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кафедра фонетики и грамматики английского языка

«Утверждено» - «Согласовано» -
на заседании кафедры Председатель УМС
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дисциплины: Практическая грамматика английского языка I,II
(код В. 3. 6.)
по направлению: 550300, «Филологическое образование», профиль
«Иностранный язык»
форма обучения- дневное, очное отделение

Course name: Practical Grammar of English I, II

Discipline code: В. 3.6.
Instructor: Abdieva Aida Almazbekovna
Office: Room 47
Office hours:
Contact hours: 5-4
Telephone: 0704182735
Credits: 6
Term 1: 3 credit hours- 90 auditory hours, 3 credit hours- 90 hours ind. work
Term 2:3 credits – 90auditory hours, 3 credits- 90 individual work
Semester: I, II
Year: 2023-2024

Силлабус составлен на основании рабочей программы, по основным учебникам

Практическая грамматика английского языка, Каушанская, Oxford Practice Grammar
(basic) Norman Coe, Oxford Practice Grammar (intermediate) John Easwood

1. Course Objectives

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

-understand and know the usage of the essential course, that is, tenses, modal verbs, articles,
prepositions, the gerund, infinitive, the sequence of tenses and reported speech.
- make up correctly structured sentences and use in their speech
- prepare presentations on the suggested themes
- possess the skills of using grammar rules in their everyday speech.
- develop career, interpersonal, social and professional skills
Course Description
Modern English Grammar is a systematic and rigorous survey of the structure of contemporary
English grammar. The course also explores the usage problems associated with contemporary
grammar in both speech and writing. Grammar is that system of principles and rules that allow us
to organize our words and sentences into coherent, meaningful language. Grammatical usage
"errors" occur whenever any of us violate those principles or rules of grammatical organization.
The topics we will cover wide in scope, including the structure of English words, phrases, tenses,
sentences and sentence structure problems. The course also focuses on the three fundamental
issues underlying all errors of grammatical usage: the notion of Standard English, the effects of
language change on English grammar, and the effects of language attitudes on our ideas of
"correct" English. This course will be of interest not only to English, education, journalism and
technical writing students, but also anyone who wishes to improve his/her editing and
proofreading abilities.
2. Learning outcomes and competences.
Код РОоп Компетенции Формулировка РО дисциплины
ОП (Род)
РО-3 ИК- 1 способен Знает:
Владеет тремя приобретать и -методы применения информационных технологии в
языками: применять новые области обучения;
русским языком знания с Умеет:
на уровне использованием - приобретать и применять новые знания для решения
B1,государствен информационных проблем в обучении;
ным языком на технологий для Владеет: знанием грамматических правил в обучении
уровне решения сложных
В2,одним из проблем в области
иностранных работы и обучения
языков на
C1;продуцирует ПК-13 Знает:
речевую – владеет навыками - правила построения и использования
способность в восприятия, морфологических и синтаксических
академической понимания, а также конструкций английского языка;
и многоаспектного - понимает речь носителя иностранного языка
профессиональн анализа устной и Умеет:
ой деятельности письменной речи на - своевременно и грамматически верно употреблять
и в социальной изучаемом языке; морфологические и
общественной синтаксические конструкции многоаспектного
сфере английского языка;
Владеет: знаниями построения морфологических
Приобретает и
конструкций английского языка
ПК-16 Знает и понимает:
новые знания с
- умеет выстраивать - Правила построения и использования
ИТ для стратегию устного и морфологических и синтаксических конструкций
осуществления письменного английского языка.
устного и общения на Умеет:
письменного изучаемом языке в - осуществлять устное и письменное общение на
общения, на соответствии с изучаемом языке в соответствии с его
изучаемом социокультурными особенностями
языке, особенностями Владеет:
используя языка. -знаниями грамматических строев английского языка
морфологически в устном и письменном общении
применяемые в

3. Course pre-requisites
The pre-requisite of the course Practical grammar is school program
4. Course post-requisites
The post- requisite of the course Practical grammar is Practical course of English 1- 2- 3- 4
and Theoretical grammar
5. Techno – chart of discipline Term I
1 модуль 2 модуль
(30 ч., 30 б.) (30 ч., 30 б.)
Практ. (семин.)

Ауд. Часы Ауд. часы

Ауд. занятия
Всего часов






150 76 - - 74 -38 ч. 37 ч. - 38 ч. 37ч.

Баллы 10 б. 10 б. - 10б. 10 б. 40б 100б
М1=10+10+10(РК1)=30 М1+М2+экз=100б.
Итого модулей б.
30 б.
Term II
1 модуль 2 модуль
(30 ч., 30 б.) (30 ч., 30 б.)
Практ. (семин.)

Ауд. Часы Ауд. часы

Ауд. занятия
Всего часов






180 90 - - 90 - 45 ч. 45ч. - 45 ч. 45 ч.
Баллы 10 б. 10 б. - 10б. 10 б. 40б 100б
Итого модулей М1=10+10+10(РК1)=30 б. М1+М2+экз=100б.
30 б.

