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‘ #113: Difference betwei a) Noactin and myosin flamer b) societal muscles is thi 5 In cardiac muscle, J) No difference in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Resting membrane potential Is different In cardiac muscle. 2) Duration of contraction is shorter in cardiac muscle €)_ Duration of contraction is longer in cardiac muscle. Q#114: In cardiac cycle, during Isometric contraction phase a) Semilunar valves remain open, 4) Only mitral valve remains closed. b) AV valves remain open. e) Both AV and semilunar valves remain closed. c) Only aortic valve remains closed. QH115: Self-excitation In SA nodal fibers occurs because of a) Inherent leakiness of the SA nodal fibers to ¢)_, Decreased influx of Na“ ions. Na" and Ca” fons. 'd).’ Increased outflux of Ca“ ions. 'b) Increased outflux of K' Ions. e) Increased outflux of both K’ and Na“ ions. QH116; Cause of slow conduction of impulse In AV nodal fibers is because of: a) Diminished numbers of gap junctions. b) Increased number of gap junction. c) Decreased outflux of K’ ions. d) Decreased number of both Na" and Ca" ions concentration the extracellular fluid around the AV node. e) Increased number of K’ Ions in the. extracellular fluid around the AV node QH#117: Rate of ventricular filling is maximum during: a) First third of diastole. d) Constant throughput diastole. b) Middle third of diastole. e) Variable in diastole. ¢) Last third of diastole, QH118: In the bipolar limb leads, lead Il is found by placing: a} 4Ve electrode on right arm and negative electrode c)_+Ve electrode on left foot & negative on left arm. onleft arm. 2) 4ve electrode left foot and negative right arm. fe). 4Ve electrode on left arm and negative on right arm qii9; An old man of 65 years age presents with history of shortness of breath, palpitation and restlessness in lying posture. ‘On examination, pulse rate is 104 irregularly irregular. B.P 1s 130/70 mmHg, S1 & S2 with irregular rhythm on auscultation. Chest basal rales. Most probable finding in ECG will be: a) Sinus tachycardia. ) Sinus arrhythmia. b) Sinus bradycardia, e) Ventricular tachycardia, ¢)_ Atrial fibrillation b) 4Ve electrode on left arm and negative on left foot, Q¥120: A 45 years old man with history of episodes of fainting with spontaneous recovery for the last one day came to emergency room. On examination, pulse rate is 38/min. 8.P is 110/70. On auscultation, S1 & S2 with slow rhythm, ECG reveals complete AV block. Most probable cause of the fainting episodes will be: a) Stokes Adam's syndrome with AV block. 'b) Chest infection. ©) Gastritis. d) Epilepsy. e) Anxiety neurosis, ee a ing strags syrdtorn (NDS). Which of the following statements ny, Suporte the agin af Hafan ragpate ynleonne true? 4) (UIs unrelated tothe baby's prennnti birth YW) IIs a consequence af 100 tow Tyg tl pneuinacytes. 1) he foettle/aphingnyatin patti te mnnniotic Hal i tkely to be greater than two, A) The concentration af dljalrnitaylplasphatidyleholine iv the amnnlotle fluld would be expected to be lower ‘Han that af «full tran baby, ©) NOS 1s an nsly Heated disorder vith low mortality, QH100, Phoyphoipids ae bnportent cell membrane components because: 8) they have glycerol d) They combine covalently with proteins 1) Thay can farm bilayers in water 6) Alot above, 1) thay have both polar and nonpolar portions {AWAD An incremye in which of the following tends to decrease pulse pressure? ) Venous Return 8) systole pressure 6) Plasma Volume 1) Stroke Volume ©) Attia Compliance QN2021 The volocty of blood Is the slowest in 4) Capiianos 1b) Pulmonary Veins ©) Small Artorios QW108: The relative permeability of mi 4) Infertor Vena 4) Artoriolas apilary pore to Insulin Is o 02 a) 08 ») 07 * a) 03 09 {42041 The Vasoconstelctor aren in vasomotor canta Is concerned vith 4) Acceleration of hoart rato 1) Deprossor Area 1) Inhibition of heart at 6), Vasodilation «)_ Decreased passage of impulse {QWL051 The newrotransmitter for the vasoconstrltor nerve Is 8). Serotonin ©) Prostaglandin by) stan 4) bradykinin )Eplnephrine (4206; Factor that Increase right artrla pressure fs ; 4) Decreased blood volume 4) increased blood volume 1b) Decrease venous tone 6), Dilation of arteriole ©) Increased cardiac function (4307; Pressure In the right atrium I called 8) Central blood pressure 4) Centra aortic pressure b) Central venous pressure €) Botha Aand 0 €). Central Capllary pressure 108: Parasympathetlc nervous system Is mainly important In control of heart rate via: a) Optienerve ) Vagus nerve ) Trigeminal nerve ©) Facial Nerve )_ Glossopharyngeal nerve 2H109: Chemoreceptors 4) Found in aortic and carotid sinuses 4) Have a high blood flow rate 'b)_ Stimulated best by hypercania €) Are not sensitive to hydrogen lon Send Impulse to vasomotor centre through concentration vagus nerve H110; Chemoreceptor's are not stimulated until pressure falls below a). 140 mmig ©) 100 mmHg b) 130mmHg 4) 90mmHg ) 80 mmHg Q4u111: Which of there does not cause vasoconstriction of arterioles? d) Decreased local temperature a) Histamine . b) Endothelin - 1 e) Epinephrine ) Angiotensin {@w112: An increase In total peripheral resistance without any change In renal resistance would; a). Translently increase arterlal pressure )_ Decrease extracellular fluid volume b) Transiently increase sodlum and water 4) Allof the above e) ARC excretion av5: Right horn of sinus venosus contribute to which chamber of heart a) Left atrium b) Right atrium ¢) Left ventricle GHEE: A new born Infant Is present with cyanotic heart disease and falls to thrive, On examination of heart it was 4) Right ventricle €) Common ventricle revealed that the aorta arose from right ventricle and pulmonary trunk arose from left ventricle, What is the name lven to this type of cardiac malformation? a) Atrial septal defect -b)_ Persistent ductus arteriosus ¢}_ Transposition of great vessels ‘QH87: Arch of aorta Is formed from which aortic arch a) First aortic srch 'b) Second aortic arch ¢)_ Third aoprtic arch (HBB: Which of the following Is not the part of fallols tetralogy? ) Left ventricular hyper trophy 'b) Overriding of aorta 4d). Tetrology of fallots ¢) Ventricular septal defect 4) Fourth aortic arch e) Fifth aortic arch 4d) Pulmonary stenosis e) Right ventricular hypertrophy ©) Pulmonary stenosis . (#89: The cartilages, muscles and connective tissues of respiratory system develops from a) Ectoderm 4) Somatic mesoderm ). Endoderm ) Splanchnic mesoderm ¢)_ intermediate mesoderm #90: Portion of respiratory diverticulum cranial to bifurcation develops into which structure 2) Alveoli 4d) Trachea ') Lung parenchyma €) Terminal bronchi Respiratory bronchi ‘891: The laryngotracheal diverticulum devides during which week of intrauterine life a) 4" week 4) 7 week b) s®week e) a week c) week {QH92: Which of the following Is not found in interalveotar septum? a) Clara cells 4) Smooth muscle cell ) Endothelial cells @) skeletal muscle cell ©). Goblet cells (#93: The epithelium lining ofa lobar bronchus is which of the following tissue type 4) Pseudostratified epithiium 4) Stratified squamous epithitium )_ Simple squamous epithelium @) Transitional epithelium )_ Simple cuboidal epit (94; Respiratory macrophage is? a). Kupffer cells 4) Langerhans cell b) -Histiooyte e) Microglia | ). Dust cell (#95: Which cartilage ofthe larynxcis made of hyaline cartilage? a) Thyroid cartilage 4) Comiculate cartilage b) Cricoid cartilage e) Allof the above ©) Arytenoid cartilage (#96: What is the connective tissue sac surrounding the heart a) Endocardium ¢) Myocardium by) Endomysium ) Pericardium ©) Epicardium a) Tunica intima b) Tunica media ¢) Tunica externa hich layer in an artery contains the endothelium? 4) Allof the above e) None of the above Qw98: 68 year old female, 82kg weight with known case of type 20M, and dyslipidemia She came to family clini complaining of fatigue and dysnea, Lab investigation shows high cholesterol level. Which of the following drug act as Jong acting Statin? a) Atorvastatin (Lipitor) ) Lovastatin 9) Niacin 4) Provastatine e) Simvastatin ‘rensposition of the 2orta, interventricular septal defect, and hypertrophy of the right ventricle. Which of the folio, bec Ses~ribed by these symptoms? 