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Task: Summative Assessment - Economy Issue Investigation


Code Firstname Surname Received Mark Grade Comments Marked
B has written an investigation 11/09/2022
which highlights her clear 2:01:03
understanding of the 2012 typhoon in PM
the Philippines and its economical
impact. has successfully met
the assessment criteria through her
development of an investigation
question to focus her research and her
effective use of information to answer
this question. She has also made some
links between the Australian and
Filipino economies, demonstrating
knowledge of the global economic
interdependence. made a few
minor grammatical errors, and it may
be helpful for her to have her work
drafted in future assessments. Overall,
has created a high standard
piece of work.

C has created a presentation 11/09/2022

which clearly explains hyperinflation in 1:24:15
Zimbabwe and how the Zimbabwean PM
economy was impacted by this.
was the only student who took the
opportunity for his work to be drafted,
and I would recommend he continue to
do this for future assessments as he
effectively responded to the draft
feedback and improved the quality of
his work. could have gone into
more detail with some of the
information, but in general has done
well to meet the assessment criteria.
Overall, some good work from .

C has written an investigation 11/09/2022

that effectively describes Covid-19 and 2:11:36
its impact on the economy in Australia PM
and around the world. Unfortunately,
did not create an investigation
question to help focus her research,
which meets she missed one of the key
assessment criteria. However,
's investigation does show she
has an in-depth understanding of how
issues such as Covid-19 can have
negative economical effects, which is
highlighted by her use of data and
statistics related to various aspects of
the economy. I would recommend that
takes the opportunity for her
work to be drafted in future
assessments to allow her to achieve at a
higher grade level. Overall,
has done some good work.
A has written an excellent 15/09/2022
investigation that shows she has an in- 12:00:35
depth understanding the impact Covid- PM
19 has had on the economy of
Australia, as well as across the world.
successfully created an
investigation question to help her focus
her investigation, and has effectively
done some research in order to answer
this question. has made links
between the Australian economy and
the economies of other countries,
showing she has knowledge of the
interdependence of the global economy.
has clearly interpreted data and
statistics related to Covid-19 and its
economical and business impacts. I
would recommend that takes the
opportunity for her work to drafted in
future assessments, to ensure she
understands the assessment
requirements and can continue to
achieve at an A grade level. Overall,
some amazing work from .

E has written a short investigation 11/09/2022

with very limited information about the 1:13:13
2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. PM
Unfortunately, this means that she has
not met most of the key assessment
criteria. I would recommend that
use her class time more effectively for
future assessments.
C has created a presentation which 11/09/2022
effectively explains Covid-19 and its 1:42:21
effects on the economies of Australia PM
and other countries around the world.
Unfortunately, did not create an
investigation question to focus his
research, which means that he did miss
that criterion for the assessment, but in
general he has presented some good
information that highlighted his
economics knowledge. I would
recommend that takes the
opportunity for his work to be drafted
in future assessments, as this will allow
him to submit more polished pieces of
work and achieve at a higher grade
level. Overall, some good work from
E has created an informative 13/09/2022
presentation about Pompeii and the 3:10:29
eruption of Mount Vesuvius, however, PM
she has unfortunately not met any of
the key criteria for the assessment.
While 's presentation does have
some good information, it does not
demonstrate any business or economics
knowledge, and would be better suited
as a task to submit in Science or HASS.
also has not developed an
investigation question to focus her
research and has not made any links to
Australia. I would recommend that
takes the opportunity for her
work to be drafted in future
assessments to ensure that she is
meeting the assessment criteria and
understands the task requirements.
C had written an investigation 13/09/2022
that highlights his understanding of 3:06:03
some recent issues which have had an PM
impact on the Australian economy.
While does present some good
information in his investigation, he
could have structured his paragraphs
better so that they flowed together more
smoothly. He also could have explored
the issues he mentioned in a bit more
detail to showcase more business and
economics knowledge. I would
recommend that takes the
opportunity for his work to be drafted
in future assessments and uses his class
time more effectively, as this will allow
him to achieve at a higher grade level.
Overall, some good work from
D has created a presentation with 11/09/2022
some sound information about the 12:21:31
Global Financial Crisis, however, he PM
has unfortunately missed some of the
key criteria for the assessment.
did not create an investigation question
to focus his research and did not have
any information related to his chosen
issue and its impact on Australia. I
would recommend takes the
opportunity for his work to be drafted
in future assessments. Overall,
has made a good effort.
D has created an informative 20/09/2022
presentation about the events of 9/11, 11:07:28
however, there are some key criteria for AM
the assessment that she has
unfortunately missed. had some
questions in her presentation, but she
did not create a research question to
support her in focusing her research for
the assessment as a whole. While
had some information in relation to
9/11's impact on Australia, she did not
really discuss business or economy in
Australia. could also have
included more information about the
economical impacts of 9/11 in general,
rather than just having mainly
information about the events of 9/11. I
would recommend takes the
opportunity for her work to be drafted
in future assessments. Overall,
has made a good effort.

E has written a very limited 11/09/2022

investigation about the 2011 Japanese 1:16:09
earthquake and tsunami that lacks detail PM
and unfortunately does not meet most
of the key assessment criteria. I would
recommend that tries using his
class time more effectively for future

C has written an investigation with 11/09/2022

sound information about the 2:26:36
Millennium Drought. could have PM
included more detail about how the
drought affected the economy in
Australia, as this would have helped to
elevate his investigation to a higher
grade level, but in general he has
demonstrated a good understanding.
made a few grammatical errors
throughout his investigation and may
find it beneficial to have his work
drafted in future assessments. Overall,
has done some good work.

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