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Map your personal finance journey

How much do you need
to save?
Pg 3

How much life &
health insurance do
you need?
Pg 5

How to safely use
Pg 8

How to invest for
wealth creation
Pg 11

How to become
Pg 14 - 15





It’s something we cannot do

without. While we may have the
skills to earn it, the real trick of
having money lies in how we
manage it. While money can’t
buy happiness, lack of money
sure keeps unhappiness closer.

Managing money is not too different. To do

so efficiently, we must fulfil some basic needs
like saving money, which enables us to take
care of higher needs like securing or
strengthening our finances. To explain how
this works, we emulated Maslow’s Hierarchy Next is securing your finances with
of Needs into ‘The BankBazaar 5S Pyramid’, insurance. Once you have saved and secured
which you can find in our book ‘The Bee, the your capital, it is time for you to savour it
Beetle, and the Money Bug’. with your loved ones.

Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ layers these The next step towards reaching Serenity is
needs like a pyramid, with the most basic strengthening your finances with
physiological needs like food, water, and investments and home ownership, both of
shelter at the bottom, leading upwards to which foster a sense of achievement in your
safety, belongingness, self-esteem, and self- financial life. And finally, Serenity is about
fulfilment needs. Forming the base of the the fulfilment of your financial potential.
BankBazaar 5S pyramid are savings a.k.a the
building blocks that enable you to embark on Now, the path to Serenity is not smooth, but
your journey towards Serenity. with the 5S Pyramid as your guide, the
journey can certainly be made easier.


Financial literacy in India leaves much to be capital you already have. It’s just like
desired. A 2015 study conducted by Standard preparing for exams. Frequent revisions can
& Poor suggested that barely 24% of the help you assess how you may be faring in
Indian population is financially literate, a terms of your prep. Managing money is not
dismal figure when compared to the global very different.
average of 33% or the European Union
average of 52%. Another study conducted by As you move forward on your financial
the National Centre for Financial Education journey, it is crucial to review your progress
in 2019 echoed the results of the previous at every stage and course correct wherever
study, and showed that financial literacy in necessary. There is an assessment at the end
India is at a lowly 27%. In a country that of each section of the 5S Pyramid that will
houses 20% of the global population, these help you gauge where you stand financially.
statistics are worrying, especially given that There are five sections in all, and by the end
India is a growing economy. of it, you will have a clear picture of your
overall progress in achieving Serenity.
As mentioned before, managing money is an
art and a science. The better you get at it, the
easier you will find to manage and grow the

Why are savings important? The saving strategy for each objective will be
Saving money is not easy but is necessary for different, so it is important that you are clear
financial growth and fulfilment. Much like on your objectives before you begin saving
how the fulfilment of physiological needs for them.
forms the basis of Maslow’s hierarchy,
savings enable us to grow our wealth, enjoy it, Let’s take the example of an emergency fund,
and ultimately reach financial serenity. Only which is one of the most basic forms of
if you have savings can you invest and grow saving. Your emergency fund should ideally
your wealth, insure yourself and your loved be 3 to 6 times of your monthly income and
ones against worldly perils, take a loan, buy a can help you tide over sudden emergencies
house, educate your children, and save up for like a job loss or a medical emergency. Let’s
your retirement. take a look at the time it may take to create
an emergency fund for individuals with
How much should you save? varying incomes.
Now, there is no singular amount that
qualifies as adequate savings. How much you Assessment Exercise
want to save depends on the goals and Go to the next page and complete the
objectives you have set for yourself. exercise. Give yourself five points for each
task completed.

Emergency Funds & How Long Will It Take to Create It


₹25,000 ₹5,000 ₹75,000 ₹150,000 ₹225,000

₹35,000 ₹7,000 ₹105,000 ₹210,000 ₹315,000

₹50,000 ₹10,000 ₹150,000 ₹300,000 ₹450,000

₹75,000 ₹15,000 ₹225,000 ₹450,000 ₹675,000

₹100,000 ₹20,000 ₹300,000 ₹600,000 ₹900,000

Time Needed To Create Fund* ~15 months ~28 months ~41 months

*Using a recurring deposit returning 5.5%. Income tax as applicable. Time required will be lower with a higher interest rate
and higher with a lower rate.

