1994.09.16 - BILLAS - Science - Magetism From Atom To Bulk Fe Co Ni

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In addition to what can be learned from

Magnetism from the Atom to the Bulk in the ground state, much information can be
Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel Clusters obtained from the temperature dependence
of the average magnetic moment. At the
Isabelle M. L. Billas, A. Chatelain, Walt A. de Heer* Curie temperature, Tc, ferromagnetism van-
ishes. According to the Heisenberg model,
Molecular beam deflection measurements of small iron, cobalt, and nickel clusters show this is caused by thermal disorder induced
how magnetism develops as the cluster size is increased from several tens to several in the mutual alignment of the local mag-
hundreds of atoms for temperatures between 80 and 1000 K. Ferromagnetism occurs netic moments, which themselves are rela-
even for the smallest sizes: for clusters with fewer than about 30 atoms the magnetic tively insensitive to temperature. However,
moments are atomlike; as the size is increased up to 700 atoms, the magnetic moments at and above Tc the average magnetic mo-
approach the bulk limit, with oscillations probably caused by surface-induced spin- ment of the whole system vanishes (4).
density waves. The trends are explained in a magnetic shell model. A crystallographic For clusters, the bulk picture is inade-
phase transition from high moment to low moment in iron clusters has also been identified. quate because a large fraction of the atoms
are on the surface where the electronic
structure is different from what it is in the
bulk. This is partly due to the reduced
Ferromagnetism in the transition metals, maximized, so that there are five electrons number of nearest neighbors, which causes
known since antiquity, is arguably the most in the 3d spin-up levels, two occupying the the 3d electrons to be more localized (9).
intensively studied property of bulk matter. 4s levels, and the rest in the 3d spin-down Furthermore, the rather abrupt termination
However, several of the most basic ques- levels. Hence, the atoms have nonzero spin. at the surface causes quantum mechanical

