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Course Code: BUSM2412

Course Name: Marketing for Managers

Location & Campus: RMIT SGS Vietnam

Title of Assignment:
Assessment 3: Marketing Solution

File (s) Submitted: BUSM2412 Assessment 3-Individual s3927437.docx

Team Name/Group #: Team 1

Student Name Student ID Student Contribution to Assessment

Yeoh Teong Wah S3927437 100%

Assignment Due Date: 30th Dec 2021 – 23.00

Date of Submission: 26 Dec 2021

Number of Pages including this one: 7

Word Count 1485

Main content, excluding appendices (excluding words in charts and diagram)
and references)

Page 1 of 7
1. Background from Marketing Mix Proposal for Teacher for Asia Project

Traditional marketing mix 2.0 with consideration on customer, cost, communication and convenience
(Heintactone, 2021) approach as in Fig 1 next page was first used to understand the needs from the
teacher learner’s perspective when they are looking for communication English courses. The key findings
from here that most of teacher learners in search for communication English lesson will be reachable via
popular social media channels and they are looking for a quality program which is affordable in term of
cost and time.

Modern marketing 4.0 approach with 4Ps – products, price, place, promotion and 4Cs – co-creation-
customer value, currency-cost, conversation-communication, communal-convenience (Kotler, et al., 2016)
as in Fig 2 next page was then used to further analyze and evaluate the best possible approach. From
these evaluations, marketing solution was developed into four key parts as follow:

- Social Media
o Social media campaign in popular social media channel like Facebook, Youtube, TikTok,
Zalo and Instagram
o Short video from educational expert/influencer and current teacher learners to advocate
the program
o Organize online forum with school

- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

o Encourage community of teacher learners, volunteers and mentors to write review in
Facebook and Google Map with key words free online English course and hoc tieng anh
mien phi.

- Value Added Features

o Demo lesson in social media with link to sign up for full program
o Learning group curriculum for community to practice English and co-create contents
o Option of our ranking system to track learning development, potential development to
mentor level
o Option of mobile Apps enable learning-on-the-go

- Certification
o Facilitate international certification (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC) as an option for teacher

2. Remaining Challenges on the Marketing Solution

Other than option of ranking system and mobile apps development in Value Added Features which will
need sizeable investment to execute and to be taken into consideration based on available funding support
of the project. Key challenge remains on how to encourage teacher learners to share their experiences in
social media and curriculum that would be interesting enough where the contents co-created can be share
in social media as well to attract more user to join the platform to be part of the community. Next key
challenge will be the constraint of manpower resources of the project to manage these contents in the
proposed multiple social media platform. As all these 3 challenges are interrelated from curriculum to
motivation of teacher learners to share contents and later to manage these contents. Hence, further
detailed development of marketing solution is needed in following area

- Curriculum which would encourage co-creation and develop contents which can be shared in
social media platform
- Motivation of teacher learners to actively share their feedback and co-created contents
- Narrow down to maximum 2 social media platform to focus

Page 2 of 7
Fig 1 – The traditional 4Cs – 2.0 from teacher learner perspective from Assessment 2: Marketing pitch
presentation – Slide no 7.

Fig 2 – Marketing Mix Proposal 4Ps + 4Cs - 4.0 from Assessment 2: Marketing pitch presentation – Slide
no:8 & 9.

Page 3 of 7
3. Curriculum for co-creation and develop contents

To ensure the quality of the program, the main curriculum and pedagogy that was designed by experts
would need to be preserved but the same time would need to provide room for co-creation by teacher
learners. This would be a huge challenge to find the fine balance in case the co-creation is allowed in
changing the program structure or pedagogy. One of the possible ideas would be to have a curriculum
that required setup of learning group to practice, create and contribute contents. This will enable room
for creative development for the teacher learners without interfere in the main curriculum and
pedagogy. However, the challenge remains on what kind of group learning curriculum that allows room
for co-creation and maybe even interesting enough to be shared as social media contents.

One challenge for a typical native Vietnamese to learn communicate in English is usually due to their
strong foundation reference to Vietnamese language pronunciation (Nguyen, n.d.). Vietnamese
language use tones to differentiate words with consonant and vowel sequence (Britannica, 2013)
which is different from English language. But since there are some similarities in between alphabets
used in English and Vietnamese language, a Vietnamese learner will tend to use Vietnamese
language way of pronunciation when they first learn English language (Nguyen, 2007). Therefore, the
group learning curriculum could focus on this aspect by facilitating the teacher learners to practice
online, point out and learn from each other mistake.

At the same time, they can either records the funny moments of the mistake or use the learned
contents to develop a separate scripted short funny video to educate others. The curriculum can be
designed in such a manner that they should submit several funny educational videos about common
mistake which a Vietnamese made when they learn to communicate in English. These contents can
be later posted in social media platform will help to make learning communication English more fun
for Vietnamese public.

