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Company: Microsoft


The internet is the fundamental instrument that may be utilized for any form of business as a
medium of dialogue, communication, and cooperation. Customer relationships are the
foundation of any business that enables it achieves greater profitability and productivity.
Nowadays, the internet is applying a variety of tools and strategies to aid organizations gain
global and widespread recognition through each and every linked channel.

Microsoft Information System is one of the instruments that aids in making electronic media
more accessible and accessible to clients. There are numerous examples relating to B2B and
online marketing tools, among others. Managers are in charge of planning, implementing, and
carrying out this interaction between clients, customers, and executives.

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among individuals and businesses for a
variety of reasons, including cost savings, enhanced productivity, speed and efficiency,
performance, and security.

Instead of storing files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based
storage allows them to be saved to a remote database. As long as an electronic gadget has
internet access, it has access to data and the software programs needed to execute it.

Cloud security refers to the safeguards put in place to safeguard digital assets and data
housed on cloud-based services. Two-factor authentication (2FA), VPNs, security tokens,
data encryption, and firewall services, among other things, are used to protect this data.
Microsoft Information system:

Many firms, whether small, medium, or large, require an information system, and the
importance of information relies on a range of factors. In the case of proper business planning,
for example, senior managers will demand information to aid this planning. Middle-level
management, on the other hand, relies on precise information systems to adequately regulate
and monitor numerous business processes. At the same time, numerous personnel with
operational tasks rely on information systems to carry out their duties in the organization
properly. Because of all of these requirements, many businesses create information systems
that function concurrently. The Microsoft Corporation uses Management Information Systems
(MIS) to manage its internal affairs. Employees that need to process data and information
benefit from an Office Automation System (OAS) (Bill 2006).

The Microsoft Corporation works with a variety of software systems and the use of OAS is
beneficial because it increases staff productivity. Employees can work from their own homes
as well as other locations at their leisure. Aside from these two information systems, the
Microsoft Company also employs Decision Support Systems (DSS). The Microsoft Corporation
also employs MIS to connect current database applications such as Sage and MySQL in order
to provide a variety of comprehensive reports. The organization can also employ MIS to
analyze questionnaires utilizing Access software, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel (Bill
2006). Microsoft's employees may also simply manage the entire questionnaire creation
process by tracking contacts with respondents and exporting and importing reports within the
questionnaire. Other organizations in need of specialized Contact Management software utilize
this software to promote their various products, and in such cases, Microsoft comes in useful
with database integration. In such circumstances, the Microsoft Corporation use MIS to
automate numerous regulatory processes for these businesses. In order to manage the
expansion of services in these organizations, the corporations employ Microsoft Access
databases coupled with Excel and Word. To make this process easier, the corporation uses
MIS to automate its software.

Cloud computing and Microsoft

Cloud computing and mobile applications are still buzzwords and essential resources in
company business plans. Cloud computing and mobile technologies are being used by an
increasing number of enterprises. As a support for their processes within the shared services
architecture, large corporations created their own massive data centers, private cloud, or
hybrid cloud. Because information systems (IS) process and store sensitive and confidential
data. Technological progress is becoming a daily reality for businesses and individuals who
use information systems to support their operational tasks. The capacity to scale elastically is
one of the advantages of cloud computing services. That involves delivering the proper amount
of IT resources—for example, more or less processing power, storage, and bandwidth—at the
right time and from the right geographical location.

According to Microsoft, cloud computing is the distribution of computing services over the
Internet ("the cloud"), including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics,
and intelligence, in order to provide speedier innovation, flexible resources, and economies of
scale. Microsoft Azure (previously Windows Azure) is the company's public cloud computing
platform. It offers a wide range of cloud services, such as computation, analytics, storage, and
networking. A public cloud is exemplified by Microsoft Azure. In a public cloud, you share the
same hardware, storage, and network devices as other corporations or cloud "tenants," and
you use a web browser to access services and manage your account.