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tions remain unanswered. For example, the Because the magnetic moment of an elec- electronic shock waves to propagate into
exact nature of the atomic magnetic mo- tron is 1 Bohr magneton, PUB, the atoms the cluster, in the form of spatially oscillat-
ments and how they mutually couple to have a magnetic moment. ing charge- and spin-density waves. These
produce macroscopic magnetism are ques- When the metal atoms come close to- waves are known as Friedel (4) or RKKY
tions that have been debated for decades gether, the discrete localized atomic orbitals (10) oscillations, and they affect the mag-
(1). A better understanding of magnetism, delocalize, causing cohesion of the atoms, netic moment.
especially in small particles (2), is crucial and the discrete atomic levels disperse in One can determine the magnetic mo-
not only for basic physics but also because energy, giving rise to energy bands (4). In ments of clusters by measuring their deflec-
of the great technological importance of the bulk each atom contributes (essentially) tions in an inhomogeneous magnetic field
ferromagnets for both the recording indus- one electron to the 4s band (in contrast to (1 1, 12) (Fig. 1). A beam of neutral clusters
try and the emerging nanotechnologies (3). the atom) (7). Nevertheless, the 3d elec- produced in a variable temperature laser
Our experiments relate directly to several trons remain reasonably localized and retain vaporization cluster source (12) is collimat-
outstanding questions in magnetism. much of their atomic character. As an ap- ed with 0.8-mm slits and passes between the
The magnetic moment and its tempera- proximation, we assume that the 3d orbitals pole faces of a Stern-Gerlach magnet (0 '
ture dependence are perhaps the most sig- do not delocalize at all and hence are atom- H . 7 kG) located about 150 cm down-
nificant physical properties of a ferromagnet like. In that case from Hunds rules the 3d stream from the source. The clusters are
(1, 4). We measured these parameters for spin-up band (called the majority band) is photoionized about 100 cm further down-
Fe, Ni, and Co clusters in a molecular beam. fully occupied (with five electrons per stream, by the sweeping of collimated light
The methods used in our molecular beam atom) and Fe has two, Co has three, and Ni from an Ar-F excimer laser across the beam,
experiments, which differ from the tradi- has four spin-down (minority) electrons per after which the ionized clusters are detected
tional methods on matrix-supported parti- atom. The spin imbalance is simply the with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
cles (5), offer several important advantages. difference in the number of spin-up and (13). A time window on the detector
Molecular beam methods (6) allow nearly spin-down 3d electrons per atom: n(+) - counting electronics selects cluster ions
perfect mass selection of the particles. The n(-). Consequently, the magnetic moment within the corresponding mass range.
interaction-free environment of the molec- (,u) per atom for Fe = 3iB, for Co = 2KB, Hence, the cluster deflections are measured
ular beam together with size specificity al- and for Ni = 1lpB. Below we show that as a function of size, temperature, and mag-
low accurate determinations of the intrinsic these values in fact are quite close to those netic field strength, from which the mag-
magnetic moment over wide temperature of very small clusters. The experimental netic moments are determined (12).
ranges. However, before discussing the re- bulk values are P1Fe = 2.2P1sB KJC. = 1.7P1B, Figure 2 shows -K in units of RB as a
sults we briefly review some basic magnetic and 9UNi = 0.6PKB (4, 8). function of size for clusters of the three
concepts. The characteristic noninteger magnetic elements at low temperatures. Here ii is the
Although a quantitative account of bulk moments are a consequence of partial delo- average magnetic moment per atom, which
ferromagnetism is involved (1, 4), the basic calization of the 3d electrons (which not
principles are easily grasped and perhaps only enhances the cohesive energy but also
best described if we start with the atom and contributes to the mutual alignment of the Vaporizing light
then consider how its properties change in magnetic moments) (1). As a result, the Ionizing
forming the bulk. Atoms of Fe, Co, and Ni magnetic moments are not entirely local- light
have, respectively, 8, 9, and 10 valence ized on the atomic cores. Nevertheless, Cluster source Magnet Mass spectrometer
electrons distributed in 3d and 4s levels. both the local moment approximation
Hunds rules (4) require that the spin is [Heisenberg model (4)] and the itinerant Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the molecular beam
electron model [Stoner (1)] of ferromag- apparatus. A beam of metal clusters is created
with the variable temperature laser vaporization
Institut de Physique Exp6rimentale, Ecole Polytechnique netism have been developed and have their source and is deflected with a Stern-Gerlach
F6d6rale Lausanne, PHB Ecublens, CH-1015, Lau- merits and defects. However, the Heisen- magnet. Deflections of size-selected clusters
sanne, Switzerland. berg model is particularly well suited to are measured with a time-of-flight mass spec-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. explain the thermal properties. trometer.
1682 SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 16 SEPTEMBER 1994
is formally identical to the (more com- the same bulklike behaviors are observed. observed decreasing trends are reproduced,
monly used) saturation magnetization per This can be interpreted as indicating how but not the fine structure. This aufbau pic-
atom. Also shown is the average imbal- deep into the cluster the perturbations ture suggests that the surface atoms are
ance of the electronic spin populations in caused by the surface penetrate into the atomlike and deep layers are bulklike.
the cluster: n( +) - n( -) = 2,-/gx, where cluster. The moments oscillate, and the period
gx is the bulk g factor ( 14): gFe = 2.09, gc0 More quantitatively, using a magnetic for Ni and Co is about one atomic layer. We
= 2.25, gNi = 2.18 (for a free electron g = shell model where the magnetic moment of find that for Ni the second layer is magnet-
2.00; shifts are caused by orbital effects). an atom depends on how far below the ically "dead," and for Fe it appears that the
It is striking that in all three cases, for surface it is located, that is, on its layer fourth layer is antiferromagnetically cou-
small clusters, the spin imbalances are index number independent of the size of the pled. Because the model is rather crude,
very close to the values estimated in the cluster, we assign values (g,, I2,ig3, and so these assignments are only suggestive. For
atom-based localized moment picture and on) to indicate the magnetic moment (in example, streric effects, which we ignore,
that for larger clusters the spin imbalances units of I.LB) of the atoms in layers 1, 2, 3, are certainly important. Nevertheless, en-
decrease to their bulk limits. and so on, where layer 1 indicates the sur- hanced surface magnetism has been predict-
Nickel clusters converge to the bulk lim- face. Rough agreement with experiment is ed and observed (15-18). Furthermore, sur-
it more rapidly than Co and Fe clusters. In obtained by assigning for Ni: (1.15, 0.0, 0.6, face-induced Friedel-type oscillations in the
particular, the moment of a Ni cluster with 0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, and so on), for Co: (2.5, spin density have also been predicted in
about three layers of atoms (Ni150) is bulk- 0.7, 2.5, 2.1, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, and so on), and some calculations (2, 15, 16). The increas-
like, whereas for Co and Fe about four to for Fe: (3.0, 2.8, 2.0, -1.5, 2.0, 2, 2, 2.2, ing valence electron densities from Fe to Ni
five layers are required (Co450, Fe550) before and so on) in units of PB. Hence, the result in progressively more efficient screen-

