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Hamartiology is the study of sin. Hamartiology is derived from the Greek word “Hamartia” which
means “to miss the mark as in archery. The word “hamartia” is used most often in the New
Testament for sin. Sin can also be described as disobedience or rebelliousness against God. There
are almost 708 types of different sins being mentioned in the Bible. As a source of sin, we have to
know that:

God cannot produce sin – Deut.32:4,Ps. 18:30, Mt. 5:48

God cannot promote sin – James.1:13

God can permit sin (because of freewill)– Gen.12:3-20

Sin is originated because God allowed man His creatures to have free will. The origin of sin was not
in the Garden of Eden, but in the Heaven by an archangel or cherubim who had access to the
presence of God (Isa. 14:12-14, 1Tim. 3:6). Other angles followed the sin and rebellion and joined
the rank of fallen angels (Rev. 12:3-9). There was sin in heaven before sin in universe and universe
had sin because Adam sinned against God through disobedience in accordance to his free will – “sin
entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all men,
because all sinned.”- Rom. 5:12


Sin is breaking the law of God – 1 Jn. 3:4, Jn. 14:15

Sin is disobeying our conscious – Rom. 2:14-15, Jn. 16:7-8 (Holy Spirit)

Sin is failing to do what is right – Jam. 4:17

Sin is unbelief – Rom. 14:23, Jn. 3:36


Sin can be identified into two basic groups.

1. Sins of doing (commission)

2. Sins of not doing (Omission) Lev. 5:1, Jam. 4:17

Sins of doing: these are the sins, that we do which we don’t have to do

Sins of not doing: this is about not doing that we should do


1. Inherited sin
2. Imputed sin
3. Personal sin

Inherited sin: Is the type of sin that we get from our father, who got it from his father all the way
back to Adam it travels from generation to generation. Adam placed human seed into a condition of
sin. The image of this sin was produced in his children (Gen. 5:3)

Imputed sin: This refers to sin that is charged legally onto our account. Imputation means to
attribute or to credit, to ascribe to someone else. There have being three imputed in history

Adam imputed the penalty of his sin on to the human race (Rom. 5:12-21)

The sins of men were imputed to Jesus on the cross (2. Cor. 5:19, 1 pet. 2:24)

The righteousness of Christ can be imputed on believers (2. Cor. 5:21)

Personal sin: These refers to the sin which we commit ourselves. Personal sins are committed by
both believers and unbelievers. The personal sin caused by a believer cause them to break the
fellowship with God.



1 Inherited Eph.2:3 Generation to Spiritual death Redemption and the gift
sin Generation of the Holy Spirit

2 Imputed Rom. 5:12 Directly Physical death Imputed righteousness

sin deposited into directly deposited into
your Account your account by Jesus
from Adam Christ.

3 Personal Rom. 3:23 None Loss of Confession and

sin 1.Jn. 1:9 fellowship forgiveness


A basic description of sin in accordance to the Bible.

 Entering the world through Adam – Gen. 3:1 – 24, Isa. 43:27, Rom. 5:12
 Work of the devil – 1.Jn. 1:3, Jn. 8:44
 Works of darkness – Eph. 5:11 – 14
 Crouching at the door to attack – Gen. 4:7
 Coming from the heart – Mt. 15:19 – 20
 The outcome of lust – Jam. 1:15
 Coming through ancestors – Exo. 20:5, Ps. 37:28, Pro. 14:11
 A source of human misery – Job. 15:20, Pro. 13:15, Rom. 2:9
 Inexcusable – Rom. 1:20, Rom. 2:1, Jn. 15:22
 Idol worship – Exo. 21:31, Isa.31:7, Jer. 17:3
 Burning incense / candle- Jer. 44:23
 Transgression of law – Lev.16:16, 1Jn 3:4.
 Disobedience to God’s commandments – Exo.9:27; 9:27, 34; 10:16-17, Lev.5:17.
 Done in ignorance – Lev.4:2,13,22,27;5:15-17
 Done in secret – Ps.90:8 Prov.28:13
 All unrighteousness – 1Jn.5:17
 Sexual immorality
 Not doing the good we knew – Lev.5:1; Jam.4:17
 Thoughts of foolish people- Prov.24:9
 Vain or useless talk – Prov.10:19
 Despising others/pride – Prov.14:21; 21:24
 Unbelief and act without faith – Rom.14:23; Heb.12:16; Rev.2:14,20;9:21