2) ASD d) Aortic stenosis 5) Patent ductus anreriosus e) Coarctation of the aorta ©) Tetralogy of Fallot (Q574: A 45-year-old woman presents with a tumor confined to the posterior mediastinum. This could result in ‘ompression of which of the folowing structures? 2) Trachea 4) Arch ofthe azygos vein D) Descending aorta e) Phrenic nerve ©) Archof the eorta : (57S: A 32-year-old patient who weighs 275 Ib comes to the doctor's office. On the surface ofthe chest, the physician 's ble to locate the apexof the heart: 2) Atthe levelof the sternal angle 4) In the right fifth intercostal space ) Inthe left fourth intercostal space }_Atthe level of the xiphoid process ofthe €)_ Inthe left fith intercostal space sternum (G76: A 54-year-old patient is implanted with an artificial cardiac pacemaker. Which of the following conductive ‘ssues of the heart had a defective function that required the pacemaker? 2) Atrioventricular (AV) bundle d) Purkinje fiber b) AVnode e) Moderator band €)_ Sinoatrial (SA) node (Q#77: The zorta isthe largest artery ofthe body and carries blood from the heart to the circulatory system. Branches ‘of arch of aorte are all except: 2) Brachiocephalic trunk 4) intercostal artery ») Left common carotid @) Vertebral artery ©) Left subclavian {G#78: Cardiac conduction system isa collection of nodes and specialized conduction cells that initiate & co-ordinate ‘contraction ofthe heart muscle, The conducting system of the heart is composed of the following structures except: 2) The purkinje plexus 4) The atrioventricular bundle 1b) The deep cerdiae plenus €) None of these ©). The sinostrial node G72: A patient 28 years old came to the emergency department with a penetrating wound on the apex of the heart. ‘The epexof the hear is formed mainly by which ofthe following structures 2) Rightatrium ©) Left atrium b) Right ventricle 4) Leftventricle _e) None of these. (2#80: Anatomically, the mediastinum is divided into two parts by an imaginary line that runs from the sternal angle {the angle formed by the junction ofthe sternal body and manubrium) to the T& vertebrae. The superior mediastinum, contains? 2) Theheart ©) 2ygous vein b) The phrenic nerve @) Thymus e) Allof the above (Qe8:: The base of the heart, or the posterior surface, is formed mainly by the: 2) Left atrium 4d) Right ventricle 1) Right atrium @) Left atrium and left ventricle o) Leftventricle ‘G82: The cusps ofthe heart valves serve to seal the heart valves when closed, There are normally three cusps for each valve except the: 2) Pulmonary valve 4) Tricuspid valve b) Mitralvalve €) None of these ©) Aorticvalve (83: Regarding the blood supply of heart, anterior interventricular artery is a branch of 2) Left coronary artery 4) Circumflex artery 'b) Right coronary artery ©) posterior interventricular artery ©) Marginal branch ‘Qs84: U shaped heart tube is caused by the growth of the dilatations faster than the other, which two are they? 2). Bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus 4) ‘Sinus venosus and truncus arteriosus ‘b) Common ventricle and bulbous cordis )_Truncus arteriosus and common ventricle €) Common atrium and commom vevtricle bi "qd: Prevention & contro of Tuberculosis ina community includes both primary and secondary level of prevention. ‘Which isthe level of prevention Is the chest X-rays and sputum analysis for the early detection of tuberculosis? a) Medical treatment d) Secondary prevention 'b)_ Primary prevention e) Tertiary prevention )_ Primordial prevention ‘QH61: The lining epithelium of the blood vessel s? a) Pseudostratified epithitium 4d) Stratified squamous epithelium 'b)_ Simple squamous epithelium ) Transitional epithelium Simple cuboidal epithitium - (N62: Which structure is part ofthe conducting portion of the airways? 