MMC Notes by Prof Nagale

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- a - —— % piace —) oetnee ont. View Nagh OY 940568007) Sy STEMS Date : ] —| Mathemohial Modelbing of systems. aa ____Mathematical modelling is used to represent the dynamics -of the. system. OFter’), these models ave used forthe design , development, modification § control of —|-Mechahrantes_gystorn. The propesties of the _cyshern_compone- [nts_can be idealized with the help -of speciic equations. These _equabions ave_representing. the’. relabionships bel? __ —| the inpuk G ovkpub of the systeno.or_componects. 7 | As Nics_syctem consists _many components such as_mechanicol, electrical, Fluid, § thermal systenay eke. _ These _models are _very much usefub_to_undeyetind the Jehaviowr of the systema. The difterenhal equahions hie! : system _can_he obketned by using _physteo) tows - overning_a_pesticularr system, such cro, Newtons i Ee seen _systems, Rirchoff's laws For electrical systems a eee ter oblainig cath aferenkial equations _ representing the system we earily com Find transfers Fanchion —taililyat_the_sysena_-averntl—respante. of _the sysiem . — — — —— — ‘J Analysis of Mechanical sycren. _ Mechanical systems are_categorized inho {wo | groups on the lhasis of the types of motions, ja. Translabional Mechanical Systems. 2. Rokational Mechamead Systems. Otranslahonal foramebes POA. F @ Rotational foramelors OT Lk,] pref Vikram Nagele: 4 940568007! Date : = Twree_physical parameters. __ | mass, —? stores _kinebic energy Cr) i ——|--spring., => _ shoves potential energy GO || Damper —> Dissipabing element: ©) —s i © Mass (m)'-> : f i —— Messina donee the kinetic ener oxsiy a - — | potential ecemgy.. The thass dr body is aq quanhly oe ___|L matter: in it" Te force (2) i isa applied on_o. body __ peo my ace ik wilt have oe pen the _-Newhons om Law _of_mabion -_ Ee disp. . F=mM-a. =mX | ForeeE sImass|—> Ac”. | where. L - __ |me disp. = SH 2 velocity Kasi > accelerahion —— . Fe 9d = FU) ol eee le eae wo. after LT. = | Spring c= : : || Spring is used to _store_potenhial en: — ___|LGor a system. The ee vrequired to _sbretely or as _compress_the _spiring. sang gro -dinectly proportional _| [i= sist Yo Spiigicegs oe — as Force F 2. FRR _ ee ste Ness “spring = 3 rot irom Negele: @) 940568007) Date: |, © Damper (Cc) .-P _ | provides. viscous Frichon or Ti_consists_of_oiston & on simply_albsorbs x — Dashpat - Ear F Xx fi Bove. e See th apslied by _ damper: ) Ny an to _velo po l=Pq “pred [eH eathorce 2 C= davoping A damper ts o mechanical _ component thal damping in the motion conbys). oil-filled cylinder» The dashpot emotion ,_ iy icienh. |§ Translational Mechanical _§ 4— Force due bo = a ering! Mass. 3—» efit) . —> dis FoRE_a MKC | disp. 4~ force due to Dashpot PR Ke ystern- FG) 47S HK Fs mi 46% 4K : Letty] = F(s)= ms* xs) + ext) + KX xs) [ms tes te] = Prof. Vikram Nagale 40568097) Date : ] mass MA, ——_— PX Spring. xvau(t)_4—_y——}—+ Ft) Exbemear| Damper_c 70) <1 |e auld AlB) spring mre 44 i Testia . : 7 —e 2 PS mel C194 (4 vB) Re tT] Let lar