Give yourself 5 points each time you respond with a 'yes' to the following pointers.
Go step by step, adding up your points.
1 You save at least 10 per cent of your income before you spend it.

2 Give yourself 5 more points if you save 20%.

3 Give yourself 5 more points if you save 30% or more.

4 You have an emergency fund three times your current monthly income.

5 Give yourself 5 more points if the fund is 4-6 times your monthly income.

6 You understood how your interest income is taxed.

You split your savings in bank, deposits or liquid funds for better returns
and lower taxation.

8 You know your bank is safe, well-capitalised and can pay back your deposit.

9 You have created a monthly budget.

10 You have automated your bill payments on netbanking or a payment app.



0 to 20 Points 21 to 35 Points 36 to 50 Points
Your savings and money management You have made some progress on your A high score indicates that you have
calls for some improvement. If you have financial journey, but there’s still a long robust saving and financial management
recently begun your career and manage way to go. You have taken steps to habits. You are well on your way to
to save a portion of your income, kudos strengthen your finances by beginning achieving financial security. You already
to you! Begin by creating a budget and to build your emergency fund and have manage to save a significant portion of
allocating funds for necessities such as also gained a fair understanding of your income, have established an
food, shelter, and savings. Research and important financial concepts such as emergency fund, and understand
find a bank that is well-capitalised and income tax. To strengthen your financial important financial concepts. That said,
reliable. Also familiarise yourself with position, consider increasing your there’s always more you can do to
the different kinds of investments such savings and enhancing your financial enhance your financial well-being.
as deposits, liquid funds, etc., to begin knowledge. Also begin identifying your Consider exploring more advanced
creating your emergency fund. Most financial goals and the investments that wealth-creation strategies, diversify
importantly, be consistent with your would help you achieve those goals. your investments, invest and save
savings. You’ll thank yourself later. consistently, and stay informed about
emerging financial trends.

Why do I need insurance & how does it How much health insurance do I need?
work? Like life insurance, health insurance, too, is
Life sometimes tosses curveballs our way, essential for your financial well-being. Many
throwing us off our feet. The four D’s – factors, such as your family’s medical history
death, disease, disability, and disaster — can and past hospitalisation costs, medical
deplete savings and lead to financial inflation, and your city of residence, come
instability. So, how can we, in the face of a into play when deciding the optimum
sudden crisis, get back on our feet? The amount of health insurance coverage. As a
answer is insurance. Modern day insurance rule of thumb, you could begin with a health
policies offer protection against a variety of cover that is at least 50% or more of your
crises. annual income. Don’t simply rely on your
employer’s coverage for it could cease when
Factors to consider when calculating life you switch jobs. If the need arises, you can
insurance needs either hike your coverage or opt for a top-up
Life insurance is your family’s armour and plan that provides you the necessary
will help them achieve their goals when coverage.
you’re not around. That said, calculating the
adequate amount of life insurance coverage What we’ve covered above are a few aspects
can be challenging. Some factors you must that comprise securing your finances from
keep in mind when assessing your insurance the vagaries of life. Let’s move on to the
needs are your age, current income, family’s assessment so you can find out how you’ve
goals, income needs of your dependents, fared in securing your finances so far.
inflation, and your current assets and
liabilities. You may consider buying Assessment Exercise
additional policies as you grow older and Go to the next page and complete the
your responsibilities increase. exercise. Give yourself five points for each
task completed.

Give yourself 5 points each time you respond with a 'yes' to the following pointers.
Go step by step, adding up your points.

1 You have employer or group-provided health insurance.

2 You have boosted your health coverage by buying your own health policy.

3 Your personal health policy coverage is at least 50% of your current annual income.

4 Give yourself another five points if it is over 100% of your current annual income.

You have purchased a super top-up policy or critical illness policy to boost your
health coverage.