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Fig. 2 (right). Low-tem- 1.2 1.2
perature average mag-
netic moments (jr) per . 1.0
atom for (A) Ni clusters at 1.0 1.0
78 K, (B) Co clusters at
78 K, and (C) Fe clusters 0.8
at 120 K, as a function of 0.8
the number of atoms in
the clusters N, showing 0.6
the evolution to the bulk. 0.6
The right scale gives the 0.6 Tl
- -

spin imbalance per 0.4

atom. Very small clusters 0.4
have large magnetic mo- 0.4
ments, consistent with 0.2
localized, more atomic- 2 B 2.2
like moments. The de- .2 0
crease is explained in a E 2.4 i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
shell model where the X22.0 3.0.
magnetic moment of an 2 2.2 k
atom in the cluster de- c 1.8 0

pends on its distance EE 2.0 **Z<LTT

from the surface, the 0 .1.6 0
m 2..0
surface atoms having E 1.8 Bulk - - - - -+ - -

larger moments than at- 1.4 CL

oms in deeper layers. 1.61.4 0
Superimposed oscilla- 2 o N= 50-60
tions are probably 1.4 E 1.1.0
o 120-140
caused by spin-wave ° 250-290
structures. Fig. 3 3.4 0) x 550-600
(far right). Average mag- 3C4 C B
netic moments as a . 3.0 U'..
function of temperature 3.0 -
0 200 400 600 800 1000
for several cluster size 2.6
ranges. Absent error 4 2.6
bars indicate that the er- 2.6 + 3 .0 H X N 50-0
rors are within the sym- T 2 i A d o ~~~~~82-92
bol size, and solid lines 2.2-Bulk- - - _2.2
are guides to the eye.
For smaller Ni and Co .1.8 2.
clusters the average 1.8
magnetic moments are . . . . . .
larger than for the bulk 0 100 200 300 400 500 6600 700
1,.0- 0 250-290
over the measured tem- Cluster sie (N
perature range, indicating a strong ferromagnetic coupling. Nickel clusters (A) show a gradual a 500600
convergence to the bulk, approximately attained for Ni500_600. A slight initial increase is
observed in Co clusters (B). The anomalous behavior of Fe clusters (C) is most likely related 0
to a crystal-phase transition where the transition temperature decreases with increasing 0 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
cluster size. Temperature (K)
SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 16 SEPTEMBER 1994 1683

