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a. How do you spend your day with technology? Without technology?

The elderly said they do not spend their time using modern technologies in their
daily farm work, while a teenager said he uses technology to watch k-drama and
browse various social media platforms and said on the other hand, a professional
use modern technologies to communicate with distant family members in an easy
way and is also used in jobs and housework to make them easier.

b. What do you usually do to pass the time when there is no internet

as a farmer the loss of internet connection does not affect a farmer, while a
teenager spends her time playing volleyball and reading books and for a
professional as a mother, she spends her time with her family especially that on
her kids.

c. How does power interruption affects your usage of different technology?

For a farmer there is only a small impact of not having electricity on their daily
work, on the other hand for a teenager it has a big impact on their daily life
because they cannot use technologies that require electricity and for a
professional this is also a good sign because she and her children can rest their
eyes in their gadgets and had a family time.

Technology has a significant impact on our daily lives, particularly for the
generation we are currently living in. Given how much of our daily lives now
depend on technology, it is difficult to imagine a world without it. Technology has
greatly improved the convenience and ease of our lives. With just a few mouse
clicks, we can instantly communicate with people anywhere in the world, access
reams of information, and automate numerous tasks that once required hours or
even days to complete by hand. Although, it is also important to acknowledge the
drawbacks of technology.

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