LM3 - Reported Speech

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© foo) Listen and repeat. Then act out I couldn't play football. Well Fhe eald £0, he's seen you play, hasn't he? * Direct speech is the exact words © Reported speech is the exact ‘someone said. We use quotation meaning of what someone said but marks in Direct speech. not the exact words. We do not use He said, “Til wait for you.” quotation marks in Reported speech. He said that he would wait for me. Say - Tell © We use say in Direct speech. We also use say in Reported speech when say is not followed by the person the words were spoken to, We use tell in Reported speech when tell is followed by the person the words were spoken to. Direct speech: ‘She said to me, “I am very tired.” ‘She told me that she was very tired. ‘She said that she was very tired. say good morning, etc., say something, say one’s prayers, say s0 tell the truth, tell a lie, tell a secret, tell a story, tell the Expressions with tell _ time, tell the difference, tell sb one’s name, tell sb the way, tell one from another Expressions with say _ ® Fill in: say or tell in the correct form. 1 The police officer said that 4 Jim me about the party the man was lying, last night. 2 Philip itwould probably 5 Our teacher he was rain tomorrow. pleased with our work. 3 Susan , ‘Let's go out for 6 Jane and Kate are twins. | really can't dinner tonight.” cone from the other. ® Reported Speech Goa Listen and repeat. Then act out. (iy vere you arrested? What are you doing? 'm looking for Trouble) A police officer asked me what | was doing 80 | told him that | was etek for Trouble, Well, he was right: to arrest you. You were looking for trouble, "We can report: A, statements Reported Statements * To report statements we use a reporting verb (say, tell, advise, explain, promise, etc.) followed by a that-clause. In spoken English that may be omitted. * Pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning. Direct speech: He said, " can't fixit myself.” Reported speech: He said he could’ fixit himself, B. questions, commands, requests, suggestions Note that: * Certain words change as follows: can changes to could Direct speech this / these here come will changes to would may changes to might must changes to had to Reported speech that /those there go “This is my book,” he said. He said that was his book. © When the reporting verb is in the past, the verb tenses change as follows: Direct speech | Reported speech | Present Simple ==—_—Past Simple =| “Lwant to go to bed early,” she said. _She said she wanted to goto bed eal, Present Continuous _ "Past Continuous | “She's speaking to Joe,” he said. He said she was speaking to Joe, Present Perfect "Past Perfect | “tve bought you some flowers,” she said. __She said she had bought me some flowers. Past Simple Rast Perfect i “He lost all the money,” she said. She said he ‘had lo: lost all the money. Future 9 | Conditional = “TI see you later,” he said, He said he would see me later. Reported Speech © © Time expressions change as follows: Direct speech T Reported speech tonight, today, this week / month / year that night, that day, that week / month / year now then, at that time, at once, immediately now that since yesterday, last night / week / month / the day before, the previous night / week / year month / year the day after, the next / following day, the next / following week / month / year tomorrow, next week / month / year two days / months / years, etc.,ago two days / months / years, etc., before “He arrived last week,” she said "She sald (that) he had anved the previous week ‘* There are no changes in verb tenses when the reporting verb is in the Present, Future or Present Perfect tense or when the sentence expresses something which is always true, Direct speech —_—_She'll say, “I can do it.” “The Earth is round,” said the teacher. Reported speech She'll say (that) she can do it.The teacher said (that) the Earth is round. © The Past Continuous does not usually change. Direct speech “1 was travelling to Brighton while she was flying tothe USA. he said. Reported speech He said he was traveling io Brighton while she was fying tothe USA. * Certain modal verbs do not change in Reported speech. These are: would, could, might, should, ought to. Direct speech “He might visit us,” Mum said, Reported speech Mum said (that) he might visit us. st ® Reported Speech @® Report what the guests said at a wedding last Saturday. 5; oe : The bride and 1 They make a 2 They're going to live in Brighton.) groom are very nice young people, lovely couple. =< Y? = ~) nd ANAL VNC eco a Ki P. 71 Miss Mayall q EON Y parents look happy, \ ( 7 The bride ie weary a P Yili We mene YF _beautiful wedding dros. JM bought them a big fiat, Miss Moore 94/4 (that) they.would.make. a lovely.couple., ‘Mr Smith Mrs Jones Mr Roberts Mr Clarke Miss Mayall @ Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. 1. "New Year's Eve is always on December 31st,” she said She. gaid (that). New Year's Eve.ie alwaye.on. December Stet, “The children are riding their bikes,” Jennifer said to me. “The Earth revolves around the Sun,” the teacher said to the students. “Jack and Karen have bought a house in the countryside,” Nick said to us. “Burglars broke into the museum last night,” the news reporter said. “Dad was mowing the lawn while | was cleaning the car,” Ryan said “We will have a housewarming party next week," said Mike and Helen. “Julia. and José might move to Australia next year,” Rory said to us. A«xh Reported Speech ® Reported Questions In Reported questions we use affirmative word order and the question mark is omitted. To report a wh-question, we use ask followed by the question word (who, what, etc.). When there is no question word in direct questions, if or whether is used in Reported questions. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, tenses, time expressions, etc. change as in statements. He asker Direct speech Reported speech He asked what time it was. “What time is if?” He asked me, “Do you know her?” He asked me i whether | knew her. ® Turn the following into reported questions as in the example: 1. ‘What are you doing?” she asked her son. | 5 ‘Where were you?” Barbara asked him. She asked her. san .what.be. was doing. 2 “Do you like my new clothes?” she asked 6 “Can you pick me up after school?" she her friend, asked her mother. 