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Second year, Foreign Languages


Activity one: write the correct form of the verbs between brackets.

1. Hamid ( not to smoke ) a few years ago but now he (to smoke) heavily.
2. She usually (to drink) tea at breakfast but she (not eat) fish.
3. Look at the clouds! It (to rain) in few minutes.
4. Abdallah (not jog) a lot these days but he (to jog) in the past?
5. I (to email) you when I (to receive) your payment.

Activity two: combine the following sentences using who, which, where, when, whom and whose.
1- He purchased a shining diamond. The diamond costs £1500.
2- That is Marie Curie. Marie Curie discovered radium.
3- This is the tree. Its branches shade my kitchen.
4- Stratford-upon-Avon is the town. Shakespeare was born in this town.
5- Summer is the season. People go on holidays in summer.
6- Farid is the friend. I know the friend for a long time

Activity three: give a suitable homophone for each word in the following.
a) write → b) hear → c) week → d) sell →
e) read (past) → f) sea →

Activity four: put the following words in the appropriate sentence to get a meaningful sentence.
housework - household - homemaker - homeland - homemade - homesick - homework
a) He left his settle in London.
b) As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more and more ........................ .
c) His mother was a ...................... who ran the ..........................alone during her husband's frequent absences.
d) Their menu is 80% vegetarian and vegan, and is mostly................
e) After she had finished her ......................................she helped her mother in ...................... .

Activity five: classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.
lifestyles - knife - interesting - manager - electricity - knowledge - boat - geography -

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables Four syllables Five syllables
correction and scale


Activity one: write the correct form of the verbs between brackets. (5.5 pts)

Hamid didn't use to smoke a few years ago but now he smokes heavily. 1.25
She usually drinks tea at breakfast but she does not eat fish. 1
Look at the clouds! It is going to rain in few minutes. 0.75
Abdallah does not jog a lot these days, but he did he use to jog in the past? 1.5
I will email you when I receive your payment. 1

Activity two: combine the following sentences using who, which, where, when, whom and whose. (6pt)
1- He purchased a shining diamond which costs £1500.
2- That is Marie Curie who discovered radium.
3- This is the tree whose branches shade my kitchen.
4- Stratford-upon-Avon is the town where Shakespeare was born.
5- Summer is the season when people go on holidays.
6- Farid is the friend whom I know for a long time.

Activity three: give a suitable homophone for each word in the following. (03pts)
a) write → right b) hear → here c) week → weak d) sell → cell
e) read (past) → red f) sea → see
Activity four: put the following words in the appropriate sentence to get a meaningful sentence. (3.5pts)
a) He left his ......... settle in London.
b) As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more and more .... homesick.................... .
c) His mother was a ........ homemaker.............. who ran the ......... household................alone during her husband's
frequent absences.
d) Their menu is 80% vegetarian and vegan, and is mostly.. homemade ..............
e) After she had finished her ................... homework...................she helped her mother in .......
housework............... .

activity five: classify the following words according to the number of their syllables. (02pts)

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables Four syllables Five syllables
knife boat knowledge lifestyles manager interesting electricity

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