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icone et tt en “Be = ule aaah LOGOS addon g Gli he stall Glindsi Ayan el pun as (cle GSStEal y She gall yg shes gl cobs ail CSey (ALY Genel ope Gin Y ¢8 Citisll laa | cegmell Gelyl 4 pial ya Leal! oil J ya Abad = Yess sky ul ely ali Call Ray pale Jy éallall J ga Rade GUS! aust Gull cle) Gandy col ela) el e Cia — AGS (58 dy glad GL alld aay eit Lea ASI pei 6 Jess — Apne) YLaill ba gy ply old Qe Glelilll US Gogg afl Abbas 5 yyy Slball pay 1 pales ALESt) bea, boli 9 95 5a 9 AWS — yall Stal — paths Nl The Will of God as a Way ‘A Grace Disguised i's of Life gel LL cee syle Syleary Blas cate Gpatne ABI SN Ashes Ow Ghee alle Go Gla! Sle hy a sluall els.) 5 bal! Ge Fel yy 3 ds Bll) Quail ALLY La, GUL] cle stall Slate ag) oe de Al cul eh gy) CY WSS ceil gael GLY! Ga = Cpanel) Gulag) «gySSaiall «gy gist) — Guud) Js GLY Ye thas Grok Ua sw (ol platy Leste audi tel) GUE 8 aol) .. Apailly 98 uae Ge del LS OLD Alia) lel ul (cans co gl gt Aes STG Cas! ol ai ag jt QS costs dilie BLL, Ge (atid) Flee GUS Jae Apaeall Aga gall Glial ic Obey) cli dagbec Day Costly eltielly Calg das dg fom wp) Ola» wo GAM. Api! « Tusall _ Agaaill e Aanball ail GI) i) AuaS Oe Ope ypaall gles Gols lie dala + Coy AL ol a3 OS gall ae Unis ygiduo Sunol) Desh! Glol fed aol edsugy Lia sana pi All Apne yal) Gla gues © Logos alll Jus tide SYOVITYTYGA www.el-kalema.com Info@el-kalema.com Originally pulished in the U.S . A. under the title: The Case For Faith copyright© 1998 by Lee Strobel Published by permission of Zondervan, Grand Rapids. Michigan You e¥ AsV) deal Ye4004. Ls Glas Mesa sancaitll y Ae Lull Cas g3 Ua Lae sill WG 5985 igellll cA YS een pees MA Ay gall! deal yall Gaiek Oae ye GN area able Gus dene eg Nol y sll Gl ty! Yee NAEE gla ody ISBN :977- 384 -073-5 MG aasaesniseots leiden tighdcanabucnsbints ObyY! gasi Aladtlle YY Gute Gz yb ll $B gm yo SUleall s 5 y0 yll Gl Ly ss! Gaal ey bh Gee Atl aay ol GS Ma fab) es Ge LH Cal joel gf Ley sg itil alse rE) Gal sey Uy gles cyl 13) alla ia 43] Lele Babel! Gata Y ai) Qh yal sey! el Juby! és ‘e Oe ele) cued ce qual al se 4) gl} ass gl) jp yal td bd ol as ll ail squall G2 ey! een iesisssi5 asall jal AMI UsiS2 Sail Ges 15 salu alse UM A SS al Call 5 Le squall) Gal jie ¥) AN Lanes OS of OSy Y ry. "Gla 38 cls rrTy. ly ts desl dal Yeo. yev we lal Ge dp. Wl GF 4a5) Ola gl daily of SY Ga pedl Alyy lei» O) aabe Cues a 5s «hail al ia! Ll yea Liked APMic Y 555 Gull Gand! GLaYly ilies il erat Ase ga ge (usiall USI Gteled) «Cally Ghidls lap Lee Alice 1) (gape ey pial 9S GL CAS pil pln le ally lal yp Cull 8 pry das 43S) tutte MI ME ya ys ee Eyles co pee Cys Cutlalll ASis coal glial 48 RCA 4d dla apdall 8 Lie dali gh ALS Y con pi 3 la) Ayia GS al cull Gd G pees cl Ray peal All WLAN Gud a aie CIS Uo pat dle O+ dad Upload yf atic! esTBell cle 5S 55 called J 5m ail y a sill (gl) LSI all 6) pally AybAN Ge AS pull Caplio) pas! cally Ce 9850) GA GA) QUISY Ly ull cba sll Gey celaill, all AS Gyo GiB Lady Ayal 48 gall Lady 1S Gy gh dogls Ul May Gye ay 3 LSS oy ge 9S Of ayy Leyes Gad tae 7 CIOMHI .. Auda Ge Jay a las Si Al pSin abl Gf S ysl of yl cle lam Say s&s JUblbs dal ye Gulal) le Cpa 8 aut {aLasl Lis IS Gas y La jLote Beas y Slim ube ai) ia Adlle CulS Lage Iagas Lg lag) Abba (ols Sepeall a yd Sl Sits ul le» Ce ASL s Gale eB Ge hl Gastyy Ales tall oy aSdle cyaSlis yb ALI oSbe Gy pala! Gls atl ee elise 4al Gd yle ait, ALM glSall Lhe Jy jalad Gf Sule | gaslti | ail oli yawns 0 $i gS5 «aSia ge idk id eo) ella Cals Ayla 4 ghd aby tepall le atin \3Ss 5 ELE g ely Teoh pl GES g peal Cabay ob salle Als Le Ghe jury Arcaiall all gull clunill I) BG Ls passe IS, asia lym Js sil ie ES LS Jk Susi Gy silts aay Sy Gard US hed} Tres lise Se castle AY aaulls crcl oO yale ecuadin Ga S OSs tagnele wag ol} Vas tate as Cullé 8) Aulis Sls Glued Ag. y fhe Gane ellie Gils (3 pha CUS Laie Ua jaall (za yay Calle eal Que LAL! wy al ch ES yal ALM y ail gs Galle | Al yin Gately adball Gael Ll caeill glial al iS) wall Giyel Gis al m Kap li eV 5g) Clay! Gx pail dale ellis YS al foley! sa bs Failly Leo gabe Ghai! GUS ai) lls 5 jlall 5: ALI (28 Lut Ch ois Ll) US Gy al Go} Lhasa Ly og! abate GSI GSU) Ge Gly agli) il ually » pitas Carga y pas jes aesell DY) ele th All J olay! agen gli (oll ML al eS GIS UY! . clad! cf Gly! yrs Cl Saul is Al gual lg Laila al ole! oS GLb! 8 las) gist easae AS weg cess ll Cuil