V2 VConf Paper Final

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Remote ID and Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for

Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management

Ethan Murrell, Zach Walker, Eric King and Kamesh Namuduri

University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA


Abstract. This article presents the results of experiments on vehicle-to-vehicle

(V2V) communications between two Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) and a
ground control station conducted in conjunction with UAS Traffic Management
(UTM) Technology Capability Level Four (TCL-4) flight tests. For V2V imple-
mentation, two UASs were equipped with Dedicated Short-Range Communica-
tion (DSRC) radios and experiments were conducted to assess the functionality,
capabilities, and limitations of DSRC-based V2V communications. Remote ID
is implemented using Globally Unique Flight Identifier (GUFI) assigned to each
UAS by the UAS Service Supplier (USS). This article also summarizes the criti-
cal issues and recommendations to address them.

Keywords: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, Unmanned Aircraft Systems,

Remote Indetifiation

1 Introduction and Concepts

A V2V communication system provides a direct means of communication between two aircraft
and more generally among multiple aircraft. If every vehicle is equipped with a radio, then V2V
communications can be extended to create an ad hoc network with UASs as nodes. In general,
V2V communications is useful for real-time information sharing among the aircraft. In the con-
text of UTM, there are two primary benefits of V2V communications: 1) Collision Avoidance or
Deconfliction between UASs and 2) Beyond Radio Line of Sight (BRLoS) communications be-
tween any pair of UASs. In order for implementation, each aircraft first needs to be identifiable
with a unique ID and a unique IP address. Standards for Remote ID were recently published by
ASTM International (formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials) and Fed-
eral Aviation Administration (FAA). Remote ID is the ability of a UAS in flight to provide iden-
tification information that can be received by other parties [1]. As the Remote ID specification
matures, it serves as the primary means of identification of a UAS in flight. During the TCL-4
flight tests, GUFI assigned to each UAS by the USS was used as Remote ID.

Table 1. General comparison of the three modes of V2V Communications

V2V Communication Strategy Latency Area of Coverage
SATCOM Large Large
Cellular Network Medium Medium
Direct air-to-air Small Small

Fig. 1. A Conceptual View of V2V Communications. Options for direct communications be-
tween UASs include WiFi and DSRC among others.

1.1 V2V Communication Strategies

V2V communications can be established in three ways: using satellite communica-

tions (SATCOM), cellular Networks (using D2D option in 3GPP, for example), or di-
rect air-to-air communications using WiFi or DSRC without any infrastructure support.
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In general terms, latency for round-
trip communications between a UAS and its ground control station (GCS) and area of
coverage greatly vary for the three modes of communications (see Table 1). The com-
plementary capabilities of the three methods suggest that one can make use of all three
means of V2V communications as backup to one another. For example, the PLANET
Terminal, a commercial product from ATMOSPHERE Inc., enables mobile communi-
cation on the ground and in the air, using Iridium satellite network and terrestrial cel-
lular networks (LTE) [2].

Fig. 2. Matrice equipped with a DSRC radio from Unex, Raspberry PI, and a GPS unit. The ra-
dio was affixed to the bottom of the aircraft’s frame.

