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TY Physics Michaelmas 2021

Revision Booklet

Name: ………………………………
Michaelmas Topics

Physics Basics and Measurement

 Explain the difference between basic and derived units.
 Name and explain the different types of errors which can occur when taking
measurements - reading, parallax and zero.
 Explain the difference between accuracy and precision.
 Be able to convert large numbers into scientific notation.
 Be able to manipulate equations to find various quantities.

INVESTIGATION 01: The Simple Pendulum experiment and make sure you can draw and
interpret the graph, and use it to calculate g.

 Distinguish between dependent and independent variables in an investigation
 Define the following terms fair test, hypothesis, conclusion.
 Be able to identify the variable and controls in a statement.
 Be able to draw and interpret graphs
 Convert from non-linear to linear graphs

Density, Buoyancy and Flotation

 Know the formula for calculating density ρ = m/v and be able to work out density
 Explain the principle of Archimedes and Upthrust.
 Work simple problems to calculate change in weight of immersed objects and determine
up thrust

INVESTIGATION 02: Revise Archimedes Principle and make sure you can draw and interpret
the data, proving weight of displaced water = upthrust.

 Explain the difference between Vector and Scalar quantities and give examples.
 Explain the idea of balance and unbalanced forces and determine Net force in diagrams.

Weights and Stretching

 Explain the difference between Mass and Weight.
 Know that Weight is a force Fw = mg
 Be able to carry out calculations using weight and mass
 Know the importance of elasticity in springs and how to apply Hooke's law to practical
 Use the Hooke's Law equation F = - kE

Investigation 03: Hooke’s Law and make sure you can draw and interpret the data.

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Moments and Levers
 Explain the following terms – lever, moment, fulcrum, effort, load
 Give example of everyday levers
 State the Law of Moments.
 Know the equation for calculating the moment of a force M = Fd.
 Carry out lever calculations.
 Know what is meant by co-planar forces – be able to calculate the clockwise and
anticlockwise moments with 4 forces involved

Investigation 04: Law of the Lever make sure you can draw the set up and how you prove the

Speed Velocity and Acceleration
 Define the term speed, velocity and acceleration
 Be able to read tickertape to analysis and describe the motion of an object
 Be able to draw and interpret velocity / acceleration graphs.

Equations of Linear M0tion and Free fall

 Know how to use the three equations below to solve linear motion problems
v = u+at v2 = u2 + 2aS S = ut + 1/2at2
 Understand the concept of Free fall, gravity and weight.
 Manipulate the equations of linear motion to solve free fall problems
v = u+gt v2 = u2 + 2gS S = ut + 1/2gt

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Michaelmas Physics Definition





Archimedes Principle ………………………………………………………………………..




Hooke’s Law……………………………………………………………………………………








Centre of Gravity ………………………………………………………………………………


Equilibrium ……………………………………………………………………………………


Moment of a Force ………………………………………………………………………….


Law of Moments …………………………………………………………..…………………


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Scalar Quantity…….…………………………………………………………………………


Vector Quantity………………………………………………………………………………






Scalar Quantity…….…………………………………………………………………………


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Measurement and Pendulums Sample Questions
Define the following terms

Period of Oscillation ……………………………………………………………………………………

Frequency ………………………………………………………………………………….. …………..

A student investigation the relationship between the period and length of a pendulum.

The student measured the length (l) of the pendulum.

The pendulum was then allowed to swing through a small angle and the time (t) for 30
oscillations was recorded.

The procedure was repeated for different lengths and the data recorded below.

L (cm) 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0

t (s) 38.4 42.6 47.4 51.6 54.6 57.9 60.0
1.28 1.42 1.58 1.72 1.82 1.93 2
1.64 2.02 2.50 2.96 3.31 3.72 4

Why did the student measure the time for 30 oscillations instead of measuring just one



How did the student make sure the length of the pendulum remained constant during each test?



Using the data above – find the required information and draw the graph which shows the
relationship between length and period of a simple pendulum.

Write the formula which shows the relationship between the length and period of a pendulum

Use the graph to calculate the value for g.

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Graphing Data
State what must be done in each graph to convert it to a linear graph

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Sample Questions (3)
Question 1

Law of Equilibrium - When all the forces that act upon an object are balanced, then the object is
said to be in a state of equilibrium.

i) Calculate the total upward force

ii) Calculate the total downward force.

iii) Determine the total clockwise moment around the zero point

iv) Determine the total anti-clockwise moment around the zero point

v) Is the meter stick in equilibrium?

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Question 2

i) State Archimedes Principle

ii) Calculate the weight of the object air.

iii) Calculate the mass and weight of the displaced water.

iv) What is value of the Buoyant force?

b) An object has a density of 1540kgm3 and a volume of 0.12m3. Calculate its

i) Mass
ii) Weight
iii) Apparent weight if it is immerse completely in a liquid with a density of 950kgm3

Question 3

Three children are sitting on a see-saw so that it is horizontal and in equilibrium. The
fulcrum of the see-saw is its centre of gravity.

One child (18kg) sits 1.7m to the left of the fulcrum, the second child (35kg) is sitting 0.9m
to the left of the fulcrum.

Where should the third child (50kg) sit to balance the see-saw. Draw a diagram to show
your work.

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Question 4

Calculate the moment of a force of 25N working at a distance of 67cm from the fulcrum.

Question 5

Calculate the spring constant when a force of 50N causes an extension of 25cm.

Moments and Levers Sample Questions

(i) Explain the difference between Mass and Weight.


(ii) Calculate the weight of each of the following masses. (g = 9.81m/s2)

- 50g, 30kg, 0.47kg

Draw simple diagrams to show the difference between - Stable, Unstable and Neutral

1. Give one example each of first, second and third class levers.


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2. Calculate the moment (turning effect) of a 15N force acting at a distance of 2.5m.

3. State the principle of moments (Law of the Lever) and give the equation for
calculating moments.



Calculate the unknown Force (F).


30N F

Calculate the unknown distance d.


20N 50N

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4. Calculate the Unknown Force F.

10cm 30cm

F 40N

Spring Forces Sample Questions

1. Calculate the force constant of a spring which is stretched

- 2mm by a force of 4N

- 4cm by a mass of 200g.

2. Spring Forces

A pupil was given a box of identical springs and asked to analyse them to see if they were
suitable to be used as spring balances. The student performed an experiment, using the
apparatus shown in the diagram, on one of the springs.

In the experiment the student measured the increase in length of the spring caused by a number
of weights (the force). The spring was tested to destruction i.e. the weights were added until the
spring was damage. The results of the investigation are shown below.

Weight (N) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4

Length of Spring (cm) 23 25 27 29 31 31.5 31.6

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Extension (cm) 0.0

(i) Plot a graph of extension (increase in length) against weight (x-axis).

(ii) Use the graph to find the weight that would produce an extension of 5 cm in the spring.


(iii) Study your graph carefully. The spring obeys Hooke’s law for the earlier extensions and
then when the spring becomes damaged it does not appear to do so. Estimate, from your
graph, the weight after the addition of which the law seems no longer to apply.




(iv) State Hooke’s Law.



(v) Calculate the Spring constant (k) for the above spring.

(vi) If the temperature of the spring was increased or decreased before carrying out the
investigation do you think this would have an effect on the extension in the spring?




3. A load of unknown mass is place in the rear of an 18-wheeler truck. The trucks rear shocks
are instantly compressed 10.0cm. Consider the shocks acting as springs with a spring
constant, k = 50,000N/m. What is the mass of the load the 18-wheeler just picked up?

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