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ER(High Speed)

Do you think high speed rail or commuter trains can solve

traffic congestion? Since many cities are discovering
methods for solving this problem, high speed rail has
become a popular topic among states. Manuel Chavez,
State Representative, supports the high speed rail way in
favor of his opinion while Debra Chou opposes the high
speed rail way. The second speaker has more credible
resources since it has encountered stronger evidence,
studies and statistics.
The first speaker states that the high speed rail way can
help the state's economy by creating jobs. However, there
is no evidence how many percent it will succeed and how
helpful the high speed rail will be to the state economy. On
the other hand, the second speaker provides why the high
speed rail way is not suitable for the state with evidence.
For example, “It is costly and there is slim proof….”,
“Because high speed trains travel from the center of one
city to the center of another………doctor’s appointment
does not.” which prove first person’s speech is unreliable
and support for high speed rail is not as useful as

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