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Unit two: Communication (the Press) STOP AND CONSIDER


We use the reported speech when we want to repeat what someone says/said. We have two possibilities:
either we use the direct speech or the indirect speech. Here are two examples:
1) He says: “ I like foreign languages.» (direct speech)
2) He says that he likes foreign languages. (indirect speech)
Note: in the example above the reporting verb is in the present so when we report the statement we don’t
change anything except the pronouns.
However, the reporting verb can be in the past. In this case, we make many changes in the sentence. As in
the example below:
Eg. He said: “I like foreign languages.” (direct speech)
He said that he liked foreign languages. (indirect/reported speech)
A) Reporting what someone says/said:
1- a) He says: “ I read serious newspapers.”
b) He says ...................................................................................
2- a) They said: “ The reporter conducts the survey.”
b) They said ...................................................................................
3- a) She told us:“ I don’t like reading tabloids.”
b) She said us........................................................................................
B) Reporting what somone asks /asked:
1- a) He asked me: “ Do you know the truth?”
b) He asked me.........................................................................................
2- a) The journalist asked Leila: “ Are you angry?”
b) The journalist asked her ...................................................................
3- a) They told the students : “ Where do you spend your holidays?”
b) They asked them .......................................................................................
Direct speech Indirect (reported ) speech
1- If we have Auxiliary questions after the reporting 1- Reporting verb + if/whether + subject + verb + the
verb: rest of the sentence
Eg: Are/is/am/was/were/do/does
2- If we have ‘wh’ questions after the reporting verb: 2- Reporting verb + when, where,what, how many+
Eg : when, where , what , how many,etc subject + verb+ the rest of the sentence

C) Reporting requests, advice, commands:

1- a) Could you lend me your pen, please? (direct speech)
b) He asked me to lend him my pen.( indirect speech)
2- a) She advised me: “You should revise your lessons regularly.” (direct speech)
b) She advised me to revise my lessons regularly. (Indirect speech)
3- a) The boss told his employees: “ Do not waste time!” (direct speech)
b) The boss ordered his employees not to waste time. (Indirect speech)
Note: when we have polite requests or commands/ advice in the direct speech, we put the infinitive + stem in
the reported speech.
D) Reporting orders: we use the reporting verb ‘ordered’.
Eg.1 a) My mother ordered me: “ be quiet.” (direct speech)
b) My mother ordered me to be quiet. (indirect speech)
Eg.2 a) The agent ordered the visitors: “ Do not lean on the wall!” (direct speech)
b) The agent ordered the visitors not to lean on the wall. (indirect speech)
Note: when we have the imperative in the direct speech, it becomes infinitive in the indirect (reported) speech .
Other changes in the reported speech are in the table below
Direct speech Indirect (reported speech) Direct speech Indirect (reported speech)
1- Pronouns: 1- Pronouns: 2- Time/place 2- Time/place expressions:
I He/she expressions:
She/he/it She/he/it Today that day
We They Now Then
you He, she, they Next week/day/year the following week/day/year
Me him/her here There
Us Them 3- Modals: 3- Modals:
My/your His/her Can Could
your his, her, their Shall Should
Our Their Will Would
Mine His, hers May Might
Ours/yours Theirs Must, have Had to
This/these That/those

Summarizing verbs: see task1 page 95

Activity one: turn the following sentences into reported speech
1. She said : “ I may arrive late.”
She said..............................................................................................................................................................
2. She says:“I sometimes eat chocolate.”
She says...............................................................................................................................................................
3. “There is nothing we can do about it,”the police inspector stated.
The police inspector stated................................................................................................................................
4. Paul asked his friend : “Are you sure? ”
Paul asked his friend............................................................................................................................................
5. She told her brother: “ I can’t understand why you are so nervous.”
She told her brother.............................................................................................................................................
6. He told his son:“Don’t talk nonsense!”He told his son.
He told his son.....................................................................................................................................................
Activity two: turn the following sentences into direct speech
1. He told us that she would never forget our help
2. The accused declared that he was innocent.
3. He promised that he would be there as fast as he could.
4. She advised her friend to wait and see what happened.
5.They wanted to know who would go with them the following day.

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