6. Сhart of points gained by students during the course:

Group: _________ Term: Module: Teacher: ____________

Сем. 1 ТК- 1 ТК- 1

(10 б) (10 б)
Прак. СРС Прак. СРС РК 1 модуль
Units ч б ч б Units ч б ч б 30
Part 1 8 5 8 5 Part 2 6 5 6 5 10 б
Всего: 8ч 5б 8ч 5б 8ч 5б 8ч 5б 30
Модуль 1
Сем. 1 ТК- 3 ТК- 4
(10 б) (10 б)
Прак. СРС Прак. СРС РК 2 модуль
Units ч б ч б ч б ч б 30
Part 3 6ч 5б 8 Part 4 6 5б 6 5б 10б
Всего: 6ч 5б 8ч 5б 6ч 5б 6ч 5б 30
Модуль 2

Модуль 1
Семестр 1 ТК-1 (10б) ТК-2 (10б)
практ срс практ срс РК-1
Part 1 ч б ч б Part 2 ч б ч б 10
Listening 2 5 2 5 Listening 2 5 2 5
Reading 2 5 2 5 Reading 2 5 2 5
Writing/Exercises 2 5 2 5 Writing/ Exercises 2 5 2 5
Speaking 2 5 2 5 Speaking 2 5 2 5
Всего: 8ч 20/4=5 8ч 20/4=5 Всего: 8ч 20/4=5 8ч 20/4=5
б б б б
Модуль 2
Part 3 ч б ч б Part 4 ч б ч б РК-2
Reading 2 2 2 2 Reading 2 5 2 5
Writing/Exercises 2 1 2 1 Writing/Exercises 2 5 2 5
Speaking 2 1 2 1 Speaking 2 5 2 5
Всего: 6ч 15/5=5 8ч 15/5=5 6ч 15/5=5 6ч 15/5=5
б б б б

Сем. 2 ТК- 1 ТК- 1

(5 б) (5 б)
Прак. СРС Прак. СРС РК 1 модуль
Units ч б ч б Units ч б ч б 30
Part 1 16 5 16 5 Part 2 16 5 16 5 10 б
Всего: 16ч 5б 8ч 5б 16ч 5б16ч 5б
ТК- 3 ТК- 4
(5 б) (5 б)
Прак. СРС Прак. СРС
Units ч б ч б ч б ч б
Part 3 16 5б 16 2,5 Part 4 12 5б 12 5б
Всего: 16ч 5б 16ч 2,5б 12ч 5б 12ч 5б 30
Модуль 2

Модуль 1
Семестр 1 ТК-1 (10б) ТК-2 (10б)

практ срс практ срс РК-1
Part 1 ч б ч б Part 2 ч б ч б 10
Listening 4 5 4 5 Listening 4 5 4 5
Reading 4 5 4 5 Reading 4 5 4 5
Writing/Exercises 4 5 4 5 Writing/ Exercises 4 5 4 5
Speaking 4 5 4 5 Speaking 4 5 4 5
Всего: 16ч 20/4=5 8ч 20/4=5 Всего: 16ч 20/4=5 16 20/4=5
б б б ч б
Модуль 2
Part 3 ч б ч б Part 4 ч б ч б РК-2
Listening 4 5 4 5 Listening 2 5 2 5 10
Reading 4 5 4 5 Reading 2 5 2 5
Writing/Exercises 4 5 4 5 Writing/Exercises 4 5 4 5
Speaking 4 5 4 5 Speaking 4 5 4 5
Всего: 16ч 20/4=5 8ч 20/4=5 12ч 15/5=5 12 15/5=5
б б б ч б

Кол- Компетенции
ИК-1 ПК-13 ПК-16 Кол-во
Introduction. General 4 (С) (С) 2
classification of the parts of
The verb to be, to have in
the Present Indefinite Tense

Word order 2 (В) (В) 2

Constructions – there is\there 2 (С) (В) 2

are\there was\there were
Types of questions 4 (В) (В) 2

The noun. Classification. 4 (В) (С) 2

The category of number and 2 (В) (С) 2

The Article. Definite and 6 (В) (С) 2
Indefinite. Different usages of
articles. Omission of the article.
The adjective. Classification of 6 (В) (С) 2
adjectives. Degrees of
comparison of adjectives.
Substantivized adjectives
The Adverb. Classification. 4 (В) (С) 2
Degrees of Comparison

The Numeral. Cardinal and 4 (С) (С) 2

The Preposition. 6 (С) (В) 2
Classification of prepositions.
The Pronoun. Classification. 8 (С) (В) 2

Types of pronouns: personal,
possessive, reflexive, reciprocal,
demonstrative, interrogative,
relative, conjunctive, defining,
indefinite, negative.
Tenses in the Active Voice . 4 (С) (В) 2
The Indefinite form:
The Present Indefinite Tense.
The Past Indefinite Tense 4 (С) (С) 2

The Future Indefinite Tense. 2 (С) (С) 2

The Continuous form: 4 (С) (С) 2

The Present Continuous Tense
The Past continuous Tense 4 (С) (С) 2

The Future continuous Tense 4 (С) (С) 2

The Perfect form: 8 (С) (С) 2

The Present Perfect Tense
The Past Perfect Tense 4 (С) (С) 2

The Future Perfect Tense 4 (С) (С) 2

Total: 76 hours

Grammar II (term II)

Кол- Компетенции
Themes ИК-1 ПК-13 ПК-16 Кол-
The Perfect Continuous form: 4 (В) (С) 2
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 4 (В) (С) 2

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense 4 (В) (С) 2

Revision of The Perfect Continuous
form tenses
Indirect Speech 6 (В) (В) (С) 3

The modal verbs 8 (В) (В) (С) 2

The formation of the Passive Voice 6 (В) (С) 2

The use of the Passive Voice
The Non-Finite forms of the verb. The 2 (В) (С) 2
characteristic traits of the verbals
The Infinitive. The use of Infinitive 4 (В) (С) 2
without particle ‘to’ (bare infinitive).
Functions of Infinitive.

