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Make sure that you answer carefully based on your understanding and

1. What importance can you think of studying the General Provisions on

Obligations? Your response to this item must consist of 200-250 words. (50points)

Obligation is often discussed, yet it is rarely understood what lies beneath these
letters. As a college student, I tend to think that studying the general provisions of
obligations is important in developing our character and enhancing our capacity for
knowledge as humans to better understand every aspect and point of view in society. One
key aspect to consider is that the general provisions serve as the foundation for
understanding the rights and responsibilities of individuals in legal terms. By studying
these provisions, individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of how obligations are
formed, extinguished, and enforced. Additionally, studying general provisions on
obligations helps individuals navigate and understand the complexities of legal scenarios
and make an informed decision regarding their own rights and obligations. A clear
demonstration of this can be seen when a person who signs a contract to purchase a house
can rely on their understanding of general provisions on obligations to ensure that the
seller fulfills their responsibility to transfer ownership and deliver the property in the
agreed-upon condition. If any disputes or violations arise during the transaction,
knowledge of these provisions can provide guidance to the buyer in seeking and pursuing
legal remedies and actions to protect their rights as a contracting party.
2. Give 5 examples of an Obligation and Identify the 4 essential elements in each
item. (50points)

1. A person is obliged to pay income taxes.

Active Subject: Individual
Passive Subject: Government
Presentation or Object: Income Taxes
Efficient Cause: Order by Law

2. Employment contract between the employee and the company.

Active Subject: Employee
Passive Subject: Company
Presentation or Object: Full-time work agreement
Efficient Cause: Legal employment relationship

3. Lease agreement between tenant and landlord.

Active Subject: Tenant
Passive Subject: Landlord
Presentation or Object: Residential apartment/unit
Efficient Cause: Legal relationship between the tenant and the landlord
through the lease agreement.

4. An agreement between the Service provider and the client.

Active Subject: Service provider
Passive Subject: Client
Presentation or Object: Service provided
Efficient Cause: Legal relationship between the service provider and the client.
Where they have legal rights and obligations under the service agreement.

5. A loan contract between the borrower and the lender

Active Subject: Borrower
Passive Subject: Lender
Presentation or Object: Borrowed money
Efficient Cause: Legal relationship through the loan agreement between the
lender and the borrower.

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