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Quarter 1 – Module 2
Getting the Most Out of Life
Practical Research 1
Quarter 1 – Module 2 – Getting the Most Out of Life

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Getting the Most Out of Life
(Explaining the Importance of Research in Daily Life)

Hello! It’s me again, Teacher Jill. Welcome to Module 2 of Practical

Research 1!

In today’s lesson, we are going to define research and its importance in

daily life.

It may sound trite, but human needs never end. Believe it or not, but it’s
the truth. Our wants and desires increase day by day. As our needs
increase, the requirement to do research also rises. It is research that
makes our life easier. Because of our curiosity, new innovations and
ideas immerge. But now that we are in the Digital Age and teenagers
like you who are very hooked up to the internet may think that research
is just “googling”.

Now, let’s correct that misconception about research and start learning!

Specifically, at the end of this module, you should be able to explain the importance
of research in daily life.


As you work on this module you will encounter difficult words. These words play very
important role in understanding this lesson. Can you help me unlock the words?

Use the Clues

Directions: Fill out the following “word shapes” by referring to the clues and guessing the
word being defined. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. to try to find out the facts about something

2. a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education

3. the act of asking questions to gather information

4. meaning conveyed, professed, or implied

5. done in an organize way that agrees with the methods and principles of science

Congratulations! You have unlocked some new vocabulary words. Good luck on your
next task!


Misconception Check

Directions: Read the sentences. Put a check (√ ) on the space before the number if you think
that the sentence is a description of research. Put a cross (X) if you think that it is not. Write
your answers on your notebook.

_____1. Research must be hurriedly conducted.

_____2. There should be enough data before conducting research.
_____3. The researcher must have a final say in his or her findings.
_____4. The cause why students fail in quizzes are worth researching.
_____5. Any concern or issue confronted by the students is researchable.


Task 1: Picture Perfect

Directions: The pictures below speak of what research is. Analyze the pictures, then explain
what makes these pictures related to research. Do this on your notebook.

Source: research, Source: Bertram65, pile of books,

Source: Jobflare, interview, Source: Konrad Kapturski, research,

What is the relationship of these pictures to research?


Why is research important in daily life?


Task 2: Find that Word!

Directions: From the pool of words, encircle the words that you think are related to research.
Write your answers on a one whole sheet of paper.

investigation phenomena intuition facts discovery

interview experiences guessing data process

subjective instrument experiment search exploration

theory analysis probe inquiry science

Using what you have written in Task 1 and the words you have chosen in Task 2; write a
good and acceptable definition of research. Complete the sentence below.

Research is______________________________________________________________

Excellent! You have made your own definition of research. Now,

you are ready.


Definition of Research

Over the years, many experts have given their own definition of the word
“research.” Different perspectives on the subject have been adopted that resulted in the
following definitions:

1. Research follows a step-by-step process of investigation that uses standardized

approach to answer questions or solving problems (Polit & Beck, 2004).

2. Research plays an important role in tertiary education. Though there are many
problems confronted by higher education, developments are realized through
research. After all its main purpose is to answer a question or to solve an issue
(Palispis, 2004).

3. Research is a continuous undertaking of making known the unknown (Sachez,

2002). It entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of new
ideas, methods, or improvements. It is an attempt to widen one’s outlook in life.
It always proceeds from the known to the unknown. Thus, the end of research is
to arrive at a new truth.

4. Research is an investigation following ordered steps leading to a discovery of

new information or concepts (Sanchez, 1999).

5. Research is a very careful investigation of something that purports the

contribution of additional or new knowledge and wisdom (Basseyy, as cited by
Coleman & Briggs, 2002).

6. Research is a tested approach of thinking and employing validated instruments

and steps in order to obtain a more adequate solution to a problem that is
otherwise impossible to address under ordinary means (Crawford, as cited by
Alcantara & Espina, 1995).


1. Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field
or discipline.
This is important since the entire system or operation and all the stakeholders of
an institution or organization are at stake. Without scientific basis, someone
may be affected or may suffer. For example, in the field of medicine, a new drug
must first be tested to determine its efficacy in curing sickness before it can
actually be prescribed.

2. Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity

in any field. Any system that will be utilized in any organization must be first
tried to determine its value and it must be better than the previous system used.
Simply, research is the result of advancing knowledge from the past.
3. Research helps develop tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and
operation such as psychological tests, intelligence quotient tests, psychological
assessments, among others. This importance of research is observed in
behavioural science, physical science, and others as well.

4. Research provides solutions to problems concerning at most all issues
encountered in the different areas of work. Some issues include the tardiness of
employees, incentives given to the staff, sportsmanship among school athletes
and implementation of a “clean and green” program in school. This als applies
to higher level problems.

5. Research impacts decision-making. It is a common mistake for people to make

decisions without solid information to back them up. It requires time, effort,
money to gather evidence needed for making a sound decision. For example,
for a teacher to change his or her teaching methodology for the first-period and
last-period classes, he or she must conduct a study considering the time
element, enthusiasm to teach, academic standing of the students, instructional
aides used, and several other factors.