d= rst ald) 415 206+ Kil) Kel AI —- ALD] | FBO for mass m2. id : iS - 1% — — [pm e+ GUE) + kf rete] = 0 Koring Ke autt)aWa—] M2 f= C36 LEYDarnpen : mm%alt) at inestia _ - oe ; © Wa S(O) GSKA + Kil Kals)—- MLO] =O ro(s) fe mish4 ose ke] s Ke) MST+S 4K. |__using © § © __ Prof. Vikyam Nagale. ® 940548097) Date : FeW= om sbrals) +G8mlO +k + fax (ake Kemal Y Ms =Kit OS PUD) = als) gal TST GS KK = Ka - MSGS TRA Ls Trungfer_funchion = LOY. xs) we FO) rs) | mS" kGS + Kya = Ke _ (MSGS mw} ; oe as le _| % ~ oa a _ por a FED For mass ey BK a — | = uw Fey “Rapatt)~ —_ a LE) Kort CE) Kary) DOL) O]= FW) “EIQ = mst Hild) & ere) ALS) 4 GMUS)S C5 HLS) i Prof. Vikram Negale ; 9349568097! Date : ] - FD Sor_mass 2 — ee = oo Ksmee) ft ph — | ic) hy oe . [+ - Fm - / ot - CLGLEY=36 : _ Lmate(t) + ¢ Doth) 20] + Kafe th) =O - FAD |. 20) +f %0(8)-%0) ] + Ks2%O 20 - | Tm 4CS+Ks] = cs xs) __ als) = cs us) | Mis, Cs Ka _ = using © & @ PS) = Ash aLs) + (Kid Ka) ls) + CAUSE USD Mis Eshks iets 2 wD _ | FG) msec 5 4 Witks) — Ss ~ Mrs CSTR | 9 =f — aerer £30 for ma - . Kai AC M1 - eee : a a beat} | Ky mi x Lam m \y ; y “ut i ett) ste) _ _ aa Prof Vikvam Nagale ® 940568907) Date : [ | FBD for 2 Kaxelt) CL) 7 = lm] tHe wet) Tato) tt] rms Wt karl) + kvm] = PD Pate) Lome ekg) | — Ke =F Lime) FOR 4 ke Kool] =o 2 mi) Ls scs + kako Kn) =o [PS Fe _ re mIR) ~ (ad Jr) ss "1 ee _ cone node © _ Fy Foot) el] = FU) kv bad - HO) T= FS) “For mass m2. Mm) + Ki LHW) ml] 4 eu)s Ol=o ma st a6a(s) & (Kit Ke) a(S) + CS X2(S) = KMS) =O Prof. Wkwarn Nagele 949568007) Date : | | ston} ——— 0,18 —_3 —_____—— : pees Mpa ht ~ tC _ a - | Considering _ node 4. | xCect)- ec) ] = TH) ee Toking L.-T. _ _ ee els] = 1 —9 o- Considering mass Jy SESS) +¢[aW) ell] + kifet-e] | +Kfec$)-est)]=o a Toking. Lt. Tis Gil + 48 Gals) c's Cold) -Ca(H] +E) O19] +k [els)-8s)J=o | Considering mass Jz. _ - 52 Blt Oe Ke TEL OOM +a) + cf d3(t)— 6.4) ] <0 | - | Toking LT. | 3. Bald 4 ke O35) + [83(9)- GAT 1F GIN Gal) a + -ésext)— 9s) ] 20 oe Prof. Vikram Nagale © 940568007) Date : ] [Gear “Venn ta nal ty the diameberr of A fest, «feed of gear, doz dia dt 2 gear , Te eT Tomue of 187 Ths"Torque of 2°8 Ny _ : 7 = _ aS — Cy NY a — oe y | Fi on _ a yt ea a ‘Itoque _ Tw8) Y | 3 5 169) . 1, 1 ° Primary side BS VW _ —— 0 o ay ____boad Torque _ Nx _G@ load side [_ Torque equation of side 1. _ = Dal) +onl)+T) ——o _ Toque, eq” of side ae _ _ be bbW+oel+hlh —© TN. be Ne T. - TN aT | Wsioa es? @) Pree. Vikram Nagele Date : 940568007) ee einen Te Ball) Co Galt) TEE) : hs Se CD pHa, mlb). Ne —9__ Bo ne = NS => _S2 wb Nt 8, - Using ® _ : 7 [nee wa Goa Sa ae), Ne o ____| Foe gy Ee ar oo tong ® . _ = Te +anl)+ kh, NY” Blt) 4 (A alt) STN — =f 4 T2() ] GU) afore “nner 7 oleh O(m\_ c t = c: Nv 2) _= Teg SOD Coq Gulf) 4 Telit a - _ o Plann] S Pr. Vikram Nagy @) 349568007) Date : | @ Redstone t= | Electrical Systems '- _ The _behaviowr of electrical system is. governed. by __| Owls Daw. The dominant elements of electrical —S | Resistor a Toducto aaa mes St_currenh Its -flousing 7 - R | then_veltage_diap is_given_by- win Ve TR \e—-ve —TE opposite polarity current gy gp te 3s_Flowsing, —then_voltage drop ig, 2 V= y-T2)R Te _currenk T_is flowing then _, $ acter =. | voltage dip _acrass_induchor “Is , a ye tty ve Lb Soe ov wat Ae yet for_opposite_polanity eurrenk, _vol! op across Hinduchonce fs, | Ve Le JG) or (ete). 