Microsoft to report $50.1 billion in revenue for the quarter ended Dec. 31, up 18% from the same
quarter last year, with profits of $2.31 per share, an increase of 14% from a year ago.

Part 2: Poster on IT security and GBS

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the toughest privacy and security law in
the world. Though it was drafted and passed by the European Union (EU), it imposes
obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to
people in the EU. The regulation was put into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR will levy
harsh fines against those who violate its privacy and security standards, with penalties
reaching into the tens of millions of euros. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes new
standards for Microsoft businesses that provide products and services to individuals in the European Union
(EU) or collect and analyze data for EU residents, regardless of where you or your business is situated.

Personal data is any information that relates to an individual who can be directly or indirectly identified.
Processing must be lawful, fair, and transparent to the data subject. Microsoft is committed to GDPR
compliance, as well as to providing a variety of products, features, documentation, and resources to assist our
clients in meeting their GDPR compliance obligations.

Organization must process data for the legitimate purposes specified explicitly to the data subject when
you collected it. GDPR impose Microsoft Products and Services Data Protection for software licensed
through Microsoft Commercial Licensing schemes.

Company should collect and process only as much data as absolutely necessary for the purposes
specified. Microsoft is committed to GDPR compliance and to providing a wide range of products,
features, documentation, and resources to help our clients achieve their GDPR compliance
Part 3

Sales data analysis:

The given table has the data of a stationary shop located in different regions. The total sales
for the two months are £16181.7. The blinder had the highest sales, followed by central region.
Item sales
In the given data set after computation and analysis we find out that the the most
popular item sold was the binder, followed by the pencil and then the pen set.
The desk was the least popular item sold.

Regional sales

In the given data set after computation and analysis we find out that the central
branch had the highest sales for both binder and pencil pen set. The East branch
had the highest sales for pen.

Month-over-month sales
We find that the sales for all three branches increased in the second month. The
Central branch had the biggest increase in sales, followed by the East branch
and then the West branch.
The data in the table provides a number of insights into the performance of the
stationary store. For example, the data shows that the bindle is the most popular
item sold, and that the central branch is the most successful branch where
maximum items has been sold.

Total Sales


Total Sales



Central East West

Total Sales

24% West






Desk Binder Pencil Pen Pen set


14% Pen
Pen set

The data also shows that sales are increasing over time. This is a positive sign
for the stationary store, as it suggests that the store is growing and that its
products are in demand.

Here are some additional insights that can be drawn from the data:

 The Central branch is the most important branch of the furniture store, as
it accounts for the highest sales. The store should focus on maintaining
and improving the performance of this branch.

 The Binder is the most important product to the stationary store, as it

accounts for the highest sales. The store should focus on promoting this
product and ensuring that it is always in stock.

 Sales are increasing over time, which is a positive sign for the stationary
store. The store should continue to invest in marketing and advertising to
further increase sales.

 The desk is the least important product to the stationary store, as it

accounts for the lowest sales. The store may want to consider reducing
the price of this product or discontinuing it altogether.

Based on the insights from the data, here are some recommendations for the
furniture store:

 Promote the binder product and ensure that it is always in stock.

 Focus on maintaining and improving the performance of

the Central branch.

 Continue to invest in marketing and advertising to further increase sales.

 Consider reducing the price of the desk product or discontinuing it

In addition to these recommendations, the furniture store may also want to
consider the following:

 Expanding the product range to include more popular items, such as

eraser and coloring books and puzzles.

 Improving the customer experience by providing excellent customer

service and making it easy for customers to shop and return products.

 Offering discounts and promotions to attract new customers and

encourage repeat business.


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 Natasha Maingi (Author), 2011, Microsoft Business Information Systems, Munich, GRIN
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Image source:
 https://www.geekwire.com/2022/microsofts-earnings-will-test-strength-of-cloud-
 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/compliance/regulatory/gdpr
 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/gdpr
 https://gbs.com/en/security-awareness-training/
 https://gdpr.eu/what-is-gdpr/

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