All your dependent family members, such as parents, spouse and children have health

7 Every family member has health coverage of at least 50% of your annual income.

8 You have bought term coverage.

9 The term coverage is at least 10 times your annual income.

Give yourself another five points if the term coverage is at least 20 times your

You have read and understood the terms and conditions, exclusions and waiting
periods of your life and health policy.

You have made all declarations correctly while filling your health and life insurance
application forms.

13 You have not mixed life insurance with investment.

14 If you have a personal vehicle, you have purchased third-party insurance.

You have home insurance for either structure, contents, fire, burglary, or natural




0 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75
Chances are that you’re an Early Jobber You have put in the work to secure your You are well on your way to secure your
whose career has just started. If you finances. You have purchased a health finances and have actively taken steps
aren’t, then this is the time to re- insurance policy in addition to the to do so. You understand the importance
evaluate your insurance coverage. While coverage your employer provides, have a of insurance and have insured various
you may be saving a portion of your basic term plan, and have insured your aspects of your life such as health,
income, you currently rely on your vehicle. However, it may be time to property, life, vehicle, and even travel.
employer’s insurance coverage, which is upgrade your insurance or buy an You have a fair understanding of how
not sufficient. Tweak your monthly adequate plan, especially if you are insurance works. Remember to
budget and eliminate or reduce planning to start a family or buy a house. periodically review your coverage and
unnecessary expenses to buy insurance Research insurance providers and find adjust it based on your family’s changing
coverage for yourself and your out the details of the plans they are needs.
dependents. If you are planning to buy a offering. If you haven’t already, identify
vehicle, you will have to get it insured and purchase suitable health insurance
mandatorily, so plan for that as well. plans for your immediate family, such as
Remember, life and health insurance your parents or spouse. Additionally, as
premiums are significantly cheaper you get older, consider upping your own
when you apply at a young age, health insurance coverage.
compared to when you’re older. These
are essential gaps which you must fill to
secure your wealth and the financial
well-being of your loved ones.

Understanding wants & needs scheme of your financial life, the aim should
Wants are things we desire, but they may not be to spend more on pursuits that strengthen
be necessary for our existence. But needs, are you financially while reducing spending on
critical and necessary in life. Let’s understand things that weaken you financially.
the difference with an example. Having a cell
phone to stay in touch may be a need. But Role of credit products in your finance
wanting a cell phone of a particular brand journey
may be a want. At times, it may be Credit products like loans and credit cards
challenging to distinguish between wants and are products that allow us to enrich our
needs. But making this distinction is lifestyle and fulfil our wants and needs.
necessary for your financial health. Borrowing, however, can be constructive or
destructive. If you take a loan to build your
The MoSCoW Method, a prioritization business, it will help you become financially
model devised by Dai Clegg, helps you list stronger. But taking a high-value loan to buy
wants and needs, thus simplifying business a car whose value will depreciate with time,
decisions. It includes four categories – Must may not be a smart money move. Similarly,
Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won't credit cards, with their myriad discounts,
Have. Let’s understand this with an example cashback, and rewards help you save on a
of a home renovation project: variety of expenses. But if you delay paying
the bill after using these benefits, the penalty
Must Have (Need): Repair the leaking will negate the benefits and harm your
roof. finances.
Should Have (Important want): Install
energy-efficient windows. Now that we’ve covered the gist of what it
Could Have (Less important want): takes to savour your money, here is a self-
Redesign the landscaping in the backyard. assessment for you to evaluate how you’ve
Won't Have (Not a priority): Build a fared in terms of credit consumption in your
swimming pool. financial journey so far.

The importance of prioritising needs and Assessment Exercise

wants is to understand that you don’t have to Go to the next page and complete the
deny yourself things that are important to exercise. Give yourself five points for each
you but also cut out what isn’t. In the grand task completed.

Give yourself 5 points each time you respond with a 'yes' to the following pointers.
Go step by step, adding up your points.