Infinitive Constructions
The Gerund. The use of the Gerund. 4 (В) (С) 2
Functions of the Gerund
The Gerund and the Infinitive
The Participle I, II 4 (В) (С) 2
Functions of the Participle I,II
Participial Constructions
Mood. The Indicative Mood The 4 (В) (С) 2
Imperative Mood
The Subjunctive Mood. Conditional
The Modal Words 2 (В) 2
The Interjection. Classification.
Morphological composition

The Conjunction. Classification 2 (В) 2

Coordinating and Subordinating (С)
The Particle. Classification
Syntax. Types of sentences. Simple 2 (В) (С) 2
Sentence and its classification
The principal parts of the sentence 4 (В) (С) 2
The Subject. Ways of expressing the
The Predicate. Classification 8 (В) (С) 2
The simple predicate.
The Compound Predicate
Agreement of the predicate with the 2 (В) (С) 2
The secondary parts of the sentence 4 (В) (В) (С) 3
The Object. Ways of expressing the
Kinds of objects
The Attribute. Ways of expressing the 4 (В) (В) (С) 3
The Apposition: close and loose
The Adverbial modifier. Definition and 4 (В) (В) (С) 3
Ways of expressing the adverbial
Types of Adverbial modifier
The Compound Sentence 4 (В) (С) (С) 3

The Complex Sentence 4 (В) (С) (С) 3

Total: 90 hours

7. Course Schedule of Practical Classes and SIW Grammar I. Term I

Da Lesson In-class Homework Independent work


te activities(7
6 hours)



Se Lesson 1-2 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogues Dialogues Presentation.
p. - Introduction. urs 3 Make up Handouts
General sentences.
classification of
the parts of

Lesson 3-4 1+1 IC- 5 Ex- a, b,c,d

The verb to be, to hours 3; p. 3
have in the Exercises in
Present Indefinite Norman
Tense. Coe Mark

Se Lesson-5-6 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex- 93.1 p. Ex- 94.1 p.

p. Word order urs 3; 197 199
Ex-93.2 Ex-94.2
p.197 p.197
Ex-93.3 Ex-94.3
p.197 p.199
Essential Essential
grammar in grammar in
use use Raimond
Raimond Murphy

Se Lesson-7-8 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogues Ex-d, p.63 Presentation.

p. Constructions – urs 3 Ex-94, p.74 Ex-e, p.63
there is\there are\ Ex-95,p.74 Exercises in
there was\there Ю. Norman Coe
Голицынск Mark
ий Harrison
Se Lesson-9-10 1+1ho IC- 5 Presentation Ex-37.4. p . Presentation.
p. Types of urs 3 . 85
questions. Dialogues. Ex-37.5 p.85
1. General Ex- Grammar in
a,b,c,d,e, use
2. Alternative Exercises in
Coe Mark
Lesson -11-12 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogue Ex- a,b,c,d presentation
3. Disjunctive urs 3; Ex- a,b,c,d p.68-69
p.69 Exercises in
4. Special Exercises in Norman Coe
Norman Mark
Coe Mark Harrison
Oxford grammar

Se Lesson 13-14 1+1ho IC- 5 Presentation Ex- 92, p.73 Presentation.

p. The noun. urs 3 . Ex-93, p.73 Ex: 5,6, p. 180
Classification. Dialogues. Ex-94, p.74 В. В. Гуревич
Se Lesson 15-16 IC- 5 Dialogues Ex: 16, p. 6. Presentation.
p. The category of 1+1 3; Ex-98, p.76 Ex: 26, p. 9. Ex: 5, 6, 7. p. 181
number hours Ex-99, p.77 А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
Ю. Exercises in
Голицынск Modern
ий English
Lesson -17-18 1+1 IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-99, p.77
The category of hours 3; p.113 p.117 Ex-100. P.78
case and gender PC Exercises in Exercises in Ю. Голицынский
-11 Norman Norman Coe
Coe Mark Mark
Harrison Harrison
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
Oc Lesson 19-20 1+1 IC- 5 Presentation Ex: 45, p. 13. Presentation.
t. The Article. hours 3; . Ex. 48, p. 14 Ex: 8, 9, p. 203n
Definite and PC Ex-a,b,c,d. А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
Indefinite. -11 p.109 Exercises in
Exercises in Modern
Norman English
Coe Mark Grammar
Lesson -21-22 1+1 IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-47, p.40 presentation
Usage of indefinite hours 3; p.111 Ex-48, p.41
article PC Exercises in Ю.
-11 Norman Голицынски
Coe Mark й
Lesson -23-24 1+1 IC- 5 Ex-77, p.57 Ex-87, p.69 presentation
Usage of definite hours 3; Ex-78, p.58 Ex-88, p.70
article PC А. С. Ю.
-11 Саакян Голицынски
Exercises in