Jal Gs ¢ say Geel ASS US ay ys ANS 3 BAS OF Oobely alld WUE! Ge Le LE aed gs oe peb Ue fad Chall OS) yall ya g sll OS cath cM) GIST oh a ot gu sll egies pau I) SG) agli Ob pa gate y Gabe 9 ye aglead pgiblic G4 Bhuall Cele (ill poles Ay yy jail) ALS 9 yaals OW US hol ull yy se tiag cag ge) Hy Jed cabal ya lla ByHS Akal Sle YS al sho) AbLudl od, cel] Cpa 6 il J ga 5 all ALLY Gf ypu yall oye cell Gas — Ostet SUE US Ge Le peall als Gal sic Gast celal ja ley Cl dbues idl Ue alalya Aauld Glalus 4 ) yall wssal isd aleall 39h) (sila eed Oo} as cell g pul Les GAS GY Gull! leas elle And G site bel § oy siled dae gl | lis Bywall GY) US 1a GIS gb Ci Ais GIS Ha QS ASI I peily alesis oll — Gy sled Gla GL gill y wt Col) Lay yg lei a5 — Satie! Alco! gil} bay... it dl gles} 0 CAE yell Ga AL alo! ga lly OS al 1969 alall ws calla gs Sills 5 ekll Glu I cktiy te ail dy Lle COagh ob Ay gill Abell og) dua Se] Leis aul pau) Sally sang Js Y= cll es & leet Auld any 4a YY «Un glasl LB AUS G gh gl ASab IS 15} Le Ups ch ~ & ge an sll gl ait suai!) 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Salad alle es Usild J ass) al ys dle! el flay Youth qual uty SleLais! asl 2 9#° alll A UMS ghils Gli, Goals Le EA US .cfor Christ ell jell le Legals Wali LIS Cus ob ys Ay y 3} Ala) NS Le gle pus AuuiS cy gilasd Quad ileLein y) (gt Lezley CANS Lyte a (gill onde VY +N) Byte lege Gyro vial aac | shee aay 4] American Magazine AGS yet! Alaa! is ble e Adilouea Cand ay (1) gALaLall 3 3] SU lage asl 9% U sili y)» sya) GSS SY 3 ye Gd pla ye die JE 10 alas) pao Sosiio Kalas aeiusl Gull Ji Sls I wy Led JE sili’ ge Si cilay Le Ole pu eh St gS SI jleall Gai) Lens LUE Cus Lat Ja Lie! Caj0 thy loa (tains qeal Sigal Ss Gy alll, Auld Agia gS Y yo! Ide O'S 5 piyaed cl Sl y ay! Shay OLD AuLallt tll deal Lualy salsa lie fay , “) agen la shai) Fae jo ye tly pla GDL le — lS tially gles os Ny ol 3) Sill alas ye Isa lal se lls hn Gia — ah ely SG aley OSs ler Gripe Lead LY) USI y shit Iga gay al Gulla Lite O+ lady yale Lull «bom Gabe cll) oO) Cuil ALE LS 4y a gS Lpusall aes Lad lal ja UE Si Glad) Gus gst of yay ols GU sles asSllly Cus a LLG 1SStts GSI al sly Lia, Os OS bd «gual GUSIL Sy gl ala aly) ail Gye ald AUN) eles gl) Gast) — Gus gla sh yo gl las CaS | 5) peti en ea go — allel Us alal ya cally Laas abel Skelly ally «Cita yl Sal Gye dans LAY) oll jo Cas sel yy Ole Ube (f Ais Aud da 53 sly walill g Sawa Sane 55 8) an ll 8 US Un y all © pte Ci 5 all eet al Ail Girl, AS ) le abel ye 58 cqyutle GUS sth Lo yy IS All Syadill y Gaaadil) ALLY) Gane Ayla! Oss Go OSI call an Wake YS! Gl Sylal Casy Sue Cas, oS eh Cl d= Ul gy «ee st I 9 Ge ele Lobel — cul ulilss ae sl tgihy 2S sil oh 238 ol Gogh s Auli! 5 Shy Sl hat of glad ul COW .. audall «le ao gal cial a Ai plays SB Aube: Shel ¢ gaally ede Sy Ge Us US Lila’ aby By. 5h Bae Ce yy sats al! LS ail ellis ol 2885 US Ei ays ileal Lee OS «gill 9) Fina 9 Cy SB gaat 8 Aa gy AS pee Aslhay CALS LST cglal yal Ryall yy gaa Aba obe uals Ostet ¢ ee ol gilscll Agudlly JLdU Gude Glas) D4 Gali Glel Las glial jQ2Y) [olal ja] OS! aly Ut ASLAM cpp does ole ISU Les ed All dababl culls, “omits Gualadl (4 Glas (4 agile Gia OYly MS ARS Ca gall a pla jal Gases be ys av gals ell, CEUs] taal) poll os 5S IST een ill Gy gilald Cases ISL GSD pllatl Spm Gaysimall Ula sll is! co) ley asst) ya — AS Sb | see = Gg UN al Lat g yg Wed peal Cpe 1ais Sadly Gla! da GSly Aiba! sjUb gyi Ghie o| {beje Ungas g | Sie gS OF CSadl yo da Sia gy) slits AUR Cy gba gy Y Ganaall $Cad gl (yadd (3 Cattell SIL cglae Gla], cially SU Sune a cy 9p taba) 2S) AS fide duce gl Gal gi cilia Guild LG Ylaile Ylalaioe 0) @ Cia ee ab tly sl «Os AG gs GLE cotthd W. Bingham Hunter UUs algaiy neal! cleall ul dle] Us pal alle Ug tusl QLeh J Cus Galena! Ay I OY) egailall adil y «yadda ae haglall (6 4513 ge al eg gall Gl dase tla Caled Cate (gi) Lang egg Anal Fic oad eee at aa plaiall a Lettie Lily! tin Ula aU gb LSU Ss) AlLndle Y Azad gl) § Alrolie Gatien sine 4p) Ans Loeb Y 12 dla) gid Badan LAY GIS 13) Le aN Golly Saal $e asl Gf Zeal ie suaaill aly Gy) AiSy soll lens Goth SLM ge Casetl OS I dually G18) Gl Aas! ‘ol dpb os pale cally gS il SalI ge Ly yi Ua +s au gle Suse cite all Cstless Cia «ual pslilyall (3 Atlee die ill} Gasl Euns 5 Saeall Abas sie sig gi Cilablds cas! 8 Pha tale yo Cag 95 oc ply Geely sll ul} sec cqqulail) Gadd cle Cobia y “Penthouses dul GU GSES Blige 8) Gs dead Gel) cis 