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何志彬 2022071074

Rewriting of The Nightingale

Long long ago, an Emperor of antient China lived in his costly but brittle palace. In the nearby
forest, there lived a Nightingale who sang pretty sweetly. Once the Emperor heard about the
Nightingale, he commanded his cavaliers to find it. By chance, a little kitchen maid managed to
lead them to find the Nightingale and persuaded it to sing for the Emperor.

The Nightingale flew to sing its sweet songs to the Emperor, which pleased the Emperor a lot.
Then the Nightingale was caged in the palace. One day, the Emperor received an artificial
nightingale, which also sang well. It even sang all the time tirelessly. People prefer the artificial
bird. Therefore the real one left secretly, with banishment from the country.

After five years, the Emperor was terribly ill and the artificial nightingale couldn’t sing for him.
He suffered from the Death and specters . At that very moment, the real Nightingale returned
and sang away them from the Emperor’ s bed. It refused rewarding or staying with the
Emperor. But it would sing him something only begging of he didn’t tell anyone about itself.
Then the Nightingale flew away.

(191 words)

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