2 Challenges in Establishing Direct V2V Communications

between Aircraft Systems

A direct approach to V2V communications (as depicted in Fig. 1) without any sup-
porting infrastructure is attractive because of the minimal latency it offers compared to
the other two options. However, it also comes with a big challenge: the impact of high
mobility. While high mobility impacts Cellular- and Satellite-based V2V communica-
tion also, they are easier to address with the supporting infrastructure. The impact of
mobility on direct V2V communication is significant and it includes (1) Doppler shift
at physical-layer level and (2) frequent loss of connectivity at network-layer level. In
order to address these challenges, there is a need for developing accurate air-to-air
(A2A) channel models. Although there are few theoretical A2A models available in the
literature, there is a need for experimentally validated models under different settings
such as urban and suburban as well as under various environmental conditions [7,8].
The Doppler shift on A2A communication is large as opposed to terrestrial V2V com-
munications due to high mobility and becomes even larger when mmWave carrier fre-
quencies are used. Further, a simple rotation of the aircraft might affect the LoS be-
tween the transmitter and receiver causing loss of connection. Unless these issues are
addressed, it is difficult to rely solely on direct means of V2V communications without
any supporting infrastructure. Although, V2V communication strategies were proposed
using WiFi and D2D option within 3GPP, they haven’t been rigorously evaluated under
adverse conditions such as high mobility. Further, none of the V2V communication
strategies have been tested for scalability. Current literature consists of results from
isolated experiments with limited number (often with just two or three) UASs under
free-space conditions. Thus, even today, V2V communication remains as an open prob-
lem for fundamental research and development, particularly in topics such as A2A
channel models,

2.1 Our Contributions

The contributions of this paper are primarily experimental. The novelty is in terms
of setting the context, feasibility study, and identifying the challenges surrounding di-
rect V2V communications. The flight tests were conducted in downtown Corpus
Christi, Texas. DSRC radios, typically used for automobiles, were used to design the
V2V communication system. These radios were equipped with omni-directional anten-
nas. The UASs were flown in the suburban setting consisting of buildings typically
present in any downtown area. Experiments were conducted multiple times in order to
test the feasibility of direct V2V communications. A simple V2V communication pro-
tocol for information sharing is designed. The protocol makes use of Remote ID imple-
mented in its basic form. Visualization plots showcase the experimental results. General
conclusions derived from experimental observations are summarized. While this paper
didn’t address the theoretical aspects discussed in the previous section, the results pre-
sented here highlight these challenges in V2V communications for UASs when tested
in real world context.

3 Direct V2V Communication System Design

Messages shared between two UASs primarily include UAS identification, telemetry
information including current Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates, heading,
acceleration, distress status, at the very least. Sharing telemetry information between
aircraft allows for implementation of collision avoidance strategies in the airspace. As
each UAS receives telemetry information from its neighbors, it can determine potential
conflicts that may arise, and avoid such conflicts by implementing established decon-
fliction strategies. A deconfliction strategy may also consider telemetry and other rele-
vant information received from the other aircraft such as the battery status, distress level
(if any) that could affect the aircraft’s mobility. A predetermined algorithm would then
determine the best course of deconfliction while taking the surrounding environment
into account as well, avoiding any additional obstacles that may be present, to allow the
aircraft to continue their separate flight plans.

A V2V system should be able to record aircraft interactions to allow for analysis of
how deconflictions take place and if there are any anomalies or new problems that need
to be addressed. One major concern would be deconfliction with an aircraft that is not
equipped with a compatible V2V system, or no V2V system at all. Another use of V2V
system would be relaying or forwarding telemetry packets from any UAS that it is cur-
rently communicating with to its GCS while the other aircraft is out of range from its
GCS or USS. This would allow USS operators to be aware of more vehicles at any
given time while they are performing their normal operations.

3.1 Platform and Hardware

The hardware used V2V communications during UTM TCL4 flight testing included a
radio, a single board processing unit, and a GPS module. The radio selected for each of
the aircraft was the Unex OBU-201U. These are DSRC radios with a frequency band
from 5.850 ~ 5.925 GHz and +20 dBm power output. The radios can be programmed
to function as translators from User Datagram Protocol (UDP) data packets to Wave
Short Message (WSM) or vice versa. They will automatically convert and forward any
messages received via ethernet to the single board computer equipped on the aircraft.
The main advantage of the DSRC radios is the dedicated frequency band for V2V com-
munication that cuts out almost any external interference for the transmitted signal. This
would be advantageous for allowing the development of a more robust communication
system. The radios are also originally used for V2V and vehicle to infrastructure (V2X)
communication in automobiles, meaning that they are already built to withstand the
high and low temperatures that an aircraft equipped with a V2V system would be op-
erating in.