3 deal Cais TH ga sll oy plate Guo ped chill lee esl dil gic el bY ceed CLD ed) hud ral Lela yy satSII J sie IS Farewell to Gad: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian) Cry Appell Slate bed ey Saal GUS) Ihe wish Llle ALY) al gi “ ALIS daiey, La lied Ile ascell C.gecinallys a1 SVU 6 le Sold i) eb! gsi La O) Bley Lys Gaye sill pede pane le ggtlid actey al& US) Gone 19) ustal GUS aL GLY Usa Caray 9h 9 pala jl) Ue ye Cicliaal Ip LIN Bigs debs Aned jail SM ls hy (oll 4b LN ell Uuaiil CUS AVY (Say BS ULE JoLusiy 45 4815.5 4nd aLudly Glas! Sagainey clara ce pall Uy pall Vda he eked gl OS Gl ayo) OSe Y joule jl Adages Ale Yl (| eithal Of ibe GAT ilo 1348 cya ge pela jl Oy Gane Al) lia Bal Cabeiat Cum eels QLuiy Apaillys O") dyn ye pub all Ay gage Fitba all GS 6B paral) yale jl oil ge is 5 j 13 Clow! . Sal silat Ate le Es sett) Laiyy aad gi) CuiS Las Jolie Si al collay old lala cy Sus la CALS (8 GIS LS Lealgs (y sSte Ss Gilg 08 G giles GIS Lane SLI) Sins is Ua 5 fala! ys Aine O) Vast UE toby Ue 3 ead Autle Alls 4 lags gle Cun wb I 3 Go Ue Abate Gay + ysilisd Gpsle Gait Oy bas Ai! Fle Call y «atl — ela cle Uytisas oO} BI dail gi ets! GS) 21S Ye ip atl G jel «de Cate SL (9) By (ch 5a gall Say SU Yule Cue pa oe le (tall @ GY) dines 8 GS 5) Liu calli Vghe Grylls GUS 5 «3 palall L4gHES (I) jeal clang bine al KL YIS aly gland gl oxS OLIs CaLaill g MANE) acl Go alll ass Gok ball! ell U4 Jalan Gst sd LE LY clay gay OS fos Hoe Oo Las gale pl oye UIS dla gt pal GE cyl Gat Ayala gM 43, 3I Guid ole Gf ae 5 clin Ld Liss IS, Susi jie ool gb An tledll cay de gles Yl jae Uy La gle CaaS (25S) — aay 9g — del tibial yoy Jl «ail Ul ail ll by ssl ga g gS Lal SB «aly «Spal Loy. satus «a Sy Aa} Heued «ai Samy ade Clb 58 auld SI Ot Ge 40S Lal ih) Aa! ellos adlsall Uses Ua pads 3G iad Gl) Cals slay AGS Gatls $C gine CG ie Ua Ay Canal al Jal Ga dias 3) oobi dag Gel Gh a, lu 14 gla) ¢io5 Sodtde NES Cyaall Us Cal gus CHO Abe ay Cowal ail. SacLinall «cable b KG gis C98 as jp je by el» AG al) GL 8 CS sasha 5h Gd LSS CaS LS S35 ly: pe Ca gal oil yet Abas) os! dy slule Jaa yay aS Leila Laila inns Yl 46) agile Male sf Sale Gl agus ye Cplate 5 Ja 8 Y9Sa ol dl ley ay aud! «(ibd «Aly a8 g} Sa) Gonplay be cole Coad il Labs «Iai | gieyy Zulia Ace) AEE gai iald yc gall ol jal le yy silecd eal Aadl oy serally «sear sgl 4ual5 lah 4a yS pall Lbs i OIpY DE ge Gls (al Boaglall any Le Gud seles le Lada Aid Aci! duly gil) yy) Cats il eephul of Qstld of lay Gil Ypae gay Hy 8 4s js baa Aa al) Las) ys Cugstd GS ¢ tl gl ay oil th aie ly: 45018 AN) Glas) ye Cusst} calif GLAS odgay «4 jahdUl wily Ailey) Usa’ 5! cette GS haul gill al GS) ced Leg he IS oh o)4a.oq6 CSM) Ulan pi IST alg OS Lag Kage 9 gle GIS geet Gf | jake GUS Lelie « yasle jl dita) Uta ce yf Cis AS 45S) AIS 5S) IS Leste} laa Gall il OS Bip Gla pis Ladies «Ulery dalinds algae Aplle Ab Gals Stil Jal ge Uaiey aii sil gyill ips LOUSY Ge bs yuu Less Lil Ga bl ia) as 15 CLOW! .. Cuda Stila aia) Gedy Guna Lb dlls GIS ay cate Gia 4 «Say GN Uns 8 By pee» los UUs toned tad Se «Life Geld GIS RS 5 y gee Uist GS BUS wtlelh gah 2 pea Anil of DU ole Gass Wes AbSU) all cls} aeiys ane Ge dy pall albdy Agled) Lia) G3 clog tl pal By gpe cals aly Ls Coy Capall Uglies Jen CIS, 3 pats doles Ge Usily | sls «9 Ua gl clea cll tess else 3 Cal ol OSedl Ga ar Su J Say 3) pra es yi ope al yall obe dglind Le US Lely Leigs Las GS ellis gl «S pial) hos lala! slals eal « pbully 4S Gle Si Las Ade tul Guctl GIS g] LS elaull sat azel § Hala gaicl aid gly UL fst oul Led Sud Geclld dye Saipall alld [de ey gl Gas aly GSy AS» soteis patie] Gus Ls aa gh — g es} V5 cl YS pball goad ob Ga ddl sill gle Cayo ual oka Cyl y be us) ela GS al Line Lyi) ellis gi Lal Hoa Gass Gi Seal ildelly al ii ub A Gg Ay 2 oe Gs Ady yb «8 plaall 9 Gi gllaall US Lei — (6 gia cS Sha gle ol gl] ch 00 yh Ul gall (SU gf ss AaulaS! dealt) 2 ode GilS hs syos oF Agoda re) Sia oi) RAMS, ys lla gl Apa Gi Gary GI Glas etn s Ji, «ya yYl CSS Ge Lal neat All Yi cy gl lay Ady cls Vly ee DLally ccayatell — pull gl sil ds ellie Gf ess oI SS OLSY OSea ee Oe Ail lap el 16 las) 605 0dd0 «on tell JO) sis Bae Lees 8 DB Gp gel Gy giles GLI cased Sagal Lea y yu Jal chine | yaa ghee il SLulall ius Dtseall uly giave al Bue aly Gyle| Leal Cus Us gti pes Gas GLY sl 3 Ail Sell GbLd sll, alk g Aasath Oy saall y ¢ BgIS LS yin y cag A) aig eeiill sala ell dS) gd Guy) GYLI Glas Cina