Current test I
Oc Lesson-25-26 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 173, p. Ex:174, 175, Presentation.
t. The adjective. urs 3; 43 p. 43 Ex: 6, 8, p.226
Classification of А. С. Ex: 180, p. В. В. Гуревич
adjectives. Саакян 45
Exercises in А. С. Саакян
Modern Exercises in
English Modern
Grammar English
Lesson 27-28 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c, Ex-a,b,c, presentation
Degrees of urs 3; p.155 p.157
comparison of PC Exercises in Exercises in
adjectives. -11 Norman Norman Coe
Coe Mark Mark
Oxford practice

Lesson 29-30 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-193, Ex-198, presentation

Substantivized urs 3; p.125 p.128
adjectives PC Ex-195, Ex-199,
-11 p.126 p.129
А. С. А. С. Саакян
Саакян Exercises in
Exercises in English
Modern Grammar


Oc Lesson-31-32 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 203, p. Ex:209, 210, Presentation.

t. - The Adverb. urs 3; 51. p. 52, 53 В. В. Гуревич
Classification. PC А. С. Ex: 158, 59.
-11 Саакян p. 40
Exercises in Ex. 163, 164,
Modern p. 41
English А. С. Саакян Presentation.
Grammar Exercises in В. В. Гуревич
Ex: 62, p. Modern
40 English
А. С. Grammar
- Саакян
Exercises in
1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex. 203, 204, Presentation.
Lesson 33-34 urs 3; p.159 p. 133 В. В. Гуревич
Degrees of PC Exercises in А. С. Саакян
Comparison. -11 Norman Exercises in
Coe Mark Modern
Harrison English
- . Oxford Grammar
Oc Lesson-35-36 IC- 5 Ex: 203, p. Ex:209, 210, Presentation.
t. The Numeral. 1+1ho 3; 51. p. 52, 53 В. В. Гуревич
Cardinal and urs PC А. С. Ex: 158, 59.
Ordinal -11 Саакян p. 40
Exercises in А. С. Саакян
Modern Exercises in
English Modern
Grammar English

Lesson 37-38 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 62, p. Ex. 163, 164, Presentation.
urs 3; 40 p. 41 В. В. Гуревич
Usage of Cardinal PC А. С. А. С. Саакян
and Ordinal -11 Саакян Exercises in
Exercises in Modern
Modern English
English Grammar
No Lesson-39-40 1+1ho IC- 5 Video Handout Presentation.
v. The Preposition. urs 3; presentation Video presentation
Classification of PC
prepositions. -11
Lesson 41-42 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-a,b,c,d. Presentation.
Preposition of urs 3; p.171 p.176 Video presentation
place PC Exercises in Exercises in
-11 Norman Norman Coe
Coe Mark Mark
Harrison Harrison
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-a,b,c,d. Presentation.
urs 3; p.173 p.177 Video presentation
Lesson 43-44 PC Exercises in Exercises in
Preposition of -11 Norman Norman Coe
time Coe Mark Mark
Harrison Harrison
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
Current test II
No Lesson 45-46 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogues. Ex: 109, p. Presentation.
v. The Pronoun. urs 3; handouts 30 Ex: 2, p. 235- 238
Classification. PC Ex: 116, p. В. В. Гуревич
-11 31
Ex: 120, p.
Ex:126, p. 33
Lesson 47-48 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-102, read the story
Types of urs 3; p.80 and retell. Ex-1,2, p.234
pronouns: PC Ex-103, А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
personal, -11 p.81 Exercises in Presentation
possessive, Ю.Голицы Modern
reflexive нский English
Lesson 49-50 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-110, Ex-114, p.90 Ex-1,2, p.240-241
Types of urs 3; p.86 Ex-115, p.90 В. В. Гуревич
pronouns: PC Ex-111, Ю.Голицынс Presentation
reciprocal, -11 p.87 кий
demonstrative. Ю.Голицы
interrogative нский

Lesson 51-52 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-119, Ex-115, p.90 Ex-1,2, p.242-243

Types of urs 3; p.91 Ex-116 p.90 В. В. Гуревич
pronouns: PC Ex-118, Ю.Голицынс Presentation
relative, -11 p.92 кий

No Lesson-53-54 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 216, Ex:220, p. 55 Presentation.
v. - Tenses in the urs 3; 217, p.54 Ex: 224, p. Ex: 5.p. 10
Active Voice. The PC Ex: 250, p. 56 Ex: 7, p. 11
Indefinite form: -11 63 Ex: 251, 252, Ex: 6, p. 26
The Present А. С. p. 63 В. В. Гуревич
Indefinite Tense. Саакян А. С. Саакян
Exercises in Exercises in
Modern Modern
English English
Grammar Grammar
Lesson 55-56 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex: 218, 219,
Usage of Present urs 3; p.3 p.3 p.142-143
Indefinite Tense. PC Exercises in Exercises in А. С. Саакян
-11 Norman Norman Coe Exercises in
Coe Mark Mark Modern English
Harrison Harrison Grammar
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
No Lesson-57-58 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex: 251, 252,
v urs 3; p.5 p.8 p.164,165
The Past PC Exercises in Exercises in А. С. Саакян
Indefinite Tense. -11 Norman Norman Coe Exercises in
Coe Mark Mark Modern English
Harrison Harrison Grammar
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex: 258,259,
Lesson 59-60 urs 3; p.15 pю17 p.168,169
Usage of past PC Exercises in Exercises in А. С. Саакян
indefinite tense -11 Norman Norman Coe Exercises in
Coe Mark Mark Modern English
Harrison Harrison Grammar
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
De Lesson 61-62 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 284, p. Ex: 288. p. Presentation.
c. The Future urs 3; 71 73 Ex: 6, p. 21
Indefinite Tense. PC А. С. А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
-11 Саакян Exercises in
Exercises in Modern
Modern English
English Grammar

