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KARGANILLA, Stephanie GInger P.

BMP-V (103C)


I reflect and resonate more with being a master thinker, I can't help but marvel at the
transformation that has taken place within me. It's been a profound and enriching experience
that has shaped not only my intellectual capacity but also my approach to life as a whole.

Becoming a master thinker has been a lifelong pursuit, one that requires constant
self-awareness and a commitment to growth especially when I am pursuing music and
delting people with different backgrounds in life and personalities. It's about more than just
acquiring knowledge; it's about cultivating the ability to think critically, to question
assumptions, and to seek deeper understanding. Through this journey, I've learned that
being a master thinker is not a destination but a continuous process of refinement and

One of the most significant shifts in my thinking has been the realization that critical thinking
is not about proving others wrong or asserting my superiority. There were times when I had
to analyze between two things and how it would benefit me and others. Specifically when it
comes to buying things, knowing between my wants and needs, and generally just thinking if
this is the thing that would help me during that specific moment. It's about approaching every
situation with an open mind, embracing the diversity of perspectives, and valuing the
inherent complexity of the world. This approach has not only improved my ability to analyze
and solve problems but has also enriched my relationships and interactions with others.

I've also understood that being a master thinker is not limited to any specific domain or field.
It's a mindset that can be applied to every aspect of life. Whether it's making decisions,
evaluating information, or facing challenges, the skills I've developed as a master thinker
have proven invaluable. This journey has made me more aware of the biases and
assumptions that can cloud my judgment. I've learned to approach information with a healthy
dose of skepticism, to consider the source and context, and to be open to reevaluating my
own beliefs when confronted with new evidence or perspectives. It's a humbling experience,
but one that is essential for personal and intellectual growth.

Overall, being a master thinker has empowered me to navigate the world's complexities with
confidence, adaptability, and a commitment to lifelong learning. It has taught me that there's
always more to discover, more to understand, and more to improve upon. And while I may
never reach the ultimate pinnacle of mastery, the journey itself is a reward, a testament to
the richness of the human mind and its endless capacity for growth and exploration.

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