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Finalised Draft Part B: Knowledge of the importance of Waste Minimisation &

Recycling Resources/Waste

1. Do you have any knowledge about the 3R concept?/ Adakah anda mempunyai pengetahuan
mengenai konsep 3R?

● Yes, I had the knowledge since before COVID-19. / Ya. saya mempunyai
pengetahuan semenjak sebelum COVID-19.
● Yes, I have had the knowledge since after COVID-19. / Ya. saya mempunyai
pengetahuan semenjak selepas COVID-19.
● No, I have no knowledge of it. /Tidak, saya tidak mempunyai pengetahuan

2. 3R stands for ? / 3R bermaksud….

● Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

● Reuse, Reduce, and Remake
● Remake, Remove, and Redeem
● Remove, Remake, and Recycle

3. Are there any recycling or waste removal programs in your area? /Adakah program berkaitan
kitar semula atau program pembuangan sisa di kawasan anda?

● Yes, there is since before COVID-19. /Ya, ada semenjak sebelum COVID-19.
● Yes, there is since after COVID-19 / Ya, ada semenjak selepas COVID-19.
● No, there’s no programs. /Tiada

4. What are your main sources of information on waste minimisation & recycling?
/Apakah sumber maklumat utama anda mengenai pengurangan sisa dan kitar semula?

● Newspaper/Magazines / Surat khabar/Majalah

● Radio/TV / Radio/TV
● Billboards / Papan iklan
● Social media / Media sosial
● Education from school/ Pendidikan dari sekolah
● Peers /Rakan sebaya
● Lain-lain ________
5. In your opinion, is waste minimisation and waste recycling the same thing? / Pada
pandangan anda, adakah pengurangan sisa dan pengitaran semula sisa adalah dua benda yang
● Yes /Ya
● No /Tidak
● I’m not sure/ Tidak pasti

6. On average, how aware of you that these following activities will produce waste/Secara
purata, adakah anda sedar bahawa aktiviti berikut akan menghasilkan sisa
Activities Strongly Unaware Aware/ Strongly
unaware/ /Tidak Sedar aware/
Sangat Sedar Sangat
Tidak Sedar

i. Panic buying/Pembelian panik

ii. Food delivery/Penghantaran makanan

iii. Online Shopping/Pembelian dalam talian

iv. Disposal of used mask/Pembuangan

topeng muka yang telah digunakan
7. How would you rate the increase of your waste during COVID-19 compared to before?
Bagaimanakah anda menilai kadar penghasilan sisa semasa COVID-19 berbanding dahulu?

(Tick only 1 choice/ Pilih 1 sahaja)

Reduced Reduced/ No changes/ Increased/ Increased
significantly/ Berkurang Tiada perubahan Meningkat significantly/
Menurun Meningkat
mendadak mendadak

8. Do you know that wastes need to be seperated? /Adakah anda mengetahui bahawa sisa
bahan buangan perlu di asingkan?

● Yes/Ya
● No/Tidak

9. Which of the following items can be recycled? /Antara berikut, yang manakah boleh dikitar

● Glass/kaca
● Plastic/Plastik
● Food packaging/Bungkusan makanan
● Paper/Kertas
● Metals/Logam
● Electrical waste/ Sisa elektrik

10. What do you think happens to our environment when we are able to manage the household
waste/litter? /Apakah yang akan terjadi kepada alam sekitar apabila kita dapat mengurus sisa
rumah dengan bijak?

● Ease to dispose the waste / Kemudahan untuk penghapusan sisa

● Free from pollution/ Bebas dari pencemaran
● Not sure/ Tidak pasti

Group Papar’s Draft

1. Do you have any knowledge about the 3R concept?/ Adakah anda mempunyai
pengetahuan mengenai konsep 3R?

● Yes, I had the knowledge since before COVID-19.

● Yes, I have had the knowledge since after COVID-19.
● No, I have no knowledge of it.

2. 3R stands for ? / 3R bermaksud….

● Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

● Reuse, Reduce, and Remake
● Remake, Remove, and Redeem
● Remove, Remake, and Recycle

3. Are there any recycling or waste removal programs in your area?

● Yes, there is since before COVID-19

● Yes, there is since after COVID-19
● No, there’s no programs.

4. Do you know that wastes need to be seperated? /Adakah anda mengetahui bahawa sisa
bahan buangan perlu di asingkan?

● Yes/No Ya/Tidak

5. Does recycling make your daily routine easier / Adakah kitar semula memudahkan rutin
harian anda ?

● Yes / Ya
● Maybe / Mungkin
● No / Tidak
6. I know that by practicing the 3Rs, it can protect the environment, conserve limited
resources, save energy and reduce space for waste disposal facilities.
Saya tahu dengan mempraktikkan konsep 3R, alam sekitar dapat dilindungi dan dapat
menjimatkan ruang pelupusan sampah.

● Yes/No Ya/Tidak

7. Which of the following best describes your reason for recycling / Pernyataan manakah
yang menghuraikan alasan anda mengitar semula ?