Current test III

De Lesson-63-64 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 225, p. Ex: 226, 227, Presentation.
c. The Continuous urs 3; 56 p. 57 Ex: 1, 2,3, p. 43, 44
form: PC А. С. А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
The Present -11 Саакян Exercises in
Continuous Tense Exercises in Modern
Modern English
English Grammar
Lesson 65-66 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,d. Ex: 1, 2,3, p. Ex: 226, 227,
Usage of present urs 3; p.15 45, 46 p.147,148
continuous tense PC Exercises in В. В. А. С. Саакян
-11 Norman Гуревич Exercises in
Coe Mark Modern English
Harrison Grammar
De Lesson 67-68 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 268, p. Ex: 265, 266, Presentation.
c. The Past urs 3; 67 p. 67 Ex: 4, p. 49- 50
Continuous Tense PC А. С. А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
-11 Саакян Exercises in
Exercises in Modern
Modern English
English Grammar
Lesson-69--70 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c, Ex-a,b,c,d. Presentation.
Usage of past urs 3; p.25 p.27 Ex: 1, 2,3, p.
continuous PC Exercises in Exercises in 173,174
-11 Norman Norman Coe В. В. Гуревич
Coe Mark Mark
Harrison Harrison
Oxford Oxford
practice practice
grammar grammar
De Lesson-71-72 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogue. My future Presentation.
c. The Future urs 3; plan.
Continuous Tense PC
Lesson 73-74 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c, Ex: 292, 293 Presentation.
Usage of future urs 3; p.57 p. 189 Ex: 3, p. 47
continuous tense PC Exercises in А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
-11 Norman Exercises in
Coe Mark Modern
Harrison English
Oxford Grammar
De Lesson-75-76 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogues. Ex: 1,2,3 p. Presentation.
c. The Perfect form: urs 3; Handouts 55 Практическая
The Present PC Ex-a,b,c, А. С. Саакян грамматика
Perfect Tense (1) -11 p.29 Exercises in английского
Exercises in Modern языка В. В.
Norman English Гуревич (2012)
Coe Mark Grammar
Lesson 77-78 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c, Ex: 4,5 p. 56 Presentation.
The Present urs 3; p.30-31 А. С. Саакян Ex: 230,231, p. 151
Perfect Tense (2) PC Exercises in Exercises in В. В. Гуревич
-11 Norman Modern
Coe Mark English
Harrison Grammar
Lesson 79-80 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c, Ex:6p. 56 Presentation.
The Present urs 3; p.33 А. С. Саакян Ex:233, p. 153
Perfect Tense (3) PC Exercises in Exercises in В. В. Гуревич
-11 Norman Modern
Coe Mark English
Harrison Grammar
Lesson 81-82 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c, Ex: 8 p. 57 Presentation.
urs 3; p.35 А. С. Саакян Ex: 261,262,263, p.
Past simple or PC Exercises in Exercises in 170
Present Perfect -11 Norman Modern В. В. Гуревич
Coe Mark English
Harrison Grammar
De Lesson-83-84 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogues. А. С. Саакян Presentation.
c. The Past Perfect urs 3; handouts Exercises in Практическая
Tense PC Modern грамматика
-11 English английского
Grammar языка
В. В. Гуревич

1+1ho IC- 5 Ex-a,b,c,

Lesson-85-86 urs 3; p.41 Ex: 273 p.
Usage of Past PC Exercises in 178 Ex:5,6, p. 69
Perfect Tense -11 Norman А. С. Саакян В. В. Гуревич
Coe Mark Exercises in
Harrison Modern
Oxford English
practice Grammar

De Lesson-87-88 1+1ho IC- 5 Dialogues. А. С. Саакян Presentation.

c. The Future urs 3; handouts Exercises in Практическая
Perfect Tense PC Modern грамматика
-11 English английского
Grammar языка
В. В. Гуревич

Lesson 89-90 1+1ho IC- 5 Ex: 296, Ex: 273 p.

Usage of future urs 3; 297 p. 192 178
perfect tense PC А. С. А. С. Саакян Ex:296,297, p. 192
-11 Саакян Exercises in В. В. Гуревич
Exercises in Modern
Modern English
English Grammar
Current test IV

Term II.
D Lesson Ho In-class Homework Independent work
a urs activities(90
t hours)
F Lesson-1-2 1+ Dialogues. А. С. Саакян Presentation.
e The Perfect 1h handouts Exercises in Modern Практическая
b Continuous form: English Grammar грамматика
. The Present Perfect английского языка
Continuous Tense В. В. Гуревич (2012)

F Lesson -3-4 1+ Dialogues. А. С. Саакян Presentation.

e The Past Perfect 1h handouts Exercises in Modern Практическая
b Continuous Tense English Grammar грамматика
. английского языка
В. В. Гуревич (2012)
F Lesson-5-6 1+ Dialogues. А. С. Саакян Presentation.
e The Future Perfect 1 h handouts Exercises in Modern Практическая
b Continuous Tense English Grammar грамматика
. Revision of The английского языка
Perfect Continuous В. В. Гуревич (2012)
form tenses

