PreIB - Mth2013haese - TX 14RltnFuncSeq+Ans

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326 _ RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES (Chapter 11) Na Apiece of paper measures 30 emby 21 em. 9m ——at If squares of equal size are cut from its ‘comers, the shape remaining ean be formed. Eee iL 1 If 3.6m squares are removed, what isthe box's 2 bei 1 length width capacity? ‘2 1F5 em squares are removed, wha isthe box’ @ beh © length width capacity? 13 Does the capacity of the box depend on the size of the squires removed? ree ea re Relations, functions Rereencaenay a {5 Ifsuch a forma exists, how can it be used to answer questions ike: a nd seq uences “What size squares should be removed to create the box of maximum capacity?” [UPRELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS ‘Suc-Ellen wants to send a parcel to friend. The cost of posting the parcel fixed distance - ‘will depend on its weight So, costs the dependent variable and weight i the sadependent sanable “The table alongside shows the cost of posting parcels ‘of various weight fom Sue-Ellen to her fiend Relations and functions For example, the table shows that it wil est $8.00 10 ‘An end point that is inched has filled in circle. ‘An end point that is not included has an open Number sequences 6 Recurrence relationships 0 a Tigsw <2 B Functions ‘post a parcel weighing at least 2 kg but less than 5 kg. Bees = © Function notation ‘vl therefore gost $800 to post a parcel weighing | 2 KES w <5 ks D Composite functions 2 gor 3.0 hg 0 1.955 kp. Ske cw 10k E Tonsorming “v= 102) ‘We ca illstate the posal charges on gr Wigcw (8). 6, 12)}. or an infinite mamber of ordered pais such as the relation between the vatables weight and cost inthe postal charges example above, RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND SEQU 127 (Coates) ‘The table of postal charges shows weights of parcels of 1 kg up to and including 20 kg. so 1%, {In (1) on the previous page, the domain is (8, ~2, ~1, 1,2} and the range is {—2, ~1,0, 1,2). Im@), the domain is (x|-1<2 <0} and therange is {y|0 —1_ ae possible. the range is {y | > 1}. (8) = cam take any val. the domain is (| € R). ‘cannot be < — range is {y|y 2-2). (6) = cam take all values except x = 0. ’ ‘the domain is (x | = #0). 'y can take all values except the range is {yu #0}. A -} @ Domain is {x |x €R)}. (© Domain is {x |x >—4}. Ranges (wl y <4). Ranges (y|y>—4). RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES (Chapter 14) 329) EXERCISE 144 1. State the domain and range of these relations: a {(-1, 5). (=2, 3), (0, 4), (—3, 8), (6. =1), (2, 3)} & {(5, 4), (-3, 4), (4, 3), (2, 4), (-1, 3), (0, 3), (7, 4)}. 2 For each of the following graphs, find the domai a and range: a —|— 3 ” (6a) h . | + ~~ 3 State the domain and range of: a 22) & 102-3) Zfonk (72-1) @-1) (boundaries not included) (cau) A funetion is a relation in which no two different ordered pairs have the same first member. So, {(-1, 3), (2,2), (-1, -2), (3, po differen ordered pairs with same first menaber. }), (4, -1)} is not a function. GEOMETRIC TEST FOR FUNCTIONS: “VERTICAL LINE TEST” If we draw all possible vertical lines on the graph of a relation: ‘© the relation is a function if each line cuts the graph no more than once ‘© the relation is ot a function if any line cuts the graph more than once. Emre EDT ‘Which of these relations are functions? Cu ‘a Every vertical line we could ¢ This vertical y draw cuts the graph only once. line cuts the © We have a function ‘graph twice ati Every versa tine we coula Sete retin 5 draw cuts the graph at most F once. we have a function, EXERCISE 148 11 Which of the following sets of ordered pairs are functions? Give reasons for your 2 (1). 