Al} 3 p58 SHC) ph AN gle 8 503 29518 yo ye IST pgs abe} Gilded) g Qala) jis) y sLucill aga y ao coll AIST 383 Gandy chy dhs Sh ol guild gS Atpally Aigacs Mal By - ell Ly» ire Lat! p sedall PUsall (is Vy baal y 4480 JUD glut) y ad gi dial Y - cons yy be ai Vy dash Y al a pags cine ANY Sy LS aie Of Uy eCgad gt all many yl ox si coll Chad gl «te eds Y a yeall isd fa (ol) al! fae (4 «Selig (All ls ah sSaall (go ede clay) illus 2 ALLY! G2 SSN y iS Gal cule (lhe sty sstlali CaiSSh 5 Aa Soll Ls lly Salil ce GY 5 Cabell Calse y Gf aline I3gd Les Gayl Sib cg Oe gl acl al il ital ray Eis stl UALS cecal gl ye Cena al gl 85 gl all Sal os Y Gye lise y Zeal ol si gl G58 al Lbs (le Cy pail | gad (yg AS Tiga «Alay aed Nabe Ga7}Sy) Calls «,clbwoall 1g! 4alis.s O! OY si easels cane! All Y gi anlally :uleli Yad (el ul aiSe Yy ssid coal UW Ld gl) elie Gee al ciel ol obtal Yy Ssh di quel Yy sds tre US ajel Y Ul rh apg YA gee al laal g) aah ol Analy Sed) 2 ys GS) AS oped Gud Ubi «ails 17 Glow . aadal Suu 4abl dag Shad «gla dig) cob 3358 03h ded Latta SEU Len ys dal gis yanll dh pais Lady (Sade YS) BAS Gly SUE ae sels Lantine 9 5 LIE «BEY Ay «fY al» Fala ode CUS gly alld G2 Sil AIS peel Qed yy Go = og) Ral: distal Ge OS p81 itis Y Aap Oo) Se obS J vad ik lol 43) Co) — Usain a3 US Valle (pd Cosas Lay ean Line Lgl! 4d gS Cine does of agiday rails aay go Ul Suey Cobia I leakll : SU Gaet Jwaiisl (3) elle ails Cabdtinleuyo oom LOY gigs ol oly ll GA {sal ls Gusi 3S) oo) jgpall Leal bshy a) Rus daly ciel} clase! a ol Gy all 4 yaad oy} candy) al lle gp hea ja coke Sy 5 Sig) Analy GSI gi las Bais Jet — Ag Ge al} Ladle gi UyS of OSes YY ca deet cpa ys Al Ke «Sa Vy Ge ea tle Chasel, Clary Cray OS eed DIE ye duglaal ysl 5 oh ah GLY! a la IS 4) Ul ob Sey Gale Qo) A dla) Gal GUS YS atdy sb ala Likes gS) (AGN) aes) gall Cabal gd clga ye Madde Cheatin G8 plalye lly Os sl ASS Le» jad pbs [plod Gill Gulill Ji Ls Lal f GleLas! 18 lay cod Soke «Sepals Glay! aetts gi dal Y Gly Suu Jubal, cg gles the Cacti Clay! Ie OKs gly! ayal gla) GIS 8 GLY Ute gil Bel i) py — Libs alls a) UE « dead) Ulu! ala Shad alld dyaal cere Cae] anes CHS tH Ly wes aleil) Je aasclary cagil to Jad alld gh CaS «lil VAS yy Cla util Bead dually Apecel) GSA! as «SUES Gaul cy fal aa GY alld Ua Gly Wins yi Seley Gils GS gay cods cl osha Cpe ders al oS Ghd Fast gl —alS GLa) 9a Ibe Ua Lbs dullcis aiLals Sh 9S) ois Lal lls of had all of Saal Gust jana Aad Gua i Caisha 5 3 pd CELE! Ye J jUiM ula Ly CO) gael Cus 8a ci gic CY Selisall oe gags e ill UL Ag alah Y UL GLa! ga da GIS Sb) ELS (65 Cals Ad Paka lal ye (alls ye Lay) pL «Alal ge ely peti css Ui Gad — 45S Ga le — YY co gly SUNS Goal Ge Wel gl py # ysl Glasl 4s agp le yx Ga yl Aigiall gle alle Gl GY — alld I pla gh — aie Us alls «IG USY le Y flare 5S ol tall da Sly ledgs Gils dy fF dnle j tyg8 sald LS y gh ali elle olla AGM 5 yu SN BE 2 tual) Gadlls (lly by bel as gli COLT ely gage gy SY) GM ope badd al ol (AE 99 GaTL Gay se styl LS Gas alle Shull «O38 UI Vad cY OSy LS Golde y SEI yay ualul Ge gilt oly Gyel gl day! WE se oe V3Le yyy «Scile 8g pu Gl Ge35 Ua» sAtlled Arua! 19 Glove .. ada «ELE yy ternal all atta «ail al) adie ay [pbs ol chy 58h al tobe CIS aly, SUG aul) 38 «Aiwa te bade La Cupel Ja Aabed yy aly dap Waite gS alls ba diam layp Usel y oS) al clin 7g pas Ul gun pel 8b Aad Gat aly Ah SE «SD JV eaiy alls gags cl clas! gY GS ES, fal} els Jay «Sal a 238 Lay «gems (sili) Al igucll pe da ol la «ils ene ia} as aS» Lgl A 40 lactase OSi al 18) «ltl equi ys sled pad af Gls gl LS Yl lary ap giled Cs ja Glas asl Sy aah Je Gse ge Gall dali eK YL jaa a8, Adelie Mats Laid — Learns hale OS gill — Alpe Casey Lad ye a ILS 8 ipl gh A aly tual fal Eur GUE! gle vile Ghat abel g yay LUS AaDS vy giles lu OS esl ds Jap8 DY He OS Asdsl apie oS AUIS Ay SS IS lel 8 8 sl Sls (gf HWE Le! Sal e pall (Say JLe allel pad allel 3 — AS ga cll gal La gay Giaball gale gi gS alld g! Yi ate Jb ol (las 4a cigs LLIS 5 535 Sus Cute alli Gal dicig ccctls bd abl sed cg Lae ipitali 20 ola) ged Sodda pe de Gh Gayeh UF ut hy Sut Aut ais Ge «las Landi, sil gf gle USly lye «Arasall Oa & st Vas CJ saiyy Al us| GS Sal al ula i.5 US aig OMe itt SS ad Guay -lis Yard ard Epa Gs Abdded af vad ye] (ii Lod US vad yl uele OSs atl) cay ail ¢ gy tLe bil 13 iy CUS Hl yas) GUSSI Gy sla Y agi lSSa 48 S55 Y Quill laa Vy dee slbellrs Go gaccclly aia! pate Cane yal cE) Asal 55 abe) GY) Uc