8) Alveolar duets ¢) ;Bronchi b) Avveoti * e). Respiratory Bronchioles ©) Alveolar sacs (QW63: The bronchopulmonary segments are the anatomic, functional, and surgical units ofthe lungs.Regarding | ‘bronchopulmonary segments which Is ofthe following statement is correct a) Itlsa subdivision ofa lung lobe. 4) Ithas.a segmental bronchus, a segmental ') is pyramid shaped, with its apex toward the artery, mph vessels, and autonomic nerves lung root e) Allof these ¢}_Itis surrounded by connective tissue. ‘QN64: Which ofthe following statement is true regarding lungs? 2) Left lungs has 3 lobes d) The root ofthe lung ison the base of the lungs b)_ Lungs doesn't require oxygenated blood supply €¢) The right lung has three lobes: the upper, | ©) Leftung has horizontal fissure middle, and lower lobes ‘QH6S: A patient has a small but solid tumor in the mediastinum, which is confined at the level of the sternal angle. ‘Which of the following structures would most likely be found at this level? 2) Bifurcation ofthe trachea 4) Articulation ofthe third rib with the sternum 'b)_ Beginning ofthe ascending aorta €). Superior border of the superior medi Middle ofthe aortic arch ‘QN66: A thoracte surgeon explored the thoracic cavity and showed the apertures in the diaphragm to others doctors in ‘operation theature, Three large openings inthe diaphragm are at levels of which of the following thoracic vertebrae? a) 18,79, 710 ) 78,710,732 b) 17,78, 79 @) 19, T10732 e) 77, 79,722 (Q¥67: A 45-year-old woman presents with a tumor confined to the posterior mediastinum. Which one is not a ontent cof posterior mediastinum? a) Oesophagus ) Thymus 'b) Descending thoracic aorta 4) Vagus nerve €) None of these (#68: A 32-year-old patient has a tension pneumothorax that canbe treated with needle aspiration. To avold an injury of the intercostal neurovascular bundle, the needle may be inserted in which of the following locations? 2) Above the upper border ofthe ribs 4) Between the external and internal intercostals b) Deep tothe upper border of the ribs €) Through the transversus thoracts muscle )_ Beneath the lower border ofthe ribs ‘@#69: During the dissection of thoracic cavity, esophageal opening was seen in the diaphragm, itis present at the level cof which thoracic vertebra: a) 7th Sth b) ath 4) 10th e)11th (0470: In the anatomy museum, the model human lungs was there on the table, at fist glance you noticed @ depression or notch on anterior border ofthe left lng. This notch Is called as: 3a), Pulmonary notch ¢)_ Anterior notch b) Left notch, 4) Aortic notch, €) Cardiac notch ‘auy7a:A5 year old boy inhaled a coln. Usual forelgn bodies tend to enter the right instead ofthe left broneh because ofthe fact thatthe right principal (main) bronchus? us tes a) Wider Stee Pe wen €) Only Aand c 172: The intercostals nerves and blood vessels run between the Inter Ahora wal. Tey ce arangein the long order frm above downy eet ever OF mules of a) Vein, artery, Nerve b) Nerve, artery, vein ¢) Artery, nerve, vein 4) Vein, nerve artery ©) Artery, vein, nerve 4 QHAS: A.55 years old obese pationt presents with ences ive daytine sleepiness anit loud snort reveals episodes of complet «olla cman teenmeom? (ealrway collapse during sloop. Which ofthe following conditions fs most hey a) Asthma A) Obstructive sloop apnea 1) Preumothorax on ) Preumothore 6), Pulmonary embolism ql ¢)_ Emphysema, WAG: A 40 years old patie 10 years old patient presents with porsistent cough and fever, Xray chest reveals a patchy Inflate in the ht upper lobe Which of the flowing contin oa Bly causing thes thins? 8) ulmonay hypertension «), Preumonla 3} Pulmonary embolisn. 4) Tuboreuloss ‘) Asthina (4147: A65.year-old male with a history of chron obstructive pulmonary disea s {Coro rset th wore dyspnea and Increased sputum production, On examination, he has diminished br Mm " th sounds and prolonged ‘ation. wih he fog te petra malty contabuting to his symptoms? 2} Away at, «)ronchlal constriction, ) Decreased lung compliance, 6) Alveolar destruction c) Hypersecretion of mucus, cata: When a persons dol exerc, the i feason fr this? a) Increase In the number of active capillaries, 1d) Not a better match of alveotar/ventilation wb) Muscles need more Oy pert €}- Some sea may not be vniatd «Coy lselovated in blood acs: vines pesnnts execg th rate of vento rate. What the primar imu fo inceaing ventlation dung exe? a) ‘Ped CO, levels. d) Led pit (acidosis). b) Led 0; levels. e) Ted bicarbonate levels ©) ed palo, so: which ofthe flown 2). Decreased pt (acon). 