2,2), 3) 44) (1,2), (-3,2), 2), (1,2) © 25) (1,4), (8,7), (@ 3) (3, -2), (8,0), (3,2), (4) © (7,0), (5,0), (30) (-1,0) (0,5), (0,1), (2,1), 2 8) 2 Use the vertical lin test to detemnine which of the following relations are Functions a y ’ SNS s+ "ALLY Ie, [| oT 3. Will the graph ofa straight line always be a function? Give evidence. oe = ‘We sometimes use a ‘function machine” to illustrate how funetions behave. ( ‘Tdouble So, if 3 is fed into the machine, tbe input 23) -1=5 comes out. subtract 1 i 2-1 For example: ‘The above ‘machine’ has been programmed to perform a particular function, If f is used to represent that particular function we can write: J is the function that will convert 2 into 2r—1. So, fwouldconvert 2 into 2(2)—1=3 and 4 into 2%(-4)-1 ‘This function ean be written as: f': arr 2x — _—— ) \ Finction F such that is converted into 2e— 1 ‘Another way to write this funetion is: f(x) = 2x —1 If f(x) is the value of y for a given value of x, then y = f(2) Notice that for f(x) =2r—1, f(2)=2(2)-1=3 and f(A) = 2(-4) -1=-9. Consequently, f(2) = 3. indicates that the point (2, 3) ies on the graph of the function, Likewise, f(~4) = -9 indicates that the point (—4, -9) also lies on the graph. Note: © f(z) is wad as “fof 2" and isthe value ofthe funetion at any value ore. + fF isthe function which converts x into f(x), ie, fre fla) ‘= F{e) is sometimes called the image of x Wt fr-30?—42, findthe value of af) & f(-5) He) =e? te 2 £(2)=3(2)? -4(2) {replacing 2 by (2)} 3x48 4 b J(-5)=8(-5?—4(-5) {replacing x by (—5)} (25) +20 = 95 Kx &8&£& 8 8§=—=S—ti‘(‘i‘éir =3r—2%, find in simplest form: a f(z) f(x+2) =3(-2) — (-2)* {replacing x by (—2)} =t+3r—2? ica Gara re ra Br 6 [22+ 4e 44) ~ Sra? te—A P-T2-6 EXERCISE 14C.1 1 If fers 2e 43, find the value of: 2 10) » Fa) es) 4-5) KD 2 If g:zrer+2, find the value of a oll) & 94) © o-1) 4 9-1) © 9-2) 3 If f:r++ 2x? — 3x42, find the value of 2 s0) & sa) © s(-8) 4 s(-7) ¢ 1) 4 If f(e) =5—2e, find in simplest form 2 flo) b fa) € fast) 4 fle-3)_—€ f(2e) St P(x) =22 443, tind mn simplest form: a P(x+2) & P(l=a) © P(-2) d@ P(x?) © P(2?+1) 6 Rey =F a evaluate 1 ROO) HR) RC=¥) find R(e—2)_ in simplest form a 1 find a value of x where R(x) does not exist find if R(z) 7 Ifthe value ofa car & years afer purchase given by V(0) = 28000 — 4000 dolas @ find V(4) and state what this value means b find when V(0) = 8000 and explain what this represents ga € find the original purchase price ofthe cat. THE DOMAIN OF A FUNCTION To find the domain of a function, we need to consider what values of the variable make the function undefined. For example, notice that for: © S(e) = VF, the domains {x | © > 0,2 € R} since V7 has meaning only when x > 0. © fe) the domain is {x | x >1,x€R} since, when r—1=0 we are “dividing by zero’, and when x —1 <0, VZ—1 is undefined as we can’t find the square root of a negative in the real number system. EXERCISE 14€.2 1. Find the domain of the following: a f(a)=VF72 b f(z)=VImF © fe) =yE+vI-e 1 1 L L 4 f= 2) = +e ft f(z)= J“ ¢ f= Bt 1 Io) cnmine 2 Check cach of your answers to 1 using the graphing package. — [EEE COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS oH 6 1 If f(a) =8r—4 and g(x) =2—27, find in simplest form: Sometimes functions are built up in two or more stages 2 f(g(e)) & ge) © FF@)) 4 a(a(z)) For example, consider the funetion F(z) = V3z—3. 2 If f(x) = VF and g(x) =4x~3, find in simplest form: Ifwe let g(x)=2r—3 then F(z) = 9a). 2 Fle) © 9F(e) © FF) 4 9(9(2)) Find an f and ag function such that: Ifwe then let f(x) = YF then F(x) = f(g(2)). + 5 (z)) = Vx-3 (x) = (x + 5)* (x)) = — So, F(x) = V2E—3 is composed of f(x) = VF and g(x) =2x—3. a f(gle)) = vi S(g(2)) = (e+ 5 © fl) =T5 Notice that g(f(x)) = o( Vz) d g(f(z)) = =2VF—3, so in general f(g(x)) # 9(f()) 1 > © g(f(2)) =3" ose) = (4) ol . If f(x) =8r+1 and g(x)=22+20, find x when f(g(x)) = 10. Given f:x- f(x) and g:rr+ g(x), the composite function of f and g will It fla)=2241 and g(f(2)) = 42244243, find gle) convert x into f(g(x)). 6 If g(z)=1-3r and f(g(x))=922-Gr—2, find f(z). Grr CEST If f(w)=3r+2 and g(x) =2?+4, find in simplest form: a f(9(z)) & g(f(z)) © f(f(z)) a f(g(z)) bof (z)) ¢ §(f@) fe +4) =g(3r +2) = f(3e+2) (x? +4) +2 =(3r+2)P? +4 +2) +2 30? +1242 =97? 4 1dr +444 9r+6+2 =327+14 =9r? +122 +8 =90+8 f=) { To find f(a(2) ve } look at the f function, and whenever we see = ‘we replace it by gf) rin tect GA EAForninc y — f(x) In Chapter 7 on transformation geometry we observed that under a translation with vecor h : ; (t) the equation of an image is found by replacing z by (e—h) and y by (y—h). For examole. 