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What's in my homemade dishwasher

detergent tabs?
washing soda - this powerful cleaner raises the
cleaning pH to help break down food and grease,
and softens the water to reduce spotting, leaving
your glasses and silverware shiny and sparkly
salt- hard water deposits can leave spots behind
on your clean dishes; adding salt softens the
water and reduces pesky spots
citric acid - this versatile cleaner boosts
dishwasher detergent to help get rid of stuck-on
food, suspends hard water deposits to keep
them off your dishes, and assists in smooth
rinsing at the end of the cycle
citrus essential oil- dual benefit of cutting
through grease to get plates clean, and makes
the clean dishwasher load smell great

Natural Dishwasher Detergent Tabs recipe

1 cup of super washing soda (like this)
1/4 cup of salt (note: there's no need for fancy, expensive salt, look for salt like this)
1/2 cup citric acid powder (like this)
add 40 drops of citrus essential oil, then mix and use back of spoon to break up any clumps
spray 2-3 tablespoons water into mixture, stirring as you add the water
tip: don't add the water too quickly or the washing soda and citric acid will fizz and react too
much. Slower is better.
scoop the mixture into a silicone mold (like this). Use the back of a wooden spoon and your
fingers to firmly press the mixture into the silicone mold.
let them dry and harden overnight, then when completely dry, pop out of mold and store in
airtight container
add a label (get a free printable of the recipe and this label here)

How to use natural dishwasher detergent tabs

• Put one detergent tab into your dishwasher's detergent dispenser.
• Add a little vinegar to the rinse aid compartment.
• Let the dishwasher take it from there; use your usual wash settings.

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