8) eresed temperature {} erased carbon don ves a ee are try waspoted nthe ood rom ephra sses to he ngs? 3) isovedin plasma. "h chuminaheropobi. 8) ound to hemogabn. @) Opearier poe €}_blarvonate ons «an52:Devingnataton asthe dlaphagm conracs,he presse Equals tose, 2) More postive, More negate corsa: The maximum votome ofthat ean ial volume. 3) nue respiratory volume. al capaty. ars: en ext to aha Somme eh wl hn og esr eT a) Increase In ‘pulmonary ventilation. d)_Afall in arterial PO. B) Arise inarterl pH. oh etn cerebralbiod Now. 3) Adare eemarecptor ov 10 spor center. \reasos. Which of the following Is the best weapactt of his lungs tors Increases the afilty of hemogtobln for oxyRen? id) Decreased carbon dioxide levels fe) Increased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (OPG) levels in the Intrapleural space become 1d) Equals to pressure in the alveoll fc} Flvetuates between negative and positive be expelled out forcefully after maximum Inspiration s called as ‘d)_ Functional residual copacty. fe) Total lung capacty. ses which part of respiratory system? . pneumonia is an infection that infa aren rots 'b) Broncht 4) Pleura ce) Trachea ‘quse: what isthe name ofthe white blood cls tat ae involved Inthe formation of plaque In the arterles? : is €) Lymphocytes a) Basophil 4) Macrophages ) Neutrophils 'b)_ Eosinophils ‘a57: What is the most coF to the cardiovascular system (CVS)? mmon cause of sudden death related c) Hypertensive crisis rl inrton oes g) umonarenbotsm _«)Noneafthese sur ‘emortem hngn Sue ng d) Passing of urine and feces ‘a)_Dribbling of Sallva 'b) Bulging of Eves {)Petechial hemorrhages In conluncta vo wo Cardiovascular dseases are number one cose of mortality worldwide. For prevention of + factors Risk factors are divided Into two groups, modifable and non-modiiable. fe) Turgescence of testicles ‘ay59: According have to contrl is evs diseases we ors the fawn sa Moabe Risk ctor of coronary sey disease Is? 2) Age ¢) Gender d) Hypertension el Race tb) Family history a What is the primary determinant of corona TY blood flow during diastole? a) Heart rate 4) Aortic pressure ) Coronary artery diameter ¢) Cardiac output c)_ Myocardial oxygen demand (2832: Which ofthe following is the most common cause of scheme heart disease? a) Atherosclerosis b) Congenital heart defects ¢)_ Rheumatic heart disease (QH33: Which of the followin, heart failure? a) Furosemide b) Digoxin )_ Nitroglycetin * Which of the following types of circulatory shock Is Caused by a sovare allergic reaction? 8) Cardiogenic shock 4) Anaphylactle shock b) Hypovolemie shock ©) Septie shock ©) Neurogenic shock (35: A smoker of §5 years old presents with chr . Which of the following condition 4) Cardiomyopathy ©) Arrhythmias 1 drugs is commonly used as an inotropic ‘Stent to Improve cardiae contractility in acute 4d) Splronolactone ®) Atenolol ans: onic dyspnea on exertion, Pulmonary functlon tests rove reduced IS most likely causing these findings? a) Emphysema dd) Asthma b) Chronic bronchitis €) Plouraleftusion ©) Pulmonary fibrosis QH36: A25 year old Patient presents with sudden onset of wheezing, toa known allergen, Coughing, and difficulty breathing after exposure . Which ofthe following conditions is most likely causing these symptoms? 8) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4) Proumonta bY Asthma e) Tuberculosis ©) Bronchitis (G437: healthy individuals breathing in room alr at sa level, What the approximate Percontayo of oxygen in the Inspired alr? a) 36% ©) 21% b) 31% ) 16% 26% (UI38: A patients experiencing shortness of breath due to reduced oxygen avalailly, Which of the following Is the Primary mechanism that would increase his respiratory rate? a) Decreased arterial CO; levels 4) Decreased arterial O; levels ) Increased arterial 0; levels e)_ Increased arterial pH ¢)_ Increased arterial CO, levels, ‘G38: During an asthma attack, the