 Jesus Christ alone is without sin – 2Cor.5:21, Heb4:15, 1Jn.3:5

 Scripture says, we all have sinned and we all are under sin – Gal.3:22, Ps.53:3,
Isa.53:6,1Jn.1:8,1Kgs.8:46, Rom.3:23
 By heredity we are sinners – Job 15:14; 25:4, Ps.51:5, Rom.5:12-19,1Cor.15:21-22
 We have sinned by our deeds (Body) – Gal.5:17-21
 We have sinned by our attitudes (Soul) – Mat.5:21-22, Jam. 2:8-9
 We are in a sinful state (spirit) – Jn. 16:8-9


 Chata – Miss the mark

 Ra – breaking up or ruin
 Pasha – Rebel or transgression
 Awon - Inequity and guilt
 Shagag – to err or go astray
 Asham – guilt before God

 Rasha – wicked
 Taah – deliberately wander away


 Kakos – morally bad

 Poneras – Evil, Morality evil
 Asebes – ungodly
 Hamartis – miss the mark
 Adikia - any unrighteous conduct
 Anomis – lawlessness , iniquity
 Parabates – transgressor, violation of the law.
 Agnoein - Ignorant worship
 Planao – go astray , deceiving others or self
 Paraptoma – falling away (intentionally)
 Hypocrisis – Hypocrites


 As for you, you were dead in your transgression in which you used to live when you
followed the ways of this world (cosmos) and the ruler (Satan) of the kingdom of the air, the
spirit (Satan) who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among
them at one time, gratifying the carving of our sinful nature (flesh, sarx) and following its
desire and thoughts. Eph.2:1-3
 The word (Cosmos)
 The word system feeds man’s sin natures craving lust and pride (1Jn.2:16)
 Christians should not conform to the pattern of this world system (Rom.12:2)
 The cosmos is a place where everything is under the control of devil (Eph.6:12)
 The flesh (or sin nature)
 The sin nature in man enslaves the body and mind of man (Rom.7:23 Eph. 2:3)
 The sin nature affects every part of man: body, mind, intellect will emotions, desires
- Intellect is blinded (2Cor.4:4)
- Mind is disapproved (Rom.1:28)
- Emotions are degraded (Rom.1:21,2426; Titus 1:15)

- Will is enslaved (Rom.6:20; 7:20)
 Sinning involves living for the satisfaction of the flesh or sin nature (2Cor.2:23)
 The works that the flesh can produce are all sinful (Gal.5:19-21)
 The devil
 Ruler of this world (Jn.12:13)
 Head of the kingdom of darkness (Mat.12:26; Eph.2:1-2)
 Father of rebellious people (Jn. 8:44)
 Works in the sin nature of man (Eph.2:2-3)
 Opposes the gospel (Mat.13:19)
 Sows weeds among the good seeds (Mat.13:39)


No one sins in a bubble or in isolation. Adam’s sin affected him, his wife and his unborn
sons, the next generations and the entire human race likewise our sins also affect their things:

 Human destiny: Sin affects both, the eternal destiny of believers and unbelievers. The loss
of eternal reward for believers (2 Jn.8) and opportunities and blessings in time.
 The Human will: Jesus came to set the captives free. The captivity was in the human will,
not physical bondage (Lk.4:18)
 The Human body:Not all sickness from sin, but some of it is (Jn.5:14; 1Cor.6:18)
 Other Human: Much of the suffering in the world can be traced back and the sin nature of
the man.
 Total depravity: Man’s total depravity leaves him spiritually dead or separated from God’s
life. They are like cut flowers whitening in a vase pretty but dead.


Adam and Eve had been created perfect. But the sin introduced death into human race.
Man is considered to be dead in his sins, “For the wages of sin is death”- Rom. 6:23. But through the
Son of God, Jesus Christ, man have a chance to overcome sin and death. The Bible talks about three
types of death.

 Spiritual death: As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they instantly experienced spiritual
death. Because of our sin and unrighteousness through the Adamic roots, we are
counted as spiritually dead by a righteous and holy God, who can in His perfection no
longer have any direct contact with us except on His own grace and terms of salvation
through Lord Jesus Christ and on our acceptance and faith on the Christ’s saving work
in cross.
 Physical Death: As soon as they ate the forbidden fruit, their bodies were instantly
rendered mortal. As a result, anybody who is born will die as a process. Which is a
quite natural phenomenon of life- Eccl. 3:19-20
 Eternal Death:As a consequence of spiritual death the human race have been
eliminated from the life of God (Eph. 4:18cf Rom.5:10; Eph.2:12).as a result of the
physical death, they would not be able to abide forever in this world. But because of
the promised seed (Heb.9:27), the eternal death remains for these who die in sin not
acceptation the salvation work of cross.


