V, V, V U, U, U: Instructions: You Have 10 Minutes (Including Upload) To Complete This Part of The Midterm

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Midterm Exam

Linear Algebra for CS

Adamadze & Nadareishvili

Instructions: You have 10 minutes (including upload) to complete this part of the midterm.
19. Write down 3 distinct bases for R3 . (1 p)
20. Let B1 = {v~1 , v~2 , v~3 } and B2 = {u~1 , u~2 , u~3 } be two bases for R3 . Say, (2 p)
     
−1 0 2
(u~1 )B1 =  2 , (u~2 )B1 = −1 , (u~3 )B1 =  0 .
     
0 3 −2
For some ~x ∈ R3 , given  
(~x)B2 = −1 ,
 
find (~x)B1 . Show your work.
21. Say T : R3 → R3 is a linear transformation that in B1 basis (from Exercise 20) is given by a
matrix  
1 2 −2
(T )B1 = −2 4 0  .
 
1 2 3
Write down the expression that computes the matrix (T )B2 (you do not have to compute the
product or an inverse). (1 p)

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