2s? under ("becomes u— k= 2lx—hi?. Ingen = fo) ane ($) dais 9B f= The following table shows the effect of different transformations ony = f(x): Transformation | ere | re Y= Sle) becomes eanstaton (FELBERT (eee yoke ream) Reflection in + texas |{ { Sia) or y=—fl2) cera | { ate © the line y=2 { { z= Su) Dilation: «sent { 1G) « vu) . veal { $=S(2) or y=Kilo) © horizontal, wake =s(= om |ice IE @ We see that if y can be written as a function of x then the image of y found using the listed transformations. Sle) can be cio Tata Find the image equation of: under a reflection in the line y J —1 under a horizontal dilation with factor 2. a y=f@=0 b y=f(c)=4r-1 under a reflection in y—2 under a horizontal dilation with becomes factor 2 becomes r=sfy=v y= SH) =4(8)-1 yave Syste EXERCISE 14E 1 Find the image equation of: sb y=-82 era tasttnot (4) b y= VF undera reflection in the x-axis © y=4r+2_ undera vertical dilation with factor $ 4 y=3~Se under a reflection in the line y= © y=22—Se-+1 under a horizontal dilation with factor § f y=22 +2 under a reflection in the yaxis. 2 IF f(2)= 2°, find and graph: ayaf-s) eb y=-fle) yas) y= Bf). In each case state the transformation that has occurred from yy = f(x) 3 Thegraphof y= f(x) is given below, Without finding image equations as in question 1, sketch each ofthe following on the same set of axes 5 8 y= fla) and y= fle-1)-2 | G2) 42) b y=s(z) and y=~f(2) € y= fle) and y= 4(-2) rf di y=f(z) and y=2f(2) + © y=flz) and y= f(2r) Ne) “x In this investigation we explore the concept of an inverse function. We will see how it relates to composite functions and also to one of the transformations studied in the previous section. What to do: 1 Consider f(x) = 3r-+2 which has graphy = Sr +2. Interchange « and y and then make y the subject of this new equation. Let g(r) be the new funetion in a. Hence show that f(3) = 11 and g(11) =3 From b notice that g(11) = 9(f(3)) = 3. Show that f(g(3))=3_ also. Prove that f(g(x))=2 and g(f(x))=2 for f and g above, F(z) and g(r) are said to be inverse functions, and g(z-), the inverse function of f(x), is often written as f-*(z). Find f-4(x) for f(x) =3~-4r using the above method, and check that F(FM@) = fF @ 2 a Draw the graph of f(x) and f(x) for f(x) = 3x +2 on the same set of axes and also draw the graph of y=. 1b Draw the graph of f(x) and f-¥(r) for f(x) =3—4r on the same set of axes and also draw the graph of y=. ‘What do you notice from a and 6? INVERSE FUNCTIONS ‘The inverse function f-'(r) of the function y= f(x) is the reflection of (x) inthe line y =z, J-*(z) has the property that SF) = FF (@)) = 2. F-1(z) can be found algebraically by interchanging 2 and y and then making y the subject of the resulting formula. The new y is. f-¥(2). ELD oo Try Consider f(x) = $x — a Find f-*(x). € Sketch y=f(2), ¥ b Check that f(f-"(x)) = f-*(F(x)) = x. “1(x) and y=a2 on the same axes. = 1. has inverse function {interchanging 2 and y} : reflection of| y= f(z) inthe line yar . , = y=1@) | EXERCISE 14F 1 For each ofthe following functions: 4 find J-*(x) HW sketch y= f(x), y= J-"(x) and y= rom the same axes. ¢ i@)=243 af) 3 fle) =2e+7, find a fa) & fa) ¢ JU) em e222, om a fa) FF) «© U@) Sa Sketch the graph of y= 2? and reflect it in the line y 1 Docs f(x) = 2? have an inverse function? © Docs f(z) =22, 220. have an inverse function? 6 The horizontal line test says that ‘for a fimetion 10 have av inverse function, no horizontal line can cut it more than once’ 12 Explain why ths is a valid test forthe existence ofan inverse function. 1b Which of the following have an inverse function? 7a Explain why y= 2*~2r+-5 isa function but does not have an inverse function, Explain why y=2*—2e+5, 21 hasan inverse function, {© Show thatthe inverse function of Bis f~Yz) =14 VE=a. Hint: Swap x and y then use the quadratic formula to solve for y in terms of x

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