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Presentation Pitch

Slide 1 :

Introduce Yourself and Your Topic

Slide 2 :

Problem Statement

Problem: Excessive packaging, plastic pollution, and unsustainable resource consumption in the
cosmetic industry.

• Microplastics, including those from cosmetic products, have been found in oceans worldwide.
It's estimated that over 5 trillion plastic particles, weighing over 250,000 tons, are floating in the
world's oceans.

• Every year, the cosmetic industry generates millions of tons of plastic waste, contributing to
pollution in oceans and landfills.

Slide 3 :

Market Opportunity

In the face of escalating environmental concerns, there is a significant market opportunity for
innovative solutions that address the cosmetic industry's excessive packaging and plastic pollution
issues. The global demand for eco-friendly products is on the rise, with consumers increasingly
prioritizing environmentally conscious choices. Our initiative taps into this burgeoning market, offering
sustainable alternatives that not only meet consumer demand but also contribute to a greener planet.

Market Demand: The demand for eco-friendly products, especially within the cosmetic industry, is
witnessing an unprecedented surge. Consumers are becoming more discerning, seeking products that
align with their environmental values. This shift in consumer behavior presents a substantial market
opportunity for our business. The cosmetic industry, with its vast array of products and a global reach,
represents a fertile ground for our eco-friendly cosmetic bags and reusable products. Our offerings
provide an attractive proposition for companies looking to align with sustainability trends and meet
customer expectations.

Target Audience:

• Cosmetic Companies and Manufacturers:

• Seeking customizable, eco-friendly packaging options.

• Interested in sustainable product lines.
• Need guidance for integrating green practices into their operations.

• Retailers and Distributors:

• Influence consumer choices through product offerings.

• Interested in promoting eco-friendly products to cater to environmentally conscious customers.
• Educational Institutions and Students:

• Students of marketing, design, chemistry, and related fields.

• Future professionals who can incorporate eco-friendly practices in their careers.
• Participants in sustainable design competitions and recipients of scholarships.

• Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Environmental Advocates:

• Advocates for eco-friendly practices and environmental preservation.

• Partnerships for awareness campaigns and policy advocacy.
• Collaborators in environmental initiatives and projects

Slide 4 :


Your Solution: In the face of the cosmetic industry's plastic pollution crisis, our business proposes an
innovative solution that turns the tide on excessive packaging and environmental degradation. We have
developed a pioneering recycling process designed to transform discarded cosmetic bottles and plastics
into stylish, eco-friendly cosmetic bags, and an array of practical, reusable products.

How It Works: Our process begins by collecting empty cosmetic bottles and plastics from various
sources, including consumers, retailers, and cosmetic companies. These materials are then meticulously
cleaned, sorted, and processed using our state-of-the-art recycling technology. Through advanced
techniques, we repurpose this plastic waste into high-quality, durable materials suitable for crafting
fashionable cosmetic bags and a range of reusable products.


• Reduction in Plastic Waste: By recycling cosmetic bottles and plastics, we contribute directly to
reducing the overwhelming burden of plastic waste in landfills and oceans. Every recycled bottle
signifies one less piece of plastic polluting our environment.

• Stylish and Functional End Products: Our recycled materials are transformed into chic cosmetic
bags and a variety of reusable products, combining fashion with sustainability. These items are
not only practical but also make a powerful environmental statement.

• Positive Environmental Impact: The impact of our initiative extends beyond reducing plastic
pollution. We play a vital role in conserving marine and land ecosystems, preserving biodiversity,
and mitigating climate change by curbing carbon emissions associated with plastic production.

Slide 5 :

Business Model

Our business model is rooted in sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. We have meticulously
designed our approach to create a circular economy within the cosmetic industry, addressing the issues
of excessive packaging, plastic pollution, and unsustainable resource consumption.

