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2. Screen Structure

The screen is divided in the header and 4 main tabs with their respective sub sections:

- Header
- General info
o Expedition info
o Lorry temp
o Hispatec Track
o Costs
o Ekaer
- Batches
o Batches info
o Costs
- Route
o Stop
o Stop lines
o Receptions
- Client info
o Audit
o Block Information
o Comments
o Changes

Filters: There are two types of elements to filter: boxes and tri-checks.

Boxes: The boxes are subdivided in list box and regular boxes. In the list box list box you can
click on the arrow and it’ll show all the options that it has associated or you can write in the
box the value you are searching for and the field will show you the values that matches the
value you enter.

Tri-checks: The tri-checks work as follows: If you click once the box it will appear a check

symbol (✔) the system will show the data that matches the value you check, if you click it twice
it will appear and x symbol (✘) the system will show you data that does not contain the
selected value.

3. Header

In the header of the screen, you’ll find the identification of the expedition and the principal

Transport: The technical code of the journey.

Expeditions: The general/commercial code that is giving to the journey.

Transport type: There 3 types of transports:

- International: The type of expeditions that go from supplier or groupage to a SP or a

- National: The type of expedition that cover the last leg of the journey: from the SP to
the client.
- Groupage: The type of expedition that recollects de products from the supplier(s) and
take it to the depot of the Groupage Supplier.

Actions: This list box allows you to select the 3 main actions through the expedition:

- Carrier order: The carrier order is the document that is send to the selected carrier
that will be serving the order, it contains detailed info of the products that will be
loaded. In this option you can print, preview, and send said order.
- Work order: The work order is the document that is send to the external SP’s where
the lorry will arrive. Through this option you can print or/and send it to the SP’s.
- Truck plate notification: The truck plate notification is the document that is send to the
selected supplier to let them know the specific truck, date and hour that will arrive to
their depo to load the product. Through this option you can print and/or send it to

4. General info
4.1. Expedition info
Expedition info shows the general information of the expedition selected:
o Carrier: Name of the carrier assigned for the expedition. Is not mandatory to
select the carrier when creating the expedition, it can be assigned later in the
o Truck/Trailer plate: The number of the truck/trailer plate.
o Driver count: The count of how many drivers will be assigned in the expedition
to do the journey.
o Driver phone: Cellphone number of the driver(s) in assigned to the expedition.
o Net weight: The weight of the product excluding the boxes and pallets.
o Total boxes/Total pallets: Total number of the boxes and pallets that contains
the expedition.
o Boxes tare weight/Pallets tare weight: Total weight (in kilos) of the boxes and
the pallets in the expedition.
o Total tare weight: Is the summatory of the boxes tare weight and the pallets
tare weight.
o Gross weight: The total weight of the load; is the summatory of the total tare
weight and the net weight.
o Truck type: The type of the truck that the expedition required, and the
transport plan will use.
o Order status: This field is automatically filled and updated according to how
the assignment of information in the expedition progresses.
 Provisional, when the expedition is created and lacks some
 Ready, when the transport provider confirms that trucks is available
and confirms the service.
 Sent, when the carrier order is sent to the transport provider
o Non managed: This box will be marked when the transport provider is not
managed by Daifruits.
o Avoid stop order recalculation: When the box is checked, it blocks the order of
the stops, no matter how many are added.
o Sen to SP: This check is informative, to let know the users that the truck was
sent to an SP.
o Doc. Checked: This check is informative, to let know the users that documents
of the expedition have already been reviewed.
4.2. Lorry temp

In this section we can review and register the info of the temperature of the lorry. The
fields of maximum and minimum temperature are fill automatically according to the
value enter in the field of original temperature.
4.3. Hispatec Track
4.4. Costs

In this grid we can check the info of the costs that are associated to the expedition.

Creating a new cost:

To create a new cost an associate it with the expedition you can do it in 2 ways: right
clicking the grid and choose “new cost” or click the button “new cost”.

A window will open to fill the info of the new cost that you want to associate to the

The mandatory fields to fill are the date of the cost, type of cost, amount of the cost
and the supplier to whom the cost will be associated.