1_fvedt Prof. Vikan Neagele 340568007! Date : —_|®_Gopacitor_- : Pa = Ve VC tdk ce _ ee. ost i — Te cody an ei ais Jo aa liye —— £ JGepd _ ets od = | O fexce voltage. analogy a L Cc — SMW eres ___}\ nm > Ve Ve Ve _| According to Kirchate's au, _ vt) = ilk) + tdi) 4 filidt 0) shee carver | ds a _ ie a “SLL -sa) © fe va)= 8. ok Weer —© _ he +i std y ea Date : Prof. Vikram 940568007) rigtt © -| Taking LT. of 9? © we gek, ve) = Bs. G1) 4 US UW 4ee sg) = RS ADF + EO Comparing —the_eq? with, FL)=_ms*x(s) + cs x) + KS) WE _CON SOY, = Lis analogus fom Rts ic Ve ——H ws) ls) ts) 2X5) - @) orce current analogy. a According fo Kivehhoff's Law, abt fiat cody __ T= Te +t+te Fen 4 | where V= fate. af change. of fii = dd dt Proh-Vikram Nagele 94056 8097) Date : | So te te : | fet LCdg. dd — _ : rh as diac +f ss laking LT. a _ 7 Ws § AS) 5315) c-S*g) a a chap sls) 4. Lt), _ — Comparing it with _ | a= MeO 45 xO XO a 7 Capacitance. Cis. arialgus to mass M. ee es Resistance (YR) analogue bo. lap nm uckance Cc te Ray eee Ee Tyee cw a => Spring _K = Displacement xX —p Velocity —> || Becelewotion X—w fore Po x | Rckakional —> Mechanical Syshero—> Toerbia_J <> Damping © ____ |= Spring K—> Angular disp © —P Ang, velocity 6 —> Ang _ | Acc? 6 —> Torque T. x. | e-v —> electrical. nag: —> Inductance 1 Recistance Q>_ ____|| Reciprocal of Capacitance Ve —> charge 4 —>curvent jp _ | voltage yo — = - __ Ped. Vikram Negale 940568097) Dale : LF-C > Clecrical analogy —P Capacitance C=» Reciprocal of R._ —P Reciprocal of inductance Yi. —> lux g—> voltage s6/dk Picurrenh — - _ — o— Coren o—— os — _* * _ vi Loe _ - _ tL , ) < mals — —- | - - —| Vie iR +h gt + (idk @ a |e se fide __ ® — | Taking Laplace random | Veld= R10 415.16) +22 16) : c wis) = $e 2 _ 5 _ Vat) = RLS) 4 Ls: 214) 4 vals) | V2ls RUS) y Ls. PK) 4 Voy _ Nols Vols) Vos) Vols) ~ RUS) bes BS) 4 | ww x cs Na) Res + Leg? 41 ; Vo(S) TG) = Vols) NVs(s) 1+ Res} Les ES Psg. Vikram Nagale Qh056 8007! Date : a Considering, loop 4, im Jive i@at (ii) dt 0 _ | (Gaara Lik | ve = Find © : Taking Laplace transform | Vals) = BR MO + 2 ENo-EOI 7) : } —0 CO-10O1 4, ehisd4 1 bi -© os So = Vols) = 1 als) —6 > | ler, A=R: B= Vs. m=, N= sco, So Vils) = A.Ti(9) + BIMS) - B12) ==) | 9 = Qir(s) - B11 (s) + MT2(S) ANT) | No(s) = _NTa(s) TG) = Vols) / See - Date : = pro. Vikram Negele & 9495¢8007) = Bw) = B16) + MW) vols). ee Qo deve) = af vet). + LW a0 fo 19, Nat) 46) N NI us) =k a __N Nn) ee = \ orl, +d al — 8 tl wd - _ || Nils) AXB 1 MAIMBE 4 Ais Be Vos) WN NB BON = ARS BT MA MB + AN-eN =e NB No(s) NY Vils) AB+ MA+MB + AN+BN = Veer + Veer (2 \- oR ( BN 4(B\ 4 (2 SCV sey) “Used * (sev 4a)- \ "RSG RRa SEISCa F Ra SOA VASA] \ © RYSG_FRA SC RRA SCC 4 RISC | Prd Vikram Negale 3uose8O71) Date : | Servomotors te Controls