F Lesson-7-8 1+ Dialogues. А. С. Саакян Presentation.

e Indirect Speech 1h handouts Exercises in Modern Практическая
b English Grammar грамматика
. английского языка
В. В. Гуревич (2012)
F Lesson -9 1+ Dialogues.
e Direct Speech 1 handouts
F Lesson 10-11 Ex:1,2,3,4. p. 53 А. С. Саакян Ex: 1. p. 118

e - Modal verbs. 1+ Ex:1,2,3,4. p. 55 Exercises in Modern Ex: 5. p. 121
b Definition. Can, 1h English English Grammar Ex: 9. p. 129
. may, must our Grammar in use Ex: 6,7. p. 139-140
s Raymond Практическая
Murphy 2004 грамматика
английского языка
В. В. Гуревич (2012)
F Lesson 12 1+ Ex:1,2,3,4. p. 55 А. С. Саакян
e - Should and ought, 1 Exercises in Modern
b to be+ Infinitive, to ho English Grammar
. urs
F Lesson -13 1+ Ex: 1,2,3,4. p. А. С. Саакян
e have+ Infinitive 1 57 Exercises in Modern
b - Shall, will, would, ho Ex: 1,2,3. p. 59 English Grammar
. dare, need urs

Current test I

M 1+ Ex: 1,2,3,4. p. Ex:1,2,3,4. p. 53 Ex:1, 2, 5, 8. p. 86-87

a Lesson-14-15 1h 85 1,2,3,4. p. 55 Практическая грамматика
r - The formation of our 1,2,3,4. p. 57 английского языка
c the Passive Voice s English Grammar in В. В. Гуревич (2012)
h use Raymond Murphy
M Lesson16 1+ Ex: 1,2,3,4. p. Ex: 1,2,3,4. p. 55
a - The use of the 1 87 English Grammar in
r Passive Voice ho use Raymond Murphy
c urs 2004
M Lesson-17 1+ Explanation of Ex: 6,7, p. 104 To make up dialogue
a The Non-Finite 1 the theme Ex: 19. p. 109-110
r forms of the verb. ho Практическая
c The characteristic urs грамматика
h traits of the verbals английского языка
В. В. Гуревич (2012)
M Lesson-18-19 1+ Ex: 1,2, 3, 4. p. To make up dialogue Ex: 14 p. 145
a - The Infinitive. 1 141-143 Ex: 15 p. 146
r The use of ho Практическая Ex:18 p. 147
c Infinitive without urs грамматика Практическая грамматика
h particle ‘to’ (bare английского английского языка
infinitive). языка В. В. Гуревич (2012
- Functions of В. В. Гуревич
Infinitive. (2012

M Lesson-20-21 1+ Ex: 13. P. 148 Ex: 14 p. 145 Ex: 8,9, 10,11

a - The Gerund. The 1 Ex: 35 p. 149 Ex: 15 p. 146 p. 149-150
r use of the Gerund. ho Ex: 149. p. 159- Ex:18 p. 147 Практическая грамматика
c - Functions of the urs 150 Практическая английского языка
h Gerund Практическая грамматика В. В. Гуревич (2012

- The Gerund and грамматика английского языка
the Infinitive английского В. В. Гуревич (2012
В. В. Гуревич
M Lesson-22-23 1+ Ex: 1,2,3. p. Ex: 8,9, 10,11 Ex: 6 p. 160-162
a - The Participle I, 1 154-155 p. 149-150 Практическая грамматика
r II ho Ex:1 p. 158 Практическая английского языка
c - Functions of the urs Практическая грамматика В. В. Гуревич (2012
h Participle I,II грамматика английского языка
- Participial английского В. В. Гуревич (2012
Constructions языка
В. В. Гуревич
M Lesson-24 1+ Ex: 1,2, p. 99 Ex:1, 2, 5, 8. p. 86-87 Ex: 6,7, p. 104
a - Mood. The 1 Практическая Практическая Ex: 19. p. 109-110
r Indicative Mood ho грамматика грамматика Практическая грамматика
c - The Imperative urs английского английского языка английского языка
h Mood языка В. В. Гуревич (2012 В. В. Гуревич (2012)
- В. В. Гуревич
M Lesson-25 1+ Ex:3,4,5 Ex: 19. p. 109-110
a The Subjunctive 1 В. В. Гуревич Практическая грамматика
r Mood. Conditional ho (2012) английского языка
c Sentences urs В. В. Гуревич (2012)
Current test II
A Lesson-26 1+ Ex: 6 p. 160-162 To make up dialogue
p - The Modal Words 1 Практическая
r - The Interjection. ho грамматика
i Classification urs английского языка
l Morphological В. В. Гуревич (2012

A Lesson-27 1+ Explanation of Student’s presentation To write essay using

p - The Conjunction. 1 the theme conjunction
r Classification ho Exercises
i  Coordinatin urs
l g and

 The Particle.

