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Masipag St. Bagong Buhay 1, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
S.Y. 2022 - 2023

First Periodical Test in MAPEH 8

Direction: Read and understand each statement carefully and select the letter of the correct answer.
1. An ensemble where music is always part of their court dances, masked plays, shadow plays, and religious
A.The Pinpeat B. Mahori C. Piphat D. None of the above
2. Its music has similarities with many other musical traditions in the region, including Chinese and Thai music.
A.Music of Thailand B. Music of Indonesia C.Music of Myanmar D. Music of Malaysia
3. Myanmar's musical instruments are categorized into two types, what are these?
A.Loud and soft Sounding B. Lullaby C.Folk Music D. Westernized Music
4. What is the most popular form of music in Indonesia?
A. gamelan B. gerong C. pesindhen D. pinpeat
5. What do you call the female soloist singer who sings with Gamelan?
A. gamelan B. gerong C. irama D. pesindhen
6. Which of the following refers to the unison male chorus that sings with the Gamelan?
A. balladeer B.gerong C. irama D. pesindhen
7. What is Myanmar's Traditional folk music ensemble?
A. agung and kulintang B. hsaing waing C. mahagita D. pinpeat
8. It is the term for every kind of Gamelan in IndonesiA.
A. kakawitan B. karawitan C. mangaawit D. kawitan
9. A combative art of self-defense combined with dance and music designed to strike assaults like t’ai chi
accompanied by gongs, drums, and Indian oboes.
A. dikir barat B. kulintang C.silat Melayu D. agung
10. Traditional musical ensemble in Indonesia.
A. gamelan B. hsain waing C. pinpeat D. none of the above
11. What do you call a music that uses and emphasizes the human voice.
A. voice B. vocal C, instrument D. instrumental
12. what do you call a music which uses any combination of instruments, such as strings, woodwinds, brass, or
percussion, usually without the human voice.
A. voice B. vocal C, instrument D. instrumental
13. Old name of Thailand.
A. Muang Thai B. Siam C. Burma D. Wano
14. Myanmar is formerly known as __________.
A. Muang Thai B. Siam C. Burma D. Wano

1. An Indonesian dance – drama in the term of puppets.
A.Wayang Orang B. Wayang Golek C.Wayang Kulit D. All of the above
2. It is an Indonesia - Malay word believed to be related to the Malay word "titik" which means "point dot" or
A.Batik painting B. Screen painting C.Batik D. None of the above
3. What is the meaning of “Muang Thai” in Thailand?
A. Land of the rising sun B. Land of smiles C. Land of the free D. Pearl of the orient
4.A piece of fabric is most common to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.
A. Sihn B. Batik C. Cotton Textiles D. Silk Painting
5. it is the center of the silk industry in Thailand.
A. brunei B. khorat C. bambang D. singapura
6. It is an art medium and methodology for creating design by applying wax to portions of the material and
then dying it.
A. wax sculpture B. batik C. waxing D. ikat
7. Which country uses its/her national flower as a form of unique textile design?
A.Laos B. Cambodia C. Vietnam D. Brunei

8. What is the well-known festival in Thailand?

A. Loy Krathong B. Peking C. Sakura D. Kyom Yeong

9. It is a cap that is widely worn by Muslim males during formal gatherings.

A. shin B. hof C. songkok D. keris
10. A simple elegant ankle-length skirt worn by Lao women is called
A. sihn B. hol C. wau D. ikat
11. what is the steady diet of the thai silkworms?
A. Blueberry leaves B. Burberry leaves C. Mulberry leaves D. Strawberry leaves

12. What do you call a small hot air balloon made of paper with an opening at the bottom where a small
candle or fire is placed?
A. wau kite lantern C. diya lamp D. papier mache
13. Where is Thai silk produced from?
A. rattan B. cocoons of Thai earthworms C. mulberry leaves D. cocoons of Thai silkworms
14. It is also known as wrap skirt in Cambodia.
A. sihn B. sampot C. wau D. ikat
15. Traditional scarves worn in Cambodia.
A. sihn B. hol C. krama D. karma

1. Which of the following is a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy
A. Physical Fitness B. Health-Related Fitness C. Skill-Related Fitness D. all of the above

2. Which of the following is not a component of health-related fitness?

A. flexibility B. strength C. agility D. body composition

3. Which of the following physical fitness test the flexibility of the lower back and extremities?
A. sit and reach B. standing long jump C. juggling D. stork balance stand test

4. Which of the following physical fitness test measures the strength of upper extremities?
A. sit and reach B. standing long jump C. push-up D. stork balance stand test

5. Which of the following physical fitness test measures strength/stability of the core muscles?
A. juggling B. hexagon agility test C. basic plank D. sit and reach

6. It is the ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest period?

A. Speed B. Balance C. Agility D. Body Composition

7. Which of the following physical fitness test measures the explosive strength and power of the leg muscles?
A. sit and reach B. standing long jump C. push-up D. stork balance stand test

8. The ability of the muscle to transfer energy and release maximum force at a fast rate?

A. Speed B. Balance C. Agility D. Power

9. Which of the following physical fitness test measures the ability of the body to move in different directions

A. juggling B. hexagon agility test C. basic plank D. sit and reach

10. Which of the following physical fitness test measures the coordination of the eye and hand?

A. juggling B. hexagon agility test C. basic plank D. sit and reach

11. It is the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or while moving?

A. Speed B. Power C. Agility D. Balance

12. Which of the following is a skill-related fitness test?

A. sit and reach B. standing long jump C. push-up D. basic plank

13. It is a test to evaluate or diagnose the state of physical fitness of an individual.

A. Body composition B. Skill related fitness C. Cardio D. Body Mass Index

14. Defined as a condition as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy

A. Body composition B. Skill related fitness C. Fitness D. Body Mass Index

15. Ability to move a body part through a full range of motion.

A. flexibility B. endurance C. Cardio D. Body M ass Index


1. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics?

A. Sex B. gender C. sexuality D. androgyny

2. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as appropriate for men and women?

A. gender role B. gender equality C. gender identity D. gender sensitivity

3. It refers to the to the femininity or masculinity of a persons, role and behavior defined by society.

A. sexuality B. Sex C. Gender D. Equality

4. Which describes a pattern of attraction to persons of the opposite sex?

A. bisexuality B. heterosexuality C. identity crisis D. sexual identity

5. What refers to the expression of sexual sensation and related intimacy between human being?

A. femininity B. human sexuality C. masculinity D. equality

6. Men and women can participate in election and hold a managerial position' what is evident in this Activity?

A. gender equality B. gender role C. gender sensitivity D. sexuality

7. It permits men and women equal enjoyment of human rights.

A. femininity B. human sexuality C. masculinity D. equality

8. Dimension of human sexuality that refers to the way you look as a man or woman.

A. Mental self B. Physical self C. Social self D. Ethical self

9. Dimension of human sexuality that refers to the way you interact with others

A. Mental self B. Physical self C. Social self D. Ethical self

10. Which describes a pattern of attraction toward both males and females, or to more than one sex or
A. bisexuality B. heterosexuality C. homosexuality D. sexual identity

11. Dimension of human sexuality that refers to the way you think as a man or woman.
A. Mental self B. Physical self C. Social self D. Ethical self

12. Dimension of human sexuality that refers to the way you feel about yourself and others.
A. Mental self B. Physical self C. emotional self D. Ethical self
13. Dimension of human sexuality that refers to the way you value relationships.
A. Mental self B. Physical self C. Social self D. Ethical self
14. Which describes a pattern of attraction toward the same sex and gender.
A. bisexuality B. heterosexuality C. homosexuality D. sexual identity

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