sind) Ayal IS aul ESI alle Gals ey EM 4 glad! cl Gs abe YW) Gbtill y Eee 9 & guy OSI — And! Gla} ys cfg | slay 5 Uses allah eds 15S 9 ole Aas JS steal Gay Lay — Gi gle a Jans ell by 4a] clice (aul Say idl pation dal Ciel LS G pail Ulle ONS Aal gh tie ype gg phan! GY ve Sil bel pf 1S) «abs US Jai ls Ls Llled ob yaad Ady in Cals 40S yy silusi abs ala’, hae) ya aSlbe pe aal yach al ysis GS «ASV al cy Oy ...2hy redoy le bai) adh g4 & gay og Bi Age y oy sla lnet ae (ye lay «GbY cle aa) Ueecl of hal e233 Sh al coal oda sth Gd Lea id Se sl» Rese EONS Aha «loss ULE cya his dul, gay ate ¢ peal Gye CiLalSH) og, s lS IS 5 pie Age y Gina CS co pull os Lely cin dU whe OS Lad IS ja Ji) PAuds URIS day pie dad ob Gls le Ce jos GylS lols 21 Glo} .. aga OLB eS gl Gadd ces jel gf Coa phy bLaMY » pS pet ail a) ysis GES gf Cuts! lstay al) Gissall o 55 Goasil aS g Void) |SLd Iba KSBS) GE) Cr grey alld sia GS al al 253), Audi Qe ed GS Usiled wld Faas qeosey Gary gi ae Gadd all audi cle 3 payull Jil pel (gleay sual. ALM da jx Galas a2 5 AE p03 Ye «138 iS» SOU ADLeay cb ce gag Saal yiitl'y coup gly GS Sale Ady Sal, cat ged LUBY —LOU oy de cl af 4h eal gl ye GAS cada Ale Gaal GIS LS ys fs Sad paul Jala ng yl lain of ye 358 yl Adel jie! Ualadl aly cll alatl gi) abil a! ast 40) Js Aad Ui Gly cal Aula} clint Gilat fle Yl oka Cals call JI i Cal 22 bbe yb ol Les le Isis UF OS Gs [ane] ub 1,4» OF ey GE Gall Gi ga. Aslan lila ., 0) ade ogi gle SSjLe «Calaainall oda | y ag slits GI Sa gia Crus lla al al gt au a sally i NS I, 4 Sf) gh ala! gas J pail 83 Glu) AM Sa se gh, ith YESS) A Alea) pL) ) Uawie shoe aale— cle dh gl «oY! 4iyel citadel cgi SOLES ee olilll G08 jus 58 pid a) get Vlad) Anlle Uneeal aby ¢ s61Suh I) Sagal isd gla) Gilead) Sal) Qs Acoalill Gipal ge Ge Ay gun Utils aad US) Is Aged Ci ll Gard dale (3 Cis da poy Vai G2 a pl sail Gacy di} 3) ecole ye ell OS EM Ey Qo eal sill Sale Y Areas LE) Ql a GIL Abe Lie bts sasy oi SOLE) dale le slic! Wa (ysiled Casi chil sau Asal galallyy ig Cults Add) Gis) of ls gf Gal Cigall daly GLAS 5 | tS J jU ah ged Gly 45) Y Agdle dls al Gay Slay y (ill ail gall US gal 44 Ladi gh OSI Allard ec peta gy al E puns old La 1S! Sa) cA Bas CN) ALN Aa) jal yall A Leal alta 8 I 23 Clay! .. audal A sg ests LL ol gall le EAS 015 silat ae dla} 9 US 5 gl gy tll |p pare Clee 3) cGiball 59 Gh ALY atzaul Le 310L) gre GIS egg ISS Aire YA Ol Se a2i .« Yes, but objections Us (andy Gal vic we Tike OSD y ecyee cel) pats CS Le ya lll ai caad Faecal! Ae gl) ull i ‘ual AS gh Qa placa) ae ialS 4s Lays ye lalla Lelio pai ab eal ose ol USe 3h ag yall cll SAI Se 8 ease yn atleal ye lile gSly FuLacaall al gi ate Ge Aye) oh pad Ayal) Gite ill Gail OS By Cotall Gy all gl Ld Lettie ales Calas) 3 pe Ssenall cpl Cals 2 sees ail 1818 Gull pd pull ol dh Gall GUS Ges (Capall Yo yall agi dolleny Gael Ge i bs SSI gl GILES! aGueall .. Sellly Gly as Soyo ge at Gf Sell Ad OLA gill Atal ula ol geo) CULEISY! ods Galdad) ail us gl Ab! 98 & ee (AES Nagy Gata Go) GBH ducdlly Lid pal ypu aad om (8 LBS GS al 1 OS teal Baggs ONS Y AB pall Gla) fey! al Cals a8 a! Gf Say g gue GALS Ss Ut yall go} GAS ail go} Se 2 SNS se lua a Uiill ye Jabs Sls «al! ail LeSe aca} aThe Big Eight 32!) 42a, Gal 5IYl oe Glo eailbal Gpnenall allel! $a gy 15LA8 cle il alta gf Ly + {alls Sule ga SIL ll gla} AY Sp GSS cabal a pb al Gl jaws Gi lye Sade Gil gay Gl Die gba) Uulall jap NSB lim Q Sl) GL af ail US 5) + Aga ge ell y phil dhe of cli las Oy pASll alall 24 chery] eb of PSlyal) jul JULY) a8 te Gad} a LEA! al ual | lye Sazaill agell Js LS oly VI Ce U3) Lad ceed! Ml asa I Ge bl 98 & pay O'S le Bade | graney al Cdl Culill gudle ald gf ak) uss. eels All) Galil aig ail GIS 9) « al eel sued anal) 8 gad Ibe! apis las outs Paice Aasscall yycVb | ging AMLS CulS 1aLali alee YI AauiSl) 61) gh ail GUS gl » Sj grea) uc 6 guill sel sll bl gh OSeal ge gd cA) SAIL Giles Gai Ley a lS Gl gl 3 ale US ail Ups 3 lial! ALLY) (ae ode ll (t Osta SS (Ea A) le gute gall Gary oda, Caldall ohm Cub SHB egy glee ea CIS LS y ALS ogd'y dn shezagh GbaY! Gy (sts Ay chajicS) jana Le Gi Al Glal eV ge 8S gf gl Gebi! Lay Veda AS Cl yuil Levis GST al Cai gl Guid 8 Sail YY acy gla Sith gf tlie Gan Of mal sll Gs US Apel eos (le GARY gle BE as 99S Yo aba! pil 8 98 pad Ue meade gut gy ltlad ey glad gS a AMLeal SY, 5 yaad Cole geal Use gh (cisd Glu) a yous oobi) Gls oS of oSy Y a Gbiy alls — Ale AS 659 Auadl Ge Sue Bg