the _pasition of mechanical “system. _ fox congcanh_Gield current, 4 the torque developed by the molor_is_given_by,- _ fe trai | where, a ke = motor _tovqui constant» ar | __3 = Prmahire cuvrenh. _ foro constanh lux, the induced voltage Vets divec H propostional to the angular velocity deldt ao Nb = ko 7 aes 7 - _ . a 7 where — Vp = back emf — _ _ vp» = back emf concant- | 8 = angular displacemenb. Consider the system shawn, RiL,¢ are_etectrical parameters __|pwbile KM &8 are mechanical paramebers as shown. Find the TE. %©/evs) for the system where Flt) ik ile voltage while x(t) is _oukpuk displacement. : _ aL - K 8 aa = Ry tu re) : ane erty © coll = | TE oo e { ——— Prof Vikram Nagebe(6) 940568997) Date : 2 — MM oo. BG) 7 ee Te es eS eee | So, we have, — Paw: n)-8 + +f Cut)-m(6)] dt = SEO-Tw]s = CED Vaw at | \ vl ‘orm 2 Ei) = Ts) + - C 10s) -Tn(9)] —® _ o = & | BO-WO|+ Sth) +6) —O We have, @b= Kb-dx ie have , be. or Foking Lt Ep(c) = Kes XO | Now conlenlg met ynkeal_syshewn: ee _ FIA AO = WO Le + trees sr] + west xXOL i scR] 2 WO = El) = kes x fs kes] © RA sS*LCR ASL | using © 4 © ; de. FeO = te sxlofis ees] |. xtdC mse astK 1] RA Sic R+SL Orat. Vikram Nagale @) 940568907} Dale : = bl) = = Lib. kp SMD} 14 2653 Ke FS) = xOL Ge (me pesae) (Rit: StLeR tsb) + Keck aw __& = | 2S Tome een (Re Arenas) Fe KS (ARCS) | —~ 9b, |p oc. motor drives a poinher_uhich is spring loaded , fo mum — | t> the neference position. Tf kb= back emf Concha a= Taq || constant, Ks = Spring contanh, 4 g= momen of inebia | Find _3-F- TO): — | vet) = ta dtat) 4 Qa. Talt) + Bod de Taking [eve Nols) = gba. Tals) + Ra. Tals) + Evls) - _ = Tals) [Ra ++ sla I+ | Considering mechamitel sytem, : Tme 3. Pet) 1K Tm=kqL ae Ay & ” i ae Prof. Vikram QhOS6800T) Neyo Date : =. Tw(s)= Kr. Tals) - _ So Tmls) = 387 ES) + Kgl) 2. * Kr Tals) = Ts* (6) + ks- 819) |. Ta(s)= OT Isa Ks] ; _ |_ And. - - - Fo = kp. se) Epls) = Kp-s ls) | Tatd= Vals)— Enls) Ra+ Slo & 5) s. ; x [Ascii | - {dst Xs] ee) |. Kerf Vals) - Ev(s)] = [Rat Sta) CTs+3 ks) 1) _|L 2 Nals) Ka = Kr KS (5) =f RatSta) (3 sks) 1 6. 2 86) Kr Vals) “(Rat sta) (3S Ke)-+ Ke. Kb:s | Wels). kr = [Rat sla) (Stak Ke kes] eS) 5 eT EIST Pooh. Vikram Nagle @ 940568007) Date : [ _—_Hlyraultie_suems' i | _ Tuo _ types of tow, —| = Laminar Re < 2000 _- = Turbulent Re > 3000 a = a Linear differenkial eg? — —— || Tunbulenk = Non-linear aifterenhial eg? “eee “ee Tr is_defined_aa_the change in level difference ——]-necesseny to_cause a unit change in Glow gabe _ | Q- “Change in level difference (m) Charge in Flow wake" (im8/s) — || fr Laminar flow Q=kH a i) ene Ra dt Wb : = da 8 92h — & - __|| fe Turbulent Flow eek Res OH My See Ba = a 1+ 2h Re Capacitance (Q- —____Capacitance_of_tank is defined a a> the change io. aof_stored iguuid necessang fo couse unit change in pot head. iowa Bs iD potential ‘al Pref. Vikram Nogele ‘ 940568007) Date : * inhoud fp capacitance Se = range —in—liquid_stoved— (nd) — ~~ _ change in head (wn) ~ — - c= do-dk a a db . _ - Cd = dg.dt — —EE ff inde gt Bl] Find Te. QS) /Qils) _ ee ease