ing of perturbations. This could partly ac- produce the experimental data in Fig. 3A, 7. D. A. Papaconstantanopoulos, in Handbook of the
Band Structure of Elemental Solids (Plenum, New
count for the more rapid convergence to because in those calculations only nearest York, 1986), p. 73.
bulk for Ni clusters than for Co and Fe neighbor interactions are taken into ac- 8. M. B. Stearns, in Magnetische Eigenschaften von
clusters (15). Furthermore, we suspect that count and the local magnetic moments are Metallen, Landolt and Bbrnstein, Eds. (Springer-Ver-
spin-wave structures are also responsible for independent of their location in the cluster. lag, Berlin, 1986), New Series Ill/1 9a, p. 24.
9. A. J. Freeman, C. L. Fu, S. Ohnish, M. Weinert, in
the weak superimposed oscillations; howev- For Ni and Co clusters we essentially traced Polarized Electrons in Surface Physics, R. Feder, Ed.
er, our model is too crude to reveal these the evolution from atom to the bulk. How- (World Scientific, Singapore, 1985), pp. 3-66.
details. ever, the transition temperature to the low 10. M. B. Stearns, Phys. Rev. B 4, 4081 (1971), and
references therein.
The ferromagnetic state not only re- moment phase of Fe clusters continues to 11. W. A. de Heer, P. Milani, A. Chatelain, Phys. Rev.
quires (quasilocal) magnetic moments but decrease. Further study is required to better Lett. 65, 488 (1990); J. P. Bucher, D. C. Douglass, L.
also requires that the moments remain mu- understand this transition and how it con- A. Bloomfield, ibid. 66, 3052 (1991).
12. I. M. L. Billas, J. A. Becker, A. Chatelain, W. A. de
tually aligned even at relatively high tem- verges to its bulk limit. Heer, ibid. 71, 4067 (1993).
peratures (because of the strong interatomic 13. P. Milani and W. A. de Heer, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61,
exchange interaction, characteristic for fer- 1835 (1990); W. A. de Heer and P. Milani, ibid. 62,
romagnets) (1, 4). Temperature-dependent 14. V. A. Gubanov, A. I. Liechenstein, A. V. Postnikov,
measurement of Pi[ in Fig. 3 show that this is 1. D. C. Mattis, The Theory of Magnetism (Springer- Magnetism and Electronic Structure of Crystals
Verlag, Berlin, ed. 2, 1988); C. Herring, in Magne- (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992), p. 79.
indeed the case even for the smallest clus- tism, vol. 4, G. T. Rado and H. SuhI, Eds. (Academic 15. 0. Erikson, A. M. Boring, R. C. Albers, G. W. Fer-
ters. For example, the bulk ii for Ni clusters Press, New York, 1966). nando, B. R. Cooper, Phys. Rev. B 45, 2868 (1992),
is practically constant up to 300 K and 2. J. Dorantes-Davila, H. Dreyss6, G. Pastor, Phys. and references therein.
decreases at higher temperatures, which in- Rev. B 46, 10432 (1992); M. R. Press, F. Liu, S. N. 16. E. Wimmer, A. J. Freeman, K. Krakauer, ibid. 30,
Khanna, P. Jena, ibid. 40, 399 (1989); C. Y. Yang, K. 3113 (1984).
dicates that for them the interaction affect-