1 You pay your credit card bills and EMls on time.

2 You have not had a late payment in the last 12 months.

3 You have not had a late payment ever.

4 You know your credit score.

5 You check your credit score regularly.

6 Give yourself five more points if your credit score is over 700.

7 Give yourself five more points if your score is over 750.

8 Give yourself five more points if your score is over 800.

9 Give yourself five more points if your score is over 850.

10 You are aware of your credit card rewards.

11 You are using credit card rewards to cut down expenses.

12 You can pay your dues without borrowing for them.

13 You can remain under 30% of your credit card spending limits.

14 You pay your credit card dues in full every month.

15 You understand the difference between wants and needs.




0 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75
How you currently manage and savour You are an experienced credit user and You are a seasoned credit card user who
your finances may need some have made efforts to manage your is well-versed in responsible credit
improvement. If you are facing finances effectively. You are disciplined usage. You are able to distinguish wants
challenges with timely bill payments, set in your repayments, and utilise credit from needs, and understand credit. As a
reminders that will help you do so in responsibly which has helped you result, you have established a history of
time. If your credit score is low, take maintain a healthy credit score. timely payments and enjoy a healthy
active steps to improve it, such as However, when it comes to money credit score. You utilise the benefits and
paying your bills in full, on time and management, there’s always room for features of your credit cards smartly
using only up to 30% of your total improvement. You can further enhance and make sure they add to your financial
available credit limit. Find out about the your credit utilisation by keeping your well-being.
rewards that your credit card offers and credit utilisation low, understand the
how you can utilise them to cut down on difference between wants and needs,
expenses. The key to savouring your and leverage the rewards available on
finances is to use credit responsibly. your credit card to save on expenses.

Importance of setting goals Power of compounding
So far, we’ve talked about savings and how When investing, compounding is your best
they help you build a solid foundation for friend. Compound interest allows you to earn
your financial life, about securing your interest not just on your principal investment
finances against life’s vagaries, and how to but also on the returns it generates. Let’s
savour and enrich your life with responsible understand this with an example.
credit use. The next step on the climb to
Serenity is strengthening your finances, and You invest Rs.10,000/month in an
it is a tough one. investment plan that offers you 12% returns
for 10 years, making your principal
This phase of your financial journey is investment Rs.12 lakh. After 10 years at the
crucial. You are likely at an age when you’re promised rate of return, you will have a
looking to buy a house, raise your children, corpus of Rs.23.23 lakh. Now, if you ran this
and plan for retirement, all of which require investment for 20 years instead of 10 years,
meticulous financial planning. Only after how much do you think you’d accumulate? If
you’ve identified your goals can you begin you guessed Rs.46.46 lakh, you’re wrong.
planning on how to achieve them. That Thanks to compounding, your 20-year
planning entails many things – calculating investment would have generated Rs.99.91
the cost and optimal time frame needed to lakh in returns. If you remain invested for
reach that goal while also accounting for another 5 years, your returns would double
hurdles you might encounter on your way. to Rs.1.82 crore, and in another 5 years, they
would double to Rs.3.52 crore. That’s the
Investing for saving tax magic of compounding!
Tax-planning and investment planning go
hand in hand. Taxes eat into your investment So, strengthening your finances involves
returns and a good investment plan takes this many things. If whatever has been
into account. Also, not all investment returns mentioned so far resonates with where you
are taxed the same way – some attract a are in your financial journey, why not take a
higher tax than others, while some don’t break and check your progress. That way,
attract tax at all. Your income level, too, you can recalibrate your efforts towards areas
determines the tax you pay, with a higher that still need work.
income attracting a higher tax. Tax
deductions help lower your total taxable Assessment Exercise
income, thus also reducing your tax liability. Go to the next page and complete the
So tax-saving investments take care of not exercise. Give yourself five points for each
only tax saving but also investing. task completed.

Give yourself 5 points each time you respond with a 'yes' to the following pointers.
Go step by step, adding up your points.
1 Your investments have clearly defined goals.

