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Proposal Created By:

Company Name: Simradeep Business Solutions

Company Address: 2749 Lake C, 321 Fiske Way Hartford, Connecticut 0724

Company Contact Number: 602-357-3589

Company Email:

Proposal Created For:

Client Name: Lund Resort at Kla Ah Men

Client Address: 1437 BC-101, Lund, BC V0N 2G0, Canada

Client Contact Number: 604-414-0474 or (toll free) 1-877-569-3999

Company Email:

Thank you for the opening to consult with Simradeep Business Solutions on building sales and

hiring appropriate management. I believe I will significantly contribute my consulting expertise

to this project to bring the best out of Lund Resort at Kla Ah Men.



The Lund Resort at Kla ah men is a historical symbolic resort located in Tla’amin Nation and is

entirely operated by the Tla’amin Management Services (TMS). The Lund resort has the

accessibility of the nation’s resources to ensure its operations are smooth and higher profits are

achieved. The Resort is located on the northern side of Salisha Sea, in the north of part of Powell

River. The location is the world’s most attractive and ancient environment, and it is an easily

accessible location. The Resort also offers a budget-friendly guestroom, which attracts more

tourists. However, the Resort has faced challenges in its operation. The Resort has not been able

to make higher profits as expected. The Resort has been forced to lay off employees during the

lower seasons due to fewer visitors. Also, the Resort has been lacking an experienced manager

who has the capabilities to manage the Resort according to the complex reporting structures and

cross-cultural management of indigenous people. These and other challenges have led Lund

Resort to seek consultancy services to help the company market itself and increase its profits

while ensuring it operates all through the year without laying off its employees. This proposal

aims to explain to Lund Resort how Simradeep Business Solutions can make this dream a reality.

Company Background

Simradeep Business Solutions is a consultancy firm specializing in strategic marketing and

management. The company is dedicated to driving success in marketing and management,

helping our clients to attain more substantial market share and strategic leadership team. We

assist senior executives in making better decisions, acting on those decisions, achieving the long-

term success they want, and helping companies be more valuable in their respective scopes of

operation. Simradeep Business Solutions acquires this through critical and creative thinking to

develop well-reasoned methods that can effectively resolve the company’s challenges, especially

in marketing, management, and technology. For the last five years, Simradeep Business

Solutions has been able to serve various companies in diverse industries, designing custom

marketing strategies and management approaches that fit a specific company. Simradeep

Business Solutions’ turn-key solutions can be summed up into three simple tasks. First, we

advise on management, hiring, and training approaches. Second, we customize marketing

strategies to increase sales and generate new leads. Lastly, we promote your company to be the

most successful in your sphere of operation. Hiring Simradeep Business Solutions provides your

company with innovative combinations of marketing and management solutions.


The key objectives of the project are;

I. To help Lund Resort to increase its sales and generate more profits

II. To help Lund Resort to improve its management and adopt cross-cultural management


III. To help Lund Resort strategically market the Resort to increase awareness, generate new

leads, and gain a larger market share in tourism.

Project Description

Current Challenges or Weaknesses

One challenge faced by Lund resort management is the complex reporting structure implemented

by the nation after it signed its treaty to become an independent nation. The complex reporting

structures are challenging to be known by most managers, primarily if they do not originate in

the Tla’amin nation.

Another challenge is the lack of an efficient management team. The Resort has no experienced

manager who can efficiently implement management strategies that would improve the general

performance of the Resort. The complex reporting structure and protocols implemented by the

nations had been hindering the Resort from getting an experienced manager. The employees at

the Resort lack the essential skills in accounting, communication, cross-cultural management,

staff management, and negotiations. The Resort requires managers and employees ready to learn

the Tla’amin nation way and culture to accommodate indigenous and non-indigenous people.

Also, the Lund Resort was impacted by employees quitting their jobs while locating, hiring, and

retaining excellent employees was challenging. Due to the Resort operating in seasons and

employees facing lay-off, there was insufficient labor supply since most people have

responsibilities that require a steady job.

Additionally, the marketing strategies employed by the Resort are inefficient in reaching the

target customers. The marketing strategies of utilizing spa activities, eco-adventure, and

interactive activities within the Resort are not rapid strategies that can help the Lund resort

become an international destination.

The shaky relationship between the Lund resorts and its restaurants with the non-indigenous

community is also a challenge to the success and growth of the Resort. Most non-indigenous

community members have been opposing the move of the Tla’amin nation to take complete

control of Lund resort. Some non-indigenous argued that the hotel would kill the existing small

restaurants if the government completely controlled the Lund resort. Such notions and

ideological differences have hindered the growth of the hotel from increasing profits and

attaining its full potential of operating all-round the seasons.


The Tla’amin community comprises more than 60% of people aged below 40 years, which

shows that there is an available workforce in the nation that can be trained to produce qualified

labour for the Resort. Also, the growing population and increasing culture of people who tour the

world in search of learning different cultural traditions increases the market for Lund resort.

Another opportunity for the resort company is its ability to attract customers from overseas,

including England, China, Germany, Seattle, Vancouver, and many more. Also, the Resort is a

cultural and traditional symbol in Tla’amin, where local citizens like to visit the restaurant to

meet other locals and enjoy their cultural heritage. The international and local market presents an

immense opportunity for the Resort to explore these markets and increase its market share in the

hotel and tourism industry.