6. Research develops and evaluates alternative approaches to the educational

aspects of any discipline. This enables the students to gain broad knowledge
and specialized skills for safe practice. For example, research can help
determine whether lecture is a better method than experiment in teaching

7. Research aims to advance the personal and professional qualifications of a


Lifestyle Lounge also lists down seven importance of research. It says that
“contrary to popular belief research need not only pertain to science.” Research is
important in all spheres of life. (“Importance of Research,“ 2017) Research is important:

1. to gather necessary information

2. to make changes
3. to improve standard of living
4. to have a safer life
5. to know the truth
6. to explore our history
7. to understand the arts

For you to have a better appreciation of how important research

is to your daily life, work on the activities below.


Task 1: Check-Up

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your
answers on a ½ crosswise.

__________1. Research starts with inquiry.

__________2. Research is mere information gathering.

__________3. All efforts of improvement are research-based.

__________4. Research is not an important aspect of any organization.

__________5. Research is needed to investigate and expose the truth.

__________6. One of the goals of research is to produce results-based practice.

__________7. Only through research can new inventions and discoveries come to life.

__________8. Research is an apolitical activity intended for the betterment of the society.

__________9. Research has improved the life expectancy and health conditions of human
race in all parts of the world.

__________10.Research entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of

new ideas, methods and improvements.

Task 2: Paint Me a Picture

Directions: On a long bond paper, illustrate concrete situation/s in your daily activities that
show/s the importance of research.

Task 3: Is that True?

1. Look for the latest findings in research on any topic of your choice: it may be health-
related, family-related, sports, relationships, business, best practices on anything,
2. Get the five most fascinating findings and classify them according to subject, in order
of preference;
3. Discuss the importance of the research findings to the improvement of the quality of
4. Using a short bond paper, write your selected research findings, classification, and

Research Findings Subject Classification Implication to the

Improvement of the Quality
of Life

Well done! You did an amazing job in accomplishing all your tasks.
Now, we are going to sum up all you have learned.


 Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which

includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that
lines an individual‘s speculation with reality
 Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials and
sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
 Research is an act of studying something carefully and extensively in
order to attain deep knowledge.
 Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which
includes collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of facts that
lines an individual‘s speculation with reality.
 Research holds the following significant data:

 to gather necessary  to have a safer life

information  to know the truth
 to make changes  to explore our history
 to improve the  to understand arts
standard of living

If you would like to know more about the importance of research,

you may visit the link below:


Solving World Problem

Directions: Despite health efforts, significant gaps and challenges exist while the
world faces this COVID-19 global pandemic. What do you think could be the role of
research in solving this problem? On a one whole sheet of paper, list down five
possible solutions that research can do for us to overcome this health crisis.
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________


Exit Slips

Directions: On your notebook, reflect on the learning that you gained in this module by
completing the chart below.

I thought…

I learned…

Bravo! You did it! See you again in our next journey.


Cristobal, A. P. & Cristobal, M. C. D. (2017). Practical research for senior high school.

Quezon City, Manila: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Jerusalem, V. L., Garcia, M. D.R., Palencia, J. M. & Palencia, M. M. (2017).Practical

research 1: Basics of qualitative research. Sampaloc, Manila: Fastbooks.

Matira, M. D.(2016).Practical research for the 21st century learners. Sampaloc, Manila: St.

Augustine Publications, Inc.

Prieto, N. G., Naval, V. C., & Carey, T. G. (2017). Practical research 1. Quezon City, Metro

Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Merriam-Webster.(n.d.). Investigation.In dictionary. Retrieved July 22,

2020, from

Merriam-Webster.(n.d.). Discipline.In dictionary. Retrieved July 22,

2020, from

Merriam-Webster.(n.d.). Inquiry.In dictionary. Retrieved July 22,

2020, from

Merriam-Webster.(n.d.). Purports.In dictionary. Retrieved July 22,

2020, from

Merriam-Webster.(n.d.). Scientific.In dictionary. Retrieved July 22,

2020, from


Bertram65, pile of books,

Jobflare, interview,

Konrad Kapturski, research,

Answer Key
Vocabulary Builder

Use the Clues

1. investigation
2. discipline
3. inquiry
4. purports
5. scientific

Your Readiness Check

Misconception Check
1. X
2. √
3. X
4. √
5. X

Your Initial Tasks

Task 1: Picture Perfect

(Answers may vary.)

Task 2: Find that Word

 investigation  facts
 interview  data
 theory  search
 phenomena  inquiry
 instrument  discovery
 analysis  exploration
 experiment  science
 probe

Research is… (Answers may vary.)

Your Discovery Tasks

Task 1: Check Up
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True

9. True
10. True

Task 2: Paint Me a Picture

(Answers may vary.)

Task 3: Is that True?

(Answers may vary.)

Your Final Task

Solving World Problem

(Answers may vary.)

Your Reflection/s

Exit Slips
(Answers may vary.)


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