2 You have taken stock of your tax-deductible expenses.

3 You have optimized your 80C tax-saving investments for returns, risks and liquidity.

4 You know exactly when you need to liquidate any investment.

5 You understand the power of compounding.

6 You have calculated the right degree of risk for your investments.

7 Your long-term investments are performing at least as well as Nifty50 and Sensex.

8 Your long-term investments are performing better than Nifty50 and Sensex.

9 You have optimized commissions for better returns.

10 You have optimized your gold allocation.

11 You are investing in gold bonds, ETFs or mutual funds.

12 You are saving for home ownership.

13 Give yourself five points if you already own a home.

14 Your interest rate is optimal for your loan, income source and credit score.

15 Give yourself five points if you have paid off your home loan.




0 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75
Your score suggests that there is Your score indicates that you have taken Your score indicates that you’ve made
substantial room for improvement in measures to strengthen your finances. significant progress in strengthening
your financial management. You may not To begin with, you have defined your your finances. You have clearly defined
have clearly defined financial goals and financial goals and have identified basic your financial goals and have picked
lack knowledge about tax strategies. investments and tax-planning strategies suitable investments that will help you
This has a direct bearing on your that will help you achieve those goals. achieve those goals. Your knowledge of
investment planning, which may not be Moving forward, your focus should be on investment concepts such as
optimised. Begin by setting short and refining your investment strategy to compounding and tax strategies has
long term financial goals and learn about align with your goals and risk tolerance. allowed you to make sound financial
different investments which can help You must also build your understanding decisions. As you move forward,
you reach those goals. Familiarise of the tax-saving options and continue reviewing and fine-tuning your
yourself with tax-saving strategies so deductions available to you. Identify portfolio in terms of performance.
you can plan your taxes efficiently. If suitable instruments that can help you Optimise your tax strategies for
necessary, consult a financial advisor diversify your portfolio and also yield maximum benefits. You can explore
who can help you create a structured better returns. Review and adjust your advanced investments such as stocks or
financial plan based on your future goals financial plan regularly based on your bonds. To strengthen your financial
and risk tolerance. situation. stability, try to pay off outstanding debt.
Explore strategies such as prepayment
or balance transfer to lower your debt

Key to lasting financial security Becoming debt free
At last, we have reached the last stage in our Homeownership is perhaps the biggest
financial journey. But, to finally reach expense you may likely bear in your lifetime.
Serenity, a few things still need tending to. But to truly achieve Serenity, it is important
First, take stock of your finances. As you pass that you get out of debt, and fast. There are
through various life stages, your needs and two ways you can do that.
responsibilities evolve. You must ensure that
your financial plan is up to date. This The 5 Percent Method
includes reviewing and adjusting your First is the 5 Percent Method, a systematic
emergency fund, life, and health insurance, pre-payment plan that lets you maximise the
asset allocation, as well as your retirement impact of pre-payment at optimal pre-
corpus to align with your changing needs. payment costs, while also helping you get out
of debt.

Saving Ratio Pre-

Total No. Average over of payments
Pre-payment Tenure Interest
Plan Pre- of Pre- Pre- Original Loan as Ratio of
Amount in Paid
payment payments payment Loan Prepaid Interest
Interest (in %) Saved (in %)

₹0 ₹0 0 ₹0 240 ₹4,303,587 - - -

One ₹38,765
₹659,004 17 ₹38,765 203 ₹3,521,578 ₹782,009 13 84
Extra EMI

5% of Loan ₹250,000 ₹2,500,000 10 ₹250,000 111 ₹1,777,683 ₹2,525,904 50 99

5% of Loan ₹38,765 -
₹1,666,002 12 ₹138,333 140 ₹2,085,613 ₹2,217,974 33 75
Balance ₹250,000
10% of Loan ₹3,272,215 7 ₹467,459 73 ₹1,102,056 ₹3,201,531 65 102

10% of Loan ₹38,765 -

₹2,333,278 9 ₹259,253 105 ₹1,395,109 ₹2,908,478 47 80
Balance ₹500,000

Loan: ₹50 lakh at 7 per cent for 20 years. Every prepayment happens at the start of each loan year. Pre-payment amounts are
theoretical; minimum payment rules apply. Simple interest and prepayment charges as applicable and not accounted for in the above
calculations. Pre-payment charges vary from one loan to another.