The advancement in technology is another opportunity that Lund resort can exploit to achieve its

goals. The technological advancement offers the Resort a chance to implement online booking,

website market, and other technological advances to increase its efficiency of operations.


The Resort is Located in a beautiful geographical area. A tourist resort located near the ocean

and rivers and in a primeval environment offers the visitors a conducive environment for

relaxing and having fun. Tourists’ primary purpose in traveling is to enjoy themselves. Lund

resort offers enjoyment opportunities through its beautiful geographical area, accessibility to

historical artifacts, and oceans for busking and swimming.


The Lund resort is located in an easily accessible area. The Resort can be accessed by the use of

by road, boat, seaplane, and ferry. This makes it easy for visitors to enjoy the beautiful natural

geography while traveling. When a location can be easily accessed, visitors will be motivated to

visit the location since there is no limitation to accessing the location.

Another strength is that the Lund resort offers affordable guest rooms ranging from standard

guest rooms to luxury ocean-front suites. The guest rooms are renovated with modern finishing

and amenities for visitors’ attraction and comfort. The Resort offers restaurants and pubs while

visitors enjoy the outstanding Malaspina strait. When people are planning to tour any place

across the world, the budget is always essential. Having a budget-friendly guestroom while

offering beyond-expectation services places Lund resort in Tla’amin on top of the competition.

Scope of the Work

This project’s scope discusses the action and techniques that will be used to solve the challenges

facing Lund resort while closing the gaps presented in the opportunities and utilizing the

strengths to achieve the Resort’s objectives.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis (SWOT Analysis)

To establish a suitable marketing plan and recommendation, Simradeep Business Solutions will

establish the things that the Resort can control and those it cannot control (Benzaghta et al.,

2021). Strengths and weaknesses of the Resort will be detailed as internal controls while the

opportunities and threats, which are external factors, will be established. The SWOT analysis

will develop the strengths that can be used to explore opportunities and eliminate weaknesses.

The SWOT analysis is the base for establishing the priorities of the Lund resort while seeking to

achieve the set objectives.


Political Economic Social Technological Environmental and Legal Analysis (PESTEL)

Efficient marketing strategies consider the external marketing environment (macro-

environmental) factors by ensuring monitoring of their impact is assessed and analyzed

(Matovic, 2020). This project examines the current weaknesses and threats that are further

explored in the SWOT analysis. A detailed PESTEL analysis will be performed to establish the

potential direction that Lund resort can take and fundamental ways of avoiding external threats

that may hinder its growth.

Modern Marketing Model Diagnostic

Lust resort seeks to grow and achieve higher profits through increasing the market share and

establishing an efficient marketing strategy. The modern market is hyper-competitive and has

high consumer behavior change. Simradeep Business Solutions will utilize the diagnostic tool to

determine the essential growth and cost-saving opportunities Lund resort can utilize. Through

this diagnostic tool, a comprehensive analysis of the marketing capabilities of Lund resort will be

established to initiate the transformation journey (Teimouri et al., 2021).

Recruitment and Employee Training Strategies

Simradeep Business Solutions will work with Lund Resort to develop effective and efficient job

descriptions for all available job positions. Detailed analysis of the current required positions and

specific training programs (Alsaadat, 2019).



If given the opportunity to offer the consultation services Simradeep Business Solutions will

ensure that Lund Resort achieves its goals. We will work closely with the executives of the

Resort, government officials, and the local community representatives to ensure the management

and marketing strategies developed align with the policies and traditions of the Tla’amin nation.

The consultation project will generate the following:

I. Fully functional marketing strategy

II. Fully functional management strategies

III. Fully functional Performance appraisal

IV. Fully functional Hiring and training programs for respective job groups.

Through these deliverables, Lund resort will achieve an increased number of customers

throughout the year, allowing it to maintain its employees without laying them off. The

marketing strategy will incorporate digital strategies to ensure the Lund resort brand is globally

known. The management strategies will include cross-cultural management with adequate

training of employees. The success of these deliverables will be evaluated using the performance

appraisal of all Resort sectors.

Simradeep Business Solutions can build its name through successful development of marketing

strategies and efficient management plans to help managers and employees drive companies

towards reaching success goals. The ability of the company to incorporate innovative approaches

to develop specific solutions to specific problems has enabled it to ensure clients are satisfied.

Payment Term

Amount (Canadian Dollars)

Consultation Fee 28,000

Training Cost 11,000

Testing Cost 3,500

Total Cost 42,500

Thank you for considering my proposal. Please get in touch with Simradeep Business Solutions

for further inquiries using the attached email or contact number.


Samradeep Sign ...............................Signature ..................................Date..................................



Alsaadat, K. (2019). Strategic human resource management technology effect and implication

for distance training and learning. International Journal of Electrical and Computer

Engineering, 9(1), 314.


Benzaghta, M. A., Elwalda, A., Mousa, M. M., Erkan, I., & Rahman, M. (2021). SWOT analysis

applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1),


Matovic, I. M. (2020). PESTEL analysis of external environment as a success factor of startup

business. ConScienS, 96.


Teimouri, H. B., Gharibi, J., Hossein Zadeh, A., & Pooya, A. (2021). An integrated

entropy/VIKOR model for customer clustering in targeted marketing model design (case

study: IoT technology services companies). Advances in Mathematical Finance and

Applications, 6(4), 671-693.

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