The single-board computer selected was the Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Pi) [3], which comes
preloaded with an operating system that includes the Python programming language
and common libraries along with other basic programs. The Pi handles all computa-
tional tasks required by the V2V system utilizing a Quad-core 64-bit processor form

arm that has been clocked at a speed of 1.4 GHz and communicates to the DSRC radio
via an ethernet connection at speeds up to 300 Mbps, all contained in a footprint of
3.370 in. x 2.224 in. The included HDMI input port and four USB ports allowed for
direct monitoring of the system and to make any necessary changes quickly [4]. The PI
also includes WiFi capabilities, allowing for additional Python modules to be added as
they were needed throughout the software development process. All telemetry infor-
mation would ideally be pulled directly from the flight controller for the aircraft. The
flight controllers used for the Tarot aircraft used in the TCL4 testing were the Pixhawk
Cubes that provide two standard telemetry output ports along with other ports that can
be configured to different functions such as GPS or telemetry. The flexibility of the
Raspberry Pi 3B+ allowed a connection to be made directly with the flight controller
via serial communication connecting to the Pi using some of the general-purpose in-
put/output (GPIO) pins. The telemetry data pulled from the Pixhawk is easily manipu-
lated utilizing a specific library for pulling the data that is available for Python. How-
ever, integration with the Pixhawk did not occur due to restrictions imposed on aircraft
integration by the TCL4 project management. Specifically, any external interfaces to
the controller are not recommended during TCL4. Instead, an additional parasite GPS
module was used as a workaround. The advantage of using this module includes the
ability to simulate navigation loss to trigger a distress status without aircraft performing
the test flights without GPS. We were also able to set the time on the Pi based on the
data received from the GPS module, ensuring that both aircraft had synced timestamps.

3.2 Software

A Raspberry Pi is used to run a Python script on both vehicles to coordinate communi-

cation between the radio as well as to obtain telemetry information from the GPS mod-
ule. The script establishes a server-client interaction with the Pi and the radio. Python
is a robust, high-level programming language that focuses on being readable and boasts
a large library of modules that can be downloaded to achieve almost any task required
of programmers. Its many libraries include detailed documentation that facilitated quick
integration and implementation of new protocols within a code, which was very helpful
for developing the script used to pull telemetry from the aircraft and communicate to
the neighboring aircraft.

A middleware called uCoupler was used as the interface between DSRC radio and
Raspberry Pi. This script was provided as part of the software development kit when
the radios were purchased and enables the radios to act as a message forwarder. This
means that any message received by the radio, either from the Pi or another radio, is
automatically forwarded the opposite way. The uCoupler script translates the UDP
packet containing all the telemetry data from the Pi into a wave short message (WSM)
packet to transmit to the other radios. When a radio receives the WSM packet, it trans-
lates it back to UDP format and forwards it to the Pi. The uCoupler script requires the
IP address for the Pi’s ethernet port to be statically defined at the start of the python
script. It forwards the received WSM messages to a specific IP address. This enables
the communication link via the ethernet connection from the Pi to the DSRC radio.

The method used for interfacing with the Pixhawk involves pulling telemetry data off
the Pixhawk 4 (PX4) flight controller. The PX4 takes in the information provided by
the sensors and can be configured to send and receive information through MAVLink.
MAVLink is a messaging protocol used for communicating with drones and their
onboard components. The RPI interfaces with the PX4 through the UART (Universal
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) communication ports which are then used to send
requests to pull information from the PX4. Dronekit was chosen so that their application
programming interface (API) that interacts with MAVLink could be used. Dronekit
provides access to a vehicle’s telemetry data and enables mission management com-
mands that allow for autonomous input [5]. A few drawbacks inherent to Dronekit are
that the API is still under development so the program does not utilize the full function-
ality of MAVLink and the API currently supports Python 2.7. For access to more cus-
tomization and control integrating with the MAVLink proxy is recommended. This
would also allow us to pull time from the PX4, rather than setting it based on the exter-
nal GPS module.