A Lesson-28 1+ Ex: 1,2,3,4. Defining types of the

p  Syntax. 1h p. 253-254 sentences according to the
r Types of our Практическая principles of classification
i sentences. s грамматика Kaushanskaya V.L.
l английского ex.1,2,3 p. 163-164;
языка i
Sentence В. В. Гуревич
and its (2012

A Lesson-29-30 1+ Defining types of the Finding subjects in the

p  The 1 sentences according to sentences and defining the
r principal ho the principles of way it is expressed. Giving
i parts of the urs classification examples on ways of
l Kaushanskaya V.L. expressing the subject
ex.1,2,3 p. 163-164; Kaushanskaya V.L. ex.4,5
p. 164-165;
 The Subject.
Ways of
the subject

Lesson-31-32 1+ Teacher’s Finding subjects in the Making up sentences on

A The Predicate. 1 presentation, sentences and defining kinds of predicate and
p Classification ho Kaushanskaya the way it is expressed. defining kinds of predicates
r  The simple urs V.L. ex.6,7 Giving examples on of the given sentences
i predicate. p.165-166 ways of expressing the
l subject
 Kaushanskaya V.L.
ex.4,5 p. 164-165
Lesson-33-34 1+ Kaushanskaya Kaushanskaya V.L.
 The 1 V.L. ex.14 ex.9,11,13 p. 167-169
Compound ho p.169 Kaushanskaya V.L.
Predicate urs ex.15,16 p. 170
Ex.28 p.176
Current test III
A Lesson-35 1+1 Explanation of Making up sentences on Prepare the presentation of
p Agreement of hour the theme kinds of predicate and the next theme
ri the predicate s defining kinds of
l with the subject predicates of the given
Kaushanskaya V.L.
ex.9,11,13 p. 167-169
Kaushanskaya V.L.
ex.15,16 p. 170
Ex.28 p.176

A Lesson-36 1+1 Teacher's and Prepare the presentation Kaushanskaya V.L.

p - The secondary hour student's of the next theme ex.18,19 p. 172
ri parts of the s presentations.
l sentence Kaushanskaya
- The Object. V.L. ex.17 p.
Ways of 171
expressing the Kaushanskaya
object V.L. p.248

A Lesson-37 1+1 Teacher's and Cards, exercises, tables

p - Kinds of hour student's
ri objects s presentations.
A Lesson-38-39 1+1 Student’s Cards, exercises, tables Kaushanskaya V.L. ex.21
p - The Attribute. hour presentations Kaushanskaya V.L. p. 173
riWays of s Kaushanskaya ex.18,19 p. 172
l expressing the V.L. ex.20 p.
attribute 173
- The
Apposition: close
and loose
M Lesson-40 1+1 Tables and Kaushanskaya V.L. Finding adv. mod in the
a - The Adverbial hour schemes on ex.21 p. 173 sentences and define its type
y modifier. s theme, teacher's and way it is expressed by
Definition and presentation. Kaushanskaya V.L.
Classification ex.23,24 p. 174,175
- Ways of
expressing the

M Lesson-41 1+1 . Kaushanskaya

a - Types of hour V.L. ex.22 p.
y Adverbial s 174
M Lesson-42-43 1+1 Explanation of Finding adv. mod in the
a The Compound hour the theme sentences and define its
y Sentence s type and way it is
expressed by
Kaushanskaya V.L.
ex.23,24 p. 174,175
M Lesson-44-45 1+1 Explanation of Kaushanskaya V. L. p. 197-
a The Complex hour the theme 199 ex:1,2,3,4
y Sentence s
Current test IV
Grammar II Total: 90 hours

1. John Eastwood «Oxford Practice Grammar» (Intermediate) 2008
2. В. В. Гуревич «Практическая грамматика» 2012
3. В. Л. Каушанская, Р. Л. Ковнер, О. Н. Прокофьева, З. М. Райнес, С. Е. Свирская, Ф. Я.
Цырлина «Грамматика Английского языка» 2008
4. А. С. Саакян «Упражнения по грамматике современного английского языка» 2006
Internet and online resources:

8. Information about grades (The table of points)
Rating Grading on a Digital equivalent Grading on traditional
(points) letter system of a grade system
87 – 100 А 4,0 Excellent
80 – 86 В 3,33
74 – 79 С 3,0 Good
68 -73 D 2,33
61 – 67 Е 2,0 Satisfactory
31-60 FX 0 Unsatisfactory

11. Evaluating and assessing policy

According to the techno charts, students get max 10 points for in-class activities: listening and
speaking 5points (quizzes, dictations, exercises); reading and writing (notes, quizzes,
compositions, outlines). For student independent work they get max 10 points: home assignments
will give 5 points with writing essays, delivering all kinds of presentations, and speaking on
specific topics; outside reading with vocabulary notes and conspectus will give them 5 points if
they pass 50 pages during one module period. Two current tests will give the result of module
test, the max point of which is 10 points. In final test, students have a chance to get max 40

Speaking 2 3 4 5
Clarity All questions and Questions and answers Questions and Questions and
answers were were awkward and answers were answers were
awkward and incomprehensible at understandable clear and
incomprehensible times comprehensible
Pronunciation Students Students Students Students
Pronunciation was Pronunciation made Pronunciation Pronunciation
incomprehensible understanding difficultwas was like a native
understandable speaker
Fluency Student was unable Student took along Student was Student was able
to ask or respond time to ask and respond able to ask and to communicate
to questions to questions respond to clearly with no
questions difficulty
Comprehension Student was unable The student showed The student The student fully
to comprehend little comprehension of understood understood the
questions, questions most of what questions asked
questions had to be was asked of and answered
repeated him correctly
Content Didn’t ask Ask some Gave Gave appropriate
appropriate inappropriate questions appropriate questions and
question for for information or questions for good content in
information answered question with survey responses to
very limited answers information questions

WRITING 2 3 4 5
Weak accuracy Uses everyday Makes use of simple Organizes
and severely language and organizational patterns: material with a
interfere with vocabulary to introduction, body and clear, well-
understanding. describe or conclusion, order of events. defined
discuss. Writes Begins to form ideas or state structure.
or speaks in a a position: likes and dislikes, Develops ideas
simple manner. agreement, disagreement, in a or positions of
short.. his or her own.
Uses a style or
tone appropriate
to the
assignment; uses
a range of
vocabulary to
convey purpose.

