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Vocabulary Grammar Skills

- Modal verbs: (Impact) - Reading: Four –
Hunter, monitor, horn, predator,
+ Describing obligation and legged Heroes.
prey, defend, rescues injured sea
advice (Impact)
turtle, Avoid, chemical, domestic,
- Used to (Handout) - Writing about
feeling, sniff, hero, rats, ability.
endangered animals.


Ex1. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to

Ex2. Matching

Column A Column B

1. I was very fit when I was young. A. He used to smoke a lot.

2. The teachers at my school were very kind. B. He used to play for the local team

3. My brother’s room was so messy. C. It used to follow me everywhere.

4. I had a dog when I was a kid. D. We used to go everywhere by bus

5. My family had some lovely holidays. E. We used to freeze on winter


6. When I was young, we didn’t have a car. F. He used to fly Airbus

7. And we didn’t have central heating. G. He never used to tidy it at all.

8. My uncle was a pilot for Vietnam Airlines H. I used to do a lot of exercises.

9. My father was weak. I. They used to help pupils

10. My brother was a soccer player. J. We used to go camping all over

the country.

Ex3: Read the following passage about driving laws around the world, and then tick
the correct answers: true (T), or false (F).

 Keep your car clean and shiny if you are in Russia, because driving a dirty car
can get you fined up to 2,000 rubles (about $57).

 In Costa Rica, you can drink beer while driving if you don’t get drunk. You
can drink beer with one hand and drive your car through the winding roads of
Costa Rica.

 Make sure that you have enough fuel in your car tank when you drive in the
famous high street in Germany - Autobahn. If you run out of gas, you will
break the law.

 Drivers in France are required to carry a breathalyzer kit in their cars.

Originally, drivers who didn’t have one were required to pay a fine of €11, but
this has been delayed.

 If you are not drunk, don’t get in a car with a drunk driver. In Japan, sober
passengers with a drunk driver can be punished under the law.

 In Cyprus, eating or drinking (even water) while driving is illegal. Eating a

quick snack or taking a sip of soda will make you pay an €85 fine.

 Luxembourg is serious about security, and cars are not allowed to drive if they
are not equipped with working windshield wipers.

 In Manila, the Philippines, you cannot drive your car on Monday if the
number plate ends with 1 or 2.

 
1.You are fined when you drive a dirty car in Russia.
 
2.In Costa Rica, you can drink beer while you are driving.
 
3.In Costa Rica, you can drive your car with one hand.
 
4.Don’t run out of gas on Germany’s Autobahn.
 
5.Bring your own breathalyzer while you are driving in France.
 
6.In France, you will get a fine if you don’t bring your own
breathalyzer while driving nowadays.
 
7.In Japan, make sure that your driver isn’t drunk too.
 
8.In Cyprus, drinking but not eating is allowed while you are
 
9.Make sure that the windshield wipers of your car work well
while driving in Luxembourg.
 
10.In Manila, your number plate can be a problem too.

Ex4. Finish each of following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible
in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as
necessary. Do not change the form of the given word.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are flying to Ha Noi now. TRAVELLING

2. Van hand a motorbike once, but he doesn’t anymore. USED
3. My father usually goes to work by car. DRIVES
4. This part of the city didn’t have traffic jams very often. USE

5. I used to walk to school when I was young. FOOT
Ex5. Complete the sentences with “used to” or “didn’t use to”.

1. I ______________like sports, but now I do a lot of different sports.

2. I ______________ be afraid of heights, but then I started climbing hills.

3. I ______________like putting my head in the water because I couldn’t swim.

4. I ______________ go skating until I met Anna in Switzerland, and then we

have practiced a lot so far.

5. I ______________go to school on foot, but now I ride a bicycle to school.

Ex6. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t.

I used ................................................................................................................................

2. There were some frees in the field, but now there aren’t any.

There used.........................................................................................................................

3. Linda doesn’t live with her parents anymore.

Linda used.........................................................................................................................

4. He is not a poor man anymore, but he becomes a rich businessman.

He used..............................................................................................................................

5. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year.

They didn’t use..................................................................................................................

Ex7. Have you ever done something small that had a big impact? Maybe you taught
someone something, did a simple favor for someone, or helped an animal that was
hurt or in danger. Write about what you did and what happened as a result.



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