3. "Where are my keys?” he asked his wite. 7 “Have you seen Kim?” David asked Sarah. 4 ‘Who is your favourite singer?” Mike asked 8 “When will you return?" Tom asked her. me. ® Report the police officer's questions to the shop owner. 4 How do you think they got in? (5 What did they take? 6 Has this ever happened before?) é cama 1 What's your name? 2 Did you eee the robbers? (3 What were they wearing? 1 The.police.otficer asked hitn.what. bie.name was. 153 ® Reported Speech Reported Commands / Requests / Suggestions To report commands, requests, suggestions, etc. we use a reporting verb (order, ask, tell, beg, suggest, etc.) followed by fo infinitive or not to infinitive. (*suggest is followed by the -ing form. e.g. He said, “Shall we go by bus?” He suggested going by bus.) He said to me, “Don't touch it!” She said to him, “Please, please don't hurt m He told me not to touch it. She begged him not to hurt her. @ Use the vers in the list in the past simple to complete the sentences. tell suggest beg ask order “Close the door, please,” Ann said to Jack. | 4 “Get out of the car!” he said to them. Ann ....28k@d,... Jack to close the door. | He them to get out 2 “Let's go shopping,” she said to me. | ofthe car, She going shopping. | 5 “Don't touch anything,” she said to him. 3 “Please, please don't go," he said to Mary. She him not to touch He Mary not to go. anything. ® Report what Mrs Lane told her daughter, Sue, to do. Don't open the door to anyone! G 5 Give the twine a bath (2 Phone me if there's before they go to bed! \. an emergency! 6 Dor't allow the dog into (3 Don't let the twins the twins’ bedroom! eat any snectel 7 Close all the windows! & Put the toys away in the cupboardl Mrs Lane told Sue not. te apen the.doar te atyane, bed at 9 o'clock! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Auk Reported Speech ® ® Turn the following sentences into direct speech. 1 He said that he had ordered a pizza for dinner. “Ive andered a pizza.for.dinnen.” he.gaid, 2 She said that they had to call their lawyer. 3 The plumber told them that he would go the following day to fix the tap. 4 She told her friend that was the best holiday she had ever had. 5 She asked him why he had said that to her. 6 She told them not to speak to their father like that. 7 He asked the secretary to show him where the managers office was. 8 She told her son to take his books with him, Reporting Verbs Reporting verb Direct speech Reported speech to infinitive offer “Shall | carry the bags?” He offered to carry the bags. promise “I promise ibe back early.” He promised to be back early. refuse “No, | won't buy you a computer.” She refused to buy me a computer. “+sb+to infinitive fap i | advise “You should see a doctor.” He advised me to see a doctor, ask “Could you feed the dog?” She asked me to feed the dog beg “Please, please help mel” She begged me to help her. order *Go to your room.” She ordered me to go to my room. warn “Don't play with matches.” She warned me not to play with matches, “ing form | suggest “Lats visit Sally.” “She suggested visiting Sally.” +that explain “tim going to stay with my sister." She explained that she was going to stay with her sister: @ reported speech ® Choose a reporting verb and turn the following into reported speech. advised asked suggested ordered explained promised offered refused “I think you should exercise more,” the doctor said to me. The doctor advieed.me.to. exercise mare. 2 “Iwill not answer your questions,” the actor said to him. 3. “Ireally will phone this evening,” he said. 4 “Let's go to the cinema,” he said to her. a “Could you do something for me?” he said to her. cy “Go to your room immediately and do your homework,” she said to her son “You will be paid twice a month,” her boss said 8 “Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me. Match the sentences in column A to the correct reporting verb in column B. Then rewrite the sentences in reported speech as in the example: 1] €] “No, | won't do it,” she said. “Let's go for a walk,” he said. “Please, please don't hurt me!” she said to the robber. “Don't go near the campfire because it's dangerous,” she said to Ben. tense =| a ; Pn . promise [_] "i buy you a bicycle for your birthday,” his father said. aig =] [2] [s She. refused. ta do.it. 1 2 3 4 5 a= bm Reported Speech ® @ First state if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) then turn them into reported speech. 1 “Penguins can swim,” he said. He. gaid (that). penguin can swim. . T “The Earth is flat,” the old man said, ry “The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world,” she said. eo “Atrain goes faster than a plane," he said. s “Dolphins are less intelligent than sharks,” he said. a “Man does not live forever,” she said. o @ write what the family said at the dinner table. _ (4 Tin goig to start 1 Does anyone want \(2 Pass me the The chicken i6\ my diet tomorrow. y diet tomorrow. orange julce, 5 Don't eat with your \ mouth open, Sam! 6 This is the best dinner 1 Mother aeked Jf anyone. 2 Father ..... Ghanian tortie 3 Beth..... 4, Grandfather 5 Grandmother. . 6 7 8 9 Titra ete. Jean... Mark .... arb ® Reported Speech Students, in turn, whisper an untrue statement to the person sitting next to them. When a student can’t report a statement or think of a new one he/she loses his/her turn. \ aa S1: (whispers) I'm going on holiday next week. $2: He said he was going on holiday the following week. (whispers) | have never eaten cheese, etc. Speaking Activity (Reporting people's words) Work in groups. Imagine you are watching TV. Your partners are a reporter and a famous singer. Listen to their interview, then report it to the class. Use reported speech. Talk about: * how old/start singing howmanysongs/ ——_® howoften/go there © when / make first album new album has © what / like doing in © who /favourite singer © which /favourite city free time ‘A: How old were you when you started singing? B: | started singing at the age of twelve, etc. The reporter asked the famous singer how old she had been when she had started singing. She said she had started singing at the age of twelve, etc. Sue Cail ad Imagine you are the reporter in the Speaking Activity. Write a short article for the magazine you work for using the information from the Speaking Activity. This week's interview is with Mirella Rossi, the famous singer. | first asked her how old she A=b

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