The term ‘Sin Nature’ itself is the replica for the corrupted physical body that we now
occupy. Scripture however uses a variety of terms to express the reality of sin indwelling
in the physical body we occupy. Some of them are:
 Sin – (Rom.3:9; 3:20; 6:12; 7:14; 8:4,10) 1Cor. 15:56, Heb.3:13;1Jn. 3:5
 The Body – Rom. 6:6; 7:24; 8:10; 6:12; 8:13; 1Cor.11:29; 15:40, 44; Phil.3:21; Col
2:11; Heb.10:22.
 Flesh – Jn.3:6; 6:63 Rom.6:19; 1Cor. 3:3; 2Cor 10:2-3; Gal. 2:16; Eph 2:3; Col.
2:13; Heb. 9:13; 1Pt.1:24; 4:6; 2Pt. 2:10; Rom. 7:18.
 Corrupt - Rom.1:23; 1Cor.15:50; Gal.6:8; Eph.4:22; 2pt.1:4; 2:12; 2:19.
 Mortal – Rom.6:12; 8:11; 2Cor.4:11; 5:4; 2Cor. 15:53.
 Old Man - Rom.6:6; Eph.4:22; Col.3:9-10
 Nature – 2Pt. 2:12; Jude 1:10
 Indwelling sin – Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Rom. 7:17-20;
 Subject to Lust – Gal.5:16-17; Rom. 1:24; Col.3:5; 1Thess.4:5; Tit 2:12; Jam. 1:14-
15; Jude 1:16-18.
 In slavery to Sin – Jn.8:34; Rom.3:9; 6:20; Gal.3:22
 Earthly members – Rom.6:13, 19; Jam.3:5-6; Col.3:5-8.

Since the fall of Adam, Satan took control of all things in the world. Though all the things
were given to man, he lost it to Satan. And because of this sin became universal. When we talk
about universal sin nature, it is all about a sought of violation of God’s perfect standards. Some
scripture that denotes the universality of sin are:

 There is no man who does not sin – 1Kings.8:46(a), 2Chro.6:36(a)

 How can a man born out of a woman can be righteous - Job. 15:14
 If God keep a close on iniquities, then who can stand - Ps.130:3
 No one living can be righteous – Ps.143:2
 There is no man who is righteous and does what is good – Ecc.7:20
 All one under sins control – Rom.3:9,23
 We are sold under sin - Rom.7:14,23
 We all stumble in many ways – Jam.3:2(a)

In fact all the world is under the control of sins, as we can see the religious field, where people are
practicing polytheism and idol worshipping. The moral standards are below the level, standards.
And sexual immorality is becoming a common thing nowadays. The entertainment but more of
lustful topic and things. Entertainment failed is totally polluted. The unsaved people become the
rulers of the state and natures. Those who don’t fear God, works as the agents of devil. The
business field today have no moral values as they become more of deceiving and to do anything for
selfish gin. Sin has become a common factor in everyone’s life today irrespective of nationality,
colour, race religion, tribe, and colour.


Law gives sin its person (1Cor.15:56). Law was given to tackle the sin. But it never came as
complete solution. Rather, it became an excuse to sin and to continue in sin with temporary
solution. Law became ineffective become of following reason.