aways ofa patent become constrieted, Which ofthe folowing wil kely Incr during this condition? a) Airway resistance 4) Alveolar surface area ) Lung compliance €) Respiratory rate ©) Pulmonary ventilation ii40: A person i exposed to high altitude where the partal pressure of oxygen fs decreased. Which ofthe following I responses is triggered to Increase oxygen delivery to tissues? anon peceasehean at 4} Decreased Hb afin for onsen ) Decreased respiratory rate @} Increased red blood cell production )_ Increased blood pH (@H41: CO poisoning occurs when individuals are exposed to high levels of CO gas. How does CO affect oxygen transport in the blood? of 0; from Hb. 2} bina reduceg sCrearipcapacty, @) Renbanertctaeaoot ees, prong q It decreases the O; saturation of arterial blood. a aT ah sot due to anxiety. What effect wi is beni a 4) Shift toward respatory alae i oar altos) ) Shift toward respiratory acidosis b) ner Decre si a eae a rate increases. Which of the following best describes the primary Q#43; During * ‘stimulus for this increase? aicacanicieca 1d arterial CO, levels. 2) Fedaneralo,teve, a} Tedareraipn get: ae ns enphyrera«condton cratered by destruction of tng have. Wheh ofthe folowing : Apatient hase , ect kay tobe impalred in this patlent? 2). Elastic recol of the lung. b) Alveolar ventilation. d)_Ithas no effect on 0, transport, 4) Contraction of the diaphragm. e) O;binding to Hb. a Yes ‘What is the primary determinant of coronai ry blood flow during diastole? a) Heart rate 4 Aortic pressure ) Coronary artery diameter €) Cardiac output c) Myocardial oxygen demand cna: whi ofthe {lowing isthe most common cause of ichemic heart disease? a) Atherosclerosis d) ®)_Congental heart defects 3 smo ¢) Rheumatic heart disease an: whch Of the following drugs is commonly used as an inotropic agent to improve Cardiac contractility in acute a) Furosemide b) Digoxin 4) Spironolactone e) Atenolol ©) Nitroglycerin ? Meno (QH34: Which of the following ‘ypes of circulatory shock is caused by a severe allergic reaction? 3) Cardiogenie shock 4) Anaphylactic shock ») Hypovolemic shock €) Septic shock ©) Neurogenic shock (#35: A smoker of 55 years old presents with chronic dys ki 'pnea on exertion. Pulmonary function tests reveal reduced FEVA/EVC ratio, Which of the following conditions mone Uikely causing thes a) Emphysema e findings? 4)" Asthma b) Chronic bronchitis ) Pleural effusion ¢) Pulmonary fibrosis QH36: A 25 year old Patient presents with sudden onset of ‘wheezing, coughing, toaknown allergen. Which of the folt and difficulty breathing after exposure "owing conditions is most likely causing th ese symptoms? a) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease @) Pneumonia b) Asthma €). Tuberculosis ©). Bronchitis EST: A heathy Individuals breathing in room alr at ea level What the approximate Percentage of oxygen in the inspired air? 3) 36% 21% by 31% 4) 16% © 26% HBS: A patient i experiencing shortness of breath due to reduced oxygen availability Which ofthe folowing is the ‘rimary mechanism that would increase his respiratory rate? a) Decreased arterial CO, levels @) Decreased arterial O; levels b) Increased arterial O, levels. } Increased arterial pH €)_ Increased arterial CO; levels (9838: During an asthma attack, the aways ofa patient become constricted, Which ofthe fllowing wl ikely increase during this condition? a) Airway resistance @) Alveolar surface area ) Lung compliance e) Respiratory rate €)_ Pulmonary ventilation ceo persons xan tog alte wer the par bressure of cnygen s decreased, Which ofthe following physiological responses is trigered to increase oxygen delivery to tissues? 32) Decreased heart rate 8) Decreased respiratory rate increased blood pH caves: c0 pat oer when dua se exposed ohh el of gn. How does O ae onygen transport in the blood? nero on tengo ase of O; from Hb. 4) Whas noe transport. 