Revenue Streams:
• Sales of Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Bags and Products:

• Partnerships with Cosmetic Brands:

Cost Structure:

Production costs,

• Recycling equipment,

• Marketing

• Operational expenses.

Profit Margin: Our anticipated profit margin is based on comprehensive production and sales
projections. By optimizing our production processes, managing costs efficiently, and establishing
competitive pricing strategies, we aim for a healthy profit margin that supports the growth and
sustainability of our business. The exact profit margin will be refined based on market feedback,
production efficiency, and ongoing sales performance.

Slide 6 :

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Our marketing and sales strategy is tailored to create a strong brand presence, drive sales, and foster
lasting relationships with our customers and partners. We utilize a multifaceted approach to ensure
maximum reach and impact.


• Online presence

• Social media campaigns

• Collaborations with influencers to raise awareness.

Sales Channels:

• E-commerce platform

• Partnerships with retail stores

• Direct sales to cosmetic brands.

Sales Tactics:

• Personalized customer engagement,

• Promotions

• Loyalty programs to attract and retain customers.

Slide 7 :

Competitive Analysis
In the competitive landscape of sustainable beauty and recycling, understanding our competitors'
strengths and weaknesses is essential for positioning our eco-friendly cosmetic bags and products


Key Competitors in the Sustainable Beauty and Recycling Industry:

• TerraCycle:

• Strengths: TerraCycle is renowned for its innovative recycling programs and partnerships
with major beauty brands. Their wide network of collection points and expertise in
recycling various materials are significant strengths.

• Weaknesses: Limited focus on creating consumer products directly from recycled

materials. Potential scalability challenges due to the complexity of their recycling

Competitive Advantages

Consumer-Focused Products:We specialize in transforming recycled plastic materials into consumer

products like eco-friendly cosmetic bags and reusable items. This consumer-focused approach allows us
to directly engage with environmentally conscious consumers, creating a strong brand presence in the
market. While TerraCycle focuses on recycling various materials and waste streams, their primary
emphasis is on collection and processing rather than creating a wide range of consumer products.

Direct Partnerships with Cosmetic Brands:Advantage: We establish direct partnerships with cosmetic
brands, offering them personalized and sustainable packaging solutions. By collaborating closely with
these brands, we tailor our offerings to align seamlessly with their product branding, creating a unique
selling proposition. TerraCycle’s partnerships are diverse, covering various industries. While they have
brand collaborations, our direct focus on cosmetic brands allows us to offer specialized and targeted
solutions tailored to the beauty industry's specific needs.

Focus on Circular Economy:We emphasize the principles of the circular economy by transforming waste
into valuable products. Our approach contributes not only to recycling but also to reducing the demand
for new plastic production, promoting a holistic and sustainable solution.While TerraCycle focuses on
recycling and upcycling, our commitment to the circular economy model involves creating end-user
products directly from recycled materials, ensuring a complete loop in the production cycle.

Barriers to Entry:

• Access to recycling facilities

• Established brand relationships

• Consumer trust in sustainable products.

Slide 8 :

Team Members:

Role: Strategic Vision, Business Development

Expertise: Extensive experience in environmental conservation and sustainable business practices, with a
focus on innovative recycling solutions.

Chief Designer:

Role: Product Design, Fashion Integration

Expertise: Background in fashion design, bringing creativity and trendsetting ideas to our eco-friendly
product line.

Recycling Expert:

Role: Recycling Technology, Operations

Expertise: Specialized knowledge in advanced recycling techniques, ensuring the efficiency and
effectiveness of our recycling process.

Marketing Specialist:

Role: Marketing Strategy, Branding

Expertise: Expertise in digital marketing and brand development, driving our online presence and
consumer engagement strategies.

Relevant Experience:


Environmental Advocate:

Role: Environmental Guidance, Sustainability Practices

Relevance: Renowned environmentalist with a history of successful collaborations on sustainability

projects, providing strategic advice on eco-friendly practices.