3.3 Integration with Aircraft

The integration with the aircraft only required few small modifications. The radio was
affixed to the bottom of the aircraft’s frame, below the batteries. This was similar to
how NASA had integrated the radio to their Tarot aircraft [9]. This configuration pro-
vided the best LoS to the ground station while also avoiding any interference from the
rotors of the aircraft and from the other modules installed on the top side of the frame.
The Raspberry Pi 3B+ was installed on the top side of the aircraft without taking space
from any other module due to its small footprint. The ethernet connection was fed
through the frame along with the power distribution cord. Power for both the board and
Pi were pulled directly from the aircraft’s batteries, converting the DC voltage to 12 V
AC for the radio and 5 V AC for the Pi.

Fig. 3. V2V Message Format

3.4 Message Structure

The message structure remains consistent throughout the operation of the aircraft with
the values for each transmitted packet updated prior to being forwarded to the DSRC
radio from the Pi. Fig. 3 shows the V2V message format for each packet sent. The

‘vehicle’ and ‘source’ fields are the same when the packet is sent from the originating
aircraft, however each aircraft will automatically forward any packet that it receives to
account for any instance that an aircraft within its range is out of range of the GCS. The
GCS Pi then compares the ‘vehicle’ and ‘source’ fields to determine if the message has
been forwarded and uses the ‘sentCount’ to check if the packet contains to most recent
telemetry data and logs the information as necessary. Timestamp for each packet is
pulled from the Pi itself, and then run through a simple script to format the data accord-
ing to specifications from NASA. Our ‘Distress’ value is currently based solely on the
GPS signal. Loss of GPS, simulated or actual, will result in the value being changed.
The GPS information (‘Lon’ for longitude, ‘Lat’ for latitude, and ‘alt’ for altitude) is
queried every time a packet is constructed. If the ‘Distress’ value is currently true but
the query receives good data, the ‘Distress’ value is reset, and the incident is logged

4 Experiments and Results

The testing consisted of five different scenarios. Each scenario was tested under differ-
ent urban conditions. In these experiments, the takeoff and landing zones and locations
varied along with the distance. When the drones were within the effective range of the
DSRC radios V2V communication took place with high throughput. Our results show
that the packet ratio had a high variance due to differences in each scenario testing
environment like the takeoff/landing zone, LoS, etc. Time delay presented itself as a
new issue with the new configuration change. The GPS module does not pull the accu-
rate time down to the second and is not a robust way to input system time. As a result,
one system will lag up to 1 second behind and skew the time delay. A real-time clock
module will allow a more accurate track of time upon an initial synchronization.

The plots shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 provide a visual representation of the GPS data
collected by each aircraft from other aircraft equipped with a V2V system when in
range. The gaps in the flight paths indicate the areas where the aircraft were out of
communication range from each other during the given scenario.

5 Conclusions

This article presented the results of experiments on V2V communications between two
UASs and GCS. Each UAS was equipped with a DSRC radio and experiments were
conducted to assess the functionality, capabilities, and limitations of DSRC-based V2V
communication system. Results suggest that DSRC radio is a viable choice for V2V

Fig. 4. Visual representation of GPS data collected by two aircraft equipped with V2V

Fig. 5. Flight Path Overlay [6]


Due to time constraints imposed by the project, data collection process was very limited
and measurements such as latency and throughput couldn’t be completed. Synchroni-
zation of time among the distributed systems (for e.g. between GPS units) posed a chal-
lenge during data analysis.


The authors thank NASA and Lone Star UAS Centre of Excellence, Texas A&M Uni-
versity for providing with an opportunity to engage in the UTM TCL-4 flight test op-
erations. Kamesh Namuduri is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at UNT. Ethan
Murrell, Zach Walker, and Eric King are currently pursuing graduate studies in the
Department of Electrical Engineering at UNT.

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