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H. Johnson, D. R. Salahub, J. Kasper, R. P. Mess- 17. R. Wu and A. J. Freeman, ibid. 47, 3904 (1993), and
ing the mutual alignment is on the same mer, ibid. 24, 5673 (1981); K. Lee, K. Callaway, K. references therein.
order as in the bulk. Also the Ni550-6oo data Kwong, R. Tang, A. Ziegler, ibid. 31, 1796 (1985). 18. C. S. Wang and A. J. Freeman, ibid. 24,4364 (1981).
3. A. J. Freeman, C. Li, R. 0. Wu, in Science and Tech- 19. Y. Imry, ibid. 21, 2042 (1980); M. E. Fisher and A. N.
are already quite bulklike, apart from the nology of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials, G. C. Berker, ibid. 26, 2507 (1982).
smoother transition near Tc. The latter is a Hadjipanayis and G. A. Prinz, Eds. (NATO Advanced 20. K. Binder, H. Rauch, V. Wildpaner, J. Phys. Chem.
characteristic small particle effect (19) Study Institutes, Series B, vol. 259, Plenum, New
York, 1991), pp. 1-13.
Solids 31, 391 (1990).
[found qualitatively in Heisenberg model 21. E. P. Wohifarth, in Ferromagnetic Materials, E. P.
4. N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, Solid State Physics Wohifarth, Ed. (North-Holland, New York, 1980), vol.
calculations (20) shown in Fig. 3]. Similar (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1976); C. Kittel, 1, pp. 3-70; H. P. Myers and W. Sucksmith, Proc. R.
conclusions can be drawn for Co clusters; Introduction to Solid State Physics (Wiley, New York, Soc. London Ser. A 207, 427 (1951); M. Pellarin et
however, -i increases slightly with increas- 1976). al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 217, 349 (1994).
5. K. Haneda, Z. X. Zhou, A. H. Morrish, T. Majima, T. 22. We thank P. Ballone for continued interest and valu-
ing T. This could be related to a smaller Miyahara, Phys. Rev. B 46,13832 (1992), and refer- able suggestions. This research is supported by the
('1.5%) increase observed in the bulk at ences therein. Swiss National Fund.
650 K where it is caused by the phase 6. For a review of cluster beam methods, see W. A. de
Heer, Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 611 (1993). 19 May 1994; accepted 26 July 1994
transition from hexagonal close-packed to
face-centered-cubic (21).
Compared with Ni and Co clusters, Fe
clusters are clearly anomalous. Anomalies
in Fe clusters may be expected because, for
All-Polymer Field-Effect Transistor Realized by
Fe, in contrast with Ni and Co, the mag- Printing Techniques
netic moment is very sensitive to its envi-
ronment: changes in the crystal structure Francis Garnier,* Ryad Hajlaoui, Abderrahim Yassar,
strongly affect the magnetic moment (1, Pratima Srivastava
17). For Fe120_140 near 600 K, one observes
a rather pronounced decrease in -K from A field-effect transistor has been fabricated from polymer materials by printing tech-
about 31.LB to about 0.6KUB. Larger clusters niques. The device characteristics, which show high current output, are insensitive to
have high-temperature moments of about mechanical treatments such as bending or twisting. This all-organic flexible device,
0.4p.B. These effects most likely reflect realized with mild techniques, opens the way for large-area, low-cost plastic electronics.
related behavior in the bulk where the
low-temperature, body-centered-cubic phase
with -i = 2.24LB transforms into a low mo-
ment face-centered-cubic phase at T = 1150 Organic semiconducting materials, such as ganic is in its strictest sense misleading
K (that is, above Tc = 1043 K) (8). Appar- conjugated polymers and oligomers, have because the reported structures still contain
ently, in Fe clusters this phase transition oc- recently been used as active layers in elec- a metallic part, the gold source and drain
curs at progressively lower temperatures as the tronic devices, such as field-effect transis- electrodes in FETs or the rectifying calcium
cluster size is increased. Clearly this trend tors (FETs) (1) and electroluminescent di- or magnesium electrode in LEDs. The dep-
must reverse for sizes larger than measured odes (LEDs) (2). By a further use of organic osition process of these electrodes, requiring
here to correspond with the bulk. compounds as substrates or contact elec- high vacuum and temperature, creates a
In conclusion, our molecular beam mea- trodes, "all-organic" devices were devel- constraining costly step in the device fabri-
surements on ferromagnetic clusters show oped first for FETs (3) and later for LEDs cation. Furthermore, these metal-organic
the evolution of ferromagnetism from the (4), thereby creating the promising perspec- interfaces, which cannot be considered as
atom to the bulk. The development occurs tive of low-cost and large-area fabrication of fully flexible, form a potential source of
gradually and appears to be dominated pri- flexible devices. However, the term all-or- mechanical and chemical instability. We
marily by electronic effects caused by the report here a fully organic device, an all-
surface, which affect the magnetic moments Laboratoire des Matlriaux Mol6culaires, CNRS, 2 rue polymer FET fabricated solely by printing
of atoms rather deep inside the clusters. The Dunant, 94320 Thiais, France. techniques, which opens the field of flexi-
Heisenberg model calculations poorly re- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. ble plastics electronics.
1684 SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 16 SEPTEMBER 1994

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