gu GI apd Ga yad — os glau)l OY Ayales Agel) cA gilpws Sil ypany ae | cll Lge Aad ll GiUE Nd AS Uda Lin apg al ll 25 Coil. ada —— ABE) & guy Blin Ge Atle gles le pool yy sil Le Ai oll Si (al 4agall Seal Cad al sll a A 3 ysiall yo pesky Lyi C pil lantane 6 silat UIS yl wlll, alll ule Spy Lada Lengl Sails 3 se Ua bey of bed gp Ape ol gel Cpe Aialgiy SUI Vda Syl Lgl} aad cad & pany a 3 glad la jUéel OSe Vg gua LS old wulld I} BLL Futile! (y gil cle Leal Cals Dou Ik. osild Qe LS co oe al ce obs ane wl le a5 ill Lyi ses Le ol LER IG Gan all Go 58S Go) Al allt cal gl (9) Le gual PVE Mga & gay ye SOS: cia, sable lel Saal ig Ge 5A! Nas Ytbe oad of Lyall olS GLU! Y of ya Gall laud! 45 pune sacs Ke ull oles gad Syshe @y tll ye lasts «°) SJ Gal ols yy OE «penal, Apcillyy cats of ALAR By Laty Facey (UA yy ccgell ln yl carga Ga alls cel age ad og AYIA LL wag glll ota all} ccileal Gs ae Jl al Gl a ge par ol cli Bg 1 Ody cad CLAY! Db Ge gid All Ay pall Cle, gua gall ull Ye Le SIS By tu aad SES esa ail ely Ae yl 9 Bh Cais Lada g 3 pe NS SP I le gata gall Gadd (pM Yue Gly ccuall clad GH ce Lied oe Sole ape us 26 cle aybdl Cnplo) yuri le col) Baa zB Ski SGM Gael Aod 5 Ul clas say eld calld Lys GAS) ay 9M ya da gata @ y yall OF dS gy giles St fl, isis 525 cle cet! af eld | «Mo yale Ase cob SHR Aa) as Jap Lila GIS eal ll Goby led Cutis Vat OSs oleh gl ay al J LS yay glS5 iit ye Addie (od | pcs aad gi chet Ab SY ylae Ge laill «Egy OS oyeliin asides) oS) ad JED) au is Cla Cs 84 alee y Cabell Seite Gl) pad ca poled Jaries Gis Leigh 632 jell padi cle US aby rpulbe Yo IAL AIS cpa) LSS 5 (IS LSS AHISS LAS aly AWE 53 Gala lh Y LSS da jal aie LENS y»> Mauna Ciel ob g AlStiis (IS «gly Lids Gul aif Us 1385 Cis gla! Gui Jap Wes dic Gf fay GSlyy sgl Catia ade gle Cals al a 3 ll aay ane Alf lis G58 Gf GS Vasil sill Ey ay il Stich L day Ly wha Glia auld Gf lay coud oll os Li) 28 1 SIS Gy28ll Gull 4g oa yy gall G gla! Gall vals lla ate Y BY) leg 4SLy Gl aha Y Li 4) «Aiba! jie) Alaill U3, cOla dine Galid anh 8 15a) ae All ysl Leta y ball ol) Wiis Cas 1 a gl Boel cad Uluny LA el y8) gd Silay y cleats I ja) Casts th all le Myla «oped Ody 8 Cull Ue y JY! Gleyy Ab Gs Ll, dalaled (jag) cLisunyy: <2aia 27 — Cloubl .. Gudall B icy gld Alaal gal ol eb ol cd eettly cate Ge lal of G38 ay Acalad) Ahad ge EE AC cannes dead ytd Bi of vill dal ge boat OS Gul ape, Ayzilly el Ep lily Casa tl Gbletiul cls Cals 13} Le uae Ge 38) ol Say) catia inal putl y Grencls Senpeall alg Calga Ql Oh Glad ySe Ue Bignell Bae Has St (ail 2 Uap p glial (tial) onal ul el lis Uéall dal 2 oes Apnea ge Guladl seals sel esl of Gee HM aginlual 4S Ladlis g) | pale dae Sas G) 58 doe Bigs Gd peal gales Gus 13 Le cul GS 5} Sams gael gt 8 OS el gat dalic GL! aes] ils Is) Le aguady 48d Lege Cais il pres ul al ««The Big Eight Sagiell AGLalllyy ae of Cebit sim eal ppl g pt 3S gpg A pe a8 ca gaall cle Mal inal Hi pail ps Gulls 13) Ls put AL sislkigy JB oe Gal dsh 31S 13) Le ats) LOY NaS) «8 ge Gall Gob abst ols ol ‘cxig Telaw C85 woolly! alls yo dil sh a sles OS ol yak Gay lowe 295 28 \ gl cpljicdl 6039>-gp olilablg 3g>ap jill Ui ls dp dl aso dl dhs ld aaa Ail gl capes Y 5 ll yay 3g) ayy ail GI Lely te OS sf ae Wy ee Y 4} gl cay Y ais 588 2 Ys Gebieg UIS hy tale ge8 quhin Y; fag oe Led cay ay hy all OS 5} Os 3 galsd « y gil «Salle (8 52 as. oll abc YI (candi ehd 5u JS shld! dix yh) Leap 5.) is US 6 ISS CuIS hy eel GL Alle pf ab ay cLld Adi phe Lgl sa gia ya 5 GSS of Say IS 1S) Le GeLudt Aulus! cise OD ghY cS gis go « Adtae g ait! Al)ac AS ge thos C585 AMR Gey Olt Fee te Os PISA As 98 ie ll Le sl asl GIS cAdlaa CLM Lyd geal Ie 55 Ts Oe Ue Uhade GiSl ols oe geal gual (4 Galt oll Layy Aijrall 58 Glue il dared Baal y SOUS 5 low lig a le Lyd ll} A) dial SSI Lal y9 (pW GLE gad Case g Le le yur «c(l_j yee Uluily 29 Cloubl . Gudal CIS cle May plas Gully gle jall de heall sel ble glide ga 4sky BY) Shpall 8 gucl vy shad Jad 2 1 Alles 55 ps Sal ‘Chicago Magnificent Mile Gs 8 mai Atlus ad Ue stately ‘Tribune Tower es) OC eo le Gpcall € 1) Css 6 pSlall Galil, Lad) Ae yall alo Sali) Perfecta de Jesus US aS Lt io & tal) aleall Lggiagia ge Lele Geil Le jee Ue uaipd Qual) US Alay cpt Ge Cb Le dla Gite al Spall yuel wally jeciuall Gals) Gee Og lea Gi Gh ob — Ange Mies Lay — USE Cals shell ASE) GU yes Ge Byes AS CH By cqunlul abe go LW pally 3M some pail: pL-Ell 378 ach GIS ai cp gall Gi be gle py eS oe Les eal ae