessed directly from the Flows can P6 user interface.

Strengthen the performance

of Primavera

Oracle Primavera Contractor

Primavera Contractor is specially conceived to maintain a simple progress scheduling, reporting and planning of works executed within an organization. From the contractors point of view, the ability to perform an efficient and easy-to-understand scheduling is crucial. Primavera Contractor provides continuous communication between team members, updated and precise reports, maintaining thus, the agreed budget line. Main benefits of the application: n easy project planning and Quick and scheduling; n Identification of determinant relationships by using network diagrams; n easy creation of intuitive and Quick and customized graphics, including Gantt, previous charts and histograms; n and change management, as well Budget as project completion estimates.

Oracle Primavera Contract Management

Primavera Contract Management is an application dedicated to document and cost management, applicable in any business field. Thus, the projects meet the deadlines established, with an allocated budget thoroughly controlled. Managing a project implies a large group of people, from project managers, contract managers or division managers, up to subcontractors, architects, engineers, distributors and beneficiaries all of them struggling to collaborate in order to overcome potential problems or changes while managing contracts and documents. Controlling the project plan, budget and cost and outcome forecasts plays a crucial role in successfully completing the project, as well as in conducting the companys business in the future. Main benefits of the application: n of the contractors Visibility performance; n to make payments on time, Possibility avoiding thus, complaints; n Improvement of the teams collaboration, avoiding thus, contingencies; n management. Document

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Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management

(Pro Sight)
Oracle Primavera Portfolio Management is the leading software solution, which provides increased flexibility and maximum infrastructure for a companys portfolio management. With its unique features and unlimited configurability, the solution is ideal for managing any type of portfolios, from idea to execution. Its powerful security and interface makes it suit perfectly the collaboration between shareholders of a company. Main benefits of the application: n prioritization and alignment of Selection, initiatives in order to ensure goal achievement; n Understanding the impact of changes; n new initiatives to current Adding portfolios.

Oracle Primavera Earned Value Management

Integrated cost and earned value management Due to current legal standards and regulations, exerting a growing pressure to adopt stringent standards for cost and earned value, more and more organizations admit they need to incorporate an integrated management of costs and earned value in their project portfolio management solutions. By aligning and combining the information related to project performance from the companys graph and cost systems, by adding burdensome rate and increasing the involved costs, the companies can generate correct statistical estimates, in order to understand and communicate the project performance when they can still take correction measures. Primavera Earned Value Management provides extended cost and earned value management features, helping organizations manage in a better way their project costs, measure more accurately the earned value and analyze the budget, real costs, estimated costs and achieved costs. Primavera Earned Value Management part of an efficient project portfolio management process: Plans n aligns the project portfolio to the companys strategic objectives; Executes n completes projects faster and more efficiently, based on the alignment according to roles; Measures n measures accurately both graph costs and performance; Understands analyzes correctly and n efficiently and presents data related to project performance; Communicates increases the visibility n on projects due to an efficient communication with all shareholders; Repeats n adopts the best practices in order to ensure the project reiteration. Advantages of cost management Primavera Earned Value Management is perfect for companies facing the pressure to keep track and measure the performance of their entire project portfolio. Without a built-in module dedicated to the earned value, projects with issues may get out of control before someone actually refers to them and recognizes the existence of a real problem.

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"Primavera enables us to efficiently manage the projects in order to keep the project on the planned track. Thousands and billions of dollars are yearly spent worldwide on construction projects, and many of them provide a profit rate having one single digit, and this is the reason that it is critical for all the construction and design companies to control and increase the efficiency for: project costs, activity scheduling, provisioning, contracts and changes. A fortiori, I think that Primavera application proves to be useful in our field, of offshore constructions."

Grup Servicii Petroliere

Isabela Bucur, Planning engineer Offshore Construction Department

Oracle Primavera Cost Management

Aligns and n combines the information regarding costs and schedules in Primavera and other financial systems; Analyzes n the budget, actual costs, estimated costs and burdened costs, for their full control; Provides n visibility across the entire project portfolio via a single enterprise project structure; Easily links n the schedules in Primavera and other company's systems, via a flexible interface module; Shares nthe key information with other modules in Primavera, including myPrimavera; Includes n features of earned value analysis with an OLAP data cube, comprehensive reports and interactive charts. Primavera supports the performance measuring standards Allows ndetailed measuring and project cost modeling; Stores the n actual past values and future estimates in static fields for reporting; Unlimited n support for fiscal periods defined by users for storing resources, costs and values in the schedules; Support n for involved costs and complex tasks, for a complete insight on the costs; Models n the complex resource rates with escalating factor. Understanding the performance indicators and efficient communication with the stakeholders By means of extensive reports and graphical capabilities, Primavera enables cost managers to efficiently share the information across the organization. Handling n table data with the aid of OLAP data cube; Generating standard reports with the n report builder; Understanding and communicating the n actual stage of the projects with the aid of earned value charts; Sharing n data regarding the project performance with myPrimavera and earned value analysis tools.

Oracle Primavera Risk Analyzer

Risk Analyzer is a risk analysis solution for the entire project life. Integrating cost and time risk management, the solution provides comprehensive means for determining the confidence levels of the projects success, together with quick and easy techniques for determining the impact of a potential event and a risk response plan. Primavera Risk Analyzer is a decision support tool, for determining confidence levels of the project cost and success. The solution provides an objective perspective on costs and time planning uncertainty in case of risky events, as well as an efficient analysis of costs incurred by risk response plans. These two form the basis of adjusted planning of risk calculation that is about to become compulsory for planning and scheduling processes. Main benefits of the application: n Notifications on unacceptable levels of risk impacting project objectives, as well as warnings regarding possible improvements of forecasts; n Operational solutions for discovering, understanding, solving and managing opportunities and risks; n action testing for improving Strategy/ the objectives performance; n develop any accelerating Ability to initiative based on incurred benefits, afferent costs and level of uncertainity; n that can be used for risk and Models emergency diagnosis or monitoring, providing early notifications on significant threats and testing potential strategies and actions; n of useless and expensive Avoidance objective recovery measures.

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Hidroelectrica has an extremely ambitious investment plan, which will reach 3 billion Eur in the next 68 years, and will address both building new hydro, upgrading and modernization of current plants. The system developed by TotalSoft provides us with a full overview of all potential implications of a project, no matter the location, complexity, budget, resources, ensuring us the ability to make strategic decisions in real time.

Mihai David CEO

TotalSoft Headquarters Global City Business Park 10 Bucharest - Nord Street Building O2, 8th Floor, Voluntari, llfov County Romnia P: +4021 335 17 09 F: +4021 335 17 12 E: W: W:

TotalSoft Greece 7 Papadiamantopoulou Str. (4th floor) 115 28 Athens, Greece P: +30 210 72 00 082 F: +30 210 7253 511 E: W: W:

TotalSoft Bulgaria 11 Maria Louisa Blvd, Sofia, Bulgaria P: +359 2 9239 564 F: +359 2 9239 560 E: W: W:

TotalSoft Qatar Commercial Bank Plaza, West Bay, Level 15 P.O Box 200348, Doha, Qatar P: +974 44 52 83 97 F: +40 21 335 1712 E: W: W:

TotalSoft 2011

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