 Limited time period of the law

 Exists until its requirements are fulfilled – Mat. 5:18
 Jesus Christ fulfilled the law – Mat. 5:7-18, Lk. 24:44, Rom. 8:3-5
 Love fulfils the law – Rom.13:8-10, Gal. 5:14, Jam. 2:8
 Being one another burden – Gal. 6:2
 Salvation by Promise (Grace & Faith)
 Before the law: through Abraham – Rom.4:13; 4:16, Gal.3:17-21, Gen.26:5
 After the Law: Through Jesus Christ – Jn.1:17, Rom.8:2, Gal.2:16
He law was in affective until John the Baptist, after John the Baptist, the gospel is
preached – Lk.16:16
 Old covenant
- Ten commandments – Exo.20:3-17, Deut.5:7-21
- Levitical law – Exo. - Deut.
 New covenant of the understanding of law.
- Greatest commandment is to love God fully - Mat. 22:36-40, Lk. 10:26-7
- Next greatest is to love others as yourself – Mat.22:39, Lk. 10:27
- Important matters: Judgement, Mercy, faith – Mat. 23:23
- Jesus is above the law – Jn.Jn.8:5-11, Mat.12:8
 Purpose of the law
 Made for sinners – 1Tim. 1:9, Rom.4:5, Gal. 3:19
 Law is pictured as a prison – Gal. 3:22-23, Gal. 5:13-18
 It is a shadow of the good things to come – Heb. 10:1
 Brings a conscious of sin – Rom.3:20, Rom.7:7
 Put in charge to lead us to Christ – Gal.3:23-29
 Results of the law
 Law gives sin its power - 1Cor. 15:56, Rom.5:13
 People were unable to keep the law
- Requires perfect obedience – Deut. 27:26, Gal.3:10-11, Jam. 2:10
- No one can perfectly obey the law – Rom.3:10
- All people need to be justified by God’s grace – Rom. 3:19-24
 Law was unable to save because of man sinfulness – Rom. 8:3
- Law made nothing perfect – Heb.7:19, Gal.2:16
- Through law, we die to the law, to live for God – Gal. 2:19-21
 Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the law
 The law was in effect until John the Baptist – Lk.16:16
 Church is not obliged to keep the law of Moses – Acts. 15:5-21, Rom.6:14
- But this is not a permission to sin – Rom.6:15
- Justified by fait without the law – Rom.3:28
 Christ fulfilled the requirements of the law – Mat.5:17

 Christ abolished the law by His death – Eph. 2:15-17, Rom.10:3-4
 Christ set us free from the curse of the law – Gal.3:13
 A New Covenant with God
 The new covenant (Grace & faith) puts the requirements of the law into our hearts –
Heb.8:10-13, Heb.10:16-17
 We mist repent and be forgiven & confess that Jesus is the Lord – Rom.10:9, Acts.
3:19, 5:31, Rom.2:4, 2Pt. 3:9, Lk. 24:47


One of Jesus’ most common topics was sin. Moses in his given law would have plenty to say
concerning violations against the holy and the moral character of God. So, did Jesus condemn sin
throughout His entire ministry? Here is a list of some common sins Jesus mentioned in the gospels:

 Sacrilege (Mk. 11:15-18) – violating the temple and the holy things that are dedicated to
 Hypocrisy (Mat.23:1-36) – to the religious leaders who did not obey their own standards,
they exalted themselves, avoiding fulfilling their oaths, they kept the legalistic code but
missed the intent of the law.
 Covetousness (Lk.12:15) – the sin of greed causes fights ad quarrels (Jam 4:1-4)
 Blasphemy (Mat.12:22-37) – calling God’s work Satanic and vice versa.
 Transgressing the law (Mat.15:3-6) – fixing the law to benefit your desire, breaking of the
 Pride (Mat. 20:20-28, Lk.14:7-11) – seeking position of power and honour
 Being a stumbling block (Mat.18:6) – leading others to sin
 Disloyalty (Mat.8:19-22) – seeking comfort and serving the self before fulfilling duties to
Christi in Sin.
 Immorality (Mat.5:27-32) – committed in action or in heart.
 Fruitlessness (Jn. 15:16) – not living a productive Christian life.
 Anger (Mat.5:22) – Anger inside is compared t be an act of murder.
 Sin of speech (Mat.5:33-37,12:36) – not keeping oath, unfulfilled promises, accountability
for useless words
 Showing (Mat.6:1-8) – doing good deeds for attention or eye service.
 Lack of faith (Mat. 6:25) – worrying and not trusting God is sin.

 Irresponsible stewardship (Mat.25:14-30, Lk.19:11-27) – failure to use your abilities and
 Prayerlessness – Jesus told us to pray and never give up. To cease to pray or to stop calling
out to God for help is sin.


