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You are on page 1of 1 Lessons learned from ‘Alexandra 1’ collision: Confused with Rules of the Road - SAFETY4SEA Nemo Credit: UK MAIB (On 11th February 2015, the Marshall Islands registered oll tanker Alexandra 1 and the United Kingdom registered container ship Ever Smart collided near the entrance to the buoyed approach channel in Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates. The analysis ofthis colision highlights Important key lessons, taking into consideration that both vessels were modern, equipped with advanced systems for navigation & communication and manned with certified ‘experienced crews, under the supervision and guidance of a VTS collided, within Port limits. {A the time ofthe colison, the ‘Ever Smart’ container ship was outbound to exit the channel while the ‘Alexandra 1" tanker was inbound fo enter the channol (Image). The accident happened close to midnight hours (night ime darknoss) in an area controlled and monitored by Jebel Alls Vessel Trafic ‘Service. The sea was calm with a low swel. The tidal steam was south-oasterly at lass than 1 knot ‘and the visibility considered to be good (10-12 miles). The container vessel (Ever Smart), had just

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