The BankBazaar Switch Hit mentioned in our book ‘The Bee, the Beetle, and
The Switch Hit is a modern cricket shot where the Money Bug. We call it the ‘The BankBazaar
the batsman switches their grip from right to Switch Hit’, which entails refinancing to a
left or vice versa to improve their shot. You lower rate but keeping up the higher EMI to
may be surprised to know that this strategy is become debt-free faster. Let’s understand this
just as effective debt management, as with a simple illustration.

Home Refinancing Options With Switch Hit

Refinance To New
Ongoing Refinance At 7% Refinance To 6.8%
Particulars Lender
Loan With Same Lender With New Lender
With Switch Hit

Loan Left ₹4,500,000 ₹4,500,000 ₹4,500,000 ₹4,500,000

Tenure Left (Months) 156 156 156 144

Rate (in %) 7.8 7.0 6.8 6.8

EMI ₹45,987 ₹44,013 ₹43,527 ₹43,527

Interest ₹2,674,047 ₹2,366,080 ₹2,290,241 ₹2,080,387

EMI Saving - 1,974 2,460 0

Refinance Costs - ₹5,000 ₹25,000 ₹25,000

Interest Savings after

- ₹302,967 ₹358,806 ₹568,660

Net Monthly Savings - ₹1,942 ₹2,300 ₹3,645

Protecting your legacy – Will & Nomination know how to access your funds, insurance
Before we reach the top of the personal policies and investments.
finance summit i.e. Serenity, there’s one last
topic that must be addressed. Among other Financial matters are often prone to conflict,
things, Serenity is also about knowing that for various reasons. To simplify matters for
your loved ones will be safe once you are no your loved ones after you’re no longer
longer around. The first step to doing that is around, you need to untangle them while
to keep your immediate family members you’re alive. One of the best ways to minimise
informed about your financial affairs. You can conflict regarding your finances
have one or multiple nominees for your posthumously, is by drawing up a will, a
accounts, and also decide the percentage of document that clearly states how you wish for
your assets that each nominee will receive. In your assets and liabilities to be distributed and
your absence, it is imperative that your next managed after your death. The more detailed
of kin – be it your spouse, children, or parents it is, the better.

Also, you can amend your will as many times The last, and perhaps, the most heartening
as you want, but the last will drawn up by you aspect that makes up Serenity is giving back.
will be the one upheld legally. You will also Find a cause that you would like to support
need to appoint an executor whose job is to and step up in a capacity you are comfortable
ensure that your assets go to the chosen heirs with – volunteer, provide monetary aid or
and meet the end you intended for them. professional expertise, it is entirely up to you.
However, when a will is not drawn up,
religious laws of succession come into play, Now that we’ve covered all aspects of attaining
which is when hiring a lawyer may be wise. financial fulfilment, let’s recap on the last one
After all, your family is counting on you. – Serenity and check our progress with a self-
assessment exercise.
The road to Serenity is not easy. At times, the
going may get very tough and mistakes will be Assessment Exercise
made. The trick, though, is to not give up. Let Go to the next page and complete the
the goals you have set for yourself fuel your exercise. Give yourself five points for each
efforts to build the future you have task completed.
envisioned for yourself and your family.

Give yourself 5 points each time you respond with a 'yes' to the following pointers.
Go step by step, adding up your points.
You have reviewed your savings, insurance coverage and investment needs at least
once in the last year.

2 You have worked on an asset allocation plan for better risk-reward management.

3 You have a retirement age in mind.

4 You have calculated your retirement fund requirement.

5 Your current savings are on track to reach your retirement fund goal on time.

6 You have an idea about how you are going to draw a pension in retirement.

7 Your financial data is secure.

8 You have safely disposed of printed documents such as bank statements.

You have changed the passwords of your most sensitive accounts at least once in the
last 12 months.

