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Gen Z, also known as the Zoomers, is the generational cohort following the Millennials.

Born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, Gen Z is the first generation to
grow up in a completely digital and connected world. They have witnessed and
experienced significant technological advancements, shaping their outlook on life,
communication, and work. One defining characteristic of Gen Z is their proficiency with
technology. They have grown up with smartphones, social media, and internet access,
being the first to navigate the digital landscape effortlessly. This generation is highly
adept at multitasking and consumes information rapidly, often referred to as the "always-
on" generation. They value efficiency and expect instant gratification in all aspects of life.
Gen Z tends to be more socially conscious and politically engaged than previous
generations. Growing up amidst increasing social and environmental awareness, they
are actively involved in conversations around important issues such as climate change,
gender and racial equality, mental health, and gun control. They utilize social media
platforms to voice their opinions and rally for change, making them powerful advocates
for societal progress. This generation values diversity and inclusion, being more
accepting of differences in race, gender, and sexuality. They believe in equal
opportunities and are more likely to challenge traditional stereotypes and expectations.
Gen Z has been at the forefront of pushing for positive representation in media and
demanding inclusivity in various industries. One essential aspect of Gen Z's identity is
their entrepreneurial spirit. Raised during economic uncertainty and witnessing the
impact of the 2008 recession, they crave stability and control over their own financial
destiny. As a result, many Gen Zers are focused on building side hustles or starting their
own businesses. They prioritize flexibility, work-life balance, and meaningful experiences
over traditional career paths. Despite their reputation for being digitally obsessed and
social-media-driven, Gen Z also values authentic connections and experiences. They
prefer real moments and are drawn to brands and influencers who are genuine and
relatable. They prioritize experiences over possessions and value quality interactions
with friends and family. Gen Z's educational pursuits differ from previous generations as
well. They are more likely to seek alternative education options such as online courses,
vocational training, or entrepreneurship programs. This generation places importance on
learning through experience and practical application of skills. In conclusion, Gen Z is a
generation characterized by their tech savviness, social activism, diversity acceptance,
entrepreneurial mindset, and desire for authentic connections. As this cohort continues
to come of age and reshape societal norms, their impact on politics, the economy, and
culture will undoubtedly be significant.

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