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Onboarding checklist — HR

Your onboarding process should help ensure new employees are welcomed to the organization and given
all the support they need to quickly become effective in their new roles. It should be a two-way process
that allows them to get to know the organization, and allows the organization to get to know them.
Onboarding activities typically fall into one of five categories:
• HR information/processes
• Getting to know the organization
• Getting setup with tools and equipment
• Building a network of contacts
• Getting introduced to the job

Your onboarding checklist should help you document and track the completion of all the tasks you have to
complete to successfully onboard a new employee.

Employee information

Name: Department:

Job title: Manager name:

For each task, choose Yes or No to confirm whether you have completed it, the date you completed it,
and add any comments as appropriate.
For all tasks that you have not completed, please add a note in the Comments field to explain why the
task is incomplete.

Onboarding checklist — HR
HR information/processes
Task Confirmation Date Comments:

Distribute either a company- Yes No

wide or departmental
communication introducing
the new employee and their
role, so people are prepared
for their arrival

Register the new employee Yes No

for a new hire

Enroll the employee in the Yes No

payroll process.

Meet with the new employee Yes No

for new hire orientation.

Share and review the Yes No

employee handbook.

Review and obtain the Yes No

employee's signature on
compensation and benefits

Review and obtain the Yes No

employee's signature on
non-compete and non-
disclosure policies.

Review and obtain the Yes No

employee's signature on
vacation and sick leave

Show the employee where Yes No

their employee profile
information is stored and
verify that it is correct.

Add the employee to your Yes No

performance management

Onboarding checklist — HR
Verify that the employee and Yes No
manager have completed all
their onboarding tasks.

Getting to know the organization

Task Confirmation Date Comments:

Review the organization’s Yes No

mission and vision and
answer any questions.

Review the organization’s Yes No

goals for the coming year
and answer any questions.

Review the organization’s Yes No

values and culture and
answer any questions.

Review the organization’s Yes No

products/services, target
markets, and competition,
and answer any questions.

Review the organization’s Yes No

structure and answer any

Getting setup with tools and equipment

Task Confirmation Date Comments:

Put in a request to have the Yes No

employee's cubicle/office set
up and provide all the
furniture and supplies they

Put in a request to have the Yes No

employee's computer setup
and all the software and
passwords they need to work
(e.g. network, email,

Onboarding checklist — HR
Review building access Yes No
restrictions and procedures
with the employee.

Give the employee a tour of Yes No

the facilities, showing them
things like lunchrooms,
coffee stations, break rooms,
washrooms, etc.

Show the employee where to Yes No

find the equipment they’ll
need to do their work (e.g.,
office supplies, printers,

Onboarding checklist — HR

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