● Environmentally aware / Kesedaran alam sekitar

● Not enough space in the waste bin / Lebih muatan tong sampah
● Reuse of material items / Penggunaan semula bahan
● I am paying for the service / Membayar perkhidmatan tersebut

8. What material do you recycle / Apakah bahan yang anda kitar semula ?
● Paper / Kertas
● Glass / Kaca
● Plastic / Plastik
● Tin / Tin

9. Which of the following is the correct recycling practice / Antara berikut manakah amalan
kitar semula yang betul?
● Identify the waste according to its type / Memisahkan sisa buangan mengikut
● When recycling a plastic bottle, one should leaves the caps on / Apabila mengitar
semula botol plastik, tutup botol hendaklah dibiarkan tetap terpakai
● Not placing the rechargeable batteries in the trash or recycling bins / Tidak
meletakkan betri yang boleh dicas semula ke tong sampah atau tong kitar
● All above / Semua yang di atas

10. How does recycling have a positive impact on the environment / Bagaimanakah kitar
semula memberi kesan positif kepada alam sekitar?

● Reduce pollution / Mengurangkan pencemaran

● Save energy / Menjimatkan penaga
● Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases / Mengurangkan pelepasan gas rumah
● All above / Semua yang di atas

11. What is your main source of information about recycling/3R? /Apakah sumber maklumat
utama anda mengenai konsep 3R?

● Newspaper/Magazines / Surat khabar/Majalah

● Radio/TV / Radio/TV
● Billboards / Papan iklan
● Social media / Media sosial
● Education from school/ Pendidikan dari sekolah
● Neighbours /Friends /Jiran / Kawan-kawan
Group Kota Kinabalu’s Draft

1)Based on your understanding, which of the following items categorized as solid

waste?/Berdasarkan pengetahuan anda, yang manakah antara berikut dikategorikan sebagai
sisa pepejal?

A. Glass/kaca

B. plastic /plastik

C. food packaging/bungkusan makanan

D. paper/kertas

E. metals/logam

F. electrical waste/sisa elektrik

2)Which of the following items can be recycle?/Antara berikut, yang manakah boleh dikitar

A. Glass/kaca

B. plastic

C. food packaging

D. paper

E. metals

F. electricals

3)How frequent do you recycle reusable waste such as plastic bag, glass bottle?/Berapakah
kekerapan anda mengitar semula sisa kitar semula seperti beg plastic, botol kaca?

A. All the time/Setiap masa

B. Weekly/Setiap minggu
C. Monthly/Setiap bulan

D. Never/Tidak pernah

4)have you participate in any green/recycling programme before??Pernahkah anda melibatkan

diri dalam aktiviti berkaitan alam sekitar/program kitar semula?

A. Yes/Ya

B. No/Tidak

5) On average, how aware of you that these following activities will produce waste/Secara
purata, adakah anda sedar bahawa aktiviti berikut akan menghasilkan sisa

i. Panic buying/Pembelian panik

ii. Food delivery/Penghantaran makanan

iii. Online Shopping/Pembelian dalam talian

iv. Disposal of used mask/Pembuangan topeng muka yang telah digunakan

Strongly unaware/Tidak sedar Strongly aware/Sangat sedar


6) On average, how do you understand waste minimization before COVID-19? Secara purata,
adakah anda memahami pengurangan sisa sebelum COVID-19?


7) What are your sources of information regarding waste minimization??Apakah sumber

informasi anda mengenai pengurangan sisa?

A. Education/Pendidikan

B. Social Media/Media sosial

C. Newspaper/Surat Khabar
D. Peers/Rakan sebaya

E. Others:___ /Lain-lain

8) On average how do you understand of waste minimization after COVID-19?/Secara purata,

adakah anda memahami pengurangan sisa selepas COVID-19?


9) On a scale of five, how would you rate the increase of your waste during COVID-19
compared to before the pandemic?


10) Which of the following waste increase during COVID-19?/Antara berikut sisa manakah
bertambah semasa COVID-19?

● Glass/kaca
● plastic /plastik
● food packaging/bungkusan makanan
● paper/kertas
● metals/logam
● electrical waste/sisa elektrik
Group Tawau’s Draft

No. Question and Choices Reference

1 Before the pandemic, how well do you understand the 3R (reduce,
reuse, recycle) campaign?
● Very well
● Familiar
● Not sure

2 How familiar are you with waste minimisation and waste recycling?
● Very familiar
● Familiar
● Not familiar

3 In your opinion, is waste minimisation and waste recycling the same

● Yes
● No
● I’m not sure

4 Before the pandemic, what are your main sources of information on

waste minimisation & recycling?
● Television
● Newspaper
● Social media
● At home

5 After the pandemic, what are your main sources of information on

waste minimisation & recycling?
● Television
● Newspaper
● Social media
● At home

6 In scale between 1-4, how much do you understand regarding waste

minimisation and waste recycling?
● 1 (No understanding)
● 2 (Poor)
● 3 (Fair)
● 4 (Good)

7 “Waste minimisation is the reduction of wastes through the UC Santa Cruz

application of innovative or alternative procedures” (2016)
● True
● False
● Not sure
8 What do you think happens to our environment when we are able to
manage the household waste/litter?
● Ease to dispose the waste
● Free from pollution
● Not sure

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