Lote SN) Ge Atle LE Le US IS «Ll pail Sle) gy CH Le le opal ye So Li gel 1 yal Colas Cass (ya bas) Gaal 5 Aalall Glesdll pil gs wlan ht ‘yal ‘af std) Mu dy a Ula gle anal) Cals ne My LUI Glaall cB los 2258 GIS culs VY joall Cpe AaILI Lad ging Calla) Lesa ba Ld) Ata EN clued gb Aa joel) ll ye Chad Bynes gi Le (ilind G8 HS gale Jape Does GaP GIS (yell Aas yall coll Lgiy ye Guests (gig 3 pel SY! 23 Hla! soya Ge Ltd pall sie UisY pull he hed cals casi Sy Uiad ps slide VV Wye ye Salli, oda CuNS jy pall AG Ves Uys pul) Ga pe Cals ‘AgiSleg Geill aDball US pt oss Glad (tel gi slab Aslan Usiyy Gs yi OY eo pets V5 Glib ei § S acilatl Le 30 den dd] 9) Gi dds []9 O39) gp dlilabla 9Sqn pill oils cote AUball 5 yStal 85 AN oll) Ce Gf a Glee Spill Ge je EIS ob pal gue GAEY 5 ye Ay y Syed LBL! cy saulal) util) jad (SLAG ca) alla GS J vas pape Ce baa] stag & sallay a yl Gia 5 US : obs Adds Jal (ye Gaal Cul g Lets a gy ay Legs ‘Sigal eas, IS ye F gal sf Agultie Cay 5 8 Lub] gala) 3 Ged ol a Bpwally Bibel eled) -ados ogi! Ie J ot Seb Y lhe OSs olay! sy GLoyl s Bj gees Are gill Shall all GIS U8) ages OSL) ge Od 7s dass sll Lud gy! Yoo ysl cals Ua al ue i dbs ASadll sed) Cowal ills 43 pill Ui jail Cunt = UN Lawl ws CUS Ae yall Ula es as fecal OU) phe 5 qin tally Leedall Ay gue ill Cy gual Goo Casa Gaal GUS Cys Lakdiall Ag) jrall GI bless JWbY! Cus JULY! Geiss hie 5 cas S35 Barelal y Orally «ble pull asiell geil we os 55 059 yg lay oléecall JU) SUS] 5 Sl jaa! 5g Gas dey pally AS eal) Atal Lad Agate 5 gal perineal 2) pilus le ya Gab es al gS, BA dae jall gpl guile Up Ld aigll cole y Oe thee él Sl ullia Cals ¢ «mall ces le Lana jl Sl bees Coban sf Sy ghll Ques gle lS» Gy gL SN, sll GAGS 8 Ose Ul pall JULY UIS Uysal y aa! ge Gib gh lsc) o93 Gull GIS, Ailid) ye sated! Ua yall cet OLS ob Spada Cala ll aga gl Gull ba gill lua) Vybis Nhe GIS all Ole US G8 GLI GI ta) Gals duly cle Ost all Gf eal Biker I Le lS pid the yo A ea ball ithe le ULSL agthia 6 gies) «jy pball (gly 31 Clasp. Gada Goel pile ce UNI ds oss gai Wy to jae Us 8 pel cgi tyne dad eas GLU Soja qgatell Sill GIS bl lb 8 US I ae Ut Facey ye olin gas} Cals lsu Lute 9 ya GIS y ASA Low alll ols lyst Sy Gland 5 Ail GUIS; «Alles Chreig cAgaigily Lal) glial g 02 Le Aes cell sy pall Oe Gh dla Y Ais dats IS Ai pe OS “Vagis Us Calaway a5) Ia US sib Sb GIS gh LS 5 Ailtal ) oh Y IS A LS cle voles 3 gill gal CANS) Coun! (ye Baulall Aad) ells Go al ol os (3) $elld Ge aid LE cypeeall lls lal 44 sill Cileludy Sapslaly alls ee! og al ISL call 68 os sLLuall oda Ue agay ol sggiia!) Gnd ga Ida Ja» aks Cine Gl sgag pte cle Sad G8 9 ll) Gand ll ae all «gle abilsh| pao cel Bag) ge) A) Gad oJalls aN) aah, Ghat us Los Sgealis pS Ab gh Gil phe Gh ol Ga IS Le (fi) CAS Ca al yall 5 pal Ua aay Fee ly (aglbl ge sly Lele ote Lede Le pe gibel sural “Sin Giles lb Gye Go Aa Lake ey chtinell Ge a Cocakd tN ASI AS gb pgzae) chinad CS 5 Ath) a pes gy ssiae Galil LAN lel ol Gy sacl Jogeall cleat Guhy Copal B Legal gl gay ilbue Was! oll Us ‘Lou Gehrig vals ¢ ¢ca pull Gy galudny Al paball GLE) phy ale Sul Sita) Galyaly «cl vals (nama Sai yf lise ail sSbbe Qi} ely! ani Gad hy wel al! ge Apls 32 dan ll sq) O1 As JO cos gn SUibsbly sgh go ll Ol be lol glpcdl tAGpie 9 Agu Gone ue Oy ob ye | Spe Lili! ald EE aad lag cigs pty eCliney« igs Slade! blows Cys WES! cLitbeS] 085 3 gal dela Gy) gudtall ul pity 6 8) ee Ge sei Ulead y Ge yl padded bli Ls Bale. cell} ince ge Lydgeal sh us 5) yt) ally Ue Lg S 5 whl dade OS Apt Ayal yall DS Aad Le Lyd Ad | alite Shillly Ab ue pad ZL Gl gal Call Ge Why f+ — 451d Ge dae Cus Li! Uy, lal () yedlls cai seall y cor yall agissds Ge donas S35 2 pt Isis cau Ssh gallS Ase yall yy pill — oe Ue Lowe | ii eel) eg lath Ga AueLeall sabY) cbt La gues SaLS Cail oul sUgladll YI Lesg V5 — Aursiall Wa yal Qa HYY! Ua Co yay cil probe Wag 5 5 ai gs jasltll Acasa Osis all gh Aglooal [a5 de ai) Shay al Jalal Uelutiy ieladi'y cya I shall Glalial yy sais alll a GLa! BL gf eel gin all Gye Liattly iled Lay Sail ogy Y ISL Gaelay Y Nal se badis «say le gle Aah Gig pls | Lal ze JS slate tS gly ob yaill GIS SIS gly clans ail GIS 1 Sail 33 ga 50 coed ld aay asSlitly on gi gpl slike! oda HS Wlacall 1a Ss Ls We el MI of alld ge Lal, DE IS shy roS silb Gyalad Yoyure sles ceil og 2001 CLEAN GIS 5! 