4.5. Ekaer

An EKAER number identifies a product unit that is transported from a consignor to a

consignee in a single motor vehicle once, via a certain route. This is applicable only for
a truck passing by or going to Hungary.

In this grid, you’ll have to select the “stock owner” and register the number of the

5. Batches
This section contains the detailed information of the batches and their respective costs
contained in the expedition
5.1. Batches info
The grid contains detailed information of the batches and their respective confection.
Actions through the grid:
o Create cost associated with batch origin: Understanding that the batch origin
is equal a purchase order line and does not contain stock, once you associate a
cost to a batch origin it affects to all the batches in the purchase line. The
mandatory fields to fill are the date of the cost, type of cost, amount of the
cost and the supplier to whom the cost will be associated.
o Create cost associated with batch: The difference between creating a cost to a
specific batch and to the batch origin, is that the association affects to that
specific batch and if it has descendants or partitions but only in downwards
way. The mandatory fields to fill are the date of the cost, type of cost, amount
of the cost and the supplier to whom the cost will be associated.
o Unassign batches: Unassing a specific batch of the expedition.
o Supplier complaint:
5.2. Costs
In this grid we can visualize the costs that are associated to the batches, doesn’t
matter if it is associated with a batch origin or normal batch.
Right clicking in the grid we can execute to actions modify or eliminate the cost.

6. Route
The tab “route” contents all the info relating to the route that the expedition, and the
batches it contains, will made.
6.1. Stops
This grid contains detail info of the stops of the expedition:
o Manual: Checking this box, do not allow the stop to be eliminated by any
automatic process.
o Order: The order of the stops that the truck will make.
o Date: Date of the stop
o Time: Time of the stop
o Type: Type of stop, for example: supplier, groupage, sp or client
o Third party: Name of the entity of the stop
o Location: Specific location/depot of the third party
o Carrier date/time: Estimated date/time of arrival of the carrier
This section contains several actions buttons detailed below:

: Through this button we can edit the info of the stop.

: Delete the stop
New stop: Allows to create a new stop.
Stop Up/Down: Allows to change the order of the stops.
Confirm/Undo confirm: Through this button we can confirm (or undo the confirmation)
that the truck has made the stop.
Add Batch: This option allows to add a specific batch to the stop selected to be loaded
or unloaded.

In this window, you’ll have two sections:

In the upper one will appear two set of stops that are currently registered. In the one
on the left, you will choose at which stop you want to load this new batch that you
want to add and in the one on the right, you will choose at which stop you want to
unload it.
In the next section, there is a batch searcher and once you enter a number will return
you batches with similar values. If you check the box of “show batches with
shipments” will show you the batches that are already in the current stop or
6.2. Stop Lines
This grid details the info of the lines that contains the stops, when you select one of
the stops in the upper grid, the detail is displayed in the lower grid.
Unassign batch: Right clicking in the line(s) in this grid, you can unassign the batches of
the stop selected.

6.3. Receptions
In this section you´ll find the info the users that create and modify the records in the

7. Other
7.1. Audit
In this section you´ll find the info the users that create and modify the records in the
Creation user: The user that creates the expedition.
Creation timestamp: The time stamp for when it was created the expedition.
Modification user: If the expedition has been modified, the user who has modified it
appears in this field.
Modification timestamp: Timestamp of the modification made in the expedition.

7.2. Block information

The main objective to block the expedition is that the route initially programmed by
user A is not modified by user B without permission. The block works specifically for
the stops, meaning if the expedition is blocked by user A and the user B wants to add a
batch, that comprehends the same conditions and stops of the already blocked
expedition, it’ll be possible.
The “change block” button allows the blocking or unblocking of the expedition.
The check box in the section, represents the following:
Transport blocked: This check means that the expedition is block for changes.
Automatic block: This check box changes when the the work order has been sent to
the transport provider.
Sent to SP: This check is manually check when a truck is programmed as direct but is
diverted to a SP.
In this section we can register general information or specific observations of the
expedition and its specific route and stops.

7.4. Changes
The following grid captures and shows the information of the users that have modified
the expedition.

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