2} tbmastoto reducing tsOreningcpecy, _e) Reancrthevhouge tH, mprovng he O, saturation of arterial blood. Ostranspor. “esonot 40 years shyperetlang det ans. What elect shave on is blood pa eT eee Ra 4) ‘Shift toward respiratory alkalosis 2) ncaa ng (abs) e} Shift toward respiratory acidosis b) Increa Sea es rcpkaor rte lierenses chet the loving best desches the primary (#43: During exercise, stimulus for this increase? eos a) ed arterial CO, levels. 3) edanaaton b) ed arterialO, levels. ‘a4: A patient hase acon most Icey tobe ieee ) Contraction of the diaphragm. 2) Elastic recol ; binding to Hb. b) Alveolar ventilation. e) O;binding to @) Decreased Hb affinity for oxygen @) Increased red blood cell production rare ee ee ha Un ahi ysgliie bp rong ‘a6: Pantothenic acid is a constituent 8) dole 2) Decarbontion ich of te following f 8 Co-enzyme involved in b) Acetylation 4d) Reduction )_ Dehydrogenation #), Ovidation (1127: Pyridoxal phosphate Is acon Is 'stituent of a Co- e Pace 2 Co-enzyme Involved in which ofthe following re@ction® ) Acetylation 4) Reduetion ¢) Transamination ®) Oxidation (QH18; Physostigmine an anticholine: strase Is us a) Parkinsonism se Is used to treat: b) Myasthenia gravis d) Glaucoma ). Hypertension e)Anhits eae ot patter Is prevented by the addtion of b) Tocopherols d) Presence of copper ¢)_ Presence of biotin @) Presence of lead 20: Which of the following en : a) AST 'g enzyme/isozyme would be more Poeroprne forse myocardial infarction (MI)? b) CK-MB q 1 a) cK eB e)CkMM QW24: The most fatal arrhythmia is: a) Sinus tachycardia, b) Sinus bradycardia, ©) Atrial fibrilation. #22: Prolonged P-R interval with normal P, QRS and T waves represents: a) Second degree heart block. 4) First degree heart block. b) Atrial Fibrillation, ©} Complete heart block. ©). Sinus bradycardia ‘@#23: Which ofthe following accurately describes the relationship between blood flow, pressure, and resi according to Ohm's law? a) Blood flow is directly proportional to pressure and inversely proportional to resistance. b) Blood flow is directly proportional to both pressure and resistance, ) Blood flow is inversely proportional to pressure and directly proportional to resistance. 4) Blood flow is inversely proportional to both pressure and resistance, )_ Blood flow, pressure, and resistance are unrelated #124: Which ofthe following factors directly determines the blood flow through a vessel? a) Blood pressure 4) Length of the vessel b). Vessel diameter Seed c} Blood viscosity 4) Ventricular fibrillation. fe) Ventricular tachyca a) Aorta d) Veins e) Venules ‘21126: Which of the following fa 4) Total peripheral resistance ‘a) Blood pressure fe) Venous return b) Heart rate 2) Sree volume ete ar rg aaa exe eps te lac output? d) Increased preload ‘a) Epinephrine release ) Increased afterload b) Norepinephrine release ¢) Increased venous return a factors as the great r es 28: Which of the matte ‘stimulation Secret ea a) Inert grasyrmpathete stimulation nc eed ing mecha : which ofthe follow! ae ‘a) Increased sympa! b) Hypothyroidism to the development of a hypo-etfective heart? is ). Excessive fluid intake rhetlc activity €) High altitude exposure isms can contribute €) _HyBeret cng factors responsible oF the autoregulation of coronary blood flow during periods of cargo: which ofthe following | 4) Release of ‘ed metabolic demar el "ase of vasoconstrictor subs a) Increased 3) ewation of 2 ipha-adrenersle rece A increased oxygen tensior Mleave eneinele the correct answer with blue/black pen Pane Paper TIME ALLOWND-e2.NOUR'S a) ——__— ITAL MAR| ms QML: In Cephalin choline Is replaced by, «Serine ni BY tahanotanine ‘senna ©) Betaine en QH2:A fatty acid whieh Is not synthesised in human body and has to hit cd which Hy anid has to be supplied in the diet a= io ©) Unotete acid “a QHS In oUF body Depot fats comprise mostly of; a) Cholesterol b) Cholesterol esters a Wee ° Phospholipids : Tracer Qua: one ‘of the fat turned rancid Is due to: a) Presence of vit & 'b) Presence of quiniones en res ©) Phone e) Cholesterol, QHS: The calorific value of lipid is: a) 40 keal/gm b) 6.0 Kcavgm aire QW6: Phosphatidic acid on hydrolysis yields: ld a) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric ©) Glycerol, fatty acids, Hite ea

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