How To Make A Pie Chart Report

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IELTS Writing Task 1 GDC English

How to describe a pie chart

How to organize a report to get high score in Task Achivement & Coherence-
Introduction: paraphrase the words of the question, including all information from the
chart (year, units, etc) and the names of categories.
Overview: (khả năng đọc bảng biểu) be noticed all the highest and the lowest (mostly
in percentage) – try to group the same categories. If time is mentioned, make sure to
cover the trends/ changes over the years.
Body 1: Follow the overview (to years or to the highest categories)
Body 2: Describe the rest.
(be noticed: pay attention to what the readers/listens are looking for, proofreading is
essential step to make a report perfect).

How to use words & structures to get high score in Lexical Resources &
Grammartical Range and Accuracy
The language used in a pie chart is mainly for describing percentage, proportion and
the constitution to the whole.
Let’s see some useful phrases below:
Accounts for + % High-tech companies account for 32% of
the total value of the payrolls in the area.
Comprises….. of Older people comprise a large proportion of those
living in poverty.
Comprises of + % (ít dùng)
Represents + % This contract represents 20% of the company's annual
Constitue (overall) People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the
labour force.

Register + % General Mills registers 50% e-commerce growth in Q4

(chú ý dùng khi đại lượng thuộc
về một measuring instrument)

By Mr. Alex (Phan Anh)

IELTS Writing Task 1 GDC English

Ex1: The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy
production of France in two years.

The pie charts give information about the (production) propotion/percentage/rate (in
production) of 5 distinct types of energy (produced) of France in 1995 and 2005.
Overall = Looking from overall perspective, it is readily apparent that coal and gas
comprise the largest proportion among all types of energy (while nuclear and other
types had the lowest figures/)which was over/more than a half . In addition, the rate of
almost all=most energy produced increased over 10-year period, except for Petro.
Vào năm 1995, coal là nguồn năng lượng chiếm tỉ trọng cao nhất, tại mức 29.80%,
theo sau bởi gas, ở mức (thấp hơn một chút 29.63%). 10 năm sau đó, một sự tăng nhẹ
khoảng 1% được nhìn thấy cho cả hai, ở đó coal là 30,93% và gas là 30,31%.
Xét về các nguồn năng lượng còn lại, petro chiếm tỉ trọng cao nhất ở mức 29,27%, mà
xếp thứ 3 trong số toàn bộ nguồn năng lượng đã nêu. Other ở mức thấp nhất với 4,9%
- chỉ tương đương 1/5 của petro. Nuclear cao hơn other một chút, ở mức 6,4%. Vào
năm 2005, Petro chứng kiến một sự giảm đáng kể xuống còn 19,55%, trong khi
nuclear và other type tăng hơn 1,5 lần cùng thời điểm, ở mức 10,10% và 9,10 tương
In 1995, coal was the source of engery constituting the largest percentage
among all types mentioned, at 29.90%, followed by gas, at a lower figure of
29.63%. Ten years later, a slight growth was seen for both, in which coal
registered at 30.93% and 30.31% for gas.

By Mr. Alex (Phan Anh)

IELTS Writing Task 1 GDC English
In terms of/With regards to remaining energy types, petro represented the
highest figure of 29.27%, which ranked third among all types of energy
produced. Other type stayed/placed at the lowest postion, at 4.9%, which was
equivalent to one fifth of petro. Nuclear, on the other hand, was slightly higher,
at 6.4%. By 2005, Petro witnessed a remarkable decline to 19,55% while
nuclear and other type went up by over 1.5 times at the same time, to 10.10%
and 9.10% respectively

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five types of energy production in
France in 1995 and 2005.
Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of energy were gas and coal, which
together accounted for over half the production of energy, while nuclear and other
kinds of energy sources generated the least amount of energy in France. In all types of
energy production there was only minimal change over the 10-year period.
Energy produced by coal comprised of 29.80% in the first year and this showed only a
very slight increase of about a mere 1% to 30.9% in 2005. Likewise, in 1995, gas
generated 29.63$ which rose marginally to 30.1% 10 years later.
With regards to the ramaining methods of producing energy, there was an approximate
5% growth in production from both nuclear power and other sources to 10.10% and
9.10% respectively. Petrol, on the other hand, was the only source of energy which
decreased in production from 29.27% in 1995 to around a fifth (19,55%) in 2005.

By Mr. Alex (Phan Anh)

IELTS Writing Task 1 GDC English

By Mr. Alex (Phan Anh)

IELTS Writing Task 1 GDC English

Đề thi ngày 04/06/2022

● Task 1: The charts below show the percentage of male and female workers in
country A and country B. Summarize the information by selecting and
reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

By Mr. Alex (Phan Anh)

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