READING 5 4 3 2
Interprets and Develops an Gathers details Reads
uses challenging extended and information
texts, understanding by reading
of the topic several texts.
based on using Develops a
mature voc. multiple comprehensive,
Understands and sources. yet literal
integrates literal Understands interpretation of
and figurative both literal and material
meanings of a figurative collected.
text; reads textual meaning of the Evaluates or
text. Begins questions
materials with
to evaluate or information with
empathy. question the assistance.
Analyzes sources sources
critically and independently
objectively, cross or in a peer
checking for group.

The listener The listener The listener is The listener
shows demonstrates and proficient in demonstrates
exceptional advanced ability demonstrating an minimal ability to
ability to to summarize the advanced ability summarize the
summarize the main idea and to main idea
main idea and supporting summarize the and supporting
supporting arguments. Can main idea and arguments. Can
arguments. Can identify the supporting identify the
identify the speaker’s arguments. Can speaker’s purpose
purpose and purpose and point identify the and point of
point of view. of view. Listener speaker’s purpose view. Listener can
Listener can can draw and point of view. draw conclusions
draw conclusions conclusions Listener can draw based on the
based on the based on conclusions presentations.
presentation. the presentation. based on the
12. Course policy
 Punctuality and regular in classes is of great importance for successful completion of this
 Students will be expected to arrive for class on time and to remain in class until the end of
the class session. If the student comes to the lesson late, he has to notify the instructor after
class that he attended class; otherwise he will be marked absent.
 If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor sending a
message or phoning him beforehand to find out what was covered in class and to find
out your assignments for the following class. You also need to state how you will make
up the missed work. If no contact is made, late assignments will not be accepted.
 Learn grammar rules and study the material, theme by theme, section by section
 Engage in the class activities; ask questions if you do not understand; discussing
openly with the teacher any problems you are having with any part of the course
 Hand in assignments on time
 Keep the learning outcomes of the course in front of you and trying to work with the
teacher on achieving them.Know your weaknesses (if any) and work on them. Ask the
teacher to help you.
 Share with the teacher your thoughts on the course. If you have any suggestions, the
teacher will appreciate it if you share those with her

13. Exam questions

 Introduction. General classification of the parts of speech
 The verb to be, to have in the Present Indefinite Tense.
 The noun. Classification.
 The category of number and case
 The Article. Definite and Indefinite.
 The adjective. Classification of adjectives. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.
 Substantivized adjectives
 The Adverb. Classification. Degrees of Comparison
 The Numeral. Cardinal and Ordinal. 1
 The Preposition. Classification of prepositions.
 The Pronoun. Classification.
 Types of pronouns: personal, possessive, reflexive, reciprocal, demonstrative,
interrogative, relative, conjunctive, defining, indefinite, negative
 Tenses in the Active Voice. The Indefinite form:
 The Present Indefinite Tense. Types of questions
 The Past Indefinite Tense.
 The Future Indefinite Tense.
 The Continuous form:
 The Present Continuous Tense
 The Past Continuous Tense
 The Future Continuous Tense

Grammar II (term II)

 The Perfect form:
 The Present Perfect Tense
 The Past Perfect Tense
 The Future Perfect Tense
 The Perfect Continuous form:
 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
 Revision of The Perfect Continuous form tenses
 The Future-in-the-Past Tense
 Indirect Speech
 Modal verbs. Definition. Can, may, must
 Should and ought, to be+ Infinitive, to have+ Infinitive Shall, will, would, dare, need
 The formation of the Passive Voice The use of the Passive Voice
 Mood. The Indicative Mood The Imperative Mood
 The Subjunctive Mood. Conditional Sentences
 The Non-Finite forms of the verb. The characteristic traits of the verbals. The
Infinitive. The use of Infinitive without particle ‘to’ (bare infinitive).
 Functions of Infinitive. Infinitive Constructions
 The Gerund. The use of the Gerund. Functions of the Gerund The Gerund and the
 The Participle I, II. Functions of the Participle I,II Participial Constructions
 The Modal Words
 The Interjection. Classification. Morphological composition
 The Conjunction. Classification Coordinating and Subordinating conjunctions
 The Particle. Classification
 Syntax. Types of sentences. Simple Sentence and its classification
 The principal parts of the sentence The Subject. Ways of expressing the subject
 The Predicate. Classification The simple predicate The Compound Predicate
 Agreement of the predicate with the subject
 The secondary parts of the sentence The Object. Ways of expressing the object
 Kinds of objects.
 The Attribute. Ways of expressing the attribute The Apposition: close and loose
 The Adverbial modifier. Definition and Classification
 Ways of expressing the adverbial modifier Types of Adverbial modifier
 The Compound Sentence
 The Complex Sentence


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