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In re Torres 55 Philippine Reports 799

The court must, therefore, insist on being permitted to proceed to the disposition
of its business in an orderly manner, free from outside interference obstructive of
its functions and tending to embarrass the administration of justice.

In February 1931, a daily newspaper, El Debate published in the city of
Manila an article entitled “Sra. de Linao, Absuelta, se Rumorea” which
shows the author of the decision and probable vote on the case among
members of the court. When the Editor of El Debate was cited for contempt
of court, his attorney has made a return which in the main is a legal
defense. The return made by the editor of El Debate concludes that if it is
fact that the decision is in favor of the accused and voted by the Tribunal as
the information give by El Debate, therefore, it can no way obstruct,
embarrass, or influence the administration of justice because it deals with a
consummated fact. This was negated by the court contending that at the
time of its published, the case has not been discussed and voted and even
though that the newspaper story has been correct, it is not important. For
the proceedings of the court must remain confidential until decisions or
orders have been properly promulgated. The court must, therefore, insist
on being permitted to proceed to the disposition of its business in an
orderly manner, free from outside interference obstructive of its functions
and tending to embarrass the administration of justice. In civil case, for
example prior knowledge of the result would permit parties to benefit
themselves financially or to compromise cases to the detriment of parties
not so well informed. In criminal cases, for example, advance advice
regarding the outcome would permit the accused to flee the jurisdiction of
the court.

ISSUE: WON the Editor of El Debate is guilty of contempt of court?

Yes. The Editor of El Debate is guilty of contempt for violating the right of
the court to be permitted to proceed to the disposition of its business in an
orderly manner, free from outside interference obstructive of its functions
and tending to embarrass the administration of justice through the
publication of an earlier story/decision of the court despite not being
promulgated yet.

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