Observation from Youtube video search on “common mistake when Vietnamese converse in English”
where most of the contents were mainly developed by non-Vietnamese or overseas Vietnamese. Few
examples of these videos as follows

- Learn English with Steve Ford channel with 316k subscribers - Pronunciation Vietnamese
Lesson 1 (Ford, 2016)
- Teacher Lexi channel with 4.73k subscribers - Pronunciation Errors in Vietnamese Students
(Teacher Lexi, 2019)
- English Confidence with Darren channel with only 43 subscribers - English Pronunciation -
Common Mistakes (Vietnamese Students) (English Confidence with Darren, 2020)
- Rockit English channel with 5.9k subscribers - Common Mistakes by Vietnamese Learners
(Tiếng Anh trực tuyến Rockit English, 2014)

Most of these videos were quite serious in educational tone and usually not a be able to attract the
larger audience. A funny example from following Youtube video by a guy name Phil Phan showing a
funny English class with Vietnamese teacher (Phan, 2017) but lack of educational elements.

Therefore, the key idea from here is that teacher learner’s community can learn from common
mistakes when making these fun videos and at the same time contribute to larger community by
sharing these videos in social media to educate others in a fun way. These fun videos should also
highlight the correct way to pronounce and communicate in English to make it educational and
differentiate it from rest of the contents out there. These short videos shall be around 1-2minutes
length due to human short attention span (Talking Tree Creative, 2021) (Geri, et al., 2017).

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4. Motivation of teacher learners to share feedback & co-created contents

Studies indicates that there were 4 key motivation factors like learning benefits, personal reputation,
social status and hedonics benefits for consumer to participate in co-creation (Yang, et al., 2019). In
the case for this project, a curriculum with group learning to practice English and create contents will
be able to fulfill the learning benefits desire of the teacher learners. They will be able to learn not only
English but also on contents creation.

Factors on personal reputation and social status will be a more challenging part to manage as all
teacher learners would want upkeep their reputation and social status as a teacher and will be very
careful in posting any contents in social media which may embarrass them self. This can be managed
with a curriculum which specify requirements of the video and quality check by experts and project
admin before posting it online. When more learning group start to create better and better contents
over the time, more teacher learners would even strive harder to make even better contents to uphold
their reputation and social status.

Hedonics benefits is about personal satisfaction, fun and fulfillment (Yang, et al., 2019). This would be
different for individual teacher leaners but in general will happen when they feel they’ve created great
contents and contributed to the community. Number of video post like might also able to generate
such hedonics benefits satisfaction.

5. Social media platform to focus

According to Satista, Facebook has 74.1million users in Vietnam as of January 2021 and Youtube has
66.63million users in Vietnam (Statista, 2021). Both of this social media platform have broad based
access to demographics of audience while other platform like TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest
attract mostly younger generation Y and Z users (IRIS, 2021).

Therefore, would propose to focus only on this top 2 most-used social media application in Vietnam
which is Youtube and Facebook (AsiaPac Net Media, 2020) to conserve the project resources.

Zalo would not be considered in this case as most Vietnamese use it as communication apps instead
of information platform.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, would propose a curriculum on group learning that will drive co-creation to develop fun
education contents on communication English, manage and share it in YouTube and Facebook to
overcome this remaining marketing challenges.

Page 5 of 7
AsiaPac Net Media, 2020. AsiaPac Net Media - VIETNAM DIGITAL MARKETING 2020, Viewed
25 December 2021 <

Britannica, 2013. Vietnamese language, Viewed 25 December 2021


English Confidence with Darren, 2020. English Pronunciation - Common Mistakes (Vietnamese
Students), video recording, Viewed 26 December 2021 <>

Ford, S., 2016. Learn English with Steve Ford - Pronounciation Vietnamese Lesson 1, video
recording, Viewed 26 December 2021 <>

Geri, N., Winer, A. & Zaks, B., 2017. Challenging the six-minute myth of online video lectures: Can
interactivity expand the attention span of learners?. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge
Management, 5(1), pp. 101-111.

Heintactone, 2021. Traditional Marketing Mix 4Ps and 4Cs, Viewed 9 December 2021

IRIS, 2021. Social Media in Vietnam Report 2020 - 2021 : Viet Nam, Viewed 26 December 2021

Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H. & Setiawan, I., 2016. Marketing 4.0. s.l.:Wiley.
Nguyen, T. T. T., 2007. Diva Portal, Viewed 25 December 2021 <https://www.diva->

Phan, P., 2017. Funny English Class with Vietnamese Teacher, video recording, Viewed 26
December 2021 <>

Statista, 2021. Statista - Leading countries based on Facebook audience size as of January 2021,
Viewed 26 December 2021 <

Talking Tree Creative, 2021. Talking Tree Creative - How Long Should Videos be?, Viewed 26
December 2021 <

Teacher Lexi, 2019. Teacher Lexi - Pronunciation Errors in Vietnamese Students, video recording,
Viewed 26 December 2021 <>

Tiếng Anh trực tuyến Rockit English, 2014. Tiếng Anh trực tuyến Rockit English - Học từ vựng tiếng
Anh - Common Mistakes by Vietnamese Learners, video recording, Viewed 26 December 2021

Page 6 of 7
Yang, Y. et al., 2019. Customers as Co-Creators: Antecedents of Customer Participation in Online
Virtual Communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, pp. 1-15.

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