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Name: Tsabita Maysa Tsurayya

NIM: P27226021273
Class: D4 B FT

My Plan

When I graduate from Poltekkes Surakarta, I am going to work on hospital in Pekalongan

to find a lot of experience. While working, I will save money little by little to buy a car. At 28 I’ll
resign from hospital and getting married. After getting married, I am going to open my own
fisiotherapy clinic. I will buy a home and field in the countryside. I will use that field to build my
own farm and restaurant. I am going to manage all the waste from my restaurant and farm to be
used as fertilizer. I will have three children who will be free to choose what they will become.

At 40 I will open an orphanage and I will adopt all children in my orphanage. At 45 I am

going to hajj with my husband. At 47 I am going to open a hospital with my friend. I will spend
the rest of my time for helping people. I will life happily with my husband until death do us part.

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