10 You file your tax returns on time.

11 You understand which tax regime works best for you.

12 You have a plan to pay off your current loans before time.

13 You have pre-paid a loan.

14 You have pre-closed a loan.

15 All your financial accounts are nominated.

Your next of kin know how to access your accounts in case you were incapacitated
or dead.

17 You have started working on a will.

18 You have a will.

19 You have donated to charitable causes in the last 12 months.

20 You optimize your donations for tax deductions.




0 to 25 Points 26 to 50
Your score indicates that you may need Your score indicates that you
to put in some work to improve and understand the importance of financial
secure your finances. While you do have planning and have taken steps to ensure
basic financial awareness, you need to financial security and serenity. You are
work on other key aspects of your managing your debts and likely have a
financial planning such as planning for retirement plan in mind. You are also
retirement, managing your loans, and aware of the different tax regimes, and
planning your legacy. Begin by reviewing have a basic idea of how you want to
your current financial plans and fill any plan your legacy. But there’s more to be
gaps there might be. Your primary focus done. You must actively work towards
must be on debt management before reducing your debt faster and refine
you move on to other aspects such as your retirement plan. Optimise your
drafting your will or creating a plan to taxes and consider drafting a will. You
safeguard your assets. Educate yourself can also explore options for charitable
on tax optimisation strategies and fine donations for tax deductions.
tune your overall financial plan.
76 to 100
51 to 75 You are likely an ace at managing your
Your score indicates that you have made finances. You have clearly defined
About This Test
considerable progress in managing and financial goals which you are on track to
This self-assessment workbook is
securing your finances. You have set achieve. You have finalised your
adapted from the No. 1 Amazon bestseller,
clear financial goals for your future, retirement plan and are disciplined in
The Bee, The Beetle and the Money Bug, a
which include planning for retirement, your tax filing. You regularly review your
simplified guide to personal finance co-
debt management, and optimising your investments, insurance and savings to
authored by Adhil Shetty and AR Hemant
investments based on changing ensure they align with your changing
and published by Rupa Publications.
circumstances. You are disciplined in needs. You understand the importance
filing your tax returns and have a good of having a will and have a fair idea of
grasp of tax strategies. You also actively how you would like to manage your
work to keep your financial data safe. legacy. Your discipline held you in good
Moving forward, you could continue stead in your financial journey, and you
refining your financial strategies to should maintain that. Stay updated on
ensure you are on track to meet your changes in tax laws and explore
retirement goals. If you are paying off a investment options that align with your
loan, focus on strategies such as changing needs.
prepayment and balance transfer to
lower your debt faster. Consult a
financial planning expert who can help
you with estate planning. To give back to
the community, you could explore
donating to charities that align with your
Author Supported by global investors such as
Malvika Singhal Experian, Eight Roads, Peak XV Partners,
Manager, Communications WSV, and Amazon, BankBazaar has been at the forefront of democratising finance by
providing Indians with frictionless access to
Editor credit.
AR Hemant
AVP, Communications The company exited FY2022 with an audited revenue ₹1596 crore, growing 66% year-on-
year with EBITDA profitability on a monthly
basis attributed to its co-brand model.
About Us is India’s largest fintech co- Adhil Shetty, CEO,, said:
branded credit card issuer and online “BankBazaar has been focussed on three
platform for free credit score. It has a base of things: great technology, customer focus, and
56 million registered users who use the the bottom-line. I am proud to say that we are
platform for free credit score tracking and in- one of the few fintechs in the world to be
depth personal finance content and growing rapidly and profitably.
comparison tools.
BankBazaar is well positioned to accelerate
Its range of co-branded credit cards with this revenue growth rate further in FY24
India’s leading banks is driving the platform's while targeting full year EBITDA profitability.
rapid growth with more than half its This strategy for profitable and sustainable
customers now opting for BankBazaar's own growth has been in the works for over three
co-branded products. The company is on years. We’ve built a co-branded portfolio of
track to facilitate one million active digital products with proven customer
BankBazaar co-branded credit cards in force. traction, which has created sustainable
revenue while improving margins.”

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