Cosmetic Industry Expert:

Role: Industry Insights, Market Trends

Relevance: Esteemed partner from the cosmetic industry, offering invaluable insights into market
demands and trends, enabling us to align our products effectively.

Slide 9 and 10 :

Financial Projections : You can explain that the sales are expected to increase steadily over the next three
years, resulting in significant revenue growth. The expenses are also projected to increase as the
business expands, with investments in production, marketing, and research and development. Despite
increasing expenses, the net profit is expected to grow substantially, showcasing the financial viability
and profitability of the venture over the projected years
The financial projections provided illustrate the anticipated growth and financial sustainability of our
venture over the next three years. In the Sales Forecast section, we can observe a promising upward
trajectory. Year 1 (2024) is expected to generate $70,000 in sales, a foundational starting point. By Year 2
(2025), we foresee a substantial increase to $150,000, and in Year 3 (2026), we project sales reaching an
impressive $300,000. This trajectory reflects our strategic approach to capturing market share,
expanding our consumer base, and meeting the growing demand for our eco-friendly products.

On the expense side, Year 1 (2024) estimates $43,000 in expenses. This includes production costs at
$20,000, marketing and promotion expenses at $5,000, operational expenses of $10,000, and research
and development costs of $8,000. As the business scales, Year 2 (2025) anticipates higher expenses at
$85,000. Production costs increase to $35,000, marketing and promotion expenses rise to $10,000,
operational expenses are at $20,000, and research and development investments reach $20,000. In Year
3 (2026), with further expansion, the total expenses are projected at $130,000, comprising $50,000 in
production costs, $15,000 for marketing and promotion, $30,000 in operational expenses, and $35,000
in research and development. The Profit and Loss Statement reveals that despite increasing expenses,
the net profit is expected to grow significantly. Year 1 (2024) indicates a net profit of $27,000, Year 2
(2025) shows $65,000, and Year 3 (2026) demonstrates a substantial net profit of $170,000. This not only
highlights the financial viability of our venture but also underscores the business's potential for
sustainable growth and profitability over the projected period.

Slide 11 :


We are seeking an investment of $70,000 to scale our production capabilities, expand our marketing
efforts, and establish key partnerships. This funding will be instrumental in propelling our business to
new heights and making a substantial impact on the environment.

Use of Funds: The allocated funds will be utilized as follows:

Production Equipment: Investing in advanced recycling technology and manufacturing tools to enhance
efficiency and increase production capacity.

Marketing Campaigns: Launching impactful marketing campaigns to raise brand awareness, reach a
wider audience, and promote our eco-friendly products.

Research and Development: Continuing our research efforts to innovate our recycling processes,
ensuring sustainability and product quality.

Team Expansion: Hiring skilled professionals to strengthen our team, enabling us to meet the demands
of our growing business and explore new opportunities.


Month 1-3: Acquire and implement production equipment, initiate targeted marketing campaigns, and
conduct research and development activities.
Month 4-6: Expand team, establish partnerships with cosmetic brands, and optimize production
processes for scalability.

Month 7-9: Launch nationwide marketing initiatives, enhance product offerings based on market
feedback, and strengthen supply chain relationships.

Month 10-12: Evaluate market response, fine-tune marketing strategies, and establish long-term
partnerships for sustainable growth.


Here it is mam I have also explained the financial projections for you.if you still have any query please do
let me know. I need a little favor from your side. Please give me a 5 star review for this order and if you
can do it for previous order please do that as well it will really help me build my portfolio I will be very
thankful to you if you consider my request.

Please don’t mention anything regarding this note in fiverrs chat as there is a strict policy for the sellers.
If You want any kind of assistance in the future feel free to contact me on my g,mail : or my whatsapp no: +92 3365763060. Thanks ! Have a great Day

Reminder : Please don’t mention about mail and number in the chat. Thanks.

Best of luck for your presentation and best wishes for your family!

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