 SINS OF THE HEART: what we think may indeed be sinful. And the fact that Lucifer’s original
sin was one of arrogance a sin which came straight from his heart. “I will ascend heaven
word........” (Isa. 14:13-14). “You heart became haughty.......” (Eze.28:17(a). So, the origin of
is may come from the heart. (e.g. Adultery in OT & NT), covetousness
 SIN OF TONGUE: Slandering, lying, blaspheming, bearing false witness shave in common one
fact that they are discretely verbal. We should be very careful of what we say, how we say
and to whom we say, we should learn how to tame our tongue (Jam.3:2-10) e.g., Speaking
against Holy Spirit.
 SIN OF ACTION: Sin of action are our deeds contrary to God’s will and God’s law. We should
be very careful about our actions. E.g. stealing, murder, etc. (cf. Ps.1)


Every action has equal and opposite reaction. So is sin. All the sinful activity brings a
drawback into our life

 Separates us from God – Gen.3:23, Isa.59:2,3

 Brings Death – Gen.3:2-3, Jam. 1:15, Rom.6:23, Eze. 18:4
 Brings God’s Anger - Deut.25:16, Prov.5:16-19, 1Kgs. 16:2
 Brings God’s Curse
- Ground was Cursed - Gen. 3:17-18
- Toil & sweat for man – Gen.3:16-19, Job.14:1
- Pain in childbirth – Gen.3:16
 All creation in Bondage – Rom.8:21-22
 Brings calamities
- Drought – Jer.5:24; 2Chro. 6:26-28
- War – 2Chro.6:36-39
- Sickness – Ps.38:3

 Incurs God’s Punishment
- Present – Isa.13:11, Amos.3:2, Jer.5:25, Lk.12:47, Rom.2:8-9
- Future – Mat.18:9, Mk. 3:29, Lk.3:17, 2Thes.1:9, 2Pt.2:9, Rev.14:11, Rev.20:15
 Fear – Gen.3:10, Gen. 3:12-13
 Satan’s Children – Jn. 8:44, 1Jn.3:8-10
 Mental & morally corrupted – Ps.94:11, Rom. 1:19-31
 Enslaved & controlled by Satan – Rom.6:17, Eph.2:2
 Dead in trespasses – Eph.2:1


 Repentance – Acts. 17:30

 Confession – Prov.28:13, Heb.12:1, 1Jn.1:9
 Forgiveness – Jam.5:16, 1Jn. 1:6-7, Lk.15:20-24
 Repentance: self-directed acknowledgement of sin.
 Confession: God directed acknowledgement of sin
 Forgiveness: Provided by God; received believed and appreciated by us.
 Being born again – 1Cor. 4:15 Gal. 4:29, Jam.1:18, 1Pt.1:3, 23.
 Created a new – 2Cor. 5:17, Eph. 2:10,2:15, Rom.12:2
 No longer Spiritually dead – Rom.6:1-23, Eph. 2:5, Col.2:13, 2Tim.2:11
 No longer darkness – Jn. 1:4, 8:12, 9:5, Jn.12:46, Eph.5:8
 Part of Christ’s Bride – Mat.9:15, Mat.25:1-13, Mk.2:19, Lk.5:5:34, Jn.3:29, Eph.1:22-23,
Rev. 19:7-14, 2Cor.11:2-3, Eph. 5:25-32
 Adopted into the Family of God – Jn.1:12-13, Rom.8:16-17, Gal.3:21-4:7, eph.3:15,
Heb.12:4-11, 1Jn.3:1-2
 Citizen of Heaven – Jn.17:16, 1Pt.2:9, 11 Col.1:27, Phil.3:20,2Cor. 4:7-1
 Heirs of God – 1Pt. 1:4, Rom.8-1-17, Eph.1:14, Col.1:12, 2Jn.1:8
 No longer under Law but under Grace – Rom.6:14-15, Gal.3:10-13, Eph.2:1-10,
1Cor. 9:20,21.
 Washed clean from sin – 1Cor.6:11, Eph.5:26, Titus 3:5, Heb.10:22
 Redeemed from sin – Mat.20:28, Rom.3:24, Heb.9:12-15, Eph.1:7, Col.1:14
 Made near to God – Eph.2:12 Heb.4:16, Jam.4:8
 Reconciled to God – 2Cor. 5:18, Eph.2:16, Col.1:20-21
 Made Righteous in Christ – Rom.3:21-24, Phil.3:9, Gal.2:16, Eph. 2:8-9

 Turned back to God – Acts. 3:19 Jam.5:20, 2Cor. 3:16, 1Thess. 1:9, 1Pt.2:25.
 Sanctified – Rom.5:8, Eph.2:1-3, 2:12, Col.2:13; 1Cor.1:2; 2Cor.1:1, 1Thess.3:13, Rom.8:27,



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