5 tle palsy selill aL Gy gol All aw Lis Wy) «tle MN Lb Gaya aylead Guill Lid aa yy sll, (OSS gh Ay glanall Aart! ya be gi Os ating Ui fie Shee Dib is yi chal gs LS egy Velde 5 Cems} G8 San ALS da yj 5 cgeall Gd ays BLEW Ge E peat hese lal See ils Legh Bh = i) 583 Uaclag Vy fila $3Laby vasa Gl SMS Lady Gf case Al) celle UY ySay CS ail Bal y) 33 Cloupl .. Adal (ye Uist Aska) Vy S48 yaaa se cay gl Ay ES 8) AalLuedill a gail Ulead! Qe upsll ACS guly Cad Japedll OLS) ec Nae gud © (lazy Us 35 yl AIS&e» shane Ul sie a) ees Agia) Ayal SY! Cilla 8 AtdLiall 8 ae & pela ps dpe gi US fy elite yy ol Ady Lis pads Sal asl IS GLE) gamele s Gaels OS — Gass sls A UIBAIS Gono) (Al Agi! Ate» Gal ali Alta Sapte omega!) Odili alal sassy Atle 5S) 2 obs call sll aes a siz Gt — plall cgi ellis — Ub gaye Cue’ al Ce TE) Gall Ge Legge Lelhd 48 Sle las eli Eb yey daals Vigu ail Jlud Gl ull ail shy Ale 4a phe past Kata lel culsy qfallucie Malad wcll aha ail BUbeall s al) apy Haba 1 Ages gual ob Isl Gee ZY 09 @fallall 3 glad Lay a8 y J) pull IS Aulely GLb Leal gy shed 58s Hig 3% gtbll — 4h yl al pall uy gee BI GLA Oe cohaal) Gi dames Gaal Gauay Ciel! Lgl eas ga y — GY gla ya ALakes (y gilt soap Appeal Ste gill 4S 8 role ob c2ysall y asaill a Uill Us US Gill lg jase ox ol AS Y cine Alyy Ma Gol § Big US dud 3 Al dia — \giment TCs (gi) Bll oe ple paid Gh gaey ecyLa Zl fay ASA) QVLy Cayally SULed) Ge la yguai USe Y 43) eal gl) (yaa called! GU alg! st id gl Age “ eas Al) aa Gl Se Y Ga $i) GLE ys zl) ies bed) apay Ud $US Y cases oh Lull GLaeh Go Cras! SI @ yg Y ode GLa Ade 34 ada db 91 Ol Ge lS cag) go dliLabla ag>-9n pill Ol Le. Jol plac Soles Ga AVL, 5 iS Jalal Gf ie gh de all 18 + Giles) US) ail yi Coy yl) UES! lls GS al «pines sted LS Yo lil GI G49 ALLY! US, Ce Rakes 38 8 oN yd as Cle ya gall ol saul cus Leilaal Ul God of Lter y Vis Gale Byer GIS Lyte gr GSE SF cals Lady Sli GLb willy pale jIly Suis} Labs UF Ugly gba! GY Abit Gals wo) jay! Als US eee g) AL gl Qh) (gl stich yb) AL Gi janis tee SY sadly Ailey cane able JSS Qi gVI «Al (lS Gali AUIS) Aisle Aalise Gay Nagy Ga gle Gals Ui dude ileal agiy GUS Cilgs as slays wind Culb 5 raw 53 Aull cgaudd CaS Le LaLd Gal age GIS LIES ga Sala pafpgiSs —cadyS yg jiu sca] sla V38 5 Cape EOhy Lily Cab Si CN ath yf yl Ce Sie GG gual Ada oi gg CG guhads gall ail aline Gal talea ys Saale Qo ol) siSa Bale aay 3) GY! da yall SHulS Lile YA Sao 5 pS daaly cy Reels (8 Le Gilat yay AV AV alatl Sic) cylass 5; desley slo DUS Aaole (3 dials (GIRVy cl jslinlS G) poled ode he pale ad 6 pualacll y AUIU gall g cud pl) Aauslall g « cutis) 5 La gill 5 SIGUE Ge BSN cle Cheay glug pecall dul 5 ey 1c guar 5 5955 Ay gateeS Hille bp Ulin peeid Gf orcas Cus ls walls es, wally le Gab S GhSy VI tall Gade gould Gi gal CME ules gil ele ale US oy AY aghsty TLL Asal) 1 Y) 8 Sls oats Al ds doplsus 35 GloUpl . Gada slic] Aaja guste y Al jail! Qaslell Adie Quntly Cla! Cy $ phe cll Ge Genii (le NS WE cae eels ay ichens ails slab Gi hy Vy Aig ye bats ciciyy Aies Alea! spate aby ile pa zall Gaal ge is CISA oil} Go Audi cies So) yatuly Se gy Ui Aas A) VI) co jae Gs Coal» ALM) 8 al Al GeV US 8) HyAsill yl sh Gales 585 ibLé gl cle (3.5m 50 UI IS) adel Llp A gue’ cy slic asl Gy See cote Lay) Cala ll ol jb SUIS Ay — CHB S CAS $aCagall Goce sil ally Lad Le DUS f+ Ge Si — aul GES Cea fpilaell slyal) Skcall fll) BLES Gaol roll Co) Ccgllgsti alls y ges) prmmeall gUBall ala ASS Y! Apa asa s claull oan LS fuels Sse Texel g SLI) ATS, cgSe Ce pall gas 4 Ose 5 Oa! Ul ee ed gl itiy Ja) jinyy AS by eepeall Ug ghaleds Gsall a ae AS Gi Lape pall Saal ad jew All ae oe be AgSe Jal Gf db ta Atal yy Cab S leo cy) Cuaal eQugll La AY 3 phe Ahad) GHISAM Gal ys) Cus Les iby S CiGe GS cplleall A ggoe pub SeLeY! CH jaally ASS gyal GI NSSy S pabo & pound OIG Lajs Zo ots opt) Sli ype yer Obs 8 SO assall (3 Galil) GUaudll pad 4d oS ice Gal «Stal Le Le — La {hs OC) pe og Y Al Cg Gall BULA ge MLN) GS ga Cay SG} pds Le GIS cg hal y chal jiu UD (yo ALES! Us) lee AB eed fggSaad ghana y a LoS Sy «Ueggleue! US Gay thal dads «Star Trek ese! ye Als) edidl Abbe JE Ges scald 5:The Velveteen Rabbit ded90 pill di Le. - jai as Aad leigtay ald aay icles Gye Spud atl Sle gate Cae Wall Go Gene add (Gla) Uy «pul Y Cull apie Gs OY ela lly Gla! 55 Say Leal gy pes yoga yall delay abel Ayal GS ASS cine IU Cgall GIS hh Syl ee UG Co) sil auealy Le US Ged} SLI! gf Stee Le OY) he 5255 gall alIY! 5 ye gil - de acall Ce Yau ail iy Sol Cigay Lotsa lel vin Fras) Ale! 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