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as given we have line 3x + y = 6

The point on the line closest to (-4,3) is the point of intersection of the normal line from (-4,3) and the
given line 3x+y =6.
So, the slopes of the line 3x+y= 6 and the normal line are negative reciprocals.

as given we have

3x + y = 6


y = -3x + 6 ---------------------1)

comapring with y = mx + c

so m = -3

so the slope of the line normal to the line 3x+y = 6 is the negative reciprocal of m = -3

so m1 = -(1/m) = -(1/-3) = 1/3

now we need to find a line passing thorough point (-4,3) with a slope of 1/3

y - y1 = m1(x - x1) 1/2
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solve equation 1) and 2) to find the point on line 3x+y = 6 that is closest to point (-4,3)

from equation 1) put y = -3x+6 in equation2) we have,

x = 1/2

put x = 1/2 in equation 1) we have,

so the point on the line closest to (-4,3) is (1/2,9/2)

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