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Nov 5, 2023

Group Reporting for TH 204 – Group 1

Meeting Report

Attendance : Esther Herodias

Emma Lumacang
Ana Flor
Xenia G. Gonzaga
Antonio Sanico
Ariel Axalan

1. Topic for reporting

2. Outline of report
3. Tasks for each member
4. Timeline

I. Topic: The group agreed that the topic will be “ Same Sex Marriage”

II. Outline of Report:

a. Introduction:– Xenia

 Provide an overview of the report's focus on the intersection of

same sex marriage and moral theology.
 Explain the significance of discussing this topic in a moral and
religious context.
 State the purpose and objectives of the report.

Section 1: Moral Theological Foundations (5 minutes) - Jovy

 Explain the foundational moral principles and values of the relevant

religious tradition(s).
 Discuss the core tenets of moral theology that inform perspectives on
marriage and human sexuality.

Section 2: Theological Perspectives on Marriage (5 minutes) - Esther

 Summarize the traditional theological views on marriage, its purpose,

sanctity, and roles.
 Discuss how these perspectives have been historically applied to
heterosexual marriages.

Section 3: Same-Sex Marriage in Theological Context (5 minutes) - Emma

 Analyze how moral theology addresses same-sex marriage.

 Highlight theological debates and positions on whether same-sex
marriage aligns with or challenges religious values.

Section 4: Ethical Considerations (5 minutes) – Antonio and Ariel

 Analyze the ethical implications of denying or allowing same-sex

marriage, with a focus on justice, love, and inclusion.
 Discuss potential impacts on LGBTQ+ individuals within religious

Section 5: Moral Theological Responses (5 minutes)- Anthony and Albert

 Examine how religious institutions, communities, or leaders have

responded to the question of same-sex marriage.
 Include examples of policies, statements, or actions taken.

Section 6: Conclusion and Future Trends (5 minutes) – Gerille and Mary Jane

Summarize the key findings and insights from the report.

Reflect on the evolving nature of moral theology regarding same-sex
Offer perspectives on potential future developments and reconciliations
between religious beliefs and societal changes.

Powerpoint Slides : Ana Flor will prepare.

III. TimeLine:

Nov. 5 (Sunday) 9:00-10:00PM First Meeting- see Via zoom

minutes of meeting
Nov. 11 (Saturday) Submission of Via google drive
materials for the ppt to
Ana Flor. Miss Ana  In the google drive,
Flor will be the one everyone will
preparing the slides upload their report
for us. there.
 Each one of us can
Note: access the uploaded
1.You will research on documents.
the topic assigned to  Please take time to
you. also read the other
2. Please provide Ana topics researched
Flor the text/s, short by our classmates
clips, pictures that you so that everyone
wish to be placed in knows the overall
your slide/s content of our
3. For topics with 2 report.
students assigned,
please agree, between
the two of you, who
will be the reporter.
Nov. 17 (Friday) Ppt is done Share the ppt to everyone
via email.
Nov. 19 (Sunday) 8:00 – 9:30 Dry run of group Via Zoom
PM reporting using the
Note: Please secure
that your internet
connection is stable.
November 20 - 24 Refining of slides and
report if needed.
Sir Lunar emphasized
that we need to Study
the report of everyone.
November 25 REPORTING DAY  Via Zoom

Note: Please secure

that your internet
connection is stable.
We squeeze in the
reporting at 30 mins.
po. If we keep lagging
that would be difficult
on our part to hit the
30 mins.

Prepared by:

Xenia G. Gonzaga
November 5, 2023

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