Control Valve ___® | . — a pia steady stats flew soe (before any change tas occured > _ | Si = Sm {ahion of inflow rake From _ its sheady shabe ——* outflous ——— —_ tt fe stead 1 stake heal change (before _any change haw occurel) ths ett deichoe ae het forte dead y stake value. @Resistance'- R= _b/ 4 - Taking Laplace transform= R= HY O0(s Paes 7. Qs) = 7p frat. Wikram Negale-@) 949568097) Date : = [LT => C-8.H() +005) = OLS) —_ — ft es R. Bale) + Qols) = Oils ese reeeeeeeeeeeee —¢—|—— Aff Res +1] =O) rors l | We= @W)- 1 Bil) Res 7 Ph || Find transfer function _ ales ~ e _ at a, | Taok | _ Resistance’ Qi= ra. a) et ee Hels) oO Qils) | @ Capacitance. ‘- _ c= Aidt db adh = (4-4) dt LT =P as. Hils) = QS)= QS) —{3) Pad iron Ngee 940568 097! Dale : et Gas thi) = WW) ald) ® Rea tht Sal) | Capacitance Gis dgdt _ Gi dhe. (4 =42) db - |__ from @,_th)= ge. Old : _ | using @___Ra Gs, Ges) = Qis)= Gels) 7 {i+ Racslaxls) = ails —A from @, GS-H{s) +O. (5) =@U) a=a)—aski. ——) From) _() 1 : Hr(g) = & Qu) +H) t Fils) = QiGils) ¥Ra.-Os) ——© : 9 using © es : Rul = QC) = crs [ ROL + Re O25) | =Als) — WAS Als) —RAS Arls) : + QYSLI4R GS] = Als) = RCs Gals) a ‘ Li+Rreos Gals) = QW) Gs@2(s) ee \F RS | C4 RiGs) (14 RG8) Gals) = ACS) = &.Crs Bs) | RaCoSQ2(8) + RiRe-CiCr.s* Bal) 4a(S)-+ RiCsQa(s) = = Qls) = &-G3Gul9) =n — Gals) ‘ TWAS) = SEY > WeGGS a HOS FES FRGSH Prd. Vikram Nese G)@ 94058007) Date : Consider Tank \ _ __ Resistance 1 R= x > R= fact = LUT eg = th) Wi) © Als) i Capacitarce , ¢ suds Sa ee “edh= dq.dt => G-dh= Qdt 1.4. = Gdbs _ dt ; LT. —> ails) = O58. Hils) — (7) _ From _O_,_ Wile) LHS) oo or Hig) = hh) - Ra — 1. QG)= astels) —RGSedy “ash() = OO CitRqst —@y ma 7 _| For tank. Qs a _ R= De ke Prof. Wkeram Nagel. a ciossS22t! _ _ Re he Se SEO capacitance. _ tt | __G.dh idk z _ Cas = (9-4\= — dhe = C1=4s 8. LET. =p * cas. tafs) = Qt) Qile)— Qale From 6) _ _ RG -SAa(s)= A(S)— ils) — Gals) _ a Gols) [Res +] = Als) Qi bs) 2 | From _@) e MO)~ _Gste(s) VS Reals) JA RIGS, RIGS. using eg? © _ : MOGs ]= A= OseOW) _ ASRS : SOOT ROSH] = AUMWIRAS | - GS 2.Gols) AF RAS | Cis ecisT+ Qos Qa WE= [14 @Gs] Gals) — o15@,82(5) o “Ee Tis Rates + QiGS + RR CC + KGS | a(S) =[14 WCET Vals) Qx(s) VERS Be) 14 RaGS ARGS + WRCASH BOS Prd Nitzan Nye (O) 5 7 Q40568 007) Date : eb, fsa = fh ey — ot Rf ue = OsGrq. C Say = : Tonk = M Resiskance, Ty Qe rl) = Male) As) “IL 4 capacitance Cudbr = (4-95) dt - LT => cust) = Gil - ls) —O : Qld = On)= cg. His) | tank 2 _ _% Resistance, Ras = —_ [ins R= Hels) _® - Qo(s) “£ Capacitance Gudbe = (ir4 =a) db Lt =p G.sth(s) = Oils) Fa) -QS) —@ “Me find, Beli) a | QiG . ee = | from_@, Has) = QOS) putting in _R.Quis) » Be Hn(s) = hls) ‘. = Posh, Vikray 3 Nel, 4O56 $007) Date : | es) = Qiuls)= Gs [Wel 4%20()T e's RiQi(s) + Rao(s) = HS) So, we geh, als) = OCS - OSHS) — AW®)_= AN) ~ RASA) — ms 5 a(S) Po QO P14 WGST = Bhid-eGsa) _ — / QO = GG)-aqsa) ——-O ~ ROS —< ALSO system The _gystem qh Aca couthi inpul & siogle _oukpubs 4 so tntal’ cull we can Sind sing. the Yogic Gor =

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