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People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Iflissene New Secondary School

Level: Second year, literary stream Time Allotted:2h
catch up Examination
Part one: Reading (15pts)
A/Comprehension (07 points)
Read the text carefully and do the following activities.
Millions of people have demonstrated across the world recently, demanding urgent actions
to tackle global heating. They have protested from the Pacific islands, through Australia, across
South-East Asia and Africa into Europe and onwards to the Americas in an explosion of the youth
movement which was launched by the Swedish school striker Greta Thunberg just over 12 months
For the first time since the school strikes for climate have begun, young people called on
adults to join them and they were heard. Trade unions representing hundreds of millions of people
around the world mobilized in support, employees left their workplaces, doctors and nurses marched
and workers at firms like Amazon, Google and Facebook walked out to adhere to the climate
In the estimated 185 countries where demonstrations took place, the protests often had their
individual targets; from rising sea levels in the Solomon Islands, toxic waste in South Africa, to air
pollution and plastic waste in India and coal expansion in Australia. But the overall message was
unified - a powerful claim for an urgent step-change in action to cut emissions and stabilize the
adapted from:
1- The text is... a- a speech. b- a newspaper article. c- a website article.

2- Are these statements true or false according to the text?

a- The call to tackle global heating concerned only one continent.
b- Only young people demonstrated against climate deterioration.
c- The school strike movement was very influential.
d- Not all countries shared the same objective concerning the deterioration of the climate.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Who began the manifestation against climate change?
b) What was the objective of the students' demonstation?
c) How did the workers react towards climate strike?
d) Mention from the text two goals of the demonstration in different countries.

4- What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?

they (§1) them (§2) where (§3)
B/ Text Exploration (08 points)

1- Find in the text words whose definition follow:

a. to face or deal with (§1)
b. prepared, organized (§2)
c. having great strength (§2)
2- Complete sentence "b" so that it means the same as sentence "a".
1- a) The global warming has been caused partly by the greenhouse gases.
b) The greenhouse gases .............................................................................
2- a) Car engines and industrial processes are emitting carbon dioxide.
b) Carbon dioxide ..........................................................................
3- a) Governments will take drastic measures hopefully soon.
b) Drastic measures..........................................................................

3- Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph.

a- but there are things related to climate change, which are most likely caused by humans.
b- There may be some causes of climate change that cannot be prevented and are not man-made.
c- the gases released into the atmosphere increase the effect of global warming.
d- Fossil fuels are natural fuels found in and on the Earth.
e- When they are burned,

4- classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.

climate - society - world - employee - demonstrated
One syllable ........syllables ........syllables ........syllables

Part two: written expression: 05pts

Choose ONE of the following topics
Topic one:
You have watched a documentary about climate change and its harmful effects on the
environment and man's health. Write a newspaper article of about 120 words to be published in your
school magazine explaining how climate change put our lives and our environment in danger and
suggesting some solutions to reduce this problem. You make the best use of the following notes:
effects on the environment: biodiversity threatened - loss of animals habitat - melting if ice
effects on human lives: psychological and physical illnesses- increased immigration - civil wars
possible solutions: cleaning campaigns - educate children - government reforms
Topic two:

Violence in schools is increasing continuously leading to school failure, physical and psychological
shock. Write a speech of about 100 words to be given to your classmates during the celebration